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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I blame it on Janet wearing Ariana's fake ponytail. I gave him credit for recognizing that.
  2. You mean those personal messages the show declared, mid-way trough James' appearances, would be illegal, banned, never to be done again, ever? Those? I got curry, saltbox and cinnamon (bear). Not sure if there were more. Shout out to the poster here who answered a previous Harry Potter question as "HP and the Philosopher's Stone" instead of "... Sorcerer's Stone." I liked Anastasia. The only FJ I could come up with was The Time Machine, so at least I matched a person smart enough to be on this show.
  3. I had heard Land O Lakes was getting rid of the Native American woman on its butter packages, and this story from today's Onion reminded me. An old boyfriend showed me how he (who had a 9-year-old's mentality) could do a couple origami folds and voilá, the woman had naked breasts. (Just move the knees up to in between her hands and cover up the butter.) Ever since, I've been irritated by the woman's knees having ... well, nipples. Its like the company wanted that to happen. I quit buying Land O Lakes. Meanwhile, it's still fun (at any age) to turn George Washington into a mushroom on the dollar bill, and put a baseball cap on Abe on the five.
  4. I had made a note wondering why after the player responded "three," Trebek asked for more, and she said "score." Surely "three" was the correct answer. So I looked it up and discovered that all these years of me believing Lincoln was correct writing fourscore as two words, the dictionary disagreed with him. It happens more than I care to admit, I look up an answer after the show and learn something from it. I can't tell if you're serious. If so, can you explain? I saw the "15" in the year 1715, so answered Louis the 15th. Whether the year had anything to do with the answer, I don't have a clue. I just know it worked for me and not for any of the players.
  5. I guess I missed that. Eh. I've been to Churchill Downs many times -- I highly recommend its museum -- and, since I follow horse racing (and have owned an off-track thoroughbred), I was pleased to get that easy TS. Same with OK Corral, as a fan of old westerns. Seems like that was a clue/answer not that long ago. Side note: Kentucky Derby has been moved to September 5. Mina's voice echoed, which made me wonder if the studio audience was missing. I was gobsmacked by the middle player finding a DD in the second row, an $800 clue. She is behind the leader by $800 and she bets $600 when she has plenty of cash to easily take the lead? WTH is up with these players the last two days. Someone needs to kick their collective asses before they go on the show, or at least show them how to bet so you can win maybe one game? I mean, she chose that category out of a full board, and if she was so uncertain to just bet $600 on an easy DD, why be in that category at all? I got Louis the 15th because the year was the clue, 1715. I learned threescore is one word, not two. Who knew. Having grown up in the era of only three channels, The Ten Commandments was a yearly staple, shown every Easter. That tradition has continued all these many years later, with The Ten Commandments STILL being aired on network every Easter. While I always get a kick out of Yul Brynner as Ramses and the character gangster actor Edward G. Robinson as Dathan (Yvonne de Carlo! Vincent Price!), my Easter tradition is to turn the channel and not watch, and I didn't watch again this year. But I got FJ correct!
  6. Yeah, of course. I doubt the cop realized he left major DNA during the murder. If the hairs weren't on Jesse and the DNA under his nail, rando DNA from the cop -- if any were even found -- could be explained by his "guarding' the scene. It just didn't work out for him. And who knows if Stephen was even thinking that way. I'm just supposing as a cop, he would be aware of not letting anyone into a crime scene so as not to goof up or add DNA. Hey, it's just a thought!
  7. Well, all you Contest Contestants, it's time to reveal the winner of Week 33. And that lucky player is ... dum de dum dum ... @Fex, who made the remarkable climb up three rungs from the depths of last week to (almost) the pinnacle of the highest (almost) high of this week. Congratulations @Fex. Long may your brain rain. I mean, reign. *applause*
  8. And a reason for his DNA to be in Jesse's apartment and around the crime scene, something I didn't think of until reading this post. The DNA under Jesse's fingernail was a little harder to explain, however.
  9. I got the impression Mr. Trebek liked it and liked her, from the towel scarf on her neck to her chatting. It could have been edited out, but the show seems to like odd-ball players, like Dancing Jennifer and, of course, Mr. All In. Gets people talking. Meanwhile, The Chaka Khan video clip is getting lots of play online and shares on SM.
  10. I was freaking that the middle woman, who uncovered two DDs, was too chicken to bet anything worthwhile. What's up with the people who have an opportunity to win and just toss it away.
  11. EXACTLY my thinking as well. I didn't even consider anyone else, Grant was obviously the answer and this show likes obvious. Amiright? No? Zither was a clue/answer not that long ago, but I guess people don't know what it is unless it's playing The Third Man theme. And yeah, Code Blue is in every hospital tv show ever. Some episodes, more than once. I was telling her to STFU during the interview when she wouldn't shut up about birthing her baby, with all the details. She was droning on and on and on ... Then after FJ ... gah. I'll be telling her to STFU tomorrow too, no doubt.
  12. If she only had some other woman fighting her for Danny, she would still be there. No drama = see ya, don't wanna be ya. She shoulda watched this franchise before signing on. As promised, next week = more tears, crying, fighting, Brandon loves me, Brandon doesn't love me. This show might be good if this franchise skipped all that crap for one season. JUST ONE SEASON.
  13. OMG! HARRISON IS GIVING OUT THE ROSES! MOST DRAMATIC CEREMONY EVAH! Of course Brandon Savannah stay. Show gotta have the drama and tears. Tune in next week for more crying, sobbing and broken hearts.
  14. I know. I've been staring at her. I haven't seen her since she was Ke$ha. Maybe she had to up her drugs to appear on this show ... ? She reminds me of when Jay Leno was on AGT and couldn't keep his eyes open, and acted stoned whenever he spoke. "Master Thespian!"
  15. I hope Brandon and Savannah rock it, and Julia forgets all her words. Ouch. Except Savannah is really off key. Brandon sings just like Adam Sandler! Oh, NOW Julia is "confident" with what she and Sheridan have. Gah. Right.
  16. Man, Julia = Bat Shit Natascha + Ryan = Mom and teen son So one couple is going home after the performances. My money is on it NOT being the Julia or Brandon couple.
  17. "Me and Julia ..." ugh Sheridan. Although your grammar fits the Bachelor Franchise stereotype. I don't get it. These people have known each other a couple of days. The show isn't making them get married by week's end, is it? Why not stay, hang out with whomever gave you a rose, get a ton load of exposure for your music*, enjoy the vaca and have a good time before cashing in. *However, given the lack of activity here, maybe none of these people are being seen by anyone so this isn't exactly giving anyone a big boost into the music industry.
  18. If only you had posted this sometime last week ...
  19. She could have said she didn't want to hear about that stuff, keep the TMI to yourself. So I'm saying no kicks, not shocked. And lots of kids are smart asses, even to cops. Old people too. Watching one episode of a real-life cop show will teach you that.
  20. The funniest part for me was that Barkley is usually played by someone in a sketch, and this time it was the real deal. He was hilarious. Loved the OJ segment. BURN!
  21. And don't forget, Doc Martens are the best Nike basketball shoes. Wear them to play tennis, too.
  22. I cheered so hard* when the red ball went into the $1Million slot and wiped out the total. I get so irritated at people who are so "not smart" yet get on a show like this with the possibility of taking home a zillion dollars. WTH is a "nah-vey" for pete's sake. That she got that as a correct answer ... OMG. Then she obviously had no idea who Oscar Hammerstein was, yet she lucked into answering that one too. In theory, she should have had no answers correct. Then she came down and the host told her she got "nave" correct, and I could hear her brain thinking WTH is a "nave"? Her husband was all about the "nah-vey" too, so I guess they were meant to be together. Maybe they should try going to church some Sunday. I hate all that "I love you" cr*p at the end. For once I wish the husband would say, "You are such a freaking dumbass, you lost us $90,000, bitch." I also wish women would stop wearing heels to jump around on the stage. Makes them look even more vacuous. I think contestants for this show are chosen by how photogenic they are because these two sure were not chosen for their SAT scores. *And I cheered again when she said she tore up the contract.
  23. We were told Jessie repeatedly asked Stephen about his life but Stephen wouldn't tell him anything, he only wanted to talk about Jessie and Jessie's life. After a while, in a relationship, while at first it's flattering, it gets suspicious. Jessie might have wanted a more permanent relationship with Stephen ... "Why can't we go to dinner together, go to the movies together, why don't you stay over for the weekend Stephen." We've had discussions here about lying by omission (if you don't tell someone something, is it a lie?), so for Stephen to not tell Jessie he was married (to a woman) and had a child, that's being dishonest in a relationship. Jessie might have felt hurt and betrayed. What couple breaking up after being lovers doesn't think of saying and/or doing something hurtful to the person he/she once loved. Whether Jessie would have actually done anything or said anything to anyone about Stephen being married, we will never know. My question: Where Jessie's body was found, was that by/outside his apartment or someplace else? At the beginning of the episode, it was mentioned the major blood was somewhere else besides under Jessie's body. ETA: It's interesting that Jessie never revealed Stephen's name to anyone, even to his mother or online friend. Maybe if Stephen knew that, Jessie would still be alive.
  24. I wasn't sure if Miley was in her real back yard with a bonfire or if she was in front of a green screen, but it was really funny when the smoke blew to the right and totally obscured her face. So I'm guessing real fire. She can now add being introduced by Brad Pitt to her resume! I'm going to check for Dasani water if I ever go to the store again.
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