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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Oh, thanks for reminding me he's a jerk. I had already forgotten his storyline (which I hated) and was dwelling on eye candy only. Okay, now I don't like him any more. Grey is still a hottie IMO though.
  2. The case of the week held no interest for me and, lightning strike me, I couldn't even with Dex's flashback scenes, I just wasn't interested. I didn't see how that woman's husband HAD to be "the one and only" person who could have blown up that transport. If he were apprehended there would be no more explosions and the war would be over? Like I said, I just couldn't get into that backstory. Too forced and bogus for me. I was also irritated at how stupid the show runners think we are that Dex drives down a long lane, the only car, no houses, nothing in sight, and "surprises" Sue Ellen who is standing in a deserted pasture where it's dead silent, brushing a horse. "Oh, gosh, Dex, what a surprise, where did YOU come from?" Where I live, I can hear a car coming down the road when it's one mile away. Can't see it but I can hear it. It's no surprise when it shows up. And what's up with shows always making horses whinny. Sue Ellen's horse whinnied ... why? Horses very rarely whinny, and then only because something important to the horse is happening. Dex driving down a deserted country lane would NOT make a horse whinny. It could care less. However, it was nice to see the veteran PTSD guy back again, as I predicted/hoped. And the last two seconds of this episode made me perk up and actually care enough to watch next time. So see you guys then.
  3. I was under the impression that all people who appeared on Jeopardy were real. D'oh! I immediately thought "A Night at the Roxbury," and found it on J6.
  4. Same here. I could run the entire board if all the categories were SNL based.
  5. Thank you. Mercy mercy me, I am so losing more brain cells every day. What's going on? I did hear the McDonald's Fillet-o-Fish singing on the radio this morning so the day isn't all bad. Maybe that's a sign of my dying brain cells, how sweet is that I could listen to that fish all day and more. Got to give it up to that fish ...
  6. Same here, since I didn't think "James and the Giant Egg" was a real book. But it's all I could come up with.
  7. You mean the dog that killed the snake in the back yard and brought it inside and draped it on my bed? Ha ha! (I used kitchen tongs to remove/bag it.)
  8. This thread thrives on petty. You are fine. While I didn't pay much attention, I did answer Nicholas Nickleby and Tweedle Dee/Dum. I can still picture them. They were imprinted on my child mind and still reside there. Shout out to the lessons here on Labrador and Newfoundland. Interestingly, both have dog breeds named for them. Watching the recap of Westminster, the announcer (an AKC judge) said "new FOUND land" when that breed came into the ring, while the show onsite announcer said "NEWfunland," which is how dog people pronounce it. Sittin' on the dock of the bay ...
  9. Thank you @Driad. The final contest winners are going to be selected by some unusual criteria this season as well. I don't know yet if Red Shirt* avatars will be one of them. *Star Trek reference.
  10. For some reason, this reminds me of an old Rescue Me. I suppose he will be handicapped in some way, and Liv Tyler will come to the ... RESCUE. It was a quick ending shot. Michelle went to the homeless camp to help someone, got the guy put into an ambulance, then the camera panned to a woman looking out of a homeless tent. Voila, homeless missing sis. Thank you for your support. I was totally irked by Judd throwing away that (refillable) fire extinguisher. You were def one of the cool kids with that outfit. And I'm serious about that! If this thread were in person, I'd be the one with a garter snake chasing ya'll around and laughing my *ss off.
  11. Well, if Peter gets soundly kicked to the curb rejected, I might come back just to watch that episode. He's such a doof, I can't think of any reason he should find "true love." He ruined this franchise for me.
  12. Still waiting for @Fex to report, but meanwhile I name @Driad as Winner of Week 25. While it was not Driad's first perfect week, it was the only perfect score for this week. Congratulations!
  13. Same here. I'm meh whether he lives or dies. He's not the brightest bulb if you ask me. And he's way too macho my way or highway. Yeah, I'd be fine if he stays in a coma. Do people go into a coma when they are shot? I'm guessing he got shot in the chest since that's the biggest part of him. Now if Judd was the one shot, I'd be all OH NO THEY DIDN'T. I even forgive that fire extinguisher being chucked at the snakes a la old-time westerns now that I know it was Judd. Judd rules. I didn't know Tom Cruise had a cousin. Yikes! ETA: I have a zillion personal-experience stories with snakes, both poisonous and not. Most are pretty funny. Like when I found a huge black snake with a big toad half in its mouth. I did a finger flick on the snake's head until he opened up enough that the toad could escape. I never saw either one again.
  14. Or tell the kid to go over and unlock the door, the bad guy was gone. So yeah, I blame her too. The EMTs are there to save the guy she's giving CPR to, yet she doesn't unlock the door? Eh. Lawsuit happening. Or jail the kid for manslaughter/attempted murder. Yeah, that's the ticket! Because every elderly woman everywhere has a samurai sword in her bedroom, right? Some years ago there was a big story here where a woman's mummified/desiccated body was being kept in the bedroom where she died, with the family treating her like she really was alive. I think she had been dead for years. And she didn't smell at all when she was finally found! So that story line was not as bogus as one might think.
  15. This show started out whack with the couple at dinner. The woman had screwed up eyes, her left eye was all squinty, only partly open, and I kept staring at her lopsided eyeballs instead of listening to her whining about leaving her kid. A snake on the floor isn’t going to crawl up and into a baby crib, but whatever. The snake story was pretty fun, I like snakes, but what was with the guy (was it Owen?) throwing the empty fire extinguisher at the basement snakes. Was that something the writers saw on old westerns, when you are out of bullets you are required to throw your pistol at the bad guys. Like that’s a huge deterrent or something. Where was dead/not-dead sister’s truck found? For some reason I thought it was hauled out of some lake, which made me wonder how animals spread the bones all around, and how the blood on the truck was so obvious. But if it was found in a gully somewhere .... never mind. Good on this show and a zillion props to TPTB for the dog being a purebred Bernese Mountain Dog, and a nice one at that. But shame on the show writers for not informing the firemen that dogs can be safely crated when alone so they don’t destroy houses or fire houses. Best line of the night: “You’re being a dick to a cancer dog.” Hey Michelle, maybe show some respect and don’t wear holey-knee jeans when visiting a chapel. Or anyone in a hospital. WTH with all these dramas taking time to showcase their actors singing. Was this ep a cross over with This Is Us? Spare us, writers. No more. The kid shooting that gun was another great surprise scene, although it will take a lot to beat out the golfer lightning strike from last week. That was golden. Sis is in the homeless encampment. Yawn. Why didn’t she move on to Dallas or, even better, Houston. Or even better, New Orleans. Or even better ... totally off this show. I liked her better when she was dead.
  16. Oh, YEAY to Clare being bachelorette. FINALLY, a season I can get excited about and watch. She's always been a fav of mine. I dropped this franchise for the first time after just a few minutes of Peter, and I didn't like Hannah Brown at all, she even made me quit watching DWTS. I'll be there for Clare. I hope it will be as good as I imagine! LOL that none of the applicants on Peter's season made the cut. Too bad, so sad. NOT.
  17. Omgosh! I would NOT haven gotten that and I’d be like, wtf?! While I would have LMAO. So thanks!
  18. My schedule said a new episode was airing today here too, but it lied. That's not happened before. Here, anyway.
  19. We got a rerun here today, from Week 18 of Season 35, January 8, 2019. According to TheJeopardyFan.com, a real episode did air today in other markets. I get FJ clues/answers from Andy's TJF site, but I wonder if this happened in other markets. It really goofed my viewing pleasure.
  20. I'll bet Worf can pronounce it correctly.
  21. Oh what the heck. We're all friends here. 4/5 it is. I don't mind snakes, but I absolutely LOVE PeeWee Herman. "I know you are but what am I?" Hehe heh.
  22. SO MUCH THIS. What's up with that. Then don't hang around me because I'd have you in tears. I've never heard of him.
  23. I am the only one here who has never heard of Cthulhu or what/who it is. Eh. I think "hissing cockroach" should be given some kind of extra credit as a great answer.
  24. Oh, that's right. I had totally forgotten about her. She was the woman Bill's wife freaked out about because she was pretty. Like if she'd been an ugly cow (eh), then it would be okay with her if she were Bill's CI. I wonder if Me Too is cutting back on script writers' ideas. Both Bill and Bishop now have some Big Secret that will be/not be revealed based on show renewal.
  25. WEEK 25 • Feb. 24 — NO asterisk * 121. Music Stars. In July 26, 1972 he testified before a Senate subcommittee on national penitentiaries. 122. Fast Food. This sandwich was 1st sold in 1962 as an attempt to give the many Catholics of Cincinnati something to eat on Fridays during Lent. 123. Science Words. In 1611 Kepler used this word from the Latin for “attendant” to describe the discoveries of Galileo. 124. 18th Century America. The first Census, in 1790, listed 24 urban places; this port was the most populous one in the South. 125. The Civil War. The Chicago Tribune called Clement Vallandigham, an anti-war Ohio Democrat, a “traitor” & a “hissing” one of these creatures.
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