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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. All those coconuts have milk/water inside. So what's the big panic about no water?
  2. Yes to this. If all the footage came from those hand-held or shoulder-mounted cameras, we would all get vertigo like we did when watching Blair Witch or that other "real" movie where audience members got ill from camera movement. Forgot the name of it, it was about space monster invasion or something similar. Maybe this is like that "reality" show about the people dropped off in "Siberia" to live. Real ... but not really real. At least these guys knew to boil the water and to kill/eat the snake, all things Bear would have taught them I'm guessing.
  3. When I was a kid, I used to dress up our Siamese cats and put them in a baby buggy or just carry them around. The cats wouldn't move an inch when they had clothes on, it was like they became prisoners. Take the clothes off and the cats returned to normal. No harm, no foul. My dogs wear sweaters in the winter, even in the house, so I can't say anything about Choyon's hobby. Check this out: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/10/taxidermied-mice-chess-set_n_4419838.html A radio show I listen to talks about this mouse chess set often.
  4. Maybe Americans are smarter than the Brits since that's how they started a fire right away after landing on the island, with the guy's glasses.
  5. So what happened to Taylor? I flipped channels during commercials and he was already gone when I tuned back. I was expecting them to stretch it out longer like all shows do. Go figure!
  6. Except for that one guy, who added at the end, "Well, at least I hope I will be." I'm rooting for the Alaskan guy to get a wild card. He was all kinds of awesome. I also liked the guy who built a course in his yard, then invited everyone to come and use it. Those are the good back stories. Sorry to see Adonis, but glad he's out. I had forgotten about him so thanks for bringing him back, show. (Not.) I do, however, very much like The Weatherman. So being a jackass doesn't run in the family.
  7. Abstract, I love you already for your promises. I'm rooting for you to get on. Keep us posted. ChicagoCita, not sure where you live, but try this: http://www.chicagocatcare.com/ There are other cat sitting "companies" in the area, just do a Google search. I heard an ad for this one on WGN radio.
  8. I'm not Jewish but I know all the words to that hymn/song. I did not, however, know Kinky Boots was on Broadway! I only noticed Choyon's shallow knee bends (as opposed to deep knee bends) yesterday. I guess I don't watch contestants that closely. I found them interesting, not annoying. It told me he knew the answer even when he didn't win the buzzer race. And it was much less offensive than the raised-in-the-air buzzer jerk hand that so many use. Keep clapping for yourself, Choyon. I'm a fan.
  9. Well, this show lost out to American Ninja Warrior for me last night, except during commercials. Fun fact: The show spelled Steve Bahnaman's name wrong. Scroll down to May 22. As Bugs Bunny would say, "What a bunch of maroons." https://twitter.com/500questionsabc Tonight it's on opposite the return of Fifth Grader. And American's Got Talent. It will be a remote-heavy evening.
  10. Trivia: Barbara Eden was pregnant during season one, which is why she is always shown with gauze costume draping over her middle. It's fun to try and catch a glimpse of her stomach.
  11. Geesh. Reading all that high-school BS stuff just wears me out. For the first season ever, I'll be watching only during commercial breaks on other stations. Not that anyone gives a care about what I do or think. The people on this show aren't exactly part of a brain trust.
  12. Yes, because it's so hard to remember, "get three wrong and you're ... what?" I hate the host making comments about the category the contestant either does or does not choose. I mean, it's not like HE'S the one playing. And his "tickle the category" is irksome, but then everything out of this Brit's mouth is irksome to me. Of course, it's all just a big time stall, but that doesn't mean I can't snark on it.
  13. I haven't heard anything about what happens if one makes it through 500 questions. Although as noted here, it's pretty much impossible due to time allotted vs. time wasted. So I guess it doesn't matter.
  14. Exciting, Chicago! Good luck. You must go. Try your vet or another vet for boarding, they have no problem giving those shots. Unless your cat is really social, he/she could run/hide from someone unknown anyway, if left at home. Your vet might also be able to recommend someone to cat sit, like maybe one of the vet techs. Meanwhile, practice your buzzer skills!
  15. In my mind, I picture the wife pulling up to the curb with screeching tires and brakes. "GET IN!" The guy stands there, door open, and says, "Hey, hun, what if I drive?" And she yells, "GET THE FREAK IN THE CAR, OR STAY HERE. I'M IN A HURRY." And he jumps in at the last minute as she floors it. I doubt if they use the same writers, but it's like they steal categories from each other. I see the same questions/answers a lot. Now 500 Questions is doing it, they stole Millionaire's square-wombat-poop question. Pickles last a long time because ... well, they are pickled, peeayebee. Still, it could be scary to open one of those jars. It's a nice story though. Long live pickles!
  16. As a side note, the common pigeon is a dove, a rock dove.
  17. Oh, my. GaryE, you def won that round.
  18. You would have known that if you had watched Who Wants to be a Millionaire this week. The poop is square so it won't fall off of rocks/limbs and, thereby, territory remains "marked." Not touching that one!
  19. Phlegmy. Ewww, gross. I disliked him before, but now he's ruined for me. LOL!
  20. I love pickles and I also make them myself. They are delicious. I wonder what nuggets the show would glean from me if I ever got on. Not that I have to think very hard about that 'cause it ain't ever happening. Yes, that music category should have been Punctuation in Music instead of Signs. Confusing. The whole category stumped me. I knew FJ immediately, although Peter Pan was not a bad guess. I think Choyon is okay and I like his clapping for himself. I mean, SOMEONE's got to. I didn't notice any lunging around by anyone, but I guess I wasn't watching 100-percent eyes-on-screen. If my husband were on my way to the hospital, yeah, I'd pick him up. Most labors last MANY more hours anyway so what's the hurry. Besides, that way I know he'd at least BE THERE. Heh.
  21. I don't know. I think this show needs less of him and his tedious, repetitious jabber and more questions shown to keep our interest. And fingers off the FFW (or turn-channel) button.
  22. This cracked me up. Although "You.Are.Gone" is said more times per minute than "Set it and forget it" ever is per infomercial. It's also much more irritating. According to a tweet from a Jeopardy! multi-winner, he cannot be on this show because of his Jeopardy! appearance, so I question this woman was on ToC. Unless there is some statute of limitations on time spent off teevee. I'm hoping the 30-year-old pro gambler makes it on. He looks like he could be some fun. As always, some questions benefit people who live/grew up in certain areas of the country, like Platte River (which I've crossed countless times) and Frankfort, Kentucky, where I've been even more times. Of course, if one has studied the Louisiana Purchase and Dan'l Boone, it doesn't matter where one lives. So there's that!
  23. While I was ambivalent on Andrew, I was rooting for him and was sorry to see him go. I liked he got dressed up (or at least put a piece of cloth around his neck) to be on the show, this in the age of casual-is-cool slobs. I didn't mind the new guy clapping for himself. I actually thought it was kinda funny. And different. As for the BBQ sauce on pizza, he posted a photo online of him and his dearly beloved with that pizza ... the sauce spelled out: "Will you marry me." I cut him slack for that, even though I loves me the BBQ sauce on just about everything. The Rosa Parks question ... I don't know why they didn't just include her name in that clue, they said everything else: year, city, state, wouldn't give up her seat to a white guy. They should have just made the answer "What is: This is correct" instead of giving so much information it couldn't be anyone else. And it's not like Rosa Parks is some obscure being. Plus, she's been a clue/answer on this show before. She's moved into Thoreau territory.
  24. Why do hosts of American shows have to be British? Does that accent make us think they are smarter and more sophisticated? Personally, I dislike anyone with a Brit accent so he's an automatic thumbs down for me. Hey networks, how about hiring some hosts made in America?
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