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Everything posted by Beezel

  1. Me too! Of course, the gang have always been mean to Jerry and it's never been that funny, but upon seeing "Galentine's Day," I hate the way they treat him. What got me was the way he was willing to act like he farted all for Tom's benefit, so Ben wouldn't look uncool for being nice to Jerry. It was all so pathetic and sad, and it really drove home how the gang are a bunch of petty bullies. I mean, I know it's all suppose to be a joke, but I find it too mean-spirited and gross to be funny. Plus, it's bizarre on a show that is otherwise quite sweet. I actually wouldn't mind seeing Orin again, since I enjoy that little weirdo. But yes to Ethel Beavers! Also, I wouldn't mind seeing Andy acting out some more of his favorite movies.
  2. The fact Chris is an UO saddens me a bit, I'll admit. I think he is awesome and RL is way funnier than I ever realized. His "literally" always gets me. Also, bummed that he and Anne ended up end game, since I really am not that crazy about her outside of her friendship with Leslie. Upon seeing "Chris and Ann," Ben and Chris saying goodbye >> Ann and Leslie goodbyes.I love the dynamic between the two guys. And that box was really thoughtful and sweet. *teary* Is it UO to like Craig or not? Cause so far, I am not loving him.
  3. I just tried to watch Velvet Goldmine, the 90s movie that focused on glam rock and a David Bowie-like rock star, along with characters that served as sort of hybridization of other famous figures. I always thought the movie would be campy fun and really wanted to like it, but I honestly couldn't make it through the first 30 minutes. It was a shallow mess. Also, I couldn't decide if I liked the Ziggy Stardust-esque parodies littered throughout the movie. I think the whole concept could have worked in a better movie (though, Jonathan Rhys Meyers is beautiful; bless him). I'm not much for biopics really, but I thought Into the Wild was well done. Also, wow, count me in as skeptical about Amy Adams as Janis! I remember ages ago, I heard that Renée Zellweger might play her, and I wasn't that enthusiastic about that either (though don't truly know if she was even considered or not). I don't have anything against either of them and I actually have liked Adams a lot in what I've seen her in, I just don't see it. It's not even the age thing.
  4. magicdog, thanks for mentioning The Critters! I like "Children and Flowers" but I initially clicked on "Mr. Dieingly Sad." Now I can't stop listening to it. Such a beautiful and haunting song. My choice is Julie Driscoll accompanied by Brian Auger & Trinity. I had never heard of them, but I decided to give their cover of "Season of the Witch" a listen. Not my favorite really, but I was drawn to Driscoll's voice. Upon further research, a couple of favorites I found: A cover of "Road to Cairo," originally by David Ackles (awesome song): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWh6xkVNPmw&index=5&list=RDD1-iIiEq20Y An original song, titled "A Word of Colours" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x76Ay25Fcz8
  5. I couldn't even make it past the first couple of episodes. Didn't like Olivia and saw nothing enjoyable about her toxic relationship with Fitz. Also, the dialogue was awkward as hell. Twin Peaks. I wanted to enjoy all the weirdness for weirdness sake, but I just couldn't. The Blacklist. Haven't started it from the beginning, but I have to say I wasn't impressed with the episode I did see. I actually liked PD pretty well, but admittedly it started out strong and sort of lost momentum by the end. Also, little was revealed that wasn't easy to guess from the start.
  6. I get what you mean, since knotty pine isn't in general a terrible punishment, but I think Fiona's hell was fitting precisely because it was horrifyingly mundane. ( I'm gonna be safe and spoiler tag the rest. ) I agree though. I will be dissapointed if Elsa doesn't get what she deserves, since she's such a horrid person. I hate to think of her famous, even for a brief time, and I'm hoping her demise is something worse than being taken by Mordrake, honestly. Admittedly, Maggie wasn't the worst character around, but I find it hard to feel sorry for her. I think it was because she was such a self-righteous pain in the ass after she decided not to kill Ma Petite. I'm still not over her going around telling everyone how to behave. Plus, I too expected her involvement would get white washed over, so, I love that no one really gave a shit that she was killed.
  7. Always thought this too! Admittedly, "Benny and the Jets" is easy to misinterpret, but I came to some strange conclusions. Example: Actual lyric: Maybe they're blinded, But Bennie makes them ageless My lyric: Maybe they're mindless, Their daddy makes them minions Also, I always misheard America's "Sister Golden Hair." Instead of, "I don't mind saying, I just can't make it," I always heard "Just get naked." Which really grossed me out as a kid.
  8. I really love "Songbird," but the Fleetwood Mac song that gets to me the most is Sara. I just think it's absolutely beautiful. I listened to on repeat initially during a time when I was very lonely, so I think that only increases the deep longing I feel every time I play it. I get lost in it every time in a way I never get tired of. Other songs that have touched my shriveled little heart in similar ways: Me and Bobby McGee Janis version Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters and This Song Has No Title by Elton John A good bit of Bob Dylan, though I'm most partial to North Country Blues, and Bob Dylan's Dream, and To Ramona Love is a Loosing Game by Amy Winehouse Also, WORD to You'll be in my Heart. I would nominate that and that song from Dumbo. Which always makes me cry. EVERY. TIME. (and I don't like that movie really). Songs that fit more so in the "feel good" category that I am especially fond of: Suzanne by Leonard Cohen, but the Nina Simone version is my favorite Though, Ain't Got No, I Got Life is my favorite from Nina, the second half makes me really happy Case of You by Joni Mitchell
  9. I love this thread. Tarzan Boy forever! I'll add one more that, IMO, is so much worse: Flashdance. Honestly, I think the movie is kind of bad, but I'll watch it in a heartbeat for the songs. Admittedly, my favorite song in the movie, "Gloria" by Laura Branigan isn't on the soundtrack. But I ADORE that song. Like, I could maybe listen to it on repeat for the rest of my life. Her song "Self Control" is also insanely catchy. I heard that Fall Out Boy song from Big Hero Six on the radio and that it was adorable, but I just can't listen to them openly with out embarrassment. Too much shame about my former teenage investment in bandom, I suppose. However, I just can't feel any shame about Abba. Not even "Fernando." They are utterly awesome sauce. "Winner Takes it All" and "Knowing Me, Knowing You" are my personal faves. I'll admit, I love the Carpenters as well. Also, I can admit to loving things like "Party in the USA" , "All about that Bass" and even "Love you like a Love song." But: This. I'm really not loving just how shallow Taylor's lyrics have become. On an intellectual level, I am so over her whole deal with the list of exes out the ass and her snotty retorts at her haters. I just don't want to enjoy her, but I can't help myself. "Blank Space" has REALLY gotten to me. *hangs head*
  10. I finally binged on this season, and while I went in not having high expectations, I was caught off guard by how much I enjoyed the first half. Of course, about the time Axeman entered the scene, the story really started to go by the wayside. And by the end, I was rolling my eyes like crazy at nearly everything. Though, I did like the ending for Delphine and Marie, and as much as I LOATHED the Axeman storyline, Fiona's hell was also amusing and absolutely fitting. I was, however, deeply disturbed by the fates dished out to Misty Day and that poor stolen baby. (I really don't think I could handle finding out how she fares with Spalding as a parent.) This is one thing that didn't work for me. I'm fine with EP playing a smaller role, but the Kyle stuff was a mess. The whole storyline about his sexual abuse went nowhere and was dropped so he could be Madison AND Zoe's sex toy. I found that very disturbing. For one thing, though they wanted me to buy the true love story between Kyle and Zoe (and part of me wanted to, since Taissa and Evan are a madly adorable on-screen couple), it made their relationship hugely problematic. I also absolutely hated how during the seven wonders test, Zoe's response to Madison making Kyle kiss her was to do the exactly same thing in response. Because why would you control someone you claim to be in love with like that? It was gross. Probably the most surprising thing about the season was how much I genuinely enjoyed Emma Roberts and Gaby Sidibe. This season, Robert has had all the emotional range of a sea slug as Maggie, but you could tell she was having a ton of fun playing Madison. Likewise, I thought Sidibe held her own in her scenes with the vet actors and her character was my favorite out of young witches. I had to fast forward through a lot of the witch hunter stuff because it was just that boring to me. Loved Misty, Stevie, and Myrtle the most.
  11. I was excited to hear Jamie was coming back, but I'm almost sure I'm going to have nightmares about Margery. Yikes. Never been into dummies. They are so much worse than clowns, IMO. NPH was pure awesome. He was game for the camp, though I like that there's some air of tragedy to how insane Chester is. Admittedly, I was on the fence about whether I wanted to continue the season, but his character has drew me back in. I'm eager to see how it will play out between him, Dandy, and the twins. Also, count me among those eager for whatever grizzly end is in store for Stanley. For the first time, I'm interested to see what Elsa will do. I was really dissapointed when Emma Roberts showed up on my screen, even if it was for all of 1 minute. I was so happy to be without her for once. On the other hand, Paul got a handful of speaking lines this week and Amazon Eve got to take part in the rescue. So I guess, it's the little things that are going to have the make the difference with these characters. *bitter*
  12. So much word. There is just no redeeming how utterly nonsensical it all is. And having Emma on board? Ugh. Easily the worst part of a frankly not-so-great episode. Also, I was holding out some hope for the new villains, but not thrilled that they are already coming off as self-pitying. Can't be said enough but YAY BELLE! I am actually looking forward to seeing what happens with her for the first time in forever. Also the goodbyes between Emma and Elsa. I got a little misty. Going to miss them so much. Everything else was super meh.
  13. ITA. I just feel like Mean Girls doesn't hold up as well as I would have liked. I prefer the bite of Heathers. Plus, everybody and their brother has quoted it to death in the past ten years, so a lot of the humor has lost its charm for me. On the other hand, Clueless will never not watchable.
  14. Anna didn't even go back to check on Kristoff after wacking him in the head with a bottle. 0-o Elizabeth Mitchell had me crying. That being said, kind of a lame ending for DQ. Also regarding next week: I'm so petty, but it made me happy she went for David first!
  15. Just realized I want very much to see JLaw and Vera Farmiga play off each other in some intense drama, preferably as sisters.
  16. Ohh, if we are talking dream cast. I want Dylan McDermott back. Sans mullet and in a larger role than he had in Asylum. Also, I certainly wouldn't mind John Carroll Lynch coming back. He's awesome. And I'd love to see him and Finn Whittrock working together as different characters. My main wish is that I want Dennis O'Hare to play something other than a creep. I actually liked the complexity of his character from S1. I would like to see him playing a flawed but still vaguely sympathetic person, so we could see more of O'Hare's range and not have to deal with another Stanley. I am all for taking Emma Roberts out of the equation, but I feel like Evan can stay if they write him a consistently compelling character. Obviously, Kyle was a thankless role. And I feel like Kit and Jimmy both have saddled EP with dumb or boring plots, though both characters are not terrible. I just want to be wowed again, like I was with Tate and I feel like the writer's are the ones preventing this from happening. Better for EP to go on to more fulfilling things than be underused. Bates, Conroy, and Rabe in the lead roles would be my dream!
  17. That's what I find so frustrating about this season honestly. It's been hard to remain invested in the freak show characters. Not to say they haven't had their moments. There have been scenes where I have identified with Jimmy, Desiree, Paul, Amazon Eve, Suzie, etc. And there have been some really genuine performances from the actors. That being said, most of the characters either have been bogged down by boring plots (Paul and the whole Penny thing or Jimmy and the whole Maggie thing) or they just don't get enough development. Which is a total shame. Also, the twins are such a mixed bag, I don't even know how to feel about them at this point. I thought Ethel was a pretty consistently interesting character, due how wonderful Kathy Bates played the part, but I think they squandered potential by ridding of her so soon and without really giving her character any significance in the end. I thought Jessica Lange was on fire this episode, and I've very actively hated Elsa this whole time and have been considerable underwhelmed with her performance. I agree with whoever mentioned the scene between her and Bates was an amazing exchange between veteran actors. Still no fan of Elsa, but if JL keeps this up, I just might change my tune about her.
  18. Everlark sounds like some shady off brand bottled water.
  19. He was present for Ethel's burial wasn't he?
  20. Have to say that was a weirdly beautiful scene between Dandy and Gloria. I feel like it's going to be horrible with out the campy perfection of Francis Conroy. Loved the scene earlier in the episode, with him being all sinister in his plaid suit. Now I'm wondering is the shrink was some famous guest star that will be revealed later? Why no focus on his face? I thought that was a horrible demise for Ethel, especially since I was riveted by the scene up to the point when Ethel got stabbed in the eye. Dammit! Wanted her to end Elsa like she promised. Maggie, seriously GTFO. Girl saves Ma Petite once and she thinks she can moralize about how everyone should act. No. Also, Jimmy and Maggie=I am bored on Dandy levels. I feel like Jimmy literally has more romantic chemistry with any other character on this show. I
  21. I loved the Wizard of Oz as a kid and there is a part of me that will always love it for nostalgia purposes, but in watching it as an adult, I think it's so boring. The novelty has really worn off for me. Plus, Dorthy is kind of annoying. *mega guilt*
  22. From the "Test of Strength" thread: I am actually looking forward to seeing Elsa's reaction next episode for these reasons. Obviously there were issues with how she treated Ma Petite, but I do feel like the death could elicit some genuine sorrow from her, which will be interesting. I think this is spot on about the similarities between those characters, but I actually really enjoyed Constance. I liked that she had the black cloud of knowing that 4 of her kids (3 we knew about) were dead. She seemed pretty self-aware in her failings as a mother like you mention,so even though she was far from blameless, there was some genuine tragedy in her story. I would like to feel the same about Elsa ( and who knows maybe her response to Ma Petite will sway me) but I just feel like the show wants me to feel more sympathy for her than I do. Which is hard since a lot what we've seen is either her treatment of the freaks, her intense jealousy, or her feeling sorry for herself because she's not famous. I actually like unlikable characters in this show or otherwise, but not if the character is mostly all unlikable, there needs to be layers there, as in the case of Constance, who was kind of a perfect balance of horrible and strangely sympathetic. Also, agreed that I will be utterly disappointing if Ethel isn't the one to kill Elsa.
  23. That does seem like a lot of dragonflies! I was curious so I tried to investigate this lead. Keeping the Native American thing in mind, one site I found mentioned: The transformation thing stuck out to me. Maybe shape shifting? Though, the first thing that comes to mind when I think Native American shapeshifters is Twilight. :/ Also, Kathy Bates was in a film called Dragonfly with Kevin Costner which I've never seen, but is described on imdb as: A grieving doctor is being contacted by his late wife through his patients near death experiences.So, maybe the next horror in store is: Kevin Costner! Or maybe we are meant to think Kevin Costner= Dancing With Wolves. Which leads us back to Native Americans?
  24. My opinions: Add me to the Serenity> Firefly group. I liked the show once I finally got around to seeing it in its entirety, but it definitely dragged in places. The movie was wonderfully paced and packed a lot more of an emotional punch I thought. Also, major bonus, it had both David Krumholtz and Chiwetel Ejiofor (though on recent re-watch, I don't know if I understand the latter's character). I didn't totally hate how they dealt with rape in Veronica Mars, but there were things they did that I hated certainly. I watched the first couple of seasons of Supernatural, and while the actors definitely seemed to improve as the show went on (especially JP), the writing of all their emotional scenes was so one-note and horrible, I left and never looked back. I didn't love the last seasons of Buffy, but S4 is easily my least favorite. Also AHS UO, I resent the reveal
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