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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Exactly my thought too. Or, the shed was still standing because it had been reinforced to turn it into a mausoleum containing assorted corpses. "Look! We've been searching all over for sis and she's been right here in the back yard the whole time! Who knew?"
  2. I did like this episode, but that doesn't mean I didn't have problems with it. I thought the Dex bar hookup was a set up/con, with the other woman knowing who Dex was. And I didn't know until reading here that the boxes named "Bender" were a Twister take off. I thought it was a game starring the Futurama robot. Portland has a zillion billion SWAT guys to go into the drug bust? But another set of cops were chasing Grey afterward? How did they know one of the dudes WAS Grey and that he got away and what vehicle he was driving. Unless Hoffman told them to go bust his Dex competition. None of that made sense to me. Grey should have let them arrest him and Hoffman would spring him later. (Maybe) Max didn't have her own vehicle? And Grey just gives her his truck? Good luck getting it licensed in Arizona (or Mexico) with no title or registration. Although if she boosted a different vehicle, I guess that's the same dilemma. Max tosses Grey's note on the floor for her BF to find? Even if you don't have pockets, your pants have a waistband don't they? What a dumbass move that was. I was surprised the cops weren't sitting outside the rez gate, waiting for Grey to leave. Speaking of, did Sue Lynn give him a ride home? It's been a few eps since Dex got into a brawl. She can kick any man's ass but the PTSD chick could hold her own against the Mighty Dex? Girl power I guess. Meanwhile, back at the bar ... Ansel was left in charge and he hired a bunch of vagrants to work there? And the Yelp couple, so what their house got egged. Why not go on SM and give them a slammin' review using a bunch of fake account names. And then go on Bad Alibi's site and give it a bunch of five star reviews. One Yelp doesn't ruin a restaurant. Get those fake accounts moving Ansel and Tookie. So Tookie is giving up his truck to cook for the bar? Please no. Where will Cameron go for a great lunch now.
  3. Another category, clue and answer missed while digging through that bucket of pens. Excuse me while I leave this thread. I'll shut the door behind me. *crickets*
  4. And which I do not. In my world, orphanage does not even remotely rhyme with smidge. Why do writers continue to go with poor answers when so many other words better fit the category. AT does like to berate players who write down wrong answers. It's common for him to make sarcastic comments to wrong-answer contestants, people who do not have all the answers written down for them nor get to run through all the clues before taping, like he does.
  5. Your recap was better than the actual episode, which was pretty good too.
  6. LOL. Now I'm hoping Michelle is kidnapped to give me (and this show) a break from her. I would think cracking open a window during a tornado would (maybe) keep the windows from breaking out if the tornado went overhead. Never gave a thought that it would suck papers out. Next tornado, I'm opening all my windows in hopes it sucks all the junk and garbage out and takes it away. Would save me hours of cleaning.
  7. That clue/answer must have happened while I was digging through buckets of pens and setting them on fire, trying to get one to work. So thanks for posting that tidbit. I did not know that either, and like you, never gave it a thought. But now I will be ready when the writers make a future category about it. You know they will!
  8. The Masked Singer is over so I turned over in time to see the horse segment. Now THAT was nice. I'd love to go to Chile and those little Paso horses were cute. Then Peter goes for a ride and says how riding horses is like a relationship. WTH? Then the camera pans back and his knees are sticking out, heels dug into the poor horse, and I'm yelling "KNEES IN!" Anyone here who rides knows what I'm saying. The rest is a repeat of every episode so far, just the names have been changed. Same extensions, same veneers, same dialogue, same drama, same shove tongue down throat. Same like, same yeah. I made it 20 minutes, but I'm heading out now to watch Star Trek reruns. Or maybe even Roseanne reruns. Anything is better than this.
  9. Does anyone else have 600 pens, and none of them work? I missed most of the show because of this, but TSs I managed to scratch into a piece of paper were Wind (River), which is not only a river, it's a very good movie starring Jeremy Renner. There is also the Wind River Reservation, which is in a quite remote area of Wyoming. I also got the TS of soccer, although I no longer remember the clue. I got FJ right away, and thank goodness time was up before I could change to another Confederate officer. I liked the story about the pet land snails, and didn't think them odd pets. It reminded me of a friend's two hermit crabs. As an homage to our horses, she named them Helen and Charles Treecrab. That is extremely funny if you are familiar with famous Saddlebred horse trainers.
  10. I might have missed it, but the only tv coverage I saw was of the probie handing out water bottles. Austin's weather people might have been off the clock that night. Storm coverage here is OTT. It starts when storms are hours west of the tv station's city. It continues non-stop until the storms get east of the tv station, then regular programming comes back on. That's my WTH moment since I live east. Tornadoes freak me. Thank you @shapeshifter. I like to have fun with my tv viewing. Meanwhile, Rob Lowe is nice to look at, I'll give this show that. And thinking about it, this show is much better all the way around than some other dramas I watch, so there's that.
  11. Of course they would be. What was funny was, they only way they could be heard even making a breathing noise was with that sound amplifier. I guess the kids were asleep since it was at least 12 hours from tornado to rescue. But once Owen got in there, then everyone could hear everything. Sure, Owen was wearing an intercom, but still ... it's not like the collapse made the rubble sound proof. I appreciated the make up department doing Owen's ash-loaded face when he got out from inside the crushed house. Even his eyelashes were loaded with dust. Nice job. Although I'm not sure where all that dirt/ash came from inside the destroyed house. But ... hand wave. Still loved the eyelashes, Owen.
  12. Thanks for the inside info from the real Austin. The show writers totally missed an opportunity there given that it was raining like Noah had built an ark, all while waiting for the tornado to hit. Maybe that's next week? Floods swamp that country bar and the mechanical bull shorts out and electrocutes everyone? Hey writers, story idea here!
  13. Wow, that's some shocking news. Why no sirens? I guess the show writers didn't know that since at the beginning the AUSTIN SIRENS sent dad and the two kids to the bathtub. Made me wonder why the fire station didn't have a siren or weather alert, they had to go outside to help the flag probie and see the tornado. If they hadn't done that, they could have all been killed while sitting around discussing what Owen had for dinner.
  14. All I noticed was "paradoxus," which immediately took me to platypus. Same here. I don't know a lick of Latin but I do know critters pretty well. I did pretty well with J TSs: Vintner, Model A (my brother had a T and A -- that didn't come out right, but you know what I mean -- back when they were considered junk and were given away just to get rid of them), Ralph Kramden and Dodge City. Did not do as well in DJ, just Clint Eastwood. Shout out to @lb60 with the Pooh owl clue.
  15. This was a pretty good episode. Typically, storm chasers know when tornadoes are coming, and tv is 24/7 with local weather showing radar that has hooks so they can predict where a tornado might be. And spotters on the ground are constantly calling in. Yet sometimes one can just drop out of a cloud unannounced. Still, sirens, show. And the fire house should have had weather radio/tv weather on instead of harping about who ate what for dinner. I'm not surprised that dad died since the tornado hit at dinner time and rescue didn't get there until noon the next day. Geesh. A couple times I heard the cat's name as "Tinkles." Heh. So Michelle and the medics live in the same station as the firefighters. Yeah, odd that Owen didn't run into Michelle while he was redecorating/rebuilding the station and had to meet her on a call. *hand wave* Michelle's mom had to call her at work to come home RIGHT AWAY because the shed didn't blow down in the storm? Geezy pete, writers. TK was a total dick to his dad when he found out about the cancer and made it all about himself and threw a self-absorbed tantrum. Such a total dick. Can't stand him. Judd is my fav character. I like him, I like the actor, I like his dialogue, I like his relationship with his wife. He and Rob Lowe own this series.
  16. Waiting for @Sharpie66 to report in, and the long-lost @Toothbrush. Don't make me give up on you! Meanwhile, I am taking the power invested in me to declare ME! SABER! MOI! as the unofficial winner of Week 20 for my achievement of Highest Score After 20 Weeks in the contest. Hey, it's not happened before and likely not to happen again, so let me toss myself a crumb, okay? Now pardon me while I put my invisible trophy in its display case.
  17. Wow. I watched last year and don't remember him at all. My brain cells are dying quicker than I thought. Thanks though, so I won't be looking for him next season.
  18. While it makes me remember the 1980 Democratic National Convention when President Carter, in his acceptance speech, called Hubert Humphrey "Hubert Horatio Hornblower." I was watching and will never forget that.
  19. Living near Wisconsin made Pabst/Wisconsin a no brainer. The U of Wisconsin-Madison is one of the top 10 drunkenest (is that a word?) universities, and Wisconsin itself is ranked No. 3 for most beer consumed per capita. People joke about Wisconsin being inhabited by cheese heads and beer drinkers. (Joke/Not a Joke) Sing this: "What'll ya have? Pabst Blue Ribbon!" When I would go to La Crosse, Wisconsin, I always made a point to drive by the Heileman brewery and the World's Largest Six Pack that was painted like Heileman's Old Style. The tanks were ... you guessed it ... used to store beer.
  20. I thought this was one of the better episodes. Almost all of the acts were entertaining. When I see or hear something humorous, my typical reaction is to think, "Well, that was funny." But JJ's last joke about Simon ... I burst out into loud laughter. Hey, someone had to say out loud what we've all been saying here about Simon. The kid deserved to go through just for that. I'm guessing the owner of the franchise had something to do with JJ going home instead of on. Cancer Violin Kid. Okay, so I take back what I said about this episode not being boring. I wouldn't have invited Cancer Kid to this show much less voted for him to advance. X. As others have said, what's up with the mask, costume and voice altering since we know who this guy is. I'd be all for him turning into Shin Lim again though. That's a trick I can get with. (Pun intended.) Dania Card Trick. Her speechifying was so droning on, I sort of missed what the trick was suppose to be. The two acrobat duos. I don't know which name was which, but I was all about the Polish duo moving on. The pair who brought in all the Cirque performers to distract the audience, then became the incestuous brother/sister roller skaters ... so much ewww to that act. I think they are the ones who went through though. Gotta give props to both guys for their eye makeup though. I missed Ryan's "comedy" act. THANK YOU GODS! The bar jumping trio changes up their act by the woman changing her outfit. I guess the other acts aren't worth commenting on. Maybe I need to retract my opening statements. ETA: I forgot Han. How could that happen? I did like how sassy he was last night, and of course he did not understand one German word Heidi was spouting at him. But my biggest question, how did he get out of his splits between the two chairs? Inquiring minds want to know. Why hasn't Prince Poppycock been invited back? IMs want to know that, too.
  21. Well, maybe one or two seconds longer than putting a bullet in a chamber, or slapping in a clip. The show already did that, and Malcolm tried to knife her after they had floor sex. Malcolm taking Dad's call while holding down a land mine, then shooting out the window as he jumps through it and lands on the car lid was one of the best scenes ever in any show. I didn't notice if he got his suit dirty, but I'm guessing not.
  22. Ha ha ha. No cocktail party? Then make your own! Blond chick steals him. "Next!"
  23. WTH. Did he just pull a rose out of his ass?
  24. Amen. I'd want a refund if I saw he was piloting some flight I was booked on.
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