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Everything posted by AuntieL

  1. Ok that's horrible and you're not being too sensitive. Best friends aren't like guppies - you don't just go out and get new ones. I gave a few close friends and would be devastated if one of them died. My condolences to you and your friends family and friends. As for snow, being from Pittsburgh and now living in South Jersey near the shore, I don't mind snow as long as they take it off the roads. My county has like 1 snow plow. They assume the snow will just melt. It's flat as a pancake here and I have an easier time driving in the hills when I go to Pgh to visit family.
  2. A Wawa is the worlds best convenience store. You find them in Eastern PA, New Jersey and now they're heading down the southeast.
  3. I was shouting Louise Penny's name at the tv (she's one of my favorite authors). No one heard me.
  4. When Toby paused the game I was all "Dude! Have you never met a football fan before?"
  5. I just started watching this show last week and I thought I was sucked in then. Then I watch this week and Rebecca's friend is wearing the same Steeler hat my mother gave me 15 years ago that I still wear. Wow did they get the Pittsburgh steeler 70s/80s football scene right! I've lived in south Jersey for 30 years now and this took me right back home. And Kevin was so in over his head with the girls. I love his relationship with them. I adore Beth.
  6. Is every episode going to have some kind of homage to a movie? Because the death of the estate agent was right out of Jurassic Park, right down to the "smart kitty". (Well in Jurassic Park it was "clever girl" but close enough.
  7. I caught that thing about Baz coming to live with Smurf as a child. I assume that was his bio dad that he went to visit. I wonder if any of them are Smurfs bio kids or if she was a modern female Fagin who took in strays and turned them into her gang. Would make the semi incestuous bone a bit more palatable.
  8. Awww he's not a bad dad. Mostly just clueless, forgetful and a really bad driver. He should've sold Liberty Mutual.
  9. When I was in college my Dad forgot I was home for the weekend and backed out of our garage and into the side of my car (we had an l-shaped driveway). On two separate occasions. He never paid to get it fixed do I would have to hold the drivers side door when I went around a curve or else it would open. My Dad sold car insurance for a living.
  10. It broke my heart that Dark Shadows was a TS. My favorite show as a 9 year old.
  11. Aww we have a new champ? I liked her. I didn't get to see today show since the station that carries it is out of Philadelphia. Since the Pope is coming they decided we needed a one hour lesson on the history of Catholics in Philadelphia
  12. It was her father, I'm pretty sure. My take on the confession scene was that she was remembering when she went to confession as a child and just sort of superimposed the priest's face onto the memory, maybe because she didn't remember what the old priest looked like or maybe this priest reminded her of him, said the same kinds of things.
  13. So I'm flipping through channels tonight and come upon the local PBS station and who do I see but the 12th doctor, Peter Capaldi. Apparently it's true, every actor in Great Britain has been on Midsomer Murders.
  14. I'm not in Canada but I loved that show! It played here in the States somewhere in the early 90s I believe, maybe on Lifetime? I think Homicide was already on the air because I definately recognized Clark Johhnson. And half the cast would pop up on every show shot in Canada.
  15. That was David Krumholtz who played Judd Hirsch's son for several years on Numbers. Genius casting.
  16. There was a commercial for GN on BBCA a few minutes ago. I think it starts back this Saturday.
  17. You're not alone, feverfew .I like JJ and I haven't been a "teen" anything in close to 40 years. And I'm pretty sure I've never "bopped". Different strokes and all that. I do wish they had brought her back as media liaison because they realized how important that job was but I could see why the character would change her mind and go for profiling. The characterization for all of them has been wonky but I still enjoy all of the characters.
  18. I'm still hoping that Mara is exerting some sort of other worldy influence on Duke because he is being incredibly stupid here. The problem I have with Mara regaining any agency is that what agency she has had she's used to straight-up murder people. So far we've seen her kill 3 people in cold blood (ok Duke probably actually killed the last one but she delivered the fatal blow). Which is why I don't see the end game being Duke riding off into the sunset with "his Audrey." She's not just a little bit bad, she's a freaking psychopath. I do miss snarky feisty Audrey. Although there was that little funny moment when she asked Nathan if he was going all macho on her, he said yes and she did this little shake of her head that cracked me up. I want that Audrey back. The whole thing reminds me of the old original Star Trek episode where Kirk gets split between "good Kirk" and "evil Kirk" and it turns out to be a good captain he needs both. Yes, I am a nerd, and an old nerd at that. (OK, not quite that old'. I saw it in it's first syndication run so just medium old). Interesting theory about the CDC lady being the new Haven Saver. Dwight seems quite taken with her, I wonder how he'll feel if she has to get barned. Shoe on the other foot there Dwight.
  19. AuntieL

    S05.E09: Morbidity

    A few random thoughts - nice that Nathan got to take his turn at being the reasonable one. Did not like Dwight's "I'm chief of police and head of the guard" power trip; that can't end well. His comments about Duke and Nathan had an element of truth but ignored the fact that they've both done a lot of selfless things to help the town and troubled. Of course, Duke's plan to kidnap the governmental official wasn't exactly well thought out. I really hope that Duke is playing some sort of long con with Mara. I want the story about his mother to be fake (I tried to post that last week but the post got lost in the aether-I hate that kind of contrived woobyish backstory and Duke would never give her that kind of sensitive info on him). I hope that either he's playing along with her or Mara's got some psychic/hypnotic influence making him paranoid because I refuse to believe he's that dumb. She seems to really want to separate people and turn them against each other. I think it's the friendship between the core three (and Dwight and the others) that ends the troubles. Since last week I've been wondering if Audrey being separated from Mara means she has lost her "mojo". Mara's presence not only made her immune but gave her a connection to the troubles and now she has to learn to work without that connection. Dave does seem to have connection to the "creature"; I just can't figure out if it's evil or just trying to hide. It killed the man in Dave's vision but it didn't kill Dave and Vince's therapist friend. in the beginning shot of the bodies of what I assume was the Roanoke colony, did one of them look like Mara?
  20. I think it was just Audrey that split off because that's who Duke was trying to reach with his reincarnation trouble. They didn't say exactly how the reincarnation trouble worked but maybe it would only bring back one past life at a time. Howard (or maybe Dave or Vince) said that "she" was different this time around. For some reason, Audrey seems to be more "real' than the other personalities. Maybe the relationships that she formed with Nathan and Duke and the others were stronger or maybe because the barn was destroyed. I don't think the fact that her pre-Haven memories weren't really hers matters. The fact that original Audrey lost her memory doesn't make her less real than she was before. They're both alive now and both living their respective lives. I think Tabbyclaw's theory is a good one. I didn't even think about the photographer at the time but now that I think about it didn't the photo she showed Audrey have both Nathan and creepy guard guy in it? And then both disappeared. Question is if she knows she's doing it.
  21. I don't think Audrey will disappear if the Troubles end. I think disconnecting her entirely from Mara and making her fully human will be what keeps her here at the end. The physical results of a trouble last even if a trouble goes away. Although I'm a little worried about Dave on that score. I do agree that Audrey's was "off" because this is all new territory for her. She came to rely on her immunity; and even when she wasn't aware of Mara there was still probably a little bit of Mara (and the other personalities) in her that gave her the confidence to know what to do to end a trouble. This is a whole new ballgame. It's probably a little bit what Nathan went through when he lost his sense of touch and had to learn to navigate without it; only with the whole identity crisis thrown in. Speaking of Nathan, kudos to whose who called that he wouldn't be able to feel Audrey. I did wonder when they had Duke ask him if that's why he loved Audrey - nice bit of foreshadowing. And this latest trouble has got to be his worst nightmare -not only can he not feel anyone's touch, now he can't even touch them and no one can see, hear or feel him. Except of course Mara, who wants only to hurt him. They really need to figure out what to do with her because keeping her chained in the hold of Duke's boat is starting to feel a tad creepy. And I reallllly hope he's not going to give in to let her see his grandfather's journal. I don't like where that's going. Question - why do they think Duke needs Mara to control his Trouble? He seemed to do alright with the reincarnation spell without her. I will say that based on the episode description and previews I thought this was going to be another "Audrey in trouble and Nathan tries to save her" episode and it turns out to be the other way around. Show always manages to surprise.
  22. Yeah that was odd given that Nathan threatened Mara with the taser when he first brought her on the case and she seemed to believe him, at least enough to behave herself. And Nathan has shown willingness to risk hurting Audrey if necessary, like when he headbutted her to render William unconscious. It might have just been Duke's final realization that he really didn't love Audrey in that way; or else it was just one of those things that writers do for drama that don't necessarily make sense. Mara taunting Duke/Nathan about how he won't hurt Audrey or is too weak because he loves her, is in character however. It seems to be her go-to taunt to Nathan, just like her trying to use his jealousy to drive a wedge between him and Duke. I also think that at this point she's becoming nervous and is just trying whatever she can to save her skin. I almost feel like Mara is a child in terms of her species; she doesn't have much depth of understanding of people or situations and acts a lot on impulse. I'm also beginning to think that William was the brains of the operation, at least in terms of strategy.
  23. I finally got around to creating an account here just so I could say how delighted I am that I can never quite predict what's going to happen in this show. So did not see that ending coming. I'll also echo what others have said about how good LB and EB were at playing each other's characters. The actors must have had a blast. You could almost "see" Duke in LB's portrayal and EB nailed Nathan's stillness and intensity. And no Shadda you were not the only one who was tickled that Nathan went to Duke first. Am sad about Dwight's sister; interesting that he didn't seem to be in touch with her. I wonder if she knew about the trouble? You would think that family would give out miniature bullet proof vests at every baby shower. The fact that Duke/Nathan told Dwight/Gloria that he wasn't sure Audrey was still in there doesn't bode well now that Dwight has lost another family member. Loved the disgusted look on Mara's face when the one brother admitted he didn't want revenge. Speaking of which, I can't decide if I like how easily he forgave his brother - being put in a mental institution for 12 years?! On the other hand it made everything all better -kind of like the fraternal version of Frozen. And I'm very intrigued about the thinny and whatever is coming out of it. Vince/Dave's vision showed it seemingly hurting the man in the woods but it didn't hurt their therapist friend after she hypnotized Dave. It seems more interested in covering up any clues to it's existence.
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