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Everything posted by AuntieL

  1. I saw that video and had the same reaction although I think the mother did put down the phone and give him a big hug at the end
  2. I think the alliteration is "bullseye beet". I hate beets.
  3. I just blurted out the answer on a whim and was surpised I was right!
  4. I was amused by this episode. I loved Gibbs' reactions -first nearly choking to death when Senior referred to "his lover" then when he found them in the bath. Harmon has some great reaction shots and comedy chops. I like it when they let him use them. Keep your enemies close and the crazies closer. Heh.
  5. If she is preggers and they're hiding it I will be ticked off since it means they actually know how to do that. I mean when they wrote the second pregnancy in I assumed they simply did not know that there were other options. Because while the first one gave us some amusing scenes the second was just useless. As a plot I mean. Not the real life pregnancy.
  6. Yeah Juliette pretty much got the raw deal in all of this. Next of course to the poor guy who apparently had a primal imperative he couldn't control to eat babies. Jeez. I need to remember that the next time I bemoan my lot in life.
  7. Renard and Adelind are the worst parents ever. From Adelind moving from Daddy to Daddy, with no warning or preparation, to Renard using Diana to get to Nick, well I'm pretty sure whatever Augie does will be small potatoes next to Diana. I'm wondering if that was part of the point of the story. Also whatever Juliette/Eve was doing in the tunnels was creepy but I couldn't help but feel sorry for her when she heard Nick and Adelind "I Wuv yous". Speaking of which, yecchh.
  8. I don't think having children is selfish. It's one of the most natural of all urges. It's the reason we're all here. My mother had 5 children and she was one of the least selfish people I ever knew. I think those of us women who do not have children do tend to get a bit defensive because we are often made to feel as though we are "less than". Being a mother is not an accomplishment in and of itself. However, Being a good mother, as I'm sure Maharincess is, is something to be proud of. I know enough to know it's harder than it looks!
  9. First of all, pet peeve: I open my yogurt at work and it splatters all over my black shirt. That's what I get for trying to be healthy. A bacon egg and cheese from Wawa would not have done that. The cat is in hiding right now from the office cleaners who have kicked me out of my office while they dust and vacuum. As I am also allergic to dust I'm fine with that. I have to say it's nice to know that there are people who understand that just because a person doesn't have kids or pets they don't hate kids or animals. I helped raise my nephew and niece and I continue to do what I can for them and my great nieces. My not having kids was not so much a decision as it was a "oh well I guess that didn't happen" moment.
  10. I'm not sure I can pronounce them differently.
  11. I also have no kids and no pets. The pets thing is partially due to allergies and partially due to lifestyle. I live alone and am not home enough. I'm a lawyer with my own practice which means I'm on my way to the office in a few minutes, Saturday notwithstanding. I share space with another attorney however and we have an office cat. He was there before I was (rescue cat) and since both of us work a lot he's always got company. He and I have an understanding-I feed him and open the window so he can look out; he doesn't come in my office to minimize the allergens. We also keep a large supply of lint rollers. The clients love him.
  12. Just saw this. Absolutely wonderful performances from everyone. I also never heard of any of these women until I started hearing about the movie; then the episode of Timeless. The courage, intelligence and persistence of these women is awe inspiring. The three main actresses were all terrific as was the supporting cast ("Hardison!" "Sheldon!"). I want this movie to win awards dammit!
  13. God I love Bud. "He's a dick". HA. So this episode was a bit of nothing. Renard still in charge and Nick still on the run.
  14. Is it just me or does he look like Matt Lauer playing dress up? I mean, that's all I can see. That can't be the reaction they were going for.
  15. Arg. Another champ who didn't bet enough!!!
  16. JL must've loved this episode. First the beautiful younger woman hits on him then he gets to save the 2 younger hunky men. With swordplay, no less. Maybe this episode was a birthday present? Lol
  17. Oh good I'm not the only one who doesn't know what "Zimmerman" refers to. Maybe it was an inside joke cause he couldn't come up with anything? I blurted out "Van Gogh" before Alex stopped reading. And yes Joe really reminded me of Steve Martin. I kept expecting him to pull out a banjo.
  18. Sometimes it's just what feel right. I'm aunt to my nieces and nephew and those of my friends kids that I've known since they were little. (Hence "auntieL"). But because my sisters are much younger than me, and closer in age to the kids those same nieces and nephews (our brother's kids) call them by their first names. My best friends daughter, K, always called me "AuntL" which was confusing to her because her actual aunts name is similar to mine and she thought it was strange that her grandmother named 2 daughters almost the same name. That took some explaining. My nephew would not call that same friend "Aunt J" because she wasn't his aunt. He's a very literal kid. He just ended up calling her "K's mom".
  19. Waves to Maharincess. You're not the oldest. I wish I could help; fortunately for me that wasn't one of my issues. I did however find out that menopause brain is a real thing. My pet peeve of the day - yesterday I leave work early because I feel like crap. Put on my Jammie's and sit on my couch with the remote. Swear to whomever, every show I turned on had something to do with a dead mother. Why was that annoying, you ask? Because I was trying to ignore the fact that it was also the fifth anniversary of my mothers passing. I was close to my mom. Dear universe , if I wanted to deal with it I would've done so. Thanks loads.
  20. The thing is I do like it for the most part. There's no character that I hate, even Eve/Juliette and Truble. But the whole manhunt juxtaposed with Hank and Woo furiously whispering on the phone to Nick was sooooo badly done. I'm pretty easy to please so when I notice, it's bad. I liked it when it was Nick and his Scoobys, including his snarky gf against a snarky witch lawyer and Renard. They really have issues writing for their female characters. Except maybe Rosalie.
  21. "Leonard, there's something on the windshield" might just be one of my favorite lines Ever.
  22. Really, still with the Nick/Adalind? At what point is she going to tell her bf that her daughter is going to shank him? Or just have her doll do it. Then we have Renard scouring the city for Nick while his 2 best cop buddies (who Renard knows are his two buds) are calling him from the precinct. Oy. At least they were whispering. You know I don't really ask for realism in my TV (a lack of realism is why I watch TV) but this show might just have done me in. The death grip was awesome though.
  23. Oh good I wasn't the only one who said "Das Kapital". I like Finding Neverland but couldn't get the name out in time. I also ran the married to musician category. My mother would be so proud (not).
  24. Ok that actually made me laugh. Especially the exploding phone.
  25. My recording cut off at the end just when Alex started to speak. What did he say?
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