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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Rudi, shoes off the bed, Geezy pete, were you raised in a barn? Is all the Rudi/Matt angst producer driven, and they end up finding true love and winning this thing? And speaking of, does anyone win anything? Such BS, having to "fall in love and end up married" after meeting someone two weeks ago. And now fun-loving crazy Rudi wants to "be with her freaking family" instead of in Nashville, singing on the Ryman* stage? WTH. This show sucks. I also think Fleiss has hours of stock crying sounds recorded, along with snot-sucking audio and face-sucking noises to be edited in later. *ETA. It just didn't look like the Ryman so I did a search. They are singing at the Hall of Fame's CMA Theater. The Ryman would have been WAY cooler, but this is the Bachelor after all. Eh.
  2. For some reason, I was all for the brother/sister from Illinois, and felt terribly for them when they went home with nothing. This after last week when I was hoping lightning would strike and kill both of those players, and was disgusted they went home with a nice check. When the four captain names came up as answers, before the question was revealed I said Captain Morgan was the only real one. I guess Captain Stubing is real too, for fans of The Love Boat. It's like the wall was super PO'd at these two, green balls falling into the dollar slot and red balls falling into the million slot. They were pretty much cursed and doomed. I wonder how the weeks following the show's taping went for them, if brother got ranked on after all the "I love you forever" bogus talk that's shown on the show. I imagine some harsh words if brother is late for dinner or put an empty milk carton back in the fridge. I agree that totals should show minus amounts to be climbed back out of to get back into green territory. Not that it would have helped those two last night.
  3. Ken prints his lower-case a the same way I do. Conclusion? Not a clue.
  4. Nancy lost the next game, so she was a One Timer.
  5. I was thinking he was looking long and tall when he was walking across that downtown open space. He still walked like an old guy though. If I were running this show, I would have made me zipping and skating along like Tony Hawk. Obviously Diego's way of getting out of this dreck season. He had an animation face lift, sort of like Ilya, Katarina, Red and everyone else did earlier.
  6. Get out of my head @BrownBear2012. Everything you said, plus.
  7. I admit, this episode didn't keep my attention and I actually got up and left several times. It wasn't the animation, I thought that was pretty cool as it showed how scenes are shot out of sequence. It was the stupid nonsensical plot. Liz is talking to Coma Dom and tells him she loved Mr. Kaplan and misses her? WTH. If I remember correctly, Kaplan jumped off the bridge after Lizzie refused to come with her, it's her fault Kaplan is (mostly, almost, sort of, really) dead. Liz was all, oh well, see ya, don't wanna be ya. Yeah, she was really crushed. Not. I liked the animation around the helicopter with the leaves blowing everywhere. Except they kept blowing constantly when IRL they would blow once and be gone. But whatever. I guess that was a setup for the guy to open the case and let the papers out to blow away. All I could think of was, all those FBI flunkies are going to spend the afternoon combing the woods to collect all those papers, so doing that just put off whatever was going to happen to the guy. The real-life film crew was probably glad they missed that duty when it got passed to animation. Meanwhile, Lizzie's hair, which should grow one-half inch per month, grew at least one foot longer since last week. Here's a serious question. Lizzie says "mom" is "looking for the truth." What truth? WTH does that even mean, she's looking for the truth. I don't have a freaking clue what Katarina is doing or what she wants. Red came to her voluntarily in Europe and she captures/tortures him. Because she wants to know what? She captures Dembe and tortures him to learn ... what. She had Red in her car and didn't try to kill him ... why. WTH is this show about any more? Inquiring minds want to know. When did Lizzie get blue eyes? Maybe they change to blue when she becomes her super-hero self. And WTH was that scene on top of a building. When has anyone on this show hung out on a rooftop. I was sorry the animation cut off before Lizzie ditched her wind-blown coat to reveal her Wonder Woman super-hero outfit before she flew off to murder Dom in the next city. The most depressing part of this episode was the announcement: "Continued next season." There's a NEXT SEASON? Someone, please, put this show out of my misery.
  8. I don't see where Patterson's first name means anything any more than Kramer's first name reveal. At least Seinfeld was a funny show instead of a stupid one, and Patterson being all verklempt about her first name is just stupid. Both of my sisters have regular female first names, but both use their middle names as their main names. Friends (and schools) never knew their first names. And as posted above, Patterson could have gone by Billy, which is a cute female name, popular in the south where I have a (female) friend named that. Or Pat, Patty Patterson. Who gives a care. This was just a really stupid time-wasting plot point that means nothing when you get down to it. More important: Is Weller's kid a teenager now? What's his name. And is Jane's daughter out there somewhere?
  9. It's like the show thought he was a dickweed too, but they were stuck with his dumb ass for some reason. Must have signed a contract.
  10. You New Yorkers are always days behind the real front-of-the-line trend setters, the Midwest. Try to keep up next time. (JK. Maybe.)
  11. Hey everyone! Mr. Jennings is back today. I'm excited to watch his new more spectacular run as champ!
  12. I can't get back into this show, but flipped over during a commercial on the show I was watching. My takeaway was Patterson borrowed some of Jane's Jet Black Miss Clairol, and Weller used some HydroMousse Spray 'n Stay hydroseed for his face covering. That, plus Bill Nye even being on this show using his real name is so whack, I can't understand why. Nor do I give a care that he named his daughter William. Billy is a cute name for a girl, so what's the big deal, show.
  13. Thanks to everyone for the Dr. Phil posts that mirror my own thinking that he's a 100-percent asshat. I hadn't thought before about "celebrity charities" being tax shelters but shame on me given a dude in D.C. uses them for that. I couldn't believe someone hadn't looked at a map of the United States and Canada ever. Even Pam surprised me with that, although she was using logic to figure out it was Ontario. I guess Dr. Phil either doesn't travel out of California or, when he does, he has "people" who take him places and just tell him when he's in wherever he was going. He made Jane Fonda look even better, she'd been to all of the foreign places that came up in her clues, and no problem with foreign languages since she spoke those too. I don't think she has a Ph.D, but obviously having one doesn't mean you know anything. I knew a guy who had a Ph.D. in physical education and taught gym at some school. But we all had to call him Doctor So And So. The best thing about this show is seeing Jeopardy champs. Which makes Dr. Phil even dumber, giving up Pam for some phone-a-friend rando. I guess we know how that turned out. ETA. I got the impression that Dr. Phil didn't wanted to acknowledge Pam, either because she is obviously smarter than he is, or that she's a woman who is obviously smarter than he is.
  14. I want to thank the person who posted here not that long ago that Iago was the gabbiest Shakespearean character who wasn't a title guy. So thank you.
  15. Ha ha ha, good ones @suebee12. I especially like the cab one. And since it's another Jokey Jokey Thursday, here are a few more to brighten your day. First, did any of you toss a jar of mayonnaise in a lake or pond last week? After all, it was Cinco de Mayo. When I opened the fridge this morning, the mayo yelled at me: "Close the door! I'm dressing!" Because that store-bought mayo was so cranky at me, I decided to make my own. But it wasn't worth the wisk. Then when I was taking a walk today, someone threw a jar of mayonnaise at me and hit me in the head. I turned around and yelled, "WHAT THE HELL, MAN?" At the beginning of this pandemic I resolved to lose 10 pounds. And I’m happy to report that I only have 15 more to go. Now for some that are sure to appeal to our science-minded posters ... You know what they do when chemists die, don’t you? They barium. Do I know any good jokes about sodium? Na. A scientist tells the pharmacist, “Give me some acetylsalicylic acid.” The pharmacist says, “You mean aspirin.” The scientist says, “Oh yeah, that’s it. I can never remember that name.” I’d tell you more chemistry jokes but the good ones argon. And finally ... My husband and I can never agree on vacations. I want to go to exotic islands; he wants to come with me.
  16. New "regular" shows begin airing on May 18. The 2020 Teacher's Tournament begins on May 25. And yes, Ken's defeat is being aired tomorrow, Friday.
  17. That's a great idea and would make a fun show. Which means it's never ever going to happen in this universe. I didn't even recognize the song, I thought it was some cr*p they wrote themselves.
  18. I enjoyed this episode, it played out not that differently than the "real" show. Jane Lynch really ties everything together, she's a great host and a super talent.
  19. I got a Jeopardy email the other day saying the 2020 Teachers Tournament will air plus regular games will return, but I deleted before noting the dates. So looks like we'll be back to new eps after the GOAT rerun.
  20. Ugh, I was waiting for someone else to bring up this uncomfortable topic. For all we know, that wedding was phony as heck. The minister or whoever she was could have been real, it's Vegas after all, but the entire segment was cringe worthy. Plus, was it a coincidence that the show sent the black-and-white singing team to perform at the wedding of a black-and-white couple? It's like every newscast everywhere, when the subject being discussed is African American, so is the interviewer. This whole segment was just a setup so TPTB could tease us in previews that Bri and Chris were getting married in Vegas. Hated it.
  21. YES! Now you got it, this show is just like every other part of this franchise!
  22. I think Rudy is a good performer. She and Matt could hate each other, but on stage she performs like they are lovers. That's what people pay to see, not people on stage who can't stand each other. So I give her props for that, she's good.
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