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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. It's Halloween Weekend guys, so Halloween Feast is the theme at the T42 where I sit this week. Costumes optional but as you can see I am wearing mine. Here's the buffet lineup: Vampire Heart Pies, Devil May Care Spaghetti, Victor Frankenstein Frosty Malts, Tombstone (no additional adjectives needed) Pizza, Jolly Jack O'Lantern Full O'Candy Holders and Daddy Long Legs Stick To Your Ribs Googly Eyes Dessert. All Contest players are welcome to join in.
  2. Oh my gosh, that is hysterical. But even more so is the Underpants In A Can. I need to go shopping!
  3. WEEK 7 • Oct. 25, 2021 — ONE asterisk 31. Notable Women. Of the 3 pioneering women in their field to be dubbed the “Trimates”, this one got her Ph.D from Cambridge in 1966. 32. Authors. These 2 men who both died in Boston in the mid-20th century each won 4 Pulitzers, one man for Poetry & the other for Drama. * 33. Literary Movie Roles. Among the actresses who have portrayed her are Greta Garbo twice, Vivien Leigh, Tatiana Samoilova & Keira Knightley.* 34. World Cities. From Sydney, Australia go 7,000 miles east & less than 1/2 degree of latitude north to this capital also near the Pacific. 35. Songs & U.S. History. Victory in 1805’s Battle of Derna on the coast of North Africa inspired a lyric in this song made official in 1929.
  4. All right, all right, I'll be back with the clues. Hold your horses, or at least hold mine, literally please! Here is a pre-cog photo of her next month.
  5. "From the halls of Mont-tee-zoo-OOO-mer to the shores of Trip-pole-lee ..." We kids learned all of those songs in grade school and sang them all the time. I guess they stopped teaching such things to modern-age kids. More's the pity.
  6. Problem solved about how to get people back to present time: Forget the plane, go down and rescue them in a tardis. Easy peasy.
  7. Actually, using Svengoolie as a study guide for anything isn't really the best decision, but he is a lot of fun. And frankly (FRANK!) I didn't come up with a right or wrong first name for the good doctor even though I watch Svengoolie every Saturday night. Except this week because (Cub-less) baseball. :-((
  8. Because of the above Bible discussions, here is an easy study page for upcoming Bible clues. Bible facts.
  9. Svengoolie has been showing a series of classic Frankenstein movies every Saturday night for the past several weeks, in this order: Frankenstein (1931), The Bride of Frankenstein (1935), Son of Frankenstein (1939), The Ghost of Frankenstein (1942), Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man (1943), House of Frankenstein (1944) and Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948). Svengoolie rocks.
  10. Stranger things have happened in real life. What? Trying to make sense of this show's writing and plots? LOL!
  11. Red made me laugh when he casually said he had been struck by lightning while playing golf. Cooper's convo with Panabaker also was pretty well written. I know, surprise! While I thought he looked okay last week, this week Ressler looked like a serial killer that I wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley somewhere. Creepy. So plastic got thrown over the bleak federal office equipment in the Post Office while no other department was moved in there in two whole years. That's not like the federal government, to let space go to waste. And Cooper expected his booze to still be there. You mean you didn't take it with you? I knew the new (heh) Skinner would be Red. But isn't the area shaved before applying a tattoo? At least clip back that arm hair dude. I was actually liking Red's new squeeze. She's no Anne, but she has SPUNK!
  12. 13 TSs today (counting the DD), almost one-quarter of the clues. Painful. There were 15 TSs a few days ago. Anyone know the record for most TSs in one episode?
  13. A capabilities test! Will they pass or will they fail? Place your bets and tune in to see!
  14. I'm late announcing the Winner of Week 6! So here I am, swooping in on the wings of a (very large) bird, to present to one and all the Ganador de la Semana Seis, the Vainqueur de la Sixième Semaine, the Winner of Week Six, the person who logged 2, 3, 2, 3, 2 and 3 for one of the best patterns ever: @Clanstarling. While Grundoon's dice rolled to the wrong side this week, I have added Flaming-Hot Mojo Wings to your two-three die, Clanstarling. Roll 'em and weep next week, but be careful, don't get burned! Meanwhile, congratulations for a great six-week run with one of the best patterns ever. Enjoy your week of glory Clanstarling, and bask in it for as long as you like. Meanwhile, thank you, Internet translators, for helping with this post!
  15. Since obviously I wasn't watching closely, did they find the radar that was coming from that hut enclosure? And if so, what up with that?
  16. Actually, I lied. I didn't watch yesterday's episode but planned to watch later on YouTube. Then I discovered I didn't care enough. I do plan to watch Nancy win again (not a spoiler, just a finger crosser) today though so my 11-day sabbatical will really be over. (Never use a preposition to end a sentence with.)
  17. So one person writes in a letter that the sky is closing TOMORROW! and she knows this how? Maybe the earth is just rotating like it always does and it appears to be closing but nothing anywhere says it really WILL close and even if it does, who says it will never reopen again? Like everyone knows all about that ... how? Maybe Gavin's a pre-cog now too? The tribe of murderous perfect-English speakers cracked me up. As did the sacrificial building made of perfectly formed concrete. I'd like to ask those angry guys (did we even see any women?) or at least the blond kid where they got all the materials to build multi huts, cut logs for the big fence (with a gate no one bothered to close so anyone or anything could walk into the compound), where they got metal and tools for shaping those spear points and, finally, what's for dinner.
  18. Wish you had done it sooner, but thank you. I said Miller too, not knowing that he was busy getting married to Marilyn Monroe while O'Neill was busy getting dead.
  19. Well, everyone in Chicago knows everyone else so Minneapolis is probably even more like that since it's even smaller than Chicago.
  20. Thanks for thinking of me @secnarf. Because I check TJF every day for the FJ contest, I knew what was going to happen so today was the first day since October 11 that I've watched an episode. Nancy rocked, and it was a small pleasure to see a woman kick butt. I guess all my hexes and nighttime druid chants by a bonfire finally worked. Although I will say I was enjoying my time off, not having to BE HERE! at a definite time every week day. I still am feeling sadness though. Looking forward to seeing someone in the ToC but not someone else.
  21. I agree with this. It's depressing that Joe is stuck with the same two women and same college friend and same politician (and same kid) in every timeline. One Joe should have moved to Alaska to work the oil fields or become a SEAL or have gone to Nepal to guide Everest hikers or something. I don't know where the idea for Nurse Joe came from. Cop and Rocker I get. But it's pretty depressing none of these timelines is all that great for Joe.
  22. I am totally on Rocker Joe's team after this episode. Amy was horrid for sleeping with some guy because she SUSPECTED her husband was doing the same. Like that always makes everything better in a marriage, right? She's been a horrible person and wife in every episode. Now that Bobby's dead or mostly dead (probably totally dead since his body was shown with eyes open, which shows don't do unless the person is completely dead) I'm betting Amy turns up pregnant but hasn't slept with Joe, just Bobby. JMHO for drah-mah. Keeping the hamster overnight is all kinds of dumb. It's not like hamsters will die w/o company for a few hours. In fact, they typically sleep all day and run on their wheels at night, when people are trying to sleep. And punching holes in the wall ... WTHeck was that about. If the hamster found a hole in the wall (which was unlikely), it could come back out of that hole when it got hungry, thirsty or just bored. Showing the hamster in the middle of the floor when Joe answered the door did make me laugh though. Plus a gerbil doesn't look anything like a hamster. Are all of these people dumbasses? Don't answer that. It was weird for Nurse Joe to take his son to Bobby's house. What was that about. Again, the kid is a fount of wisdom. Even if he did toss a tantrum for the first time (it only took six episodes) about his clothes. If Zeke is almost 10, how have his adoptive parents been driving him around all those years? And hokey smokes, $100,000 for a handicapped van. Jeepers. But that's just lunch money for Rocker Joe I guess. And Jenny is all verklempt about Joe posting a Tik Tok with Zeke? She needs to STFU. Everything that happens with Joe and Zeke now is your fault, bitch.
  23. I just can't imagine bringing containers to a family dinner, then scooping up all the leftovers and leaving the counters bare as you make off with all the food, leaving everyone else on empty. That's beyond my comprehension. I don't have any family or relatives but I've been invited by different friends to their holiday dinners through the years. I know, it's kind of friends to do that and I always go to make the friend feel she's done something nice, but it's uncomfortable to be sitting at a table with people you don't know and having them side eye you, like who the hell are you and what are you doing here. (At one dinner, I tried to join in a conversation about movies and the person turned his back on me to shut me out. Point made.) Anyway, I always bring something to the dinners and when I leave, I insist any leftovers of what I've brought be left there, I don't want to take any back with me. Some people will give me some leftovers to take home, some don't. But I don't expect anything. Mostly, I'm just glad to be getting out of there. Totally hot all the time for me. Back then anyway.
  24. You need to quit dogging me girl. Seriously.
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