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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Does anyone know Lizzie's real last name, her maiden name? It's not Reddington, is it? Ha, just kidding. Keen is a good name, though; maybe she liked it better than her own seven-syllable last name? I do know other women who have kept their married last names, even when no longer married plus no kids. They're just used to it, I guess. I thought all of the judge's dialogue, this week and last, was stellar, like it was written by someone else than the regular writers. He said so much of what we viewers think. The detective had good writers, too. Or maybe the acting of those two so outshown Lizzie that I was made to think the writing was better. Who knows? I did as well, until he continued to go on mourning the loss of the sweet and talented girl he hired as Lizzie turned into a cold-blooded killer and liar and thief and kidnapper and abuser of power. Then I hated Cooper because Lizzie needed to be freaking FIRED, stripped of her weapons and passport and put into jail. So I now hate Cooper.
  2. Yesterday I kept seeing commercials for Chris and Whitney to be on GMA this morning, and Whitney was going to reveal a "secret" that even Chris didn't know. Did anyone see that or know what she said? Of course, my mind goes right away to "pregnant." Just like I thought that would be the "big reveal" at ATFR!
  3. I have seen nothing during the entirety of Chris's season that would make me call either Kaitlyn or Britt "a bitch." They're just people taking advantage of their Andy Warhol 15 minutes on a reality show. Nothing more. I'd do the same if given the chance.
  4. I think the correct spelling is "ayes," as in "The yeses have it," meaning the yes votes outweigh the no votes when people used to vote aye or nay. But, point taken. I really don't see the other men watching Britt act the same enthralled way with the other men as she did with them. They'll more likely being downing the drinks, talking with their bros and thinking about how hot Britt found HIM so attractive, never mind any of the other guys. Britt does have a way of making each guy she's with feel special. At least that's my take on her from TB, and Chris Soules fell for it pretty good for a few weeks. Who knows what her conversational skills are, if she can "guy talk" as well as Kaitlyn. TPTB never let us see any of that. We didn't see her strip bare assed in public nor tell any crass in-poor-taste jokes however, so there's that in her favor.
  5. Or at the very least, jail time for perjury AND be fired for ... well, for everything she did behind Cooper's back. And never be allowed to own a gun, and be put on the no-fly list. Cooper needs some reprimand too, like it's okay to lie and perjure himself because he thinks he's dying? Geesh. So, I have cancer so I guess I'll rob the local liquor store. Right. Red, you really need to take Lizzie to task for her crimes. Maybe she'll be on a future Blacklist? Now THAT would make some good teevee. Aram ... it's still okay to send that card to Cooper, whether he's in the hospital or at home recouping or even back in the office. It's just nice to be thoughtful.
  6. I'm hoping for the opposite, that Lizzie meets with an unfortunate stroke that leaves HER unable to converse. I like the detective, he's one of the better characters to appear on this show. At least that's how he was written, like he has a set of brains, unlike some other characters. Like Lizzie. Does anyone suppose that guy really has all those facial piercings or were they just applied props? I found him sort of difficult to look at.
  7. Oh, Otto, you did truly make me laugh. And I thank you for that. As the gratuitous old person ("Git off my lawn!") on this thread who really notices and objects to gratuitous sexualization, nothing on this show has ever bothered me. Lizzie in her hospital black undies only sparked a conversation here as to whether she has a fat ass. And Lizzie in her underwear at Red's auction only made me comment that thank goodness she owns colors other than black. And frankly,Tom's push ups could have been a bit more clearly shown ala Oliver Queen and his salmon ladder. Then I could have judged better as to whether I was offended by his shirtlessness or not. Was Tom's "SS" permanent neck ink showing when he was in court in front of that judge? I didn't notice it once he was out of Germany.
  8. Hey, did anyone else catch Spader's shout out to Step 9 of the Alcoholics Anonymous 12-Step Program, "Make direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others"? That's the step his character, Jason "Stanky" Hanky, was on during Spader's Seinfeld appearance in 1997. Recovering alcoholic Spader (Hanky) was apologizing to everyone except George, who ruined one of Hanky's sweaters with his "giant head." The episode talked about "Step 9" throughout. It's a great episode if you can catch it on reruns or Amazon.
  9. Calamity, I agree with you that Lizzie is not needed in any way, shape or form. Here's my script for the last episode: Tom keeps calling Lizzie on his (untraceable, evidently) cell phone. Lizzie is convinced he still loves her, because she still loves him. We know this because she doesn't tell anyone he's calling her nor does she trace his cell pings, which Aram could easily do in a heartbeat. So, Tom and Lizzie arrange to meet for a tryst at a secret out-of-the-way romantic setting to renew their physical vows of marriage. Tom kills her. End of season two. Writers: You do not need to give me a percentage or pay for this idea in any way. Just promise you'll do it. p.s. Then Donald joins with Red and Dembe to avenge Lizzie's murder. Hot!
  10. That's such BS. Newspaper reporters GO TO JAIL for not revealing their sources. Some judge tells Lizzie she could go to jail and she sings like a canary about "national security issues." So much for her being a tough kick ass. When Cooper came in and started yelling at Lizzie about how he lied for her and was so disappointed in her, I wanted the next words out of his mouth to be: "YOU'RE FIRED." Because an officer worker can get canned for stealing paper clips. Lizzie should have been fired in a heartbeat for all she did while using her FBI badge and gun and powers invested in her. Then Cooper recovers and gets all google eyed about how Lizzie was/is so promising and he missed the sweet young thing she used to be ... holy cr*p, that was cringeworthy. Made me totally feel like they were having an office romance. That sure came out of left field. And felt SO totally yucky. Now we know why Lizzie keeps her job in spite of her ineptitude in nearly everything she does. I hated this episode. The ending left me feeling hollow and hopeless, because it's probably pretty true, that jerks like that guy at the end (I do not have a clue who he was) can pressure/blackmail the legal system just because he can, to stop any investigation just because he can. I did like Red's speech at the end though. Seems like he's sorry he got involved with Lizzie now. For a few minutes we did get the Red/Donald/Dembe show. So that part was fine with me. More of that, please. Biggest disappointment: Lizzie is still alive, not in jail, and still on this show. ETA: While I agree with Julia that Lizzie belongs in prison, I'm sure Red would find some way to get her out. So I vote for this idea from molshoop:
  11. Commercials for this ep say Tom is on top of Red's Blacklist now so, I guess that's a yes. Even more confusing will be when the man Lizzie said she killed in self-defense (heh, right) shows up to say HE killed the Harbormaster. So Lizzie will go from double murderer to just a plain old perjurer.
  12. And will never do again once he is off DWTS! But like you say, Padma, it would be much fun to learn them so you could dance together given the opportunity, or if they make their own opportunity. Dancing is fun, and dancing great dances well would be a blast. Whitney should be at a Chris/Witney rehearsal soon, then we will know if she dances or not.
  13. That's the thing with being engaged. Once you are off the market, all of the sudden you become SO desirable to everyone who wouldn't give you a glance last week. Although I guess one could say that about Whitney, too. Yes, Whitney should be taking dance lessons, although I don't know anyplace anywhere that one can go dancing and perform the foxtrot or waltz or jive or any of the other routines Chris will be learning. Maybe disco, if he lasts that long? He is from Iowa, after all. LOL!
  14. Yeah, like she was stealing because of eating the klepto's brain, but only stole red things because of her zombie influence. That makes sense. She wouldn't necessarily be attracted to the same things as the prostitute to steal. LOL at her eating the Hellfire Cheetos, or whatever those were. I just know they were labeled as SUPER HOT!
  15. I like to give new shows a try and for most, I either don't come back or I tuned out before the pilot even finishes. But I was totally in watching this show, and it didn't seem like a pilot to me, it was like a full-fledged mid-season episode. I loved every minute of it, the actors, the dialogue, the plot ... it's fun and so well-done. Count me in every week, this is one of the best shows now on teevee IMO. Stealing all the red things was a hoot, and I thought that had something to do with being a zombie. So I'm disappointed that's over. But the cop having a red stapler ... LOL to that. Yeah, LOVE this show.
  16. I didn't mean to be disrespectful, Sink. My point was more Charlotte, as you said, was being an idiot, like she never noticed her boobs bouncing before. "Oh, gosh, look at my boobs, what can POSSIBLY be done about that?" And the bondage duct tape ... just .... no. Just as you've found, she HAD to know about support bras that would work. But then again, I guess you have to want to find something that works, so there's that.
  17. Back in the day, Len used to call this "mucking about" and would score the dancers down for jacking around killing time before getting to the actual dance. Now every dance has to have a hook. I guess the show thinks America is bored watching true, pure ballroom. Even cheap sports bras have existed for years. One doesn't have to spend a fortune for one, and even the Kmart label works better than duct tape. But then again, the focus wouldn't be on the boobs, so point taken.
  18. Her "emotional distress" would be over the show ending up not being all about HER "amazing journey" but about Chris Soules. That has to be emotionally stunning to someone as egotistical as Kelsey. i say, bring on the lawsuit, Kelsey. And I hope part of the settlement when Fleiss wins is that YOU have to pay TB's lawyer fees. Now that would make an amazing chapter in the amazing book about her amazing journey to being able to love again ... or rather, her attempt to love someone besides herself.
  19. To Stacey's credit, she was MUCH better than Elisabetta, who was a wooden doorknob as a dancer. I was completely surprised by Bachelor Chris who, as others have noted, was surprisingly good and entertaining given he's a born-and-raised Iowa farmer with no secret dance training in his background. Suzanne's 68-year-old thighs make me want to buy a Thighmaster, like NOW. I felt Derek dumbed down that dance so Nastia wouldn't start out (and stay) on top since they're a lock for the finals. Just seeing them as partners makes me root for ANYONE ELSE even more.
  20. Oh gosh, that's right. The Soules DO have a milk cow! So there should be plenty of milk next year courtesy of Juan(ita) Pabla. Good catch, Lamb! Ess okay now!
  21. I read the article but did not see that quote. Chris's family doesn't have goats or cows, unless they were kept secret. But there's sure big positives for having milk goats. I milked a dairy herd for years and there's nothing better than fresh milk, and making your own cheese and puddings. Plus, milking is a very zen time, a peaceful and inward-thinking time. So if they don't have goats, they should get one. Cows give WAY too much milk (average 5 gallons per day), although once they have five kids a cow could work well.
  22. That part was SO funny! I did get uncomfortable when he said he was awkward with the "intimacy" of dancing with Witney because he was "newly engaged." It was a really bad deja vu back to Trista, who danced with Louie on the very first season of DWTS (yes, I'm that old!) and refused to let her body touch Louie. Ryan even came to rehearsals to tell her it was okay. Still, former sports cheerleader/dancer Trista was either the first (or close to it) to get sent home for, basically, stinking. Thanks for that link, MsPH. I can't help but feel TB editors did Chris no good deed with the editing he got. Maybe the guy DOES have a personality. Who knew? Interesting Chris H. was in the audience with Whitney.
  23. I just happened to catch Chris's segment on DWTS (during The Voice commercial!) and I have to say, he wasn't half bad. In fact, I kinda liked it. Yeah, that surprises me too.
  24. Oh man, that's TWICE today, MakeMeLaugh. Thanks!
  25. This from Archer's Ashley blog sort of sums it up: "I would write about how wonderful each day was in my Bachelor diary, which admittedly doesn’t read much differently than my high school diary." Plus she has a beauty blog. Oh ... just oh ... gosh.
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