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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Such as ABC, NBC, CBS and PBS. And certain radio stations that don't strictly play pop music.
  2. I know, right? Since homophones are pronounced exactly the same. Duh-Duh.
  3. Raisin Bran. It should have its own IMDB page after this episode.
  4. That pretty much describes all FJs. They either come to you or they don't. Obviously not, since the phrase got 5,500 percent increase in look ups. And since I'm one of the clueless, the facts and I declare your comment not true. Although I've never considered myself "most people," so there's that.
  5. A bad lawyer could get her off and a bad prosecutor wouldn't even take the case. As far as Aram and anyone else knows, the blood-test results were made up by one of Red's pals living in the back of a pool hall. Besides, I'm incredulous that Aram got blood from a dead body in a funeral home because of this: "In Maryland, there is a law that states that if a deceased remains is being held at a funeral facility 48 hours or more after the death has occurred, that the remains must be either embalmed or refrigerated." Someone else posted this happened in Maryland, so I went with that. My first WTH this episode is how the trucks got into the lake to begin with. Or was it just the containers? Why dump them in a lake when they could be repainted and sold, or scrapped for $. Made no sense. Was Red running drugs/illegal meds in Alaska? I was very unclear on that. LOL at Lizzie calling Park "an ice-road trucker" when she's driving on a cleared and clean highway. Yeah, there was snow on the sides of the road, but since it snows in most of the lower 48, what was that big deal. Ressler shoots that guy and Lizzie walks right past the body without checking to see if he was really dead or only party dead and opens the door to the "secret" room. Shot bad guys jump up all the time to shoot again. Doesn't Lizzie watch tv? I still don't know why the guy grabbed the shotgun to (not) kill Ressler and Lizzie. They didn't have a warrant to come inside as far as I know. And bailing out the back door would make more sense than murdering two federal agents. (It was difficult for me to call Ressler and Lizzie that.) The guy in the truck is freezing to death. Park gives him her coat, then she's freezing so he gives it back. Then they knock out the bad guy and handcuff him, yet freezing man doesn't take bad guy's coat first, and then all of a sudden he's nice and toasty warm running through the sub-zero freezing Alaska wilderness. Alrighty then. LOL that the crack FBI team can't hide a GPS on a gigantic semi truck nor have an ear bud small enough to not be seem by some bad guy 100 miles away. Also LOL that Lizzie and Ressler stop to WAIT until the rescue helicopter, which they were told was on its way, arrives, just IN CASE someone at the crash scene needed them. Like the mission they were on, to track Park's truck, wasn't important any more. What a couple of maroons, to quote Bugs Bunny. Big gunfight! Lizzie and Ressler run into the gun battle with no body armor. I guess Lizzie's fine cable-knit sweater was bullet proof. Meanwhile, two guys in full SWAT protective coverings, including head gear, walk Elodie out of the basement FBI bunker. WTH. I hope she has a good saving account so she can hire some bad lawyer and then one of her underground pals to put a contract out on Aram. He's such a jackass. And what's with Lizzie telling Cooper that they all have skeletons that all need to be overlooked. I'm for firing everyone, including Cooper, and getting some fresh faces on that team. One last thing ... I still don't know what Park did to get her kicked out of Alaska. A little kid shooting up her junkie mom ... so what. But the main question is, so Alaska was the prime FBI location, everyone wants to work there, but Park got kicked out so had to take the crap job in Maryland/DC/NYC? Eh ... right.
  6. Bob and Tom's Mr. Obvious reference?
  7. The scandal of Trump withholding money from Ukraine until it dug up dirt on Biden (a quid pro quo) reached public attention in mid-September 2019 due to a whistleblower complaint made in August 2019. Trump's subsequent impeachment was based on this quid pro quo. It was kinda big in the news.
  8. WEEK 31 • April 6 • College Week — NO asterisk 151. Wonders of the Modern World. Nicknamed “The Big Ditch”, in 2014 this modern wonder celebrated its 100th anniversary. 152. American History. A 1711 bill cleared the names of 22 people who were tried in this town, including Rebecca Nurse, Giles Corey & John Proctor. 153. American Authors. She published under her middle name; her first name was Nelle, Ellen backward in honor of her grandmother Ellen Finch. 154. European Borders. Barely changed since a 1297 agreement, the border between these 2 countries is called La Raya on one side & A Raia on the other. 155. Words In The News. On September 25, 2019, searches on merriam-webster.com for the definition of this 3-word Latin term increased by 5,500%.
  9. Hooray for the show writers, letting Mr. Trebek say "genre" four times. Best day ever. And didn't I hear a "Good for you" during interviews? Simple pleasures can be the best. I was one of the 5,500 percent who searched for the definition of FJ, so this was an easy answer for me. I can see why two players missed it though, they probably already knew what it meant so they paid less attention, or no attention to it. I got blown off by a doctor friend when I said "quid pro quo" to him. He was all, yeah, so what. It was everyday language for him, he was not impressed by my newly found knowledge. Darrin.
  10. But do you really WANT to know ... ?
  11. That would make this one of the best episodes ever. I'm crossing my fingers Red can make it so.
  12. Yesterday it was so cold I wore a tuque to go get the mail if that helps.
  13. Thanks @Etta Place. Your post led me to an interesting site on the history of Stanford's mascot/not mascot, so I learned a lot today and it's still early. The tree looks just like @Prevailing Wind's avatar/icon!
  14. Maybe Parks was investigating those guys Lizzie murdered up there a few seasons ago. Aren't the doctors and the ME the ones to tell Aram that? Since I think I remember Red killing his doctor. Or maybe it was Lizzie's ex boyfriend-doctor that he killed. Somewhere there should be a list of all the people Red has murdered.
  15. Gone AND forgotten, at least by me, until you wrote this. Gah. Doesn't Red have a real daughter too, she was working a food truck some seasons ago? I pulled that from the recesses of my brain, which this show has managed to fog over pretty well.
  16. I did the search for you since I'm avoiding work and/or doing anything constructive. They speak Catalan in Andorra. It's the only country anywhere that has Catalan as its official language. However, people there also speak Spanish, French and Portuguese. Hey, that could be a Jeopardy! clue some day. We have another soph-o-more playing today, Friday. I need to make a note for me to pay attention when he/she is introduced.
  17. Yeah, that was some luck that the only clue Beni didn't get correct in that category was the DD (if I remember correctly). All three were good players.
  18. Since you asked: I found this earlier today.
  19. Jimmy had already started the elbow bump to replace shaking hands on his show, but March 12, the night Pete Buttigieg hosted his show, was the first Kimmel show without an audience. Crew members made up the audience that night just as crew is making up the audience on WWTBAM. I felt sorry for Pete with no audience, but the crew and staff did a great job as pseudo audience members. You are correct that they got the taping in just under the wire. And whew, I'm glad they did.
  20. Being a junior, he WAS older! I totally missed Johnny saying "sophomore," and didn't notice Alex saying it even once. Maybe there will be one tomorrow. LOL that none of these kids watch This Is Us. And I thank all three of them for that. I didn't know Key West was the name of the city/town. I thought that was the name of the island, like Santa Catalina is the name of the island while Avalon is a city on Santa Catalina. So add me to that TS, making it a QS. I was fascinated by Beni's hair, I LOVED it. I wish I were his hair cutter/trimmer. I love trimming Bichons and Poodles, and no offense meant by that whatsoever. Side note: Saturday nights on dog-show weekends, we dog people can be found cutting (and coloring!) hair for the other handlers. I've learned a lot from them for cutting people hair. I'm already tops with grooming dogs. (not-so-humble brag) Calling someone a prodigal son is right up there with so long and thanks for all the fish for fav sayings. Because I know Spanish and have a good friend in Lisbon, FJ was a snap. And speaking of snap, my brain synapses are on fire with four FJs in a row, a record week for Saber. I'm SMOKIN'!
  21. *knocking wood* Jeopardy! aired here today just fine. *throw salt over left shoulder and spit into the wind*
  22. If that happens, Opus you pompous ass, call me and I will come to your defense. You made me snort and LOL, not an easy achievement these days. And, back at you for my post.
  23. LOL! I remember when all my friends were proud to be called a "Jane, you ignorant slut." Myself included! Badge of honor.
  24. Shana Alexander. I was just a woofin' with ya, no offense taken. I suspect Her Majesty was also giving you the tease. Maybe I should have replied, "Dan, you pompous ass." I've been an SNL fan since day 1. Not much, if anything, gets by me in reference to that show.
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