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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Ack! Painful! Agree that Jane Fonda didn't mess around, which made me love her. Then Anthony Anderson got in the chair and the show bogged down again, with me thinking STFU and just answer the freaking question. Instead, it was all about him. *sigh* I'm glad Jane bailed when she did though, since she was going to answer wrong even though her help guy was correct. I can see why Iceland could be considered, but it's on the same time as the UK and parts of western Africa. And it's way east of NYC. I saw a news clip of Jane being arrested in D.C. during a protest, this before some other topic eclipsed all news events so that one is all we see and hear about now.
  2. I would count on them all being different if I were playing. Although it would be interesting if all the clues had the same answer, like "Kit Carson" five times. I thought the category would be consecutive decades to upset viewer who say "Start at the top!" but no, they were random. Yesterday's shout out was to friend of the thread, Magritte Yo Yo Ma. Today the middle player being from Paw Paw was a hoot. If I picked up a paw paw and instead of putting it in my pocket, I heaved it as hard as I could, I would hit someone in downtown Paw Paw. Not an easy thing to do since, as the player said, only 870 people live there, and I'm guessing that's counting all the farm families in any direction. I got a charge out of the clue about it raining frogs in Dubuque, Iowa. That's only 1-1/2 hours north of me, and I'm saying it still rains frogs around here. Once driving, I encountered thousands of frogs on the road, frogs everywhere, leaping into the sides of my car, bouncing off the windshield ... creepy as heck. Lasted about a half mile. Then one evening last year I went out into the front yard and little frogs were jumping all over everywhere, including on and off of my legs, zillions of them. They were all gone the next day. There is no explanation. Except rain.
  3. I don't blame the celebs. It's not them demanding their screen time. Jeopardy! is one-half hour (20 minutes) while this show is an hour so they have to fill it with padding and lots of blah blah blah nothing to make it to 45 minutes. Then add in 15 minutes of commercials and more blah blah blah. There also has to be enough padding to make X number of 45-minute episodes, and stay within the budgeted give-away money. The FF button is a blessing for shows like these. I'm a Kimmel fan but don't think he's all that suited to this. FF for the win! It would be interesting to know how the celebs were chosen.
  4. The capturing of the PI and her subsequent giving up Lizzie as her employer, even before the first game of Shoots And Ladders was finished, made me wonder: Does anyone know why the PI wouldn't let Lizzie turn around and see her in the back of the car? Is the PI some secret-secret person known only by some code name? Is the PI the real Katarina? Or Red?
  5. You can take comfort and joy in watching him ***SPOILER ALERT*** lose again.
  6. It's Winner Time again folks! I name the winner of Week 32 as none other than our friend @DXD526. I am fascinated by only two numbers being recorded since Week 17. That's 16 straight weeks of consistency. Admirable, to say the least! Congrats @DXD526. Keep it up and you will win next week too. "Give me a one and a TWO and a THREE ..." TM Lawrence Welk. Meanwhile, I'm proud to say this week I'm smack in the middle of everyone's scores instead of being the lowest of low. Someone else got that honor this week. Ha ha! (I'm laughing with you, not at you.) Good luck everyone now that we are back to the difficult senior-people FJs instead of those easy peasy toddler-level college clues.
  7. For people who are interested in things in the sky, tonight is the peak of the Lyrid meteor shower. Starts after 10:30 p.m. local time and continues until dawn. If you are lucky, you can see up to 100 "shooting stars" per hour. Look straight up in the night sky as they don't all come from the constellation Lyra. Viewing is best if you fully recline under (and on!) a blanket (to save your neck). I was out just a few minutes last night and saw three right away.
  8. Plus after their performance at the Oscars, everyone everywhere on every SM site had them getting married and having 20 kids, preferably right there on the Oscars stage, all at once. "Duet" was the give-away part of the clue.
  9. The show appeared to be making fun of them given they were the ending-credits joke/funny segment. Does anyone know about the Dresden, is it really the most popular jazz club in LA? I listen to iHeart radio and yeah, it's all recorded, nothing is live. I'm guessing those two weren't even played, unless it was for a few seconds. They also talked about them having an interview. iHeart will play interviews with famous people; they last about 30 seconds tops. I'm disappointed that, once again, this franchise trades on making women cry and babble nonsense to men who sit there stone-faced and stymied. IRL they would get up and leave but I guess they are contractually obligated to stay and not say what they are thinking: "Blah blah blah I can't hear you." CH promises that next episode ("tomorrow" in real time) everything will be changed up. That would be awesome ... the men sitting around crying and sobbing about past relationships and how they want to find love, and the women playing basketball and bro-ing out. She goes from being a drop-dead gorgeous 30- year-old to a plain-jane 18-year-old no one would look at twice. Like a Seinfeld character.
  10. Feel better @Stats Queen, I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well. Although a pain meds and bottle of wine combo might improve my enjoyment of this show. TPTB want Julia on this show (dra-mah) so Sheridan didn't really have a choice if he wanted to stay to sing another day. Eh, IMO most relationships break up because of cheating. People never call it quits when they both know they should have two months ago. Or a year ago.
  11. Did Brandon say "You've been performing 36 years in this TOILET" to the Dresden couple? What an asshat.
  12. LOL at Julia crying over hurting Sheridan when she takes Brandon's rose. It would be the Most Dramatic Rose Ceremony EVER if neither man called her name. This show needs more of that. She is bat-shit and so definitely getting a producer-driven rose.
  13. Oh, thank you. I totally agree with that statement, even though I don't care if Jamie and Trevor are a couple. Now's the time for Natashya to get up on stage and sing while everyone heckles her. There's a Danny? LOL! Did Sheridan goof up a line at the beginning of that song? Oops. Heh.
  14. Natasha is ragging on Trevor and I left, couldn't listen to it. Been outside playing ball with the dogs. I would have stayed if Trevor had told Natasha to take a hike, or just a big flat NO when she INSISTED she talk to him RIGHTNOW. And Jamie's known this guy for a day yet Natasha is there to save her? Please. Got a laugh that Jamie pocketed the cash from the street singing (did she shove it in her bra?) and they walked off, leaving the microphone to be stolen by anyone. So did Natasha succeed in her mission, the producers hired her to break up Jamie and Trrevor. Did she earn her pay and trip to LA?
  15. Oh, I know! What was up with that? There has to be a story. New NY woman heard all about Trevor from his ex, she's never met Trevor. So of course the breakup was all HIS fault. His explanation to Jamie was more well-rounded, and made perfect sense. Not every relationship works or stays one. NY Natasha = brought on only to stir sh*t. Geesh, leave everyone alone bitch. *sigh* I was hoping this show would be better. Instead it's just more of the same. Julia is the Seinfeld two-faced woman.
  16. Jamie doesn't play an instrument and has never sung anywhere but in her bedroom to no one and she is on this show ... why? New woman comes from New York and, in short, declares herself a bitch, and is there to ruin Jamie's life. Alrighty then. Don't care. Don't care that Trevor had girlfriends in the past. They all did (or do). Such an old trope for this franchise. At least Trevor can sing and play, being a professional lbusker. LOL!
  17. I didn't say that specific day was exactly one year. Just that IT'S BEEN one year. Which is has. Even today, in April, he's still been one year healthy. If someone would prefer the exact hours and minutes, feel free to post. Because I'm not. The radio show was discussing his book, not his hospital prognosis, and the one-year comment was given in that context. It was not meant to mislead or upset anyone.
  18. Looking forward to your posts, Otto. The episode last night, I can barely stand that people who are so clueless about everything are winning a million bucks. It's just not right. A couple weeks ago, both people (husband/wife) were smart, and it was an enjoyable episode. I was happy for the $ they won. But last night ... even considering curling stone are made of shale? Please. I didn't even care about where the green or red balls fell, I spent most of the episode doing something else. I only looked back for the questions, then had to look away as the woman went on and on about how she didn't have a clue. Gah.
  19. You mean that swamp that got drained in 2016?
  20. It was $1.07 last week. I'm hoping for 89 cents next week! Chicago area is $1.79-$1.84 so your NE price is very decent.
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