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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Not to be a downer here, but yes, and it lives for something like 30 days.
  2. I just laughed really hard at the woman astronaut joke Michael read. I'm sorry/not sorry. Best line of the news. I'm so glad the show was paying attention. Best Dr. Fauci ever. Can't imagine it ever being topped.
  3. Yeah, I'll never look at a chicken pot pie the same way again. I guess Brad is the host, too. Excellent!
  4. I actually LOL'd when Big Poppy's iPhone fell off the ceiling into his big-ass pot.
  5. I needed a picture. Trust me, I needed a picture.
  6. I was wondering about those too. They were real WTF moments.
  7. Oh yeah, good point that wasn't mentioned on the show.
  8. Not until seasons 12, 13 and 14.
  9. Same here. Since the cop was having sex with Jessie during his work/patrol time, did anyone think he might have killed Jessie earlier in the night, then went to the station to have beers on the roof (!) with the other cops? Even his wife said "Late night?" when he got home at 5:30 a.m. His car must have been a common sight in the neighborhood. I wonder if he went to Jessie's in a marked cop car or unmarked. I'm guessing unmarked. Anyway, I didn't hear anyone on this episode suggest that alternate timeline. For the cop to threaten suicide first with a shotgun, then by jumping off of a building ... not exactly a stable personality for a cop. That's what got me, although maybe police in Columbia don't handle anything more pressing than speeders or drunk college kids. I wonder what the cop cleaned up while he was "guarding" the crime scene. I was surprised Jessie didn't share the cop's name with his online friend or anyone else. I'm guessing he suspected the cop of being married well before he started talking about turning him in. While Columbia is a liberal college town, it's smack in the middle of a hard-core red-neck Republican state. Another reason for the cop to hide his secret life.
  10. Speaking of, the guy leaves his laptop on with screens open to all the prostitute browser pages yet he locks up a giant freezer with the lonely thermos inside. He could have put that in an office mini fridge or just bought a semen transport container for a few bucks so as to avoid drinking from the wrong thermos. So I guess we all learned that if buried alive, we can live for hours if not days breathing dirt. That is, if this show's writers are all up on research and responsible reporting. Kids: Don't try this at home.
  11. Including me, who got a good laugh out of this paragraph. Hey, I saw his name in the credits then totally forgot about him since I never saw him again. But he's Ressler's brother ... who knew. I guess we all change.
  12. For the first time, I saw people in the background at Cooper's Post Office office. I guess someone has to do the filing and make the coffee for The Team. Does everyone leave their laptop on and browser window open when they leave for the day? I don't, but then I'm not committing or planning any crimes. LOL at two cemetery worker guys filling in the grave with shovels. I guess they haven't heard about backhoes or mini-excavators out there on the east coast. You know, the equipment all cemeteries use to fill in graves once all the mourners are gone. What's the deal with every villain on every show these days giving syringe injections in the neck. Use to be, a good stab in the arm or leg or shoulder did the trick. Now it's gotta be in the neck. A quick google search turned up this: "The neck is arguably the most dangerous injection site, as arteries, veins, tendons and nerves are incredibly close together. ... In addition, if you hit an artery in your neck, the injecting chemicals will shoot directly into the brain, potentially causing a range of neurological problems or a stroke." Yeah, that's what I thought. Another LOL moment was Keen digging six inches down in that grave and yelling, "I feel something!" I thought the bodies were four feet down in a six-foot grave, not four inches. A good rain would uncover that body. That's if a stiff breeze didn't do it first. How does a pregnant hooker work? No, I don't mean literally. But is there a market for a six-to-eight-month pregnant prostitute? Is there a special website for that? And no, I'm not googling it. I know this is a make-believe show, and while I know sperm is viable after a male dies (it is in dogs so guessing the same about humans), it's beyond belief that a prostitute 1. wasn't on birth control; and 2. was conveniently ovulating that day. So I guess those two things are more hand waves. Why was Angela arrested? She gets busted for not dying? Something's not fair about that. Then the very end takes the most worstest turn ever ... Katarina or whomever she is is back. WTH show. That totally SUCKED. Please, stop with that story line. And oh yeah Red, don't you know you are suppose to cough into your elbow, not all over the kitchen? Then Red passes out (from COVID I guess). That will teach him not to practice good hygiene.
  13. WEEK 33 • April 20 — NO asterisk 161. Recent Movie Songs. In Oct. 2019 this song, a duet, was still in the Top 10 on Billboard’s Adult Contemporary chart after spending a year on the chart. “ 162. Contemporary Authors. Publishers Weekly has dubbed this former middle school English teacher turned bestselling author “Storyteller of the Gods.” 163. World Elections. In 2014 this democratic nation broke the record for total turnout in a single election with more than 500 million voters. 164. Statesmen. The first Asian to accept the Nobel Peace Prize was the PM of this country who in 1967 renounced use of nuclear weapons. 165. Men & Machines. John Moore-Brabazon, the first pilot licensed by England, had learned about engines working for this man, first half of a famous pair.
  14. When the first category was "Get Your Kicks," I was certain the second category would be "On Route 66." Wrong. The FJ clue goofed me up when it said he "learned about engines working for this man, first half of a famous pair." I couldn't decide between Wilbur or Orville, so went with Wilbur. Wrong again. I spotted Jimmy and Sarah during the opening shot. Cool!
  15. I think it's sarcasm, meaning she's so bad she can't even stagger around like a frozen-faced zombie.
  16. That's what everyone thought, me included, that Mr. Trebek had died. Instead, someone pulled an old clip from years ago and posted it, then it all snowballed. Much ado about nothing. Oh, but a dozen HOT Krispie Kremes would go down so easily. I know I can easily do one-half dozen at a time. I'd try the dozen except ours closed a while back, after the company got busted for cooking its books. I'd so be in for that race though.
  17. I think that is such an odd programming choice by ABC. I'd think the draft would be on ESPN, unless the networks think no one watches network anymore so ABC is trying to get $$ from the NFL. On the bright side, I was tipped that episodes can once again be found on YouTube the same day they air.
  18. It was odd timing given Trebek was trending yesterday after an old clip of his soul-crushing response to Susan, a 2016 contestant, went viral. It's easy to google, although anyone on Twitter has already seen it.
  19. According to Andy at TheJeopardyFan.com: 'One year after North Vietnam’s Lê Đức Thọ declined the prize, believing that Vietnamese peace did not yet exist, Eisaku Satō, who served as Prime Minister of Japan from 1964 to 1972, was awarded (and accepted) the Nobel Peace Prize (sharing the prize with Irish politician Seán MacBride)."
  20. Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week. Don't forget to tip your waiter. I had one more joke but cannot remember it. You're welcome.
  21. It's Thursday and I have more jokes. Stop reading here if you can't stand any more. A man was driving down the highway with five penguins in the back seat of his car. A cop spotted him and pulled him over. "You need to take those penguins to the zoo," he told the man. The man replied, "Okay officer, I will do that." The next day, the man and the five penguins drove by the cop again. The cop turned on his lights, pulled the man over and said, "I thought I told you to take those penguins to the zoo." The man replied, "I did, and we had so much fun, today we are going to the movies." The doorbell rings. The man opens the front door, looks down and sees a snail on his front step. He picks up the snail, throws it into his front yard, and shuts the door. Three years later, the doorbell rings. The man opens the front door, looks down and there is the same snail. The snail says, "What was that about?" A thesaurus walks into a bar, saloon, bistro, tavern, pub ...
  22. This made me LOL because, of course, I knew exactly what you were referencing. (Plus one of my TWoP names was Ginger and I still answer to that.) I've never heard of a meat and three, and I've spent lots of time in the south, my mom being born and raised in Arkansas. Count me among those with blank looks.
  23. Don't put too much stock in the eye color. Wayne Brady's fox had two different eyes too. Plus some other costumes this season had different colored eyes.
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