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Everything posted by rereader2

  1. Nice review of The South Bank Show episode on which Benedict just appeared. (If the show appears on YouTube and I see it, I'll post it.)
  2. For FJ, I only got it if "That Ginsberg poem--not Scream, something like that?" counts... (And I got the Bayeux Tapestry yesterday, because I watched a whole film about it at the Metropolitan Museum of Art a few years back.)
  3. I've read all the stories dozens of times, but nothing rings a bell. I suspect it's one of their "a little from column A, a little from column B" plots.
  4. And you can see a brief glimpse of Sherlock-in-deerstalker at the show's Facebook page, with that promise of "a bit more" now.
  5. If it works to reduce device use during performances, I imagine Benedict will be quite pleased to have his name attached to it.
  6. M.Darcy, you beat me to it again! I'll embed it in case anyone doesn't want to jump away: *** Also, Jake Gyllenhaal and Benedict Cumberbatch are in talks to portray George Westinghouse and Thomas Edison in the Weinstein Co.’s period drama about the 19th-century feud over the future of electricity, EW has confirmed.
  7. All Pope all the time here, no Jeopardy today. :(
  8. Benedict Cumberbatch Nailed the Response to a Mean Tweet About His Face. (Time Magazine) And you can watch it below: (He's at about 0:50--and he didn't just "hold up" his ring!)
  9. Sherlock opens the new BBC One autumn/winter teaser: (I counted three other very brief flashes from the special in the three minutes that follow.)
  10. Benedict Cumberbatch lends his celebrity to help Syrian refugees. (EW.com)
  11. My mother was commenting knowledgeably about the angel food cakes; myself, I can bake cookies and plain cakes and that's about it!
  12. Most of the reviews I've seen seem to come down to Benedict doing well given a production that the critics more or less dislike.
  13. To be fair, it was the mother complaining--we don't know that the kid wanted that extra attention. (If she was so upset that didn't want to come out at the end, she almost certainly did NOT.)
  14. I think that would be stretching things a leetle too far...
  15. No, because Nixon was the incumbent Vice President, and the question was, "In this year, there were no Presidents or Vice Presidents running, but 3 of the 4 men on the 2 major party ballots would become President." (To be fair, I had to look it up. :) )
  16. Seriously! I took my niece to see Matilda last week (it's wonderful), and the ushers were pretty much climbing over the backs of seats to make people turn off their phones, and they are not in the least bit apologetic about it. (For which I say THANK YOU USHERS!)
  17. Robert Heinlein did the parasites better in The Puppet Masters--in 1951, when that sort of thing was a political comment (not one I agree with, but still, it had a point). (Invasion of the Body Snatchers was 1956.) ETA: Come to think of it, TOS did the parasites better.
  18. Interesting take on the Hamlet todo from Wendy Bradley of The Guardian: Something is rotten in this Hamlet production – and it’s not Benedict Cumberbatch.
  19. EXACTLY!! And yeah. I guess they had hoped they wouldn't need to bring in the electronic policing? But it's everywhere--several Broadway actors have thrown fits (however polite) IN THE MIDDLE OF SHOWS about it. Can't people just enjoy an experience in real life any more?
  20. Benedict Cumberbatch asks fans to please stop filming his 'Hamlet' performance, thanks: (Could he be any more polite and sweet about it?)
  21. SO VERY not done. Remember the enormous todo there was when some papers gave up and published reviews of the Spiderman previews, despite the fact that the thing had been running for ages with full-paying audiences. Previews are PREviews, and the regular run of the show hasn't begun yet, and the performances (let alone the technical aspects) aren't finalized. Boo. Yeah, there are always a few people who don't have manners in any group. They don't necessarily define that group!
  22. (For the record, I've been going to performances of Shakespeare since high school--roughly as long as Benedict has been alive. I imagine a reasonably high percentage of his fans can make similar claims, even if not all of them have been alive quite that long.)
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