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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I know him from his being on two seasons of NBC's Better Late Than Never with William Shatner, George Foreman and Terry Bradshaw. That show was a hoot. Congratulations to all the posters who called Jackie Evancho.
  2. I haven't done any of the free months since I "assumed" I would have to give my credit-card number, then it would be impossible to cancel after free time was over. Well, that plus I'd feel I'd have to sit and watch shows for a solid month instead of doing things like work. ("WORK!" -tm Maynard Krebs)
  3. I know. I didn't relate Young Donnie to Agent Ressler at all. A box of Miss Clarol doesn't cost all that much, show. Neither do wigs. Just ask Agent Keene. Which reminds me, Michael Anthony Hall had red(-ish) hair as a teen. Show could have used a little spray-on red-head color for this episode so everyone matched Present Day Donald Ressler. But I guess if the writers don't care about this show making sense, neither do the rest of the production people.
  4. Yeah, I would have been all in with more Natascha screwing around with Julia. She was pretty good at throwing out a baited hook and Julia snagging onto it while Natascha kept her cool. It also would have been fun to have another duet so judges could tell Brandon/Julia they made a great karaoke couple. Jamie's "anxiety" is exhausting. That, plus I don't care.
  5. I agree with this, and the older the better (as with everything in life!). Nice to see you again, @forumfish, long time no hear from. I did watch yesterday and it was refreshing to see a game played quickly and smartly. Once again, it will make us all cranky when regular games start, with all the waffling and pausing and buzzer shaking and multiple TSs and clues left on the board.
  6. Including the real ending, the one after credits. Rudi being distracted by Matt must have been filmed before they became a couple, although it gave us some insight into why they ARE a couple now!
  7. I thought this tweet about yesterday's game was a good one.
  8. But who doesn't love Sydney Chambers on Grantchester? (All three of these shows are on free PBS here, I don't know anything about Acorn. Maybe I'll accidentally sign myself up for it?)
  9. I used to constantly have dreams like those, dead people, people chasing me trying to kill me, witches, people with knives, me hiding, blah blah blah. I finally one night, I said in my dream when some witch was chasing me with a knife to kill me as I jumped over dead bodies and places I tried to hide were full of dead people, I said "This is just a dream so STOP IT and STOP IT NOW." The dream did indeed stop, and after repeating that one or two more times, I've never had another dream like those. Now my dreams are fun and I hate waking up, they are such a great escape. Good luck. Keep us informed about your oxygen progress. And cats ... that's one example of why I like dogs. Mine act like I've been gone for years when I just come in from getting the mail ... crying and jumping and wanting me to hug and pet them, they missed me so much. Eh, everyone might like Acorn.tv ... ?
  10. One of the best interviews I've read, and the links at the bottom lead to even more good ones. Thanks for sharing, Your Majesty.
  11. Here's a map from the Wikipedia time zone page. I cropped it down to show NYC/Lima and the zone for Iceland. You can see the whole map showing the entire world at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_zone Click on the map on the Wiki page to enlarge it. The map shows how whack the Iceland answer was since it's almost directly above the UK.
  12. Same here. But good luck with that since previews show MORE CRYING next week. I guess it wouldn't be a Fleiss show if they didn't feature crying females. It's the foundation of the franchise.
  13. Julia/Brandon were the worst, but no way is the show letting their drama team go home. JMHO. ETA: OMG, I don't believe it. But 'bye. Don't let the door hit ya on the way out. Of course it's all Brandon's fault and Natasha's too. Not that Julia was crap. Oh, no, that couldn't be. I hope Sheridan's at home and laughs his ass off when he gets home from playing his latest gig.
  14. Julia and Brandon = karaoke. Ha ha! And it's all Brandon's fault according to Julia. LOL!
  15. Okay, so I was putting dinner together when Chris and Bri were singing, but did they spend more time showing Jamie having a meltdown than Chris and Bri's performance? What's up with that. Jamie is TOO exhausting. Please, girl. Chill pills were invented for people like her. Of course she will stay because ... drama.
  16. Thank you! I will pay attention to him. I see Jamie's having more anxiety over singing in public, like she didn't know what this show was about when she applied and is now surprised all to heck about it. I actually like Rudi and Matt, although I can see someone being stabbed to death sometime in the future if they stay together.
  17. Now Brandon is doing the same thing to Savannah. He tells her he's still into Julia and criticizes Savannah for not being 100 percent into him, she's holding back five percent. WTH. He's hooking up with Julia, then he's blaming Savannah for things not working out. Oh, man. He is such a dick. I hate Brandon and Julia. There's wrong reasons fun viewing, then there's just awful people not-fun viewing. B and J (heh, funny initials) are awful people. This show could have been so much fun, but it's ... just not. I would love to see him in Paradise. He's a favorite of this "fan."
  18. Sheridan is right. Julia is a drama queen so needs to be with dipshits like Brandon so she can pitch a tizwad whenever. I hope she spends the rest of her life going from dickwad to asshat and back again. I'm cranky today. Heh.
  19. I've already forgotten, is Brandon the "cheater" that the show tried to bust by bringing on Natasha? The song Brandon/Julia "wrote" and sang sucked big time. All i could think of was what the Songland judges would say about it. Except it wasn't good enough for the Songland judges to even get to hear. I'm liking Natasha now too, even though I'm not paying that much attention. Hoping there is a rose ceremony, although if it's the women's turn, that means Julia/Brandon stay one more week. Ugh to that. Sheridan, you are NOT being mean to julia. You need to tell her to just say what she wants to say. Or tell her to STFU and leave. Ha ha, Sheridan did just walk away and now Julia is pissed. Run, Sheridan, run.
  20. LOL at that post since all I could think, watching this episode, was the snark the new champ would get about how he looked, his wrong answers, his eyes, his interview, what he was wearing, how tall he was ... you know, all the typical shade that gets thrown around these parts. I don't see anything wrong with giving just the last name for FJ since it's okay during the regular game and a first name wasn't asked for. Just because Jones is a common name, that's not his -- or her -- fault. It would have been interesting to see what happened if the champ didn't miss his "all in" DD. I also think he got that one answer out before time was up. It's like he started saying it when the light was yellow, not green, but still, it was a yellow light and I think it should have counted. (Equating Jeopardy with traffic lights.) Instead of re-running the GOAT, i'd like to see the first games of all the big-winning players like Brad, Julia, Arthur, Colby and more from the Wayback Machine. I never got to see Ken's run since the show airs during the day here, so today was fun for me. Side note: Jones was stripped of all her Olympic medals/titles after being busted for doping. It will free up my day better so I won't have to stress about being home by 4:30. It'll be a nice brain vacation, although I will probably still watch some if nothing more important comes up, like mowing grass or throwing the ball for the dogs.
  21. Because this week had several interesting scores, I'm announcing THREE WINNERS of Week 34. Looking at totals for the last three weeks, I greatly admire @Minaboo for holding tight to The Most Consistent Score Award, keeping the same score for three weeks straight. Yeay! The next two players share The Mirror Image Consecutive Award for not only having identical scores but having scores that kept increasing by one as the weeks went on. Those astral-twin contestants are @peeayebee and @Trey. Kongratulations and Kudos to all three. And to the rest of our players, keep your chins up, the next winner could be YOU! (After our two-week vacation that is.)
  22. Kit Carson AND 20-Mule-Team Borax! It's a win-win day.
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