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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Having already forgotten all the categories, I wondered how I missed a UPS clue.
  2. I was trying to remember all the Trump-banned Muslim countries for FJ. India is not one of them, not surprisingly. It was predicted on another fan site that Jerry Lewis not Jerry Lee Lewis was going to catch a lot of heat. It hoped the show's PR team was up to fielding the fire.
  3. I flipped back to this in time to see the preview of Mother bawling her eyes out, which made me LMAO after reading about it here. So, thanks show. I'll be back tomorrow with hopes Peter is sent packing back to Mother.
  4. Was there an aerial drone shot of him standing along in the blowing sand, as the drone goes higher and higher until Peter is just a speck on the horizon ... ? I hope so!
  5. Yes! These posts are better than this episode, which is why I'm reading here and only watching during commercials on 911 Lone Star. And even those few minutes are shear TORTURE. I don't know how you guys can stick with it full time.
  6. Peter's mom: "A dingo ate my bay-bee!"
  7. Dad: Maddie's in a tough position because she has standards and morals and my son is a skank whore who doesn't measure up to even the lowest of low moral standard. The rest of Peter's family: Bring back Easy Hannah. Either one, they don't care.
  8. "Don't forget to tip your waiter!"
  9. I knew that but wanted to keep the mystery ...
  10. Behold, the winners of Week 26! First, to celebrate achieving their Very First Perfect Score Week, we shine the spotlight on @Clanstarling and @helpmerhonda. Congratulations to both of you for being perfect. Perfectly smart! May you have many more 5s in the weeks to come. Special Recognition also goes to @opus, who achieved his/her highest score since Week 13. Week 13, 13 weeks later in Week 26 ... nothing superstitious there. Congratulations @opus. Onward and upward!
  11. You know what THEY say ... "Never say never!" Congrats on a perfect week. You too, @Clanstarling.
  12. I was thinking about TK and his reaction to the dog. I do not like TK at all, every story line he has makes TK all about TK and no one else, he doesn't care about anyone but TK, even a dog. The dog has cancer and even though it's not aware of that, it's human compassion that made everyone else love on the dog non-stop. Yet TK rejects the dog because it's going to die (all pets do) so let's just ignore the dog for the next five to 10 years because of that. What a jerk. He treated the cop the same way when the cop made a nice dinner and invited him to spend a nice evening in his company. I hope TK stays in his coma. Judd can be Owen's new adopted son. We'll never see that kid again, the one who shot TK. Maybe he'll get one line of dialogue, but this show moves past traumatic events pretty quickly, like in the same episode. The bones in the truck are suppose to be Missing Sister because of the bracelet, but my guess is, someone (the guy maybe) stole the bracelet, or Missing Sister sold it to get drug money, or Missing Sister killed the truck guy and ran the truck into the ravine and her bracelet got caught on the door or something. Pick one! Maybe the writers haven't figured it out yet, that's for Season 2, if there is one. Like I care about Michelle or MS, which I don't. More Judd and Owen, please. And Buttercup! There isn't a big enough gift basket in this world to apologize for that IMO.
  13. Yes, certain breeds are prone to certain cancers. But breed clubs are constantly working toward isolating and eliminating hereditary diseases in purebred dogs, and responsible breeders do multiple health tests and get health clearances on their dogs before breeding, and spay/neuter dogs that do not pass, the goal being a disease-free breed. There is a big problem with "rescue" dogs being so popular, many are imported from overseas to be sold as rescues. Mongrels and "designer" dogs could have every hereditary disease known, passed down from their zillion unknown ancestors. Interestingly, dogs on chemo do not lose their hair. Back OT, Buttercup will remain beautifully coiffed!
  14. WEEK 26 • March 2 — TWO asterisk * * 126. From The Desk Of The Pope. A 1919 letter quotes Jesus, “Go into the whole world and preach the gospel” & notes the vigilance, energy & hardships of these workers. * 127. Children's Books. This book was published in Latin as “Virent Ova! Viret Perna!!” 128. 20th Century Artists. This artist who lived from 1904 to 1989 had a first name that means “savior” in Spanish. * 129. British Novels. A laboratory known as the House of Pain is on Noble’s Isle, the title setting of this novel.* 130. 21st Century Movies. After its initial release in 2016, it became the first major motion picture to be dubbed in Tahitian.
  15. No grandchildren for me, and I wouldn't have gotten FJ in a bill-zillion years, and me, a movie fan. When the answer was revealed, I was all, "Hey, that's no movie, it's a CARTOON." I learned a new word today, "exactor." Any horse-racing term is second nature to me, but "exactor" sounds more like a Harry Potter dementor curse. I call foul on CANDOR. What a poorly written clue, "2 states on the West Coast bookend North Dakota to form this 6-letter word for frankness." I was so confused since North Dakota is nowhere near the West Coast, so how could WC states be next to it. Yeah, read it a few times and work at it and one can maybe figure out what they were going for. A better clue would be something like "Two West Coast states added to North Dakota form a 6-letter word for frankness." Not surprised it was a TS.
  16. I didn't watch this episode since I have no interest whatsoever in Bill's daughter, Bill's wife or Bill's MIL. I might watch online if reviews here are interesting. So far, looks like that's a no!
  17. Not auto correct, but my brain keeps changing Ansel to Axel and Sue Lynn to Sue Ellen. So far it's not messing with Dex or Grey. Or is it Gray? i guess Ansel has friends since he's on/was on a soccer team. Isn't that where he met the girl he likes? It would be cool to see/meet some, but I guess only so much can be squeezed into 45 minutes.
  18. Thank you @WhoisMark. I always try to see if I can recognize past (and future!) players when the audience is shown, but today was the first I've noticed Jimmy, it was a different camera angle. Clue Crew ... what a great job.
  19. Dogs can get all the same cancers people do and for the same reasons ... meaning it just happens. Lung cancer in dogs can be primary or secondary. Primary means a tumor was found in the lungs, something that is difficult to find until the growth is large enough to be seen on x-rays. Secondary would be if the cancer spreads to the lungs through the blood or lymph systems or by tumor cells from a cancer that originated in another part of the body. While neither is good, secondary is worse.
  20. When the audience was shown at the beginning of this episode, I wondered who the fellow was sitting by himself in the row of chairs along the front of the audience seating. He had a big notebook or pad of paper on his lap. All the judges were in front of him. Anyone? I got a laugh out of dung beetle being an answer. When I was a kid I spent a lot of time watching dung beetles roll their balls of manure to wherever they were going, and having great difficulty when that poop ball rolls into a depression in the dirt and they have to try and shove it out of the hole. Yeah, I'm easily entertained. But admit it -- that's not something one sees every day.
  21. He was a total dick to his adoptive parents in his episode. We've seen nothing to show us he's changed his opinion of the two people who raised and loved him, and he kicked them to the curb because OMG! HE'S ADOPTED! The horror! He's a jerky creep. Now he's going to jerk Dex around with all the It's A Secret stuff about Benny's death. (Just supposing, that's not a spoiler.) Because Dex is pretty much all about herself if I think about it. Axel was the bigger person to come back to live with Dex. Dex was all, hey, cool, it's my way again. Yeay for me. And, oh yeah, thanks Axel, for giving up your dreams for me.
  22. Except Watson was a machine, not a person. Even though it (Watson) is a real machine.
  23. Do motel-room mini bars have a bill-zillion little liquor bottles? At however much they cost ($2, $5, $10 each?) their motel bill had to be sky high. I did get a kick out of how many times they said "Ukiah" though. Has to be an inside joke.
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