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Everything posted by QuantumMechanic

  1. So what's the significance of using (what sure sounded to me like) the original 1963 theme for the closing credits?
  2. While the episode (and show) have many faults, especially the Idiot Ball being passed around constantly, I’ll give it credit for having an episode called “Cliffhanger” that while a literal cliffhanger was not actually a cliffhanger. Non-sarcastic kudos for the troll/pun.
  3. It's not an issue of Lucifer being unable (as in does not having the power to do so) to come up and visit Chloe. It's that he can't risk doing it for fear of borking up the timeline. (And also because when he makes a promise he feels honor-bound to keep it.). The idea is that the whole interaction with (tiresome, never should have been introduced!) Rory is what gave Lucifer the insight as to what his true calling was. So she made him promise to "disappear" on schedule and never be seen while Chloe was alive in order to preserve her history and so preserve her bitchiness causing Lucifer to have his epiphany.
  4. During parts of this episode I felt like I had walked into a Moffat-era Doctor Who episode.
  5. Has anything official been said about when the second half of the season will air?
  6. A non-compete is saying you can't work somewhere after you have left your employer. It's legal, even in California, to have a contract that says you can't work for B while working for A. So they totally could have negotiated a contract that said he couldn't work for anyone else as long as they were paying him.
  7. A hunting rifle, not a musket. And rifles are much more accurate than pistols. The longer barrel really matters.
  8. Looks like this really is the end of Good Eats (at least for some time). Just ahead of the final episode of the season airing on FoodTV, AB made a goodbye post on his FB page: I also thought it vaguely appropriate (especially given the plague) that the final episode was in the dark, post-apocalyptic world that ended the first season of GE:TR.
  9. So where do you all think the storyline is going? Who is Belos and what's wrong with him? And geez, get together already, Luz and Amity! :). And of course, And Hooty continues to not disappoint. I appreciate that the writers realize he can only be used in relatively small doses. But he's gold when they do use him.
  10. 1) Michaela and her voices continue to make me keep thinking of Wonderfalls (which I loved and have the boxed set of). 2) The insurance thing piqued me enough to expend the effort to do some googling. In the real world it looks like when someone is missing and declared dead the insurance company will pay out but you will have to pay it back plus interest if the “dead” person turns up alive. Alternatively, instead of taking the death benefit you can try to negotiate a settlement with the insurance company for less than face value in return for finality (part of the settlement agreement is that you don’t have to pay it back if the person shows up, which is why you’ll get less than face value).
  11. So how does that work? Are they dropping multiple episodes per week? Because June 12 to Aug 14 isn’t close to 21 weeks.
  12. Is Chloe mortal now, though? She has Lilith's ring. Presumably that's what resurrected her. Can she survive without it? Will she even age? Or will she just keep living until such time she decides to take the ring off?
  13. Not related to the plot, but boy the makeup people, etc. aren’t doing German any favors. Especially when compared to the flashbacks they showed, her face is so noticeably more pinched and sharp.
  14. Pretty sure the screen said Sacramento when they showed the house.
  15. I’m glad that regardless of what ages the characters are supposed to be in the show that they picked actors who are clearly not teens. I’ve only read Crows and Crooked Kingdom and while I liked them (liked the first better) the idea these characters were mostly/all teenagers was ridiculous and I’m glad the show at least visually threw that in the trash.
  16. A topic for discussing the original comics/graphic novels.
  17. This was definitely an episode of passing the Idiot Ball around. In addition to not imperious-ing Sam with the music box once they knew it was him, how about the stupidity of TOTALLY IGNORING THE GUN each time it was knocked out of Sam’s hand??
  18. I’ve just started watching and I’m curious — does anyone see the white balance constantly shifting, sometime even from cut to cut? This doesn’t happen for anything else on my TV, not even other Netflix shows.
  19. Have we ever found out how NBC dealt with the pervert in editing the finals? I guess he went out early? Because if not I don’t see how they could have covered it up this time since they couldn’t use the “top N women” trick to hide what happened?
  20. I'm only just now watching the shows almost 6 months later. A few things I'm a little confused about: 1) Is it strictly the top 12 ninjas or does everyone who finishes advance even if there are more finishers? 2) if someone wins Power Tower and their teammates would have been out if they hadn't won, are the teammates in in addition to the 12 or do they bump off people in the 12? 3) What's the current rule for establishing the timestamp for when you finished the Nth obstacle? Is it when you clear the Nth obstacle or when you touch the (N+1)th obstacle?
  21. So what was the Bounty Hunters premise and what bots did they move over there? (I'm not about to pay for another streamer.). I've been wondering which bots were not on the main show because of Bounty Hunters and which just didn't/couldn't come because of the plague.
  22. I certainly don't consider Wanda heroic. I think she should be in jail for what she did, actually. Ironically, the Hero of Westview is really Agatha. While she had unquestionably bad motivations and performed bad acts (and as such deserves to be punished), in the course of episodes 8 and 9 she broke through to Wanda and forced her to see the hell she was making for everyone else. Relatedly, I was pretty pissed off by Rambeau's "they have no idea what you sacrificed for them" line. As if the townies should be grateful for what they were put through. Pffffft.
  23. Not if you are arguing the defense of insanity. The burden of proof is on the defendant to prove that. The state still has to prove you've committed all the elements of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt. That doesn't change. But the insanity defense is an "affirmative defense" that the defendant must prove. The defendant has to prove they are insane rather than the state having to prove they are not. See 18 USC 17 as an example.
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