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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I've not seen anything like that in this thread either. The only things I've seen Michelle/Liv Tyler accused of here is bad acting, really bad acting, and fish lips on a frozen face. Hardly murder, unless you want to count killing this show all by herself.
  2. I think this act is getting more votes than it's suppose to, so it goes first, so voters will forget about it, and Alexa's mic is left on so her yelling WILL be distracting. I typically find good things to say about this show, but this episode left me devoid of any feelings other than how the heck did THESE dreck acts make it to the finals. I have to say I enjoyed the dogs, total chaos that always came together in the end. I never liked Olathe Dogs, its tricks were so common, but Alexa's group of crazy dogs is so whack yet so talented, this act gets a vote from me. It went downhill from there. I hate Duo Transcend since they beat the better duo last week, and their imitation of the brother/sister/incest roller skating duo was the end of that act for me. I don't even care about looking at the shirtless man, it's that bad IMO. I don't remember Golden Buzzer Angelina Jordan, which means being a GB isn't all that. Is her speaking voice all creepy like her singing voice? Does everyone want to be Billie Eilish now? I would have voted her off at her audition. Boogie Storm takes the prize as the biggest dumbass act of the night, Simon be damned. A bunch of people in stupid costumes doing somersaults and round offs and a couple parkour back flips that are easily done by every competitor, including the women, on ANW. And someone get them some Velcro for those flopping cod pieces. I HATE this act so much. Agree with Howie's X for the first time ever. The Silhouettes made me uncomfortable with the AA family getting evicted, then moving into a house that was clearly under the crotch of one of the dancers. Violin Boy. Eh. Russian bar trio. They did this same thing last week with the fake fire that isn't anywhere close to the woman's feet. A bed of rubber nails. Eh. Marcelito. Okay I guess. If you can get past Simon's dead-fish eyes staring at him. So creepy! Hans. I have to say, this act brought a smile to my face, which none of the other acts accomplished. I get a huge kick out of Hans and hope he does well. V.Unbeatable ... best act of the night. I actually shouted out a blasphemous word when that kid got tossed over the judges' desk. V.Unbeatable for the win, with second to Alexa's dogs and third to Hans. My question: What does the Champion win? Parsing what Simon said at the beginning about what the winner will get, I came away with the winner gets bragging rights and that's it. Not even a glitter-ball trophy or train fare back to their home country. Wow.
  3. If you go back a page in this thread, you will find your answers to both questions in one of my posts.
  4. So much this. For a max-security psych prison, pretty much anyone can come on in with whatever weapon they feel like putting in their purse or carry on that is never searched. I was waiting for Dad to grab the ice pick and stab Malcolm or Mom with it. Not that that would have progressed the plot any, but it would have been ... exciting I guess. I'm for Dad escaping the hospital a couple of eps down the road. Now that really would be exciting.
  5. I was flipping back and forth, but saw enough of this episode that I don't need to rewatch. Make that, I don't want to rewatch. So Michelle blew up that guy in the ambulance? Maybe if she had used the paddle on Tornado Dad last episode, she could have saved him. Or not. But at least she could have tried instead of diagnosing him and calling him dead w/o doing anything more than a couple chest compressions. The show suggested the only reason Paul wasn't threatened by a woman beating him at bowling, even though he's never bowled before, is because he's trans so used to be a woman so has compassion and understanding instead of a Me Tarzan You Weak Jane temperament. What an insult to men. He also doesn't need to tell his date anything on the first date, and he doesn't have to have sex if he doesn't want to. How about showing two people enjoying each other's company instead of everyone being a horn dog. Speaking of horn dog, WTH was up with Owen, having to prove to that makeup chick that he's not gay? He's a metro NYC dude, cut him some slack. As for his lack of ability to perform, his chemo buddy will explain all that to him next chemo session. And now "semen" is a banned word? Please. And what's up with that fire spreading from the one small spot to an entire campus of buildings, plus the outside grounds were on fire too. Did the fire guys stop for burgers and fries on their way to that call? There isn't much inside a barn like that to burn except hay, which should be stored all in one place, plus it would have had sprinklers, a business like that would have. But either way, that the fire spread more than a few feet was ludicrous as was calling it "bull stuff." Oh well. This show still belongs to Judd.
  6. I watched live streaming Sunday and yesterday of breeds I'm interested in. I know most of the dogs and handlers so I'm interested in seeing how they showed. I filled out two brackets of Guess The Winners and Win One Million Dollars, sponsored by Purina. I was right with the Hound, Toy and Non Sporting winners, then the Sheltie had to screw up my Herding group. So I'm staying poor, at least until next year's contest. I'm watching another breed live streaming today at noon, central time, to see if my Sporting choice first wins the breed. The handler is a man I've known since he was a pre-teen. When I see him next, I will tell him I chose him to win the group. Back in "the day," I had friends tape WKC for me since I've never had cable. Those old tapes are valuable now, famous dogs and handlers (and judges) long dead. One dog friend always had a Westminster party, two nights of potluck dinners, drinks and watching the show, all of us dog people who knew all the players. (She's passed on now, too ...) That's one long answer to your simple question! ETA: My Best in Show choices for my two brackets are Havanese and Whippet. After checking who the judge is, I give the Havanese the edge. Side note: I am showing to that judge next month, he's one of my favorites.
  7. The air is full of invisible sight and sound waves. One from an old West Wing rerun just struck your head and entered your brain.
  8. Toot toota TOOT! Announcing the co-winners of Week 22: @Browncoat and @M. Darcy! Both contestants achieved their first perfect FIVE score last week. So congratulations and Good For You (Two)! Enjoy your week. ANGELICA: You've redefined your legacy, congratulations! HAMILTON: It was an act of political sacrifice!
  9. Hello my twin. And thanks for doing my thinking for me.
  10. Waiting to hear from @Sharpie66 and @j5cochran, then will announce the winners (yes, winners) of Week 22.
  11. That's almost worth an asterisk if you ask me.
  12. And so it has been done. Congratulations.
  13. OMGosh, that would improve this show tenfold if Raylan Givens showed up and joined the FD or the medics. Either one, I don't care. I think he's available ...
  14. I'm just the opposite, I loved this repeat, it was SO much better than Eli Manning's rerun, and Kirk Douglas was great in everything. The only sketch I got bored with was Bill Murray's lounge singer, although I got a laugh that the Bar Mitzvah kid looked so much like present-day Vanessa Bayer's Jacob the Bar Mitzvah Boy. I was great to see Sam and Dave, but when they started singing I kept expecting the Blues Brothers to come out.
  15. Thanks for that info @HissyFit. I remember when Erik was on. I think one of his interview stories was about being published in the NYT or hoping he would be. So cool he's now on staff at USAT. IMO, his resume is now iron clad golden. Although I'd be intimidated by it if I were interviewing him for a job!
  16. Plus she got beat up by a girl. The humiliation ... !
  17. It seemed like I had seen this story before, the Rodeo Ho Murder Case (ha!), but my tv guide said it was new. It was just very familiar. I didn't get why Rodeo Ho kept waiting in Kelsey's front yard with a baseball bat and/or pipe. Was she going to kill Kelsey right there in front of the neighbors? I also have absolutely no reasoning or theory why she agreed, then backed out of, killing Kelsey three times. Then agreeing to clean up the murder-torium. WTH. But then again, I've come to realize this world is full of half-witted morons so I don't know why I'm expecting logic. And the driving 13-16 hours to see some dude. What, he didn't have a car/pickup truck of his own? I know distances between towns are large in the west, but I kept thinking about how much gasoline was costing, so much that she couldn't afford a Motel 6 so slept in gas-station parking lots. I also questioned paying that much for one-half of a horse. If it was the horse that kept being pictured, she got screwed on that purchase, if not by Patrick himself.
  18. It just occurred to me, in a continuation of The Jeopardy Curse, on Friday, January 24, Heather Nelson answered "Mary Higgins Clark" for FJ. (Real answer, Danielle Steel.) Mary Higgins Clark died seven days later, January 31, at age 92.
  19. WEEK 22 • Feb. 3 — NO asterisk 101. Asian Geography. This 150- by 2.5-mile area created in 1953 is now home to more than 100 endangered & protected species. 102. World Mammals. A drawing of it by John Hunter, naturalist & governor of New South Wales, published in 1802 labels it Ornithorhyncus paradoxus. 103. American History. At Harpers Ferry, John Brown & his rebels were defeated by troops commanded by this man who 2 years later led a rebel army himself. 104. Ranks & Titles. Canada, Belgium & the U.S. are among nations that bestow this artistic title that dates to the Greeks & a tree sacred to Apollo. 105. Quotes About 19th Century Authors. This author “showed that abysses may exist inside a governess”, a heroine who was a “commonplace spinster.
  20. Fred Willard is a regular on Jimmy Kimmel and was just on two nights ago. So he's def not BYT. You are still a young hep cat by knowing him. I mastered the Fred category, and got a Nora Efron tossed in for free. It's been suggested that players were told to include first names for FJ.
  21. Here's what If found: "As of February 6, 2020, Emergence has not been cancelled or renewed for a second season." I hope that clears it up for you.
  22. Love that Tony Danza and Willum Dafoe are playing Jeopardy with Boomer. I'd totally watch that episode.
  23. John le Carré's English intelligence agent George Smiley! ETA: @Trey beat me to it!
  24. I agree with the above. I googled "laureate" and all that came up was NOBEL Laureate, not one single any-other laureate. Poet Laureate is an artistic title, just plain laureate is not. That's my story and I'm sticking with it. AT was back to his snarky ways ripping into one player for the answer of brigadier general. "I don't think that's an artistic title," he says. So irritating, since the category of RANK and Titles led me down the same road. I went through all the military ranks for one that sounded like a tree. So can the snark, Trebek. Let's see you pick up a buzzer and play a game or two without your answer notes in front of you. For the TS of Jane Smilie, I said Guy Smilie, a famous Muppet interviewer and the name of one of my old champion dogs, so named because her face marking made it look like she was smiling. I got the TS of bicorn hat. I figured if one removed a corner from a tricorn, it would be a bicorn. Yeay for me and my deductive reasoning. I was hoping Oro y Plata would be a TS, but no, the third player got it. It's Montana's state motto, and was the opening sentence (well, partial sentence) of the cover story I wrote about a Montana business. A very famous UK show dog of the '40s was named Laurel Wreath.
  25. Well, this was the dumbest show I've watched since ... forever. It starts out with the two of them shooting bottles with Bill's Scout/Bronco in the background. Folks, the bottles don't stop the bullets, they go right through and on into whatever is behind ... like that car. It had to have had a dozen bullet holes in it before they were done. What dumbass uses his car as a target-shooting backdrop. Then that chick breaks into the jail to force wife to perform an operation. The writers were smoking something when they wrote that story. It's a jail, a guard gets shot/killed in the hall and no doors have locks on them. You know, so the place has a lock down? And there are dozens of people in that room yet no one did anything but stand around? Why not just leave by that unlocked door. I know time is a hand wave on tv, but someone doesn't come out of anesthesia in minutes, then is able to hop up and walk away unaided after an abdominal surgery. Even if the surgery itself only took two minutes tops. People are going to start removing their own cancer tumors at home now and put hospitals out of business. I was glad when Cade shot the gun chick but was highly disappointed it appeared she lived at the end, when she was wheeled away, face uncovered. I thought he was a better sniper than that. Then what was all that Valentine's Day celebrating with everyone at Bill's house. "Hey, my wife just survived a hostage situation, and saw a woman shot in front of her. Everyone come to my house to celebrate!" And yeay to the daughter who didn't listen one bit to her dad who told her to stay with Mrs. Cade. Both of them had to come down to clutter up the area around the jail. As for the Cade adopted/maybe adopted two kids, I guess they were busy playing video games in their room so we didn't need to see them this episode. Chewing a toothpick is one thing when alone in your vehicle. It's quite another in public, and when one is talking to others. Gross.
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