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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Well, OUCH. I'd never suggest someone has bad taste in books just because they like something different than I do. Books are a personal and private journey for the reader. I would never denigrate someone for having a better trip than someone else. I was reminded when driving home yesterday that the farm just before mine raises black Angus. They can be quite vocal when being worked. They do show up in the snow though.
  2. That would make next season (crossing fingers) SO much fun, since we sort of know these people already. This gets a big YES vote from me.
  3. How well do you know Mark ... MARK? He was extremely good looking, he was my favorite of the night. He looked great in that suit besides being handsome. All that, plus I love baseball. (He could easily be a model, for sure.) I hope he had a good time on the show, and being eye candy for some viewers!
  4. That was me when I read Bridges of Madison County. I was wiped out for days afterward.
  5. Thanks @Trey and @Bliss. I run the "fund" together too, sort of like Kentucky natives run "Louisville" together. One of the radio guys insisted it was New-FOUND-land. And a third had something so whack I don't even remember it. We call the dogs Newfies, or Newfs, for short. They don't seem to mind at all! ETA: The radio discussion was about the 30+ inches of snow those Newfies got, with 15- to 20-ft. drifts. EH!
  6. In one of the past episodes, maybe the second, Jenna's VO said the first person had been sent to location to practice there while the next person was coming into the studio to learn choreo. I like to watch the background to catch a glimpse of the PAs and camera people. While it looks to viewers like the two dancers are alone, there is a ton load of people all over the place. One dancer commented he blocked everyone out to concentrate on his woman partner. There are multiple cameras, and editing is done back in studio. I've noticed that when dancers flub, those scenes are edited around. I like how, when the dances start, my tv screen goes to wide-angle, like watching a movie.
  7. I liked these last two episodes, but it was depressing no one made a connection. I'm not surprised all are aspiring actors or models as posted above, I've commented before that some should be on The Bachelor ... which I guess they were trying to be! Some are too OTT, like the blond fellow with the high hair last night. I wouldn't respond well if I turned around and saw Eddie Haskell standing there. I also wondered about occupations. One was a FORMER NFL player (at least two or more years ago) and the last guy was a drummer. What, he just plays his drum set in his garage for income? That last dance, the blond woman and the drummer, was all hot and sexy. Travis Wall at his most bestest. I might know how that one date ended ... yowza. I need some Travis choreography in my life. I liked the British host who took over for the last episode. I wonder if Jenna was in hospital having her baby. I wonder if the Indian woman didn't chose the Indian man because of family nagging. I thought all the dancers were dressed great for their routines (except for those huge, clunky, glowing white tennis shoes, geez guys, stop with them). All except the football guy who couldn't even put on a jacket for his romantic dance. Now that's a douche in my eyes. Speaking of, I didn't hear "douchebag," but I did hear her say she was attracted to bad boys. I wonder if some cable stations didn't edit while antenna network did. The first couple in the first episode, at the end it said they "both had just had their last first date ... shoot." To me, that means they were together, there would be no more first dates for them, they were a couple now. Eh. I guess none of the couples made it past that initial meeting. Sort of like The Bachelor ... on to other famewhore hawkings. Still, I like this show, it's some fresh air after the hate and vitriol other "reality" shows thrive on. (I'm terrible about names. I should take notes.)
  8. What clue was that? I obviously wasn't paying close attention as I don't remember this. Speaking of pronunciation, there was a discussion on the radio this morning of how to properly say Newfoundland. I've always said it like the dog breed (NEW-fun-land), but now I need someone with first-hand knowledge to set me straight. At least I know where it is on a map.
  9. Well, that's something that didn't even enter my mind. Now I want to know where that giant Alaska went that Ansel made, and after Dex didn't even take one bite of it before she left due to the beck and call of her two boyfriends. How rude, now that I think about it. The video I watched of Gordon Ramsey making a BA, it was an individual one, the base about the diameter of an English muffin, but it ended up large enough that two people could share, if they were so inclined. Either this show's BA was a fake prop or the whole production team got to dig in after that scene. I'm more interested in the BA than Miles' family issues.
  10. Congratulations! How wonderful. I couldn't decide, so am posting both for you.
  11. WEEK 20 • Jan. 20 — ONE asterisk * 96. Cabinet Positions. Of the 4 jobs in George Washington’s cabinet, the 2 that have been filled by women in the 230 years since. 97. Classic Movies. This 1939 film was loosely based on Senator Burton Wheeler, victim of a sham investigation for looking into the Justice Dept. 98. U.S. Territories. Of the 5 inhabited U.S. territories, this is the only one where cars drive on the left. 99. Famous Names. A new Election Day ritual is leaving “I Voted” stickers on the headstone of this historic woman at a Rochester, New York cemetery. * 100. Bestselling Authors. Now in her 70s, this author splits her time between Paris & San Francisco, often writing 20 to 22 hours a day on an old typewriter. * Week 20 started on January 20. A coincidence ... or a plan? Clue 100 is the first asterisk since clues 77 and 62. Before clue 62 (Week 13), there were asterisks every week except Week 4 and ToC Week 9.
  12. Geesh. You are correct. I copy/paste weeks on my master, then update the numbers. Turns out I did not do that for Week 15, so clue numbers have been off since then. Excuse me while I go back and fix the master, then this week will be correct. *crosses fingers* Thanks for catching that, @zoey1996.
  13. I totally agree. I wasn't paying that much attention, and thought Dex was looking for a new hangout bar when she went into that one. It wasn't until the other person (group greeter?) spotted her and started talking that I realized it was the PTSD group. If they are a bunch of drinkers, Dex will fit in. But what sort of meeting would they have, looked like everyone was crowded in at the bar, no one but that one person even noticed Dex. Way to make newbies feel welcome, show. I laughed that the drug cop had a fork in his glove compartment. So do I. One never knows when one will run into a vegan enchilada, or a slice of baked Alaska.
  14. He did, and it seems it's 82-85 days or something like that. I didn't make a note of it since it sort of doesn't matter, unless the show gets a second season I guess. Whether he runs in the election also would depend on that. Might be, show gets cancelled and Bill retires and rides off into the sunset, mission accomplished, pension in hand.
  15. Thanks for saving me typing time. I got all of these except the last two. I am not THAT smart. For FJ my first thought was Jessica Fletcher. She's old and uses a typewriter. Then I decided to go for real with Barbara Cartland. Hey, it could have been her if not for the small detail that she died 20 years ago and is buried in Britain.
  16. I've become obsessed with the baked Alaska, why it took Ansel and Tookie a zillion years to make some cake base when even Gordon Ramsey in his videos says to use an already made sponge cake. The hardest part is making the meringue correctly, and even that isn't difficult, just takes some extra time in the mixer. Gordon made a BA, from start to ready to eat, in less than 7 minutes. But then the boys having meringue all over their faces wouldn't be such a cute helpless look I guess.
  17. I remember some other posters in the Chicago area saying here they got the once-a-week late-night rerun. But there isn't a daily rerun here, unless it's on a cable station like Game Show Network. Maybe some east coasters will know more about that's going on there. 2018 isn't that old; I'd like to see episodes 10-15 years old, that would be fun.
  18. *crickets* I guess. My regular Jeopardy is technically Daytime Jeopardy since it's on at 4:30 in the afternoon. How old are the reruns you are getting? There is a rerun here, Sunday night at 11:30 p.m. It's about one season behind so not that old. I'd love to see the oldies, like when Brad was on.
  19. Note: Clue numbers have been off, starting with week 15. I fixed Week 19 here, but was not able to edit weeks before that. Scores are not affected, this is just an fyi and a warning to me to pay better attention.
  20. A very unfortunate shout out to the Dark Water movie we briefly discussed a week or so ago. Local news reports that water samples taken in Davenport, Iowa exceed the EPA-recommended levels of the toxin used to make teflon. Samples taken and tested by an independent lab. The report states Davenport has the second-highest levels in the United States. Maybe I can get a bit part/play an extra in that movie. I know ... not funny. Story just broke yesterday.
  21. Wow. Crickets. I had to be careful watching last night since the ADHD camera work is close to giving me seizures. Because of it, I pretty much couldn't/didn't follow any story line. Although I guess that doesn't matter very much in the big scheme of things. Shout out to another poster here when Bill threw his toothpick out the window. So a car/SUV takes how long to catch up to some running guy when they both start at the same time at the same location? Then Bill's car kills him and ... that's okay? Alrighty then. What's up with every married woman becoming jealous when the husband brings an attractive co-worker home. I guess Bill's lesbian driver is fine because she's not going to be seducing Bill. Anyway, I hate that. And it seems every show I watch had that going on this week. Are all husbands untrustworthy? Don't answer that. I was thinking those two feds holding the car for the CI now in federal protection were part of the cartel and she was dead meat as soon as they drove off. I keep wondering who all those people in suits are that keep waiting for Bill to hold a meeting with them. They are always there, and Bill always blows them off. Don't any of them have jobs? Is Bill's daughter his bio daughter or his wife's from a previous relationship. She hablas perfectly while Bill does not? Eh. I like the cop guy with the beard. He's so Sons of Anarchy. But is the adoption of the kids of the parent(s) he killed a good story line? I vote no. Bill and daughter sorely need a Quinsenierra choreographer.
  22. Ha ha! The category was BA. But your BC category would be welcomed so keep thinking 'em up. Just because my Red Angus doesn't fit the category doesn't mean a kid can't wish!
  23. So funny; thanks. His acceptance speech at the Golden Globes made me laugh too. He said he came by himself. He was going to bring his mother, but because all the gossip sites say he's dating every women he's seen with, that would have been awkward. He was stunningly good in Once Upon A Time In Hollywood.
  24. You were more correct than you think. The breed is Aberdeen Angus, there is no such breed as a "Black Angus." Black indicates color, not breed, as Angus cattle also come in red. "Red Angus." They are registered with the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society in the UK and the American Angus Society in the U.S. I was wishing the photo had been a red Angus, just to shake it up. I understand Frederick Douglass has been corresponding with the White House, so I can see the confusion at thinking he is or isn't dead. Maybe he is only partly dead. PERFECT photo, @GrannySmith. Jeopardy should have used it for its clue.
  25. I looked it up, and yes indeed, there is a version of baked Alaska flambé. The booze just adds to it, if one is so inclined. It didn't change the toasted look of the ones I saw on YouTube. Actually, the recipe is fairly easy. I might even try one. (Although no flambé, I have no interest in setting my house on fire.)
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