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Everything posted by AuntieL

  1. I saw "Missouri" and confidently said Truman, then wondered why he wouldn't have been at the inauguration. I didn't get any further. Doh. I did get effigy, Waitress, elephant and squeaky door.
  2. I'm sorry you're going through this @bilgistic. Mental health care is in crisis in this country (the world really) and no one wants to talk about it. Just know there are people who care, even if they're just on the internet, and don't give up.
  3. Oh so that's what that Onion clue meant. That confused me. And apparently the contestants. Thanks to Jetpunk I ran the African islands category (was this game it yesterday's? I watched them back to back so they kind of ran together.) I got Figaro on a wild guess.
  4. @Zola, I wish they were faked. But no, that's what it was like back then. Even into then 70s, when I was a teenager, the ads reflected that the times - way more overtly sexist and racist. A friend of mine got divorced and moved to Indiana in the 90s. When she went for a mortgage, the bank wanted her ex-husband to co-sign. Not for financial reasons but because he was a man. In the 1990s. The ads reflected that. We've still got a long way to go but those ads are a reflection of how far we've come.
  5. Honestly that's one of the reasons I always put up Christmas decorations and lights, even though I live alone and am never here Christmas Day. All the pretty lights, especially at night cheer me up. And I leave them up until usually the middle of January, which is about when the clutter gets on my nerves.
  6. I felt soooo stupid when FJ was revealed. Akron/goodyear/blimp. But I blanked. Is it me or did the champs bet not make sense? Wasn't it a runaway?
  7. Usually when I yell at the TV they don't hear me, but twice this game I yelled out a wrong answer only to have the contestant say it! lol One was the wrong answer for Lombardy. Don't remember what the other one was.
  8. Andy Griffith and Gomer Pyle shows weren't my favorites but in those days of 3 stations sometimes you took what you could get if you feel like watching TV. I do remember seeing the show where he starts to sing and, once again in the days pre-Internet when no one had any idea that he could sing like that, it was amazing. I miss the days when something could be a surprise like that.
  9. Yeah the Borders that was here killed an independent bookstore that I loved. But then I grew to love Borders. Now it's BAM (Books-a-Million). Which is OK but not as good as B&N or Borders. I just always want to have a bookstore around.
  10. I gotta admit, I love almost all Christmas songs, except for Dominick the Donkey. It's one of the few songs, period, that I turn off if it comes on. I understand not liking to shop or not being able to, and Amazon is a godsend for those people. I've used it for certain things. I just wish it didn't have such troubling effect on brick and mortar stores. When my sister picked me up at the airport to visit during Thanksgiving she had to go back to work and maintenance was fixing something at her apartment, so she drop me off at Barnes & Noble for a couple of hours. I don't have one near my house. I was in heaven. I want Amazon and stores to be able to coexist with each other.
  11. The year "Grandma Got Run oOver by a Reindeer" first came out, it was playing on the radio when my whole family was driving somewhere. After we got to our destination I realized my youngest sister was still humming it, fortunately softly. We were at our grandmother's funeral.
  12. Well if you're going to give the bank deposit to a drunken, doddering old man, you deserve what ever happens. My Mom used to watch it every year, due to her Jimmy Stewart love; it's one of those movies that I don't go out of my way to see but don't actively hate. I kind of like Clarence the Anger. I felt bad for George not being able to travel like he wanted but the message of appreciating the people around you who love you isn't a bad one. I kind of figure after the kids are grown, George and Mary will go on an around the world tour. I do laugh, however, that Mary's fate-worse-than-death in Potterville is to be an unmarried librarian with glasses. The horrors!!!! Put me in the "likes a Christmas Story" camp and I was already an adult when it was made. I think the 24 hour marathon is ridiculous though and what turns a lot of people off. No matter how much you like something, eventually it gets old. And if you didn't like it to begin with, it'll drive you nuts. I think the only Christmas movie I really really hate is the Grinch with Jim Carrey. The original cartoon is my favorite thing ever and I consider the Carrey version an abomination.
  13. I hope they havent killed off Billy. It seems Maggie has "come back" a little wrong. She seems to want Roman to join her.
  14. When the first red chair guy said he helped disabled people bank, it was obvious that Graham thought he said something else. Any idea what he thought he said? I'm assuming it was something naughty based on the reactions.
  15. I looooove my backup camera, especially in parking lots. I still end up inching out of the space, however, as I have a small car. The supermarket parking lot near me is infamous. People walk around like it's a sidewalk, as opposed to, you know, watching where they're walking when there are cars moving toward them.
  16. Just googled. Now I know who Petain is (I did think it probably had something to do with WWII) but before now -never heard of him. I did know Reagan and auxiliary. Could visualize Joan Allen's face but couldn't come up with her name. Alan's adorable-I don't dislike any of them but I'll be rooting for him.
  17. Yeah, every time I get annoyed a contestant, I picture how I would be. It's not a pretty picture. The only contestant in recent times who ever really bothered me was Arthur Chu. He was just so intense! I couldn't enjoy the game. I realized that none of the contestants in the game of champions bothers me because, unlike regular games, it's a finite time - no chance of them being on for weeks on end so I can let their foibles slide. I also thought today's game was kind of hard and I could not for the life of me come up with Waiting for Godot and I knew it would be a "doh" moment for me. It was. I did feel sorry for Lisa, you could tell she was upset.
  18. Awww, I Iove the little ones. Changed many a diaper in my day, even though I don't have kids of my own. Hence "AuntieL". Teenagers,on the other hand.... yeesh. In fairness, looking back, I was probably annoying as hell.
  19. First of all @Bastet, I'm stealing "deep fried bullshit". It's a wonderful turn of phrase. As to godparents, since I turned 13 the month before my sister was born my parents allowed me to be the godmother. Clearly purely a ceremonial distinction. I never gave her a present as godmother, just sister. I don't remember who her godfather was but I think he gave her a Christmas present. My youngest sisters godparents were a husband and wife. They would give her a Christmas present so it evened out so each got one extra present. I don't remember if my godparents ever gave me anything or not. A lot of people conflate godparents with guardians. The guardians are the people that parents name in their Will to take care of the children in case something happens to them.
  20. This show is definitely getting creepier. I wonder if there's a way to put Abigail back in her body once they get whoever is in there out.
  21. Nope you're not. I like this little show. I like that they're showing us different people in the town. I'm sorry to see Maggie go; I thought she was a nice friend for Roman. I thought Meatloaf was quite effective as the Dad. Who knew he could act?
  22. This is turning into a darker more twisted Haven, but without the eye candy of Nathan and Duke. They certainly upped the acting quotient. Is Kim Coates going to be in more episodes? I'd definitely watch more scenes of him and D'Onofrio together. The ghosts' ability to create shared delusions is freaky as was the bay with all of the dead - whales, porpoises?
  23. There was actually a local case on my area where someone "faked " his death. I know people who were friends of his. Letting everyone including, his wife think he was dead, was not illegal. Since he did not get a new identity or try to use anyone else's information, or file an insurance claim, that was not the illegal part. What he was ultimately arrested for was what he was trying to run away from in the first place. I hope Duckie makes the occasional appearance. I would think there would be at least one goodbye scene with Abby. DM will be missed.
  24. Nobody expected the Spanish Armada? Sorry, couldn't resist.
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