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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Man, this show makes so many of you sad. Stock up on your antidepressants before next episode, please. And take a handful before it starts. Anyone else want to harp on the answer of "The Manson Family" in response to the clue that asked for the name of THIS MAN? "Celebrity hairstylist Jay Sebring was among Aug. 9, 1969 victims of the murderous gang controlled by this man." Easy answer if one saw Once Upon a Time ... In Hollywood. Shout out to @opus with the TS of Eddie Van Halen. Opus knows why! Got the TSs of Rio de Janeiro, Tudor and, because I've watched SNL since the Conehead days, Jane Curtin.
  2. Fox reminded me about Kodi. Did anyone else think his singing has changed? I didn't even recognize his voice. The show said he's been performing somewhere so I imagine he's got a coach now. He sounded much more "conventional," if that makes sense.
  3. Thanks @ams1001. I remember the story of the crew member being killed but didn't remember his name was Vikas. I thought maybe VIKAS was Indian for V. Unbeatable and would have been a cool name for the group. The camera almost missed the V. Unbeatable drumstick grab too. If you blinked, you missed it. (Blink 182, ha ha, I'm funny.) I've had a crush on Shin Lim's hair since its first appearance on this franchise, and it looked great when he did that switch with Magician X. But last night it was even too -- I don't have a word for it -- for me.
  4. That crazy was one thing I was looking forward to! I would have had the dogs circling the judges' desk and jumping on and off of it. Maybe grabbing a drumstick from some orchestra guy! Doing backflips with V. Unbeatable! This show needs to hire me.
  5. I started to watch this, then remembered that the two-hour finale is always a bunch of fluff and hokum with emphasis on the judges and how "fun and clever" they are, I started flipping channels. KISS must have a contract with these shows since they appear often, more often than when they were a touring band. If not all the band members, Gene Simmons is there. Channel turned. I caught some of the fluff between channel flips, but nowhere did I see Alexa and her dogs. None of the posts here mention her either. I know the show wanted to get rid of her (first act to perform, mic on so we heard her yelling) but that was really rude to not even let her dogs be on the last show. First to perform, first out. I LOL'd when Hans was called to compete against V. Unbeatable. As if. If they are V. Unbeatable, why is VIKAS on everyone's backs? Their routine with the drummer, and the kid flying up and grabbing that drumstick, was whack. Best act won since I didn't like any of the others, beside the dogs and Hans. Not that anyone asked me, even though I am a Superfan representing my state. Biggest surprise was Shin Lim's hair. What happened there!
  6. No BMS needed IMO. Since father N.C. Wyeth died in 1945, any paintings he created of his son Andrew's neighbor Helga from 1971-1985 would be worth zillions. Side note: N.C. Wyeth was primarily an illustrator, his painting were used in the books Last of the Mohicans and Treasure Island among others, plus numerous advertisements and magazine covers. That was back in the day when illustrators (my college major) had regular jobs. N.C.'s son Andrew, who was born on Thoreau's 100th birthday, was a regional realist painter. He died in 2009. He created more than 240 drawings and paintings of Helga in secret. They created quite a stir in the art world when discovered.
  7. My trusty sour-cream tub of numbers produced the Winner of Week 23, and that person is ... ta da ... @helpmerhonda Enjoy your week of celebrity, HMRhonda. It's well deserved. Tell the waiter you want the table closest to the paparazzi.
  8. Steve Carell shouted "KELLY CLARKSON" during his chest-waxing scene, when the tape was ripped off. That scene is shown a lot, but I've never seen Kelly Clarkson's reaction to it IRL. That clip/interview must be somewhere.
  9. I got Andrew Wyeth, Maui, census and smiley face. The other TSs, like Borscht Belt, I was "Oh yeah, I knew that," after AT said them. So, half a hearty handshake for me. FJ was a no brainer, I answered instantly. I watch SNL and I know all about Tina Fey's Mean Girls going from movie to Broadway. So proud of myself for getting that FJ right and starting my week out on top. Not. I saw the movie Waitress (Keri Russell!) when it first came out and knew it went to Broadway, but would not have come up with that answer in a billzillion years. *sigh* Side note: Waitress was up for a Tony award, but was beaten by ... wait for it ... Hamilton.
  10. Her episode must have been Before Your Time. I watched from the beginning (Richard Hatch rocked, even though he was naked most of the time) but thankfully, I can no longer get CBS stations. The show is no longer fun what with all the fighting. The first couple of seasons were good entertainment though. I thought AT's comparing himself to Jeff Probst was pretty funny though.
  11. As did I. That was a first, and me thought it was funny. Does that have anything to do with his FJ bet being 420?
  12. She could be Katrina Badowski-Bukowski. That's epic crab ragoon!
  13. And I'd be all jumping up and down and waving that buzzer over my head a la Statue of Liberty, and clicking it like crazy to get anyone's attention. You guys would love me. I don't (consciously) remember one single thing I learned in high school. That you folks do is ... stunning. @Clanstarling, I do remember the Prince Valiant Sunday cartoon strip. If someone had a bob haircut with bangs, we called it a Prince Valiant. Later, if the bob cut was shorter, that got changed to a Moe.
  14. The weird part to me was Lionel then explaining himself instead of sending that smart-ass kid home, which is what he deserved. Such a jerk. The kid, not Lionel, who said everything I was thinking. Big YES to this being so scripted, it's OTT fake. Like that Russian chick just conveniently having her "card" tucked into her shoulder after she was asked to do a second performance. And I totally could have done w/o her profanity-laced rant about how stupid the judges are. We know, we know, you think you are perfect but you sucked. Get over it.
  15. Spoiler alert! Lincoln isn't really crippled, he's been faking it this whole time. If only ...
  16. Yes. The only part I liked in this episode was when the one guy yelled at and bitched out Lincoln for not listening to him when he told Lincoln to wait before going into that warehouse, meaning it's Lincoln who's the dumbass and it's his own fault he's crippled now. I give that speech a big YEAY. I also noticed Lincoln's right hand moving as he rotated his chair. Busted!
  17. @Sharpie66, you are three weeks behind. Come back, don't leave us!
  18. As Paul Harvey would say, "And now you know the rest of the story." Didn't know there was one besides the Kentucky fort, but now I'm ready for when it's a Jeopardy clue. So thank you PW!
  19. There's always "What is FedEx" for next time.
  20. Social Media. Which is quite different from S and M.
  21. And that spike hair! I thought the bad guy looked like Arquette but didn't look it up to make sure. Photo is too fun, and yeah, they were but wee tykes in that pic. Thanks for finding and posting it @luna1122.
  22. I've been to Fort Knox but didn't notice it being especially vertigo enducing!
  23. We should have teamed up. That was one of the two I got correct.
  24. I think those are brain-lapse issues rather than buzzer issues. Not that I ever have brain failure when confronted with some of those clues. *ahem cough* I liked the Time Zone category, it made me feel smart. The Opera category ... not so much.
  25. I wish the reporter who was following the couple would have asked, "Why did you kill your two kids? Where are the bodies of your two children? Did you bury your kids you murdered in Utah or somewhere else? What was in those totes at the storage unit? How did you cut up the kids' bodies to fit in the totes? Is your god going to forgive you for murdering your children?" Stuff like that instead of the stupid things he did ask. I also wish the storage manager had entered that unit and looked in the totes, even if it would be illegal and any evidence would be thrown out of court. At least cops would know for sure both kids are dead. I wish the grandpa, when grandma got on his case for referring to the kids in the past tense, would have just said "I said it that way because they are dead." Those bikes and books in the storage unit have no evidence on them unless one of the totes opened up accidentally while in the unit and spilled blood and guts over the bikes. Payment was stopped on the unit so everything in there belongs to the storage unit owner now. For Dateline to suggest mom would come back for the bikes in spring was stupid to even say. Add me to the group who doesn't understand how someone can ignore a court order and just la la la go on with their lives and nothing happens. WTH is that about.
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