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Everything posted by AuntieL

  1. So I've been watching the reruns on Comet. (And yes, I do have the entire series on DVD, why do you ask?) Is it just me or is O'Neill really angry this whole season? I also forgot how annoying Kinsey was, although Ronnie Cox was great in the role.
  2. I also thought they were going for the specific name of Buddha's mother and I had no idea at all. I would've gotten FJ wrong because, while I knew what book was meant, I couldn't remember the number. I said "951" Doh. I thought he ruled "Chilly " right because they only wanted the first name?
  3. Reese Witherspoon????? At least Marisa Tomei is Italian. I guess they were both just fishing for women Oscar winners. Speaking of "Women" ... you know I never realized how often they do that with categories until people pointed it out here.
  4. "The Spy in that Tom Hanks movie" was my answer. I mean technically it was correct!
  5. There's a street in a nearby town next to the Jewish Center, called Raoul Wallenberg Avenue. I pass it all the time. Could I remember his name? Of course not, the closest I got was "Allenberg". Sigh.
  6. When they showed the category for FJ I knew the answer would be one of those "Doh" moments for me. I am horrible at remembering names of songs. And now I can't get it out of my head.
  7. I think the woman was starting to write "Hoover"- at least it looked like if to me. Maybe because that was what I said although I was sure it wasn't right. I knew it want FDR or Eisenhower. I passed right over Truman. Doh.
  8. Thank god you saw him. Seriously, people are morons. I thought of you guys yesterday when I was at Rite Aid. A new register opened up and I was next in line. The clerk looked right at me and said next in line over here and of course the guy behind me jumped in. She rolled her eyes and looked at me. I was so amused thinking about the conversations here about line jumpers that I just nodded to her to go ahead. Plus it was early in the morning and I wasn't awake enough to get into an argument. When I got to the register she thanked me. But there is karma. When I went outside he was standing there picking up his purchases because the bag had broken.
  9. I thought of all of you here this morning when doing the dance of doors at Wawa. It was Wawa Day, meaning free coffee - fortunately for me, that includes tea - which meant it was more crowded than usual, which is saying something. So we had "the two people entering the double doors at the same time" dance, the "entering and leaving at the same time" dance, and my personal favorite, "holding the door open when I'm just a bit too far away so I hurry up because I don't want to inconvenience the person who is inconveniencing me by being nice" dance. But, free tea, so...
  10. What! Who the hell does that? I mean that's just not normal. I must say I never thought of South Jerseyans as being especially polite but apparently they are because I've never had anything close to that happening - even during peak tourist season.
  11. FJ for me was "ooh ooh that guy. His name begins with "H". I hate when that happens.
  12. They've just never changed the original 1949 law. And most New Jerseyans don't want it changed.
  13. Yeah I'm old enough to remember when all service stations were full service. Every now and then some politician will mention overturning the ban. They only mention it once before they learn their lesson. Nothing unites NJ citizens more (although dislike of our current guv comes close). Jersey girls don't pump gas.
  14. I moved from PA to NJ right around the time they made the self-service gas law. So the first time I traveled outside of New Jersey after that and had to pump my own it was a learning curve. Even now I feel ridiculously proud of myself when I do it. (It's the little things). What irritates my PA relatives is that even with full service gas in NJ costs less. Well it used to anyway, we just got a new tax.
  15. There's a solution to the self serve gas peeve-move to New Jersey! We're one of only 2 states in the country that has no self serve. Although most of them won't check your tires though.
  16. When I was 10, we moved to a development across from a golf course where there was still a lot of house building going on. All the neighborhood kids, me included, used to play at the construction sites on the weekends and afternoons when all the workers had left. I loved going through the houses and figuring out where the walls and rooms would be - probably why I like watching House Hunters now! There were always nails, boards with nails sticking up, tools and other sundry stuff lying around. The best part was making our way to the second level. Of course, being the late 60s and early 70s, our parents had no idea where we were but we'd always come when called. Being in western PA, the street was like a roller coaster (yes I really did walk to school - well the bus stop - up hill both ways!), and my brothers, at 5 and 6, used to ride their big wheels down the middle of the street. And speaking of parents not knowing where their kids are, my Mom recalled one time when she went back to sleep after seeing us all off to school. She woke up to sounds of someone in my brother's bedroom. She went in and found one of the neighborhood kids, not yet school age, in there playing. She called his Mom, who of course, thought he was in the back yard. Next installment, AuntieL's adventures in boarding school.
  17. Ooh I love this topic. I was not an adventurous kid by nature but where I lived until I was 10 was on top of a hill across from a vacant plateau with a mound of what I now know was coal dirt. Used to love playing in it. The boy next-door and I used to take turns riding our tricycles down my driveway which was a steep hill and one day I overshot the end of my driveway and ended up halfway down the wooded hill behind my house. At the bottom of that hill was a very busy road. Across that road was an amusement park. When I was about 3 or 4 I used to think the sounds of the merry-go-round were elves and I remember sneaking out at night to play with them. I never left the yard though. Unlike my brothers who at 3 and 4 ran away to the park for a day.
  18. I watched both episodes back to back and no it wasn't explained. I'm glad it's not just me. I was bored a bit with this episode. I am a tad intrigued to see what's supposed to happen on the date they figured out. The whole Julieve Adelind Nick thing is just plain bizarre.
  19. I don't think Paul was a misogynist (that implies he hated women) so much as someone who grew up with ingrained chauvinism and racism that he probably didn't even recognize. He also had an ego. He would not have liked anybody upstaging him - that she was a woman and black was just icing on the cake. He was example of those people who grew up knowing that there were certain things women and black people could not do. That last scene of him bringing her coffee showed that Kathryn had Made a dent in his preconceived notions (and hopefully that went beyond Kathryn). As a northern white woman I am in awe of the struggle these women went through. It's a testament to the movie that I was actually afraid when John Glenn was in the capsule waiting for Kathryn's calculations, even though I knew the outcome. So much was riding on her-She would have been the first one blamed if it hadn't worked. If those three women hadn't been the geniuses they were and had the tenacity they had, there might never have been a woman or black engineer or astronaut.
  20. I don't know, I think James Corden's doing an ok job. He's a music fan and that comes through. His tribute to GM was heartfelt and he was really getting into the Prince tribute. Some of his stuff is corny but I think that's just the nature of hosting. It is kind of a thankless job
  21. I've been a slug all weekend and now, when I have to get to bed, I'm up dancing like a fool. That was terrific. And I want a bejeweled flask for my birthday.
  22. I'm not sure I knew Paul Williams was still alive.
  23. Speaking as a "boss" you never call out your people in front of others. I can't go to court and blame something on my secretary. I saw an attorney try to do that once , the look the judge gave him - he immediately backpedaled and said well I guess it's my fault. Because as the person in charge it is our responsibility, no one else's. To try to make himself look "in charge" by asking you in front of others makes him look like a jackass.
  24. When the Sherlockian tried to give the Vulcan death grip I cracked up.
  25. I loved that moment. That small but powerful show of respect.
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