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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Why yes, yes she did. She also said she didn't know what a shaman is. No one here is playing with more than five or six brain cells, if that many. Kelley also looks old enough to be Peter's mother. And that's not a slam on Kelley.
  2. Thanks for making me feel better that I answered "anthropologist" as well.
  3. After seeing all of the acts, I would have put through the hand-balancer guy and dog, and Connie the BGT singer over the Russian bar bouncer and mini-Henny Youngman. That kid, while he's funnier than that Ryan dude (so is my dog), his act is gonna get quickly old. Singer Connie ... while I'm not a fan of singers on this show, I actually listened to her entire song, enjoyed it, and would have sat through a couple more. She was the first AGT singer that I was sad to see go.
  4. Lots of powder-blue scarves and white jackets behind the Geico wall during the champions' freestyle skate yesterday.
  5. This week is proof that I live in The Bizarro World. This was my first best score, it only took 20 weeks for me to have a higher score than any of you brainiacs. I've always felt I'm a bit ... "different" ... and this just confirms it. Even my brain is a non-conformist rebel. Don't worry, ya'll will be back on top this coming week and I'll be scoring 0s and 1s again. But thank you, planets, for aligning for me this one week. I'm currently creating an ad for a dog named Camembert. One of his pups is named Petite Fromage.
  6. Having just watched the rerun, I again wondered just what a "superfan" is, so I googled it. Turns out, those superfans are just regular audience members. From talentrecap.com: What Is a Superfan on AGT: The Champions? On each episode of America’s Got Talent: The Champions, one of the advancing acts is decided by whichever judge happens to have the power of the Golden Buzzer that week, while the other is decided by a select group of audience members who vote at the taping after all of the acts have performed. These voters are called “superfans” and are selected as representation of whichever U.S. state they most identify with. How Do I Become One A Superfan for AGT: The Champions? Throughout the live shows, the team at the Dolby Theater has been signing audience members up to come back and vote on Champions, but on last night’s results show it was announced that, similar to last year, an online application would be available as well. From the AGT website: If you live in the Los Angeles area and consider yourself an AGT superfan, we have an amazing opportunity for you. Simon Cowell wants you to help him judge! The most popular and viral acts from America’s Got Talent and Got Talents around the World will compete in the ultimate competition being taped this fall in Pasadena. We are trying to put together a diverse panel of superfans that will determine who moves on and ultimately wins in the competition. The voting is not open to the public, just to this select panel of fans. To take part in this special opportunity fill out the form below. The tapings will take place at the Pasadena Civic Center between 4pm and 9pm. You must be available for the full taping time. Parking will be provided. So, any of you in the LA area can be a "superfan" next season. Just pick a state you want to say you represent. Any state. It doesn't matter.
  7. That Eli Manning episode was painful to watch, absolutely nothing remotely funny in it except the video of his Big Brother sketch. That was good. Otherwise, man, this was an episode to turn the channel on. I wish I had.
  8. I handwaved pretty much this entire episode (translation: was doing other things), but I do question that vine-covered cemetery building that, from the outside, looked like a private mausoleum which are typically about 12-14 ft. square, big enough for caskets to be put into vaults and a space for family/mourners to stand. That ended up being one big-ass building once they got inside, with multiple rooms and absolutely nothing in it, like workman tools. And that trapped woman, in a room with an opening at the top, could have been yelling her brains out and been heard way before all these years later. Since the killer was a masonry guy and not the groundskeeper, the guy who mowed the lawn every week would have gotten rid of those vines too since they deteriorate concrete. I know, I know ... handwave. As soon as I saw the kitchen island I knew there was a body inside. But would a dried-up corpse with no flesh or body fluids smell so overpoweringly like those guys were acting it did? It would have stunk to high heaven while decomposing, so good luck to anyone cooking/eating in that kitchen while that was going on. Lucky there was a pry bar on the kitchen counter so they could open up that island. To the posters upset that Lincoln could wiggle his toes in the first episode ... that's all gone now, so we're good on that, thank goodness.
  9. LOL, good point. So, keep your phone on but leave it on your kitchen table while you go to murder/kidnap someone. Maybe leaving your phone at home is more difficult these days than killing someone?
  10. Yes, they did, which is why my suggestion to either turn off your cell phone or leave it at home, all you crooks and murderers reading here. I still think it's better to try and get rid of the car/body than to leave them sitting in your back yard while the stolen baby is living inside your house.
  11. Wasn't godson's dad killed in a prison shanking? I was thinking godson was a prison guard too. But that was four episodes ago, who can remember. Obviously, not I! I'm kind of confused about the different between a sheriff and a police and a deputy. Not that it matters I guess. Well, that election IS coming up!
  12. Anything Alex related can skip my house as well, but feel free Show, to send Agent Brooks as often as possible. Yowza. Him I'll miss if this show doesn't renew.
  13. I watched all of Abducted, then when they got to the part about the body in the trunk of the car, I realized this was a pretty recent news story. Dateline filled up an hour with pretty much nothing, the same stuff over and over to stretch the hour out. Agree Andrea is a waste of time as an interviewer for these kinds of stories. The show never said, as far as I heard, that Meygan (so many different spellings of her name) really wasn't pregnant so had to be faking all along with plans to kidnap Heidi's baby. The show also didn't mention how much Heidi weighed and how someone of Meygan's size and strength could put dead Heidi in a duffle bag and then lift it into the trunk of a car. Where does one buy a human-sized duffle bag? I always wondered why the car with the body inside was left parked at the house. If I were the murderer, I would have gotten rid of the evidence instead of just letting it sit in the back yard. I wonder where the tip came from that sent Houston and Austin cops to Meygan's Houston house. Last tip taken from this show: Always turn off your cell phones folks, or leave them at home if you plan to do something illegal.
  14. Another tv show where people can break open/solve major crime rings in less than 15 minutes. So now does every cop in LA hate Bill? Is his life now in danger? Tune in next week I guess. Way to solve the budget problem at the hospital, "Fire me." There's a real problem solver. How about actually looking at the budget, expenses, P+L. I guess that's not dramatic enough, sitting at a table and going through reports. I also guess Bill's new salary as sheriff covers what they would lose when wife quits to save everyone else's jobs at the hospital. I don't get Bill's obsession with his godson. Seems like the kid is old enough, he should be taking care of himself by now. The cops and the rest of the sheriff's crew drive pretty nice modern vehicles. Bill is driving a 20-year-old IH Scout. Or at least that's what it looks like. I do have to say, the ending was sweet, with Bill taking his dad on a ride. Best part of the entire episode.
  15. Something similar happened to me two years ago, I couldn't get the test screen to open at all any of the three days, even though I had taken the test every year before (and after) that year. You can take all three tests at TheJeopardyFan.com if you want to see how you would have done.
  16. WEEK 21 • Jan. 27 — ONE asterisk * 96. Poets. A Dartmouth dropout, he received 2 honorary degrees from Dartmouth— in 1933 & 1935. 97. World Capitals. Sharing its name with another ancient city on the sea, this African capital is called “Bride of the Mediterranean.” * 98. 21st Century Oscar Winners. This man won Best Supporting Actor twice, both for films that won Best Picture. * 99. Advertising & Music. In 2008, 34 years after it made Billboard’s top 10, this song title was used by a southern state in a tourism campaign. 100. French Towns. Legend says local farm wife Marie Harel & a priest from Brie created the famous product of this Normandy village.
  17. I wasn't keeping track of TSs, but when the DD about Chief Joseph popped up, it got my attention. My first horse was an Appaloosa, so that was a no brainer for me. (I'm thinking it was for you also @Mindthinkr, amiright?) I got a huge laugh out of Audrey asking to change her wager on that DD. I wish I could have ESP'd the answer to her. That was a first for this show, so she deserves a Good For You. Otherwise, there was cowboy (they rode Appaloosas too) and Hunter S. Thompson, everyone's fav gonzo journalist. For FJ I almost said Brie, until I reread the clue. So went with Camembert. I don't have a clue why I knew that. But this was another example of the FJ subject being not quite what the category makes one think it will be. I don't know any French towns, but I do know me some cheeses.
  18. Then why was she there (and Owen was not) when Dustin came to the station? Unless there are two glass-enclosed beauty stations in Austin and the paramedics have one too. I wasn't paying all that much attention so maybe I missed something.
  19. So much this. Thank you for expressing my thoughts so well. Do the paramedics live in the same station as the firefighters? If so ... ewww. And I mean that as we can't escape Michelle if she's living in that "commercial showroom for expensive, ethically-sourced furniture hand-crafted by artisan elves." (Thank you for that visual, @sweetandsour!)
  20. I just watched this episode after reading here. Just fyi, that was one of the farm kids videoing the woman Marjan, not any of the firefighters. I live in corn countries and, in fact, have one of those grain storage bins at the back of my property. Every year, more than one guy dies in a bin. Many are now equipped with tethered safety harnesses inside for workers to put on before they walk out onto the corn. That TK jumped in to save Marjan by putting out his hand was all kinds of dumbass. She was wearing a harness and rope; just grab the rope and tie it off to the inside ladder and pull her out that way. Plus the original guy was on a safety ring and rope, so why let him go to slide out the hole. Cutting the bin is common to save people trapped inside, but I'm not sure you can do it with a hand-held Skil saw given the massive pressure of the corn inside the bin. Still, it was a pretty good save, and thanks Judd for describing it. Dustin needed to call the cops stat after he was assaulted by Rob Lowe on his own front porch. And Owen puked from the tequila-drinking contest he had with Liv. That bar scene made me dislike him almost as much as I dislike her. TK is a huge waste of time. I wouldn't mind if he gets ... well, doesn't come back from some call. But make it soon, show. So Muslims can't choose their own mosque, they have to be approved by people who were there first? WTHeck is that about. I can go to any church I like, I didn't know the congregation had to vote me in or out. LOL about the mechanical bull. And shout out to the poster here who called it. Meanwhile, Judd rules this show. I'd be good with Owen and TK heading back to NYC and Judd taking over.
  21. At least you took the test, so a hearty GOOD FOR YOU is well deserved, @peeayebee. I'm going to take the Wednesday and Thursday tests to see how they (me) compare to Tuesday. The tests are on TheJeopardyFan.com for anyone interested.
  22. It's my understanding that the DD is directly related to the dollar/point amount it sits behind. Therefore, a 200 DD is easier than a 2000 one. A 200 DD is pretty rare, however.
  23. Why yes. Yes I did. LOL! I easily got Sweet Home Alabama. I might have been helped by the fact that it’s also a really cute 2002 Reese Witherspoon movie.
  24. I looked at the answers at TJF but didn't score myself. A couple answers were so easy and I knew them, yet I sat and stared at the screen until time was up. The one that bugs me the most though, was my instant answer of Dali. There was so much time left, and I rethought "Spanish," so erased Dali and put Picasso. Gah. I should go back and actually count my correct answers. I'll do that when I can handle the depression it will cause.
  25. Unless they have antenna tv. Lifestyle reruns are on for an hour or more every weekend. Yeah, I watch it!
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