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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Well, today was my day for Jeopardy to be interrupted after player interviews to air a bunch of hot-air bloviating and BS. None of the other networks carried it, and Jeopardy airs right before local then national news. I could hear channels being switched all over the broadcast region. Mine being the loudest.
  2. So Malcolm saw the box-woman sister in the back of the car AND in the box? Was she dead both times? Why was she put in the box after being in the car, wouldn't Dad have put the body somewhere besides in his own basement? Not that it matters since I don't care about the box woman or the sister or Eve. Heh, I guess two of those are the same person. Malcolm must have graduated first in Brawl Fighting 101 at the FBI academy, he's a pretty bad-ass fighter for looking like a Moma's Boy. Although he was real fine looking at the end, at home all casual. Dad continues to be my fav character. Kudos to whomever writes his dialogue.
  3. That reminds me that Dex used to gt in a brawl every episode. I remember, she never ever got even a scratch or bruise. Those were fun, and was the car auto-playing tapes. I had forgotten about all the fight scenes.
  4. Trebek irritated me with his announcement of "It was before their time" after revealing the FJ category. That could have (and maybe did in Michonne's case) affected FJ wagers. Plus, doesn't everyone have access to ME TV and Antenna TV? I get reruns of Leave It To Beaver, Andy Griffith, Hazel, and The Rifleman is on right now, all old-timey BW TV shows that were "before my time." But I can answer any question about them and dozens more. I think that Sue Grafton question was on the board in yesterday's game even though it was a FJ last year. Either that, or it was in J6; I just remember seeing it again. Check the J Archive to see what you missed yesterday. One day my station played a rerun of a show from last year when everyone else had a new episode. Don't go crazy on us!
  5. This was FJ question 13, week 3, of season 35: Category: Authors. After this woman’s death, her daughter wrote, “As far as we in the family are concerned, the alphabet now ends at Y.” Answer: Sue Grafton I've also seen it in the J6 clues, plus during regular categories on the board, not just FJ.
  6. @Prevailing Wind, I will miss your Road Trip almost as much (maybe more!) than you. I enjoy reading your recaps and taking the trip along with you. Well, make that after you. I'm guessing RBG is a bit bummed that she has to stay home as well. Give her a HIGH FIVE from Saber. Maybe she can rate a couple of your home-cooked meals.
  7. Well, I could have told you that. Glad to (not) see you back here, too!
  8. Tah DAH! Announcing the Dual Winners of Week 28 ... @lb60 and @M. Darcy. This co-award celebrates forward and backward continuums. Okay, so maybe continuum isn't the correct word but I like it so I'm using it. That, plus I appreciated their consecutive three-week scores of 4-3-2 and 2-3-4. Mirror continuums worthy of The Weekly FJ Contest Co-Award. Congratulations to both of you! Maybe you continue your continuums in Week 29.
  9. Sorry to hear that @Browncoat. But maybe more people will sign up for next year. (Bright side. TM Monty Python) What a hassle to try to get $ back from cancellations. Have been seeing some not-so-nice posts about airlines. Good luck on you.
  10. Just waiting for @Fex and @Minaboo, then the week's winner(s) will be posted. I hope everyone is doing okay and are just laying low, waiting for our Jeopardy fix.
  11. That's definitely going to screw up your FJ answer for Saturday.
  12. And Labrador too, one would assume?
  13. Last night's episode about the New Hampshire 25-30-year-old cold case, the bones in the barrel, was another gripper. 20/20 does so much better than Dateline; Dateline repeats so much during the hour, and works to throw red herrings out before revealing the killer ... this show is straight forward and just gives the facts and how things came together, which I appreciate. I'm stunned, however, thinking that the second barrel was there for a few decades before someone walked back and actually found it. Yikes. I wonder if Terry's name or any or his fake names are on a birth certificate somewhere. It's my thinking the murdered daughter's mother is also in a barrel in some remote location, even though the daughter was found with the other girl's bones. I wonder if the mother of Terry's daughter was the murdered woman in the barrel. Frustrating that Terry died in prison and now all his murders are gone with him. I suspect there are more. How nonchalant that he just left the dead woman in the garage under all the kitty litter. Like, well, I'll get to moving that body out of here when I feel like it, maybe next week. Or not. Heck, he was never caught for the other murders, why would he be caught for that one? The ending of this episode brought me to tears. I can't imagine what all of those people were going through, but I hope they can find some peace and closure.
  14. I couldn't find this Kimmel thread after the Mayor Pete episode. I wanted to post how much I enjoyed it, I LOL several times. I though he was so very good, and I didn't miss the audience since the crew supplied enough laughter and feedback. When one of his jokes sort of tanked, I like how he ad libbed, "They write all these jokes for me." I also got a big kick out of his fangirling Patrick Stewart, and Sir Patrick fangirling back at Pete. The Star Trek contest hosted by Levar Burton was all kinds of fun too. I actually guessed "neither" about Geordie's underwear choice. Yes, I'm a big ST fan. I haven't seen any Kimmels since it's been switched here to after Dateline. I'm glad Mayor Pete got his episode in before most shows stopped. I do miss Jimmy's monologues, they were my nightly treat.
  15. I did need a vacation from this show since I found Spader's mannerisms fun and stylish this time instead of irritating and obnoxious as was the case last season. I know ... give it a few episodes. He'll be on my nerves again. Cooper continues to be ultra-creepy with wanting tickets to Agnes' recital. Just get a room with Keene and get it over with old man. LOL that Lizzie tells Ressler a big secret and then tells him IT'S A SECRET, you can't tell anyone. That's not how one keeps a secret Lizzie. Tell one person, you've told the world. I was distracted non-stop by the blood-stained-appearing wallpaper on the walls of Aram's bed partner's bedroom. It looked like they were making out in a murder victim's house. Although sort of, in a way, they were. I also was distracted by the jewel in Cynthia's chin. What was up with that. And Aram putting that entire pencil in his mouth was all kinds of nasty. I'm with @mxc90 wondering how Red got so kindly during the break. Last season he killed a guy for just having a collection of salt-and-pepper shakers. This episode he lets people who tried to get him killed walk. It's the Newer Softer Red. I sort of like him better this way. That, plus now his FBI team is totally working with and for him in his capers.
  16. Thanks @Natalie25. Now the Benny connection/story line makes more sense.
  17. Never mind. (One of my better posts.)
  18. I'm so glad this show is back. I just couldn't with the Lincoln Rhymes series, I had to bail from that, made the jump to Shark Tank. There should be a joke in there somewhere. What was up with that brass box being called a casket? i have jewelry boxes that are square like that, not casket shaped at all. Well, unless you watch Prodigal Son, then any box is a casket. Maybe I have Red's original caskets and don't even know it. Welcome back. I missed you and your flip phone Dembe.
  19. WEEK 28 • March 16 — ONE asterisk * 136. Movie Musicals. Water pressure issues in Culver City, home to MGM, impacted the filming of an iconic scene in this 1952 movie musical. 137. U.N. Members. It incorporated the “one country, two systems” principle in its constitution in 1982 & put it into practice after a 1997 reunification. 138. Fairs & Expositions. To celebrate the 500th anniversary of a major event, Seville, Spain & Genoa, Italy both had expositions in this year. 139. 20th Century History. 1946 was the last year this place, now a country, was represented in the U.S. House of Representatives. * 140. Women Authors. 2 events figure prominently in her 2003 memoir: A coup in Chile on September 11, 1973 & the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. *
  20. Okay Boomer. Around here everyone stores grain in a bin. There is a big bin behind my barns. It's not a hopper. What's up with Trebek being all "everyone knows rye bread is black." No it isn't. The rye bread I make and buy is a nice tan color. I guess people don't wear overshoes any more. Remember Totes (TM) anyone? I got a laugh that Kit Carson was one of the J6 answer choices. Also, respect the FJ category was Woman Authors. I like Michonne because she doesn't upspeak her answers. I also like that she's the first Michonne I've come across since I quit watching The Walking Dead. FJ = Never in a million. I grabbed Hillary Clinton out of the air just to have an answer. Was pleased to see a person who was actually smart enough to be on Jeopardy wrote the same.
  21. I know you are a Monday poster Your Majesty, so figured you posted from work. A couple other players are the same, so I hope everyone is doing okay. I'll keep your score line open until you can fill it in. Not a problem!
  22. Why do I not know this. I am so disappointed in myself. Someone, beam my brain up. Make it so.
  23. This spin off would be better than the main show IMO. Plus I find Bishop more attractive than Bill these days!
  24. All I came away with from this episode is that why don't men who insist on being hotties with their five-o'clock shadow ever shave their neck. It's so gross. Bill is a lazy ass with his nasty neck hair. I do like the Bishop character, although I don't know what Bishop's job is now. Used to be Bill's driver and assistant. Now it seems it's I Can Do Everything Better Than Everyone Else. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Mrs. Bill going to tell the prison chick she's no longer controlling her life was all kinds of dumb. Prison chick didn't know anything about her PTSD, but now she does. Plus Mrs. Bill could have said "I'm out here and free and I am going home to my husband. You're in there and will never see your man again, ever." Opportunity lost. Next week: The quinceañera finally happens. Will Bill dance or won't he? Tune in next week to find out.
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