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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. My thinking was, it would be pretty cool to have a cartoon avatar created by Hollywood artists. I'd be up for that. The diving segment irritated me. I wanted the good diver to go on and play golf too. I will be amazed if anyone makes it past PortaPotty Row. The big wind at the end was pretty funny since it was real and the announcers were not prepared. The most irritating contestant ended up winning. *sigh*
  2. That was my painting instructor for freshman and sophomore years. Lesson consisted of "There's the model. Paint her." I was frustrated beyond words. Junior year I had a new instructor who took time to show us and explain to us, which is when I learned to love Edward Hopper. I finally "got it" and ended up liking the class so much that I took painting as an elective senior year. (It was a required class freshman through junior.) Interestingly, I never had a problem with my watercolor classes, and class assignments were regularly created in acrylics, I just had trouble with oil painting. These posts are excellent examples of what good and not-so-good teachers mean to us. Speaking of teachers, this tournament is making me think of our @teebax. I miss her posts and hope she is doing well.
  3. We spent a lot of time and had a lot of fun studying M.C. Escher in my Perspective Drawing class in college. Those memories will never fade. "Vanishing point!"
  4. I know that one! I might have hurt my brain coming up with it though. ("Up" with it. Ha ha me.)
  5. I'm going to have to delete four from my future-jokes-to-post file. Now they are your fault, not mine @suebee12!
  6. Don't be greedy. Mary Kate answered correctly. I felt the FJ clue was written in a confusing manner. For anyone who doesn't agree, my point is it confused me. No way could I ever answer it as written. My only takeaway from tonight's game was that Ben, in profile, was a dead ringer for Stumptown's Jake Johnson. That's not a bad thing.
  7. I liked the acts performing in a regular old stage area. The judges obviously did not like it when that one act wasn't all star-stuck and googly eyed surprised and thrilled to see them though. Since I judge acts as to whether I could do them like any cheerleader, I would have sent grvmnt home. Even high-school cheerleaders are better. End of their story. I liked the SA salsa couple who had the son named Derek. I also liked Jake & Chau. Surprisingly, I kinda liked Savannah, unlike Eva HMV Igo, whom I disliked intensely. I could have done without seeing Derek doing hip thrusts with the Williams boys. Why chose that move, Derek? Which brings me to ... Derek stalking JLo is getting creepy, and it's only the first episode.
  8. LOL at "Don't try this at home." Because everyone has a hog or two sitting on their living-room couch. Heidi got less germs on her lips from barely touching them to a pig's face than she would get from man-handled snacks at the craft services table. What she did wasn't exactly "swapping germs." I'd be more inclined to blame her husband and/or four kids for making her sick than some pig she vaguely touched for a split second.
  9. With apologies to all, it's Jokey Jokey Thursday again. I know ... where does the time go. No joke! Meanwhile, I've been seeing commercials for a new My Pillow on tv. This one is a corduroy pillow. It's really making headlines. I bought some coconut shampoo on Amazon the other day. Then when it arrived, I realized I don’t have a coconut. I bought a thesarus at the same time, but all the pages were blank. I have no words to describe my anger. I also ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon. I’ll let you know. (I've been busy shopping online ...) A man asked the manager of KFC, “How do you prepare your chicken.” The manager replied, “It’s pretty simple, we just tell them they’re going to die.” (I know ... not funny) Summer vacation was over, and the teacher asked Johnny about his family vacation trip. Johnny: “We visited my grandmother in Minneapolis, Minnesota.” Teacher: “Good. Can you tell the class how to spell that?” Johnny hesitates, then says: “Actually, we went to Ohio.” A neutron walks into a bar and orders a drink. When the neutron gets his drink, he asks, "Bartender, how much do I owe you?" The bartender replies, "For you, neutron, no charge." Two conspiracy theorists walked into a bar. You can’t tell me that’s a coincidence. My therapist says I have schizophrenia. Jokes on him. I don't have a therapist. My boyfriend thinks I have schizophrenia. Which is funny, because I don't have a boyfriend. If you suffer from schizophrenia, just remember you're not alone. I hate the stigma around mental health. As soon as I got medication for schizophrenia, my friends quit talking to me. A gorilla walks into a bar and says, "A scotch on the rocks, please." The gorilla hands the bartender a $10 bill. The bartender thinks to himself, "This gorilla doesn't know the prices of drinks," and gives him 15 cents change. The bartender says, "You know, we don't get too many gorillas in here." The gorilla replies, "Well, at $9.85 a drink, I’m not coming back, either." See ya'll next week. Meanwhile, my friends and I will be hanging out at the bar ordering stuff from Amazon. I need to buy my boyfriend a present! Toodles.
  10. Here's a little informative reading so next time it comes up, you will be on top of it. It's a very common term, and the opposite of derogatory. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_brat I, too, was stumped. I've never seen nor heard of the Ellipse, and I've been to D.C. and the White House. So I looked it up, and it has an interesting history that goes back to Thomas Jefferson. http://www.washingtondcschamberofsecrets.com/the-mysterious-ellipse.html
  11. JINX. I got stuck between Rumpelstiltskin and Rapunzel for FJ. Yeah, I know those were "Let down your hair" and spinning straw into gold, but I couldn't move past them. I was working while this episode was on so wasn't paying all that much attention. But I did get Justin Bieber, one TS. Seems like Post Malone was a TS as well. I'll be up on things when/if they do a clue about Tekashi 6ix9ine. Since I've been watching reruns of the old Roseanne show, Darlene Conner successfully blocked my brain from coming up with Sara Gilbert in time.
  12. And what was up with repeatedly showing those two older women in the audience. First just regular showing them, then they set up the flag behind them so one could act like it was REALLY HURTING HER HEAD when it was flopping above her. Were they Simon's two aunties or something? I'm so sorry about your son @foxfreakinmulder, I hope he is doing better now. And I totally agree one zillion percent about homeless vs. people with more money than they could ever spend in 20 lifetimes.
  13. I do that now; it's so irritating. All of the letters except a couple have been worn off of my keyboard. If I am looking for a certain letter, I don't have a clue where it is unless I have both hands in "position." THEN I can locate the letter I am searching for. Weird. But proof I don't have eidetic keyboard memory. Although I did answer that question/clue without the benefit of Sheldon Cooper. So there's that.
  14. Bad Salsa was act 2, act 3 was the two Chicago dude singers, one was a homicide detective, he wore a ball cap, the other was either a cop or EMT or something. He sort of broke down after they got done singing so maybe that's your tearing up cowboy? Act 4 was Malek the drummer, act 5 was Ryan Trix/Tricks the magician, then came act 6, Archie Williams the guy who spent 36 years in prison. As to whether you missed anything of interest ... I cannot comment on that! You could post that same thing in every reality-show thread ... American Idol, The Voice, ANW and so on down the line. If you don't have a sob backstory, your odds of getting on the show are slim. Sob stories even work for contestants on The Bachelor.
  15. I thought last night's show was pretty good. None of the judges irritated me, even Simon did not, so I guess the time off was good for me. I wrote down the names of each of the acts, and now I don't know what some of them did. Not that it matters. The pigs were entertaining and the little ones were cute. I kept being distracted by the umbilical hernia on the big sow though. Funny that Sofia seemed afraid to touch the pig. They have hair that is the texture of bristles on a brush. These regular bacon-and-ham producing pigs are cuter than the Vietnamese pot bellied ones that were all the rage as pets some years ago. I liked the two Chicago singer guys, I'd go to a club, buy a drink and watch their show. It was nice to see two guys singing without all the fancy flashing lights and 20-piece orchestra behind them, although I suspect that's in their future on this show. Malek the drum guy ... as another posted, I swear all his drum beat motions were not QUITE in synch with the drum beats we heard. Ryan Trix/Tricks the magician ... I don't know how it's done, but I've seen that same act multiple times from multiple magic performers. He needs to Step It Up. (TM AGT) I admit Archie Williams' singing made me cry. He has a nice voice and again, he wasn't drowned out by flashing lights, dancing girls and a huge orchestra. It was just his singing. Interesting Simon was the only one who mentioned that he has a good voice. I predict he will either 1. win this or 2. be one of the finalists. And I'd be fine with that. I liked the Double Dragons two women, but couldn't help thinking what their act would be like if they were built like Sofia or Heidi. Sorry, I know, I just kept wondering. Would the act be better/worse/the same? I don't know ... If I were a judge when Moses the Grossest came to perform right in front of me, I would have gotten up and walked away. Like I did at home. I knew he would go through though because this show loves nasty stuff like that. Didn't Terry Golden Buzzer a choir of disadvantaged kids (from Detroit?) last season? Good on Voices for finding a way to combat homelessness. So I was okay with the GB. Because we all know backstories are 90 percent of AGT success.
  16. I know, right? Even the son was saying "It's iron, he knows this. He's kidding with us." But surprise, he was not. Let's buy the guy some iron surgical tools.
  17. I bet they still will see it. Zoom graduation plus drive bys are happening. My sixth-grade teacher made a big deal that he would drink a raw egg on the last day of school. It was a HUGE event that we all looked forward to and talked about it forever. Like now, and it's been a couple years since I was in sixth. ETA: I really very much like man buns. Of all kinds. I went through all the thinking processes described above and came up with Iron Curtain. This time I was positive I was correct. Two FJs in a row for me this week. *knock wood so as not to jinx me*
  18. Odd because the keyboard I'm using now (Mac extended) has both an enter and return key. Enter jumps the text to the next column and is in the extended part, return ends that line and text is continued on the line below. That key is above the shift on the main keyboard. I learned to type on a machine that had no return or enter key, you put your left hand up and shoved that lever to return the platen and move to the next line.
  19. I enjoyed this, it's a lot of fun and SO much better than the (IMO) Tag show, which I hated. I even like the backstories okay. I was all for the woman who kept winning, I think she was the former Olympian. All right, so maybe I thought the backstories were okay because I didn't really watch them. Two complaints: What was up with the winning man having, at the end, to run against the show's former football guy who had been through that obstacle multiple times before so, of course, knew the best way to approach everything. Totally rigged IMO. Second complaint: The announcer calling it the "Tie-an" Games. Is this guy friends with Nick "The Masked Sing-ger" Cannon?
  20. The scores are in, folks, and Week 35 has claimed three winners. First award goes to the steady and unwaivering @Clanstarling for consistently achieving the same score for three weeks straight. We like players who are dependable. So, congratulations, and enjoy this high honor. This is YOUR week. Our second and third winners are the brainiacs named @Driad and @Good Queen Jane, both of whom achieved the remarkable accomplishment of being the only players to score a perfect FIVE week. AND an asterisk. Well done, my very oh-so-smart friends. Bragging rights belong to both of you. Congrats.
  21. Interesting to get a refresher course in, while reading here, the fact that sarcasm doesn't always come through in writing. Example: @Clanstarling, you really ARE old, crushing on Archie Manning.
  22. Although it would have been funny if he had replied "Eli."
  23. Neither did I. A nearby town holds the dubious honor of being where Mr. Leach passed away after collapsing on stage during his one-man show. I got FJ before the clue was even finished, then I questioned myself. When is that shape called a panhandle, unless the pan is hanging on your wall. And if Idaho has a panhandle, are Vermont and New Hampshire handle states? No pan, just handle. On Friday, the middle player tried to do an elbow bump with Mr. Trebek. Today he shook everyone's hand. I said bulldog clips for binder clips. I use both to hang skirts and pants on hangers. Both also hold nice big globs of paper. I'd think everyone by now know there is no "s" on the end of Revelation. I'm guessing the other two players misheard. Big props to ivory for his bold DD bets.
  24. The mom and daughter pair ... daughter says, "My mom is so smart, I call her my human google." Wow. Human Google went on to not know a corn hole is bigger than a golf hole, Prince Phillip kissed Sleeping Beauty and tWitch is Ellen's DJ. Okay, so she got the last one by chance, doing a last-minute change guess from Snap. Then Human Google went on to call drizzle "fog," claimed the Empire State Building was built and Babe Ruth played in the 1920s, and said those John Gresham books were "movies" so couldn't figure out which one wasn't one of his books. Human Google not only doesn't know books and authors, she also doesn't know movies. What a dumbass. Is it okay for women contestants to jump on and leap onto the show host? Why didn't the male contestant jump onto Chris? Inquiring minds want to know. I liked the two doctors and was sorry to see them go home with nothing, although the salaries of two doctors is probably more than they would have won anyway. That, plus I question the abilities of anyone who doesn't know iron rusts, copper does not. Geesh.
  25. Or to use one of my favorite sayings, "Great answer! It's wrong, but it's a great answer." I appreciate your way of thinking!
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