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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Just as an aside, gas is 99 cents/gallon here right now. In the "Upper Midwest!"
  2. You guys are why I continue to watch this show. So thanks. I think. Heh.
  3. Well, I can forgive a European who has never been to North America before. American numbskulls ... not so much.
  4. That reminds me of some years ago, my friend from Portugal was coming to New York City for some event. She figured on one day off, she would rent a car and drive to Hollywood/LA for the day, then come back to NYC that night. It would be cool to go to Europe and get to step foot in multiple countries in one day. Because if it's Tuesday, this must be Belgium you know.
  5. "Congratulations to the Great State of Kansas on winning the Super Bowl."
  6. That would have made me like this episode.
  7. Which reminds me ... Red told Lizzie the cops reported the robber had a partner who shot him, but he, Red, was the one who shot the robber. But why would a partner shoot the robber and the clerk, then leave with no cash or even the bottle of cheap vino Dembe left on the counter? And did Red pay for his bag of ice? It's best not to think too much about details. But yeah, great job Dembe grabbing the video system while no one, including viewers, was watching.
  8. Thanks Zoey for catching yet another of my DUH moments. At least my score sheet was correct, just my brain skipped a week. It, too, wished to repeat Week 31. I am glad you are here to take care of me, weasled up old thing that I am. Heh.
  9. Yeah, but a great post @mxc90. So are all the writers on strike or was this episode written when their brains were social distancing from their bodies. So much stupid, it was beyond comprehension. First, Ilya, whomever is in that blue car can see the curtains moving every time you look out. Way to stay hidden, dumbass. Plus what is PI woman learning by sitting in her car on the street. Duh. Dembe ... when coming to someone's apartment, try knocking or at least open your mouth and let the people inside know it's you. Don't just jimmy the lock and walk in. LOL that Red was doing a jigsaw puzzle. Future episodes will have him hijacking trucks of puzzles. And toilet paper. And yeast. The guy is on top of current trends. Best line of the night: Kemp says this about our FBI agents, "What a waste of tax dollars." No sh*t Sherlock! If you know the truck shipment is going to be hijacked, then fly it for pete's sake. Where were the trucks coming from, the east coast where our FBI Team is headquartered? And the trucks are freaking DRIVING to Chicago? A major city that has two major airports? And why are they going to Chicago? To sell to street gangs? That's another dumbass writing mistake, Chicago has tough gun laws, all the criminals buy in Indiana, where rules are lax. They do not buy at Illinois gun shows or from Illinois dealers. This fact is well known in the Chicago area. Illinois gun owners are required to have a FOID card, a firearms owner ID. I have one. I can't buy a gun anywhere in Illinois, or ammunition anywhere in Illinois, without showing it. However, I can skip over to Iowa or Indiana (the second is closer for Chicago street gangs) and buy anything I want, no ID required. If I buy a gun at an Illinois shop or show, it's held until cleared by a state inspector or some such. (I've never done it, I just know that happens.) Yeay to Cooper bitching out Lizzie for a coupla seconds. If he had fired her, that would have made me like this episode for a fraction of a minute. Red preaching about guns being his tools. A LOL moment. Then he kills Kemp with the gun Red bought on the street for $100, thus keeping that business in business. And killing Kemp was such a ham-fisted and dumbass thing anyway since those guns will continue to be made and sold ad nauseum, until the end of time. Or the end of the NRA lobby. They should have made Kemp some guy who was making 3D guns in his garage, THEN Kemp going missing would make a difference. Or not. Basically, not. And yeah, my thought was Red was going to buy that cheap 7-11 champagne to give to the 17-year-old high-school girl store clerk to celebrate her college acceptance, all kinds of wrong. And those sirens went on and one forever, which caused the robber to shoot the clerk. And neither Red nor Dembe checked to see if the girl was really dead or only partly dead. It's nice Red could ID the gun the shooter was using. I guess if it were a Ruger the Blacklister would have been Christopher Killoy instead of Kemp. Plus Red was all in love with the girl clerk while I was thinking "Get off the freaking phone, you have customers, do your job you big waste of time." Since she was ignoring Red and Dembe while on the time clock. I guess Red bringing ice to the party makes him like the guy who brings chips to the pot luck ... can't or won't cook, or his contributions are so dreck no one wants him to bring anything except ice/chips. Bottom line: I hated this episode and everything about it. So stupid, and preaching the wrong gospel all the way through. Meanwhile ... where is Ressler's brother? Oh: Originally the second rerun episode was suppose to be Cooper in Iraq, then it got changed last minute to a Dom episode. I guess for obvious reasons. RIP Dom.
  10. WEEK 32 • April 13 • College Week — two asterisk * 156. Religious Words. This word for a concept in Eastern religions comes from Latin roots for “made in flesh” & “again.” 157. Country Names. The cartographic feature from which this country gets its name passes near the town of Guayllabamba. * 158. Presidential Geography. This Midwest city is the burial place of one 19th century President & was named for a relative of another. * * 159. Shakespeare's Plays. An account of a deposed Duke of Genoa in a 1549 “History of Italy” is a presumed source for this play. * 160. Historic Figures. In legend, this real European leader fielded an elite corps called the 12 Peers that included Oliver & Roland.
  11. Congrats to Nibir, winning the tournament. He was a wild card so didn't even win a "regular" game to get into the finals. He ended up smokin' the competition. Good on him for knowing the last FJ answer but also knowing he was the winner so he could do a shout out to Alex. I doubt his will go viral though. So far it hasn't anyway. I was disappointed in Xiaoke playing FJ like she was going to be third anyway. If she had bet bigger, she would have easily beaten Tyler and gotten $50,000 instead of $25,000. I mean, what did she have to lose if she was guaranteed $25,000 anyway. I liked Nibir's style of play and his confident DD bets. I'll be rooting for him in the ToC, whenever that will be, if it even is. I got a laugh from the FJ answer since I did a college paper on the architecture of Charlemagne's palace chapel. I just didn't research any of that other stuff.
  12. Well, it IS almost heaven! I also suspect more Europeans than Americans know where West Virginia is located. West Virginia is the only state I've been to where I could drive for an hour and travel maybe 15 miles as the crow flies. Lots of hairpin turns and switchbacks ... I'd see a road up ahead and think, hey, I was just on that road! I used to joke I spent a year driving in West Virginia one day. Disclaimer: My best friend in college was from West Virginia. It's a beautiful state.
  13. Home of the Appaloosa Horse Club! (My first horse was an Appaloosa.) Joking aside, I agree that the level of stupid is all-over staggering out there. And they don't just live in the East, the Midwest is full of Amish too. Horse-and-buggy Amish even live in that foreign territory of ... OHIO! Side note: I'd love to live in Idaho. I even know where it is, and I don't even care if it has indoor plumbing!
  14. @illdoc might not win The FJ Contest this week, but for sure the title of Best Post Ever in this Thread has been captured. (signed) -- Saber "Trekkie" 5055
  15. Last we were told, Dom was in the hospital on life support after whatever it was that happened at his cabin, and it wasn't known if he would survive. It was mentioned the episode after or a couple episodes after the cabin was attacked. This show was the first thing I thought of when I heard the sad news about Mr. Dennehy.
  16. Disgruntled Jeopardy viewer: "What is it with this show that it always has clues and categories about Shakespeare when it should be doing more current subjects like Harry Potter." Me: "Obviously the above is from someone who did not know today's Final Jeopardy answer. I'm glad I don't have to associate with THAT person."
  17. You have one more day to pull yourself out of that hole. Don't count your trophies before they are awarded! Maybe tomorrow's FJ will be "This pantsless bear of very little brain is honored with his own special day every January 18." Time's up!
  18. I heard on the radio this a.m. that it's been one year since Alex Trebek's cancer diagnosis. Only 18-percent of people with the disease achieve that, so he's become an inspiration for others.
  19. I totally get what you are saying @illdoc. Sounds like you are from "over by 'dere." I've been to Northern many times. There are dogs shows twice a year at its Convocation Center. We always eat at a different DeKalb restaurant after we are done showing.
  20. In college, when classmates would ask where I was from and I replied, "Illinois," without fail every one of them would be all impressed and say, "Oh, Chicago!" I would reply, "No, the other end of the state, more toward Iowa." So I shortened it up by just saying I was from Iowa. Without fail, every one would crinkle up their noses and ask if they had electricity there, or indoor plumbing, and acted like I was diseased. I went back to being from Chicago.
  21. That's the same exact thing with the start of each Bachelor or B-ette season. We get 30 people we know nothing about, except the few the show decides to give us some back story on. We have to keep watching to figure out who is whom. No name tags, and if their THs don't add a name underneath, contestants can stay nameless for weeks if not a month or more of episodes. Especially when all the women look alike ... long blond extension hair, parted in the middle. Which is why I only know Sheridan for sure on this show so far. I'm all for the all-new-people thing, and the singing is a nice addition. I wish Love-It-Don't-Come-Easy Wes and Sherpa-Coat Jed could be on, and Boat-Singer Carly could make an appearance too. At least these contestants won't have me cringing when they sing or play piano/guitar. I hope, anyway. I'm in for the duration. *fingers crossed*
  22. Most series have been skipping a week so I figured this was the show's way of padding out its run instead of not showing any episode. I did like seeing the words to the songs since most of the time I can't hear the lyrics, words all run together or aren't pronounced, so that was interesting. And yeah, the "follow the bouncing heads" Mitch Miller thing was funny. I totally didn't remember any of these performances, which tells me this show doesn't exactly burn into my memory. They all could have been new/live performances for all I could tell. They did go a little overboard with showing the eliminated singers, especially Gronk repeatedly repeatedly repeatedly kissing his tiger head, face sweat dripping onto it. Eh. I totally DO NOT want to see viewer videos of them singing along. I expect that to be a future episode. Ugh.
  23. This episode was the definition of ex·cru·ci·at·ing. Man, it drug out forever. I know they have to pad it up with blah blah blah to fill the 45 minutes times six, but holy cow. I could go out and milk the cows and they'd still be on the same question when I got back in. Lucky people who have a fast-forward button. Just answer the freaking question and move on. Yes, these were all filmed in one day, March 12. That's typical of game shows, like Jeopardy films five eps per day.
  24. Well kids, it's another jokey jokey Thursday. Two snowmen were out in the field. The first one said to the second, "Yeah, I smell carrots too." I went to the zoo yesterday, but it was so disappointing. All they had was one dog. It was a shih tzu. I know, pickin's are a bit slim this week. No apologies.
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