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Everything posted by AuntieL

  1. He has been upfront about it and she's been playing it down. Neither of them are listening to the other. They've both spent the whole season tap dancing around the elephant in the room. Kensi doesn't want to make those decisions now but he had a point that they shouldn't get married if they aren't on the same page (or at least reading the same book), especially when it comes to kids. This probably wasn't the best time to bring it all up but between the intense shootout, Sam being hurt (although since he apparently walked out of the hospital 10 minutes after surgery I guess they shouldn't have worried) and the impending off-the-books suicide mission, their emotions were ratcheted up to 11. I am kind of interested to see where they're taking this. Clearly unless the actor is leaving the show, Deeks will have a change of heart about leaving NCIS, so it will be interesting to see where the relationship goes from here. Speaking of motherhood, I'm not happy with the idea that having a kid makes you batshit crazy. I get that this was probably the first time since she lost him that Mosley had a hope of finding her son, and that ramped up the intensity, but damn woman. Listen to the people around you who are trying to help. And if someone you effectively fired is still willing to go on a dangerous mission to save your son, let him. And if you want people to risk their careers and possibly jail time, at least be gracious about it. I loved how calm and in charge Callen was throughout the whole thing. I liked how even crazy worried, Deeks still listened to him. And I loved Callen trolling Sam about coming along injured (thanks for your help with the chase) because Sam was being an idiot. And I loved Hettie admitting what Callen means to her. And Hidoko better not be dead.
  2. Is this the same one that ran during the Super Bowl a couple of years ago? I remember one where you see a kid doing all these fun things and then you see him say something like "none of that that happened because I died". I think it was either a no texting or drunk driving commercial. The entire room full of people I was watching the Super Bowl with just sat there in WTF stunned silence for several seconds before completely erupting.
  3. @sigmaforce86 Marcel Marceau was the first thing I thought of when Teller first spoke. It was a great moment.
  4. Kripke singing At Last was perfection.
  5. Speaking of retcon- all of the references to Missy being dumb (especially by Mary) never jived with what I remembered her in her one appearance. She seemed perfectly normal and even intelligent. As for his Dad's estate, I suspect the writers hadn't decided at that point when Sheldon's Dad died but I can assume that George had life insurance through the school, some of which went to the kids in trust until they reached a certain age.
  6. My niece is doing her senior year of high school on line (her mother moved to a new school district). My niece is - surprise-failing. It's mostly because she doesn't get the work done but also because she needs more guidance, instruction and structure.
  7. Ask for a copy of the recording. You can file an answer yourself in court if necessary and subpoena it. I suspect as a paralegal you can probably do it better than most attorneys, including me. And don't feel like a criminal. Medical issues are the number one reason for bankruptcies and between that and the recession you've had more to deal with than most people. I know people who haven't been through half of what you've been through who haven't been nearly as conscientious and trying to deal with it. It's too bad credit card company doesn't try to work with people who are actually trying to pay them.
  8. @GHScorpiosRule I'm so sorry you're going through this. First, don't ignore the summons. They could get a default judgment and you could end up with a wage garnishment. I second (third) the idea of going to a credit counseling agency. I would also check in your area for bankruptcy attorneys. Most of them will do free consultations. Also, check your notes about the original agreement with the credit card company. Did they agree in writing that they would except your payments for a certain amount of time? If they didn't have a time limit that's a defense you can use.
  9. Well, until I have to pay money out of my pocket the only damages I have are aggravation and annoyance. If I could sue people just for that I'd be a millionaire.
  10. I had that happen once, when my dryer broke as I was trying to dry a load of towels. Fortunately there's a laundromat nearby but it was still a pain in the you-know-what, especially since it was nighttime. What I hate being dependent upon is cars. My car (Hyundai Elantra) has been in the shop for 2 months waiting for a new engine. It's under warranty as it has less than 50,000 miles and is 4 years old (I'm still paying on it!!). It's going to be another 2 months before I get a new engine. Meanwhile the dealership has a deal with the local Enterprise to rent me a car. their deal is that they pay most of the rental and you're responsible for$10.00 per day. I of course said no, that's several hundred dollars. So I call the corporate office and get the word that they'll pay the entire cost. So far so good. Yesterday the dealership calls me and says they have a loaner car in and to make the exchange. He asks me what car Enterprise rented to me - I say Chevy Malibu, and he goes nuts. It seems that corporate only pays if the rental is a Hyundai. I explained that at no point did anyone mention that little fact to me - not him, not corporate, not Enterprise. They can fight it out amongst themselves. I swear, if they try to put any of this cost on me I will go berserker on them. Meanwhile, I'm now driving an older car that's not as nice as mine and I want my car back!!!
  11. It must be incredibly frustrating to go through all of that then not get the job. On the other hand, the attorney who "stared" at you would probably have been more trouble than the job was worth. Keeping fingers crossed that the right job comes along soon.
  12. I live in South Jersey. Last September a friend (who lives in Richmond) and I went to Massachusetts for a few days. She flew to Philly airport; I picked her up there and we drove up to MA. Stayed in a little town about 1/2 hour from Boston; took the train there for a day (you couldn't pay me to drive in Boston); drove to Salem. All in all a fun time. If you stay outside of the city the hotels aren't as expensive and their train system is easy to navigate. Washington DC isn't far either. Or you could go west and drive out to Pittsburgh (my home town). Lots to do there also.
  13. @BookWoman56 I am very sorry for your loss. As an estate planning attorney, I can't stress enough the importance of living wills, wills, powers of attorney, and listing all passwords, PINs, etc. I hope knowing that you were following your sister's wishes gave you some measure of peace.
  14. Apples or dried cranberries in stuffing-both good.
  15. I always called it stuffing too, regardless of how it's made. My mom used to stuff it in the turkey but there was always too much so she baked the rest in the oven. It was all stuffing. You can never have too much stuffing.
  16. I am also horribly in photogenic-or possibly just horribly unattractive. It can go either way. Since I try to avoid mirrors as much as possible i'm always a little surprised at what I look like. I will say I had my picture taken today with a group of friends at a wine tasting. The guy who took it stood on a chair and took it looking down so that at least you can't see my double chin. Apparently that's my best angle. I made the mistake once of telling a friend of mine that she was not photogenic and she was insulted. I tried to explain that I was actually complementing her that she is much prettier in person than in her pictures but she didn't see it that way. Having said that I do think that most of the time we think we look much worse than other people think we do.
  17. I know this site is about tv not radio but this afternoon I get into the car and some woman starts yelling about some kind of insurance, I think progressive. I mean screeching. I don't usually pay much attention to commercials but I couldn't the radio fast enough. Someone needs a new ad agency.
  18. Pet peeve of the day-people who tailgate me when I'm already going 5-10 miles over the speed limit. Back off bud!
  19. I think people are talking about 2 different episodes. The first one was the Washington state beach; the second was a Chicago episode. I noticed the first one had a different set up with the realtor not going into the house so I figured it was a beach hunters episode. I did like the episode though the people were really nice and that area is gorgeous.
  20. Oooh, thank you for the tip on the motion sickness bands. I'm going to try them. I can't sit in the back of a car and even sometimes on the passenger side (one reason why I'm always the designated driver) and the couple of times I was on a ferry I had to be outside the whole time (and as long as I was outside I enjoyed it). But I decided to bite the bullet and go on a river boat cruise down the Rhine at the end of the month so I've begun researching motion sickness stuff. Bridges don't bother me, I've always lived near water (rivers growing up and bays now); not fond of tunnels. Driving from South Jersey where I live now to Pittsburgh to visit relatives, there are 4 tunnels. Fingers crossed, never got stuck in one yet.
  21. Yeah I've in in NJ for 34 years but I still go "home" to Pittsburgh-even though I've lived in NJ longer.
  22. I figure Alex has the same problem I do with LGBT which is that if I say it too fast the constantants get mixed up in my speech. I got Johns Hopkins and took a lucky guess with Leopard.
  23. I knew Happy Days too - I remember being confused about the question (about a non-nose twitching daughter) for about a second then realized that the first clue had to have been about the daughter on Bewitched. I did not however get FJ (Norman/Normandy didn't register so I said Shetland Islands. there's a mystery series set there that I love). I was also confused about the tie breaker; I didn't remember having done that before. I do remember contestants betting so that there was a 3 way tie once. I'm not sure why anyone would do that on purpose. Under these new rule though, I wonder what would happen if nether contestant knew it? If the first one to ring in got it wrong would the other one automatically win or would they also have to answer correctly? I also read Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society - still didn't help. But yes, terrific book.
  24. Huh. I do the same thing sometimes when I sign my name to cards. I never realize there was a name for that .
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