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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I say the clue was poorly written. Why even say some list is "English language"? We're speaking English and El Salvador is the same in English and in Spanish. According to this list it's El Salvador in 21 languages. My interpretation was they were looking for a country that speaks English: "On the English-language list of member states ..." A list of member states where English is the language. Conclusion: Poorly written clue, something not unusual on this show.
  2. Dude was forced off The Voice over it and disappeared for a long time. I was surprised (and unhappy) to see him in something not long ago. Some of us haven't forgotten he's a skank.
  3. You mean Cee Lo "It isn't rape if the victim is unconscious" Green? ACK!!!!!!!!!!!! Girl, please ...
  4. I did, and I still didn't get it until you explained it. I'm such a dumbass.
  5. No kidding, since they let the wrong answer of "Charlie Birdman Parker" go through, and thought there are two Z tiles in Scrabble. (And "20" is NOT a "fine" score in Scrabble.)
  6. I liked Jane because she was no nonsense and got down to the business of answering questions. What a relief after the waffling and stammering Eric Stonestreet, who took ages answering even the $100 and wanted to ask for help on the $200 question. Ugh, so painful. I, too, was surprised that Jane didn't know Norm MacDonald, but it's possible she does know him and doesn't like him, so that was her throwing shade and dissing him. I could totally believe that. If so, it worked. Ike Barinholtz really impressed me, and so did his +1 since I follow Dave Weigel (and other WaPo journalists) on Twitter. It's nice to learn that famous people can be smart and have smart friends. Heh. I also was impressed Hannibal Buress came out with Buzzy Cohen as his +1. How do these people know each other? But my biggest laugh came from the voice over, that was on during this show. When Buzzy came out, the VO said "Buzzy has round glasses." Best line of the night!
  7. He was on in 1995. Back then I could only listen to Jeopardy on the radio while driving home from work after we went to flex time and I could leave earlier. So ... no.
  8. What was up with the show letting that get by? Was everyone thinking Burt Lancaster played Charlie Parker? That was so wrong. Side note: We got to see Stroud's cell on a tour of Alcatraz some years ago.
  9. Which translates to him hearing "blah blah blah Ginger"?
  10. There was a discussion about that today on TheJeopardyFan.com. The majority decided that, while just writing the answer would be correct, few would have taken the chance and not written the "What is." Plus contestants are allowed to write "What" or "Who" before the clue is revealed. So there's that, too. (Echoing @dcalley!) That was yet another learning moment for me. I watched The Flintstones every week as a kid, and this was news to me. I recently watched the very first Flintstones episode (it's on one of my antenna channels) and I didn't catch that tidbit, if it was even said or revealed. Seeing the first ep all these years later made me realize, man, we were desperate for entertainment back then.
  11. I need a Jeopardy fan to explain this one to me. AND the pie joke. I have a great math joke for next week, although I need to understand it before I can post it. Maybe by next Thursday I might have it sorted out ... Buzzy was a surprise and a hoot to see on WWTBAM. The helper before that, WaPo's Dave Weigel, I follow on Twitter. Who knew he was friends with Ike (who was very smart, BTW). I've been trying all week to see Elon Musk's SpaceX Starlink satellite string, it was all the talk in Chicagoland last Sunday night, it was so bright. People thought it was an alien invasion. But alas, tonight was another fail. *sigh*
  12. Okay, so it's almost Nothing's Funny Friday, so I'll put a few Jokey Jokey Thursday entries here. Starting with some of the latest cannibal news. Ever wonder if cannibals eat clowns? They don't, they taste funny. Then there was the cannibal who passed his brother in the woods. A weasel walked into a bar. "Whataya have," asked the bartender. "Pop" goes the weasel. What kind of coffee was served on the Titanic? Sanka. A man dropped a glass in the kitchen and it shattered. He says, "Oh, no, I broke a glass." His wife replies from the living room, "I'll get the broom." The man says back, "No hurry, you can walk." The Invisible Man had three kids, but they were nothing to look at. I used to be addicted to the Hokey Pokey but I turned myself around. Dating advice: Don't get hooked up with a tennis player, they think love means nothing. And finally, a salute to my favorite holiday coming up next week on May 5: What do you call four bullfighters in quicksand? Cuatro cinco. (The end. Because I can't read the rest of my notes. You're welcome.)
  13. I posted that in the Small Talk thread, with the addition that somehow the voice over got turned on my teevee. When Buzzy walked on, all the VO said was, "Buzzy wears round glasses," which I found very funny.
  14. I got Thumbelina and LSU. Side note about the Tulane wrong answer: When two friends and I went to Mardi Gras, we slept in our Jeep in the Tulane parking lot. My nephew went to LSU. I was surprised Trebek did not put a "genre" accent on Baton Rouge. I always Cajun-ize it when I say it. None of today's players hang out here, obviously, since none of them knew The Official Mascot of This Thread, Kit Carson! But the writers do (I suspect), so thanks for the shout out. And hang your heads in shame anyone who posts here who did not get that TS. Kit Carson ROCKS! Big HOORAY to Jesse for betting it all on that DD. And a big WTH to Sarah for betting $300 on her DD. She deserved to go home just based on that. Instead of go big or go home, she went small and went home anyway. I felt badly for Jesse mispronouncing Vientiane. Geesh, I can barely spell it, who has ever heard it spoken (rhetorical question). On FJ, I wondered why Jesse bet what he did instead of one dollar more. If Kevin had bet nothing, they would have tied as winner. I wouldn't care to co-win this show if I were playing. My first thought for FJ was "Where's the beef," then noticed it was a financial institution and the phrase is still being used. So I ended up with the correct answer. I was happy to see Advertising as the category, having worked many years for an ad agency. (Hardee's, anyone?)
  15. Hey! I have a whole collection for Jokey Jokey Thursday but didn't post due to being a little under the mental weather. So it's nice you missed me @suebee12, that perks me up and makes me feel better. Meanwhile, I love your tomato-y jokes. But I don't "get" the pie joke. I'll keep working on it, it might dawn on me in the middle of the night. I came here to post that Buzzy Cohen is on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, he is the helper friend for contestant Hannibal Buress. Hannibal only got through two questions before the show ended, so he and Buzzy will be back next Thursday. The funny part is, voice over somehow enacted itself, and when Buzzy was introduced, the VO said, "Buzzy wears round glasses." Made me laugh. I'm going to keep VO on that show next week too.
  16. And you are usually so mellow. (Now I have to find the rerun and check out sleeves.) She needed to win one more to be in for sure. Now she is on the cusp, depending on how many others win five. She might be in, might not be. If that answers your question ... not! Ha.
  17. No need to school me on that fact. I was giving details about the saddle to posters upthread who had mentioned it. Details about McClellan's lack of motivation are also given upthread. We often digress into assorted and different topics in this thread, and some of the time a few of us learn something from it. The McClellan saddle is just one such instance, and from reading this thread I now know that McClellan will get you to Boston Logan. Most posters here enjoy trivia, one reason we watch the show. YMMV.
  18. All saddles, western, English and cutback, have pads that rest on each side of the horse's spine, with the center raised so the horse's spine isn't touched by the saddle. This is to accommodate horses of all builds, including ones with high withers. The McClellan saddle is lightweight and uses less leather/canvas so was suited to wartime material scarceness, and the light weight made it easier for the horse to carry it and a rider for long periods of time. It's my thinking that the open center of the seat was so a man's ... physical attachments ... would not be squished as they can be by a full saddle seat. Some endurance competitors use the McClellan because of its light weight, and, of course, it's a must for Civil War reenactors. For regular riders? It's not a first choice.
  19. I knew. I don't know what the design of a saddle based on his observations of European military (it was his job) has to do with his sitting down more than moving forward, although if one speculates that he'd rather sit on a saddle than ride the horse into battle, then hey, that line of thinking works for me. Good for Mr. Author getting FJ correct! I've ridden in a McClellan saddle many times. It was the "novelty" saddle when a bunch of us would go trail riding, so I've been around them since I was a wee tyke. But of the five saddles I own now, none is a McClellan, and I have no desire to change that.
  20. #Jeopardy is trending right now. The heat is on Alwin but Sarah is catching her share of shade too.
  21. Great link; thanks. The old note guy looks like Spock without being "Spocked," and the new fiver Spock actually made me LOL. Saying this as a huge Star Trek/Spock fan.
  22. Well, he is only 5'6". I was pleasantly surprised by Gordon. He's been one of the best guest judges so far. Heck, he's better than some of the "regular" judges.
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