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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. That Saber is the biggest snot rag. Don't pay her any attention.
  2. That's because those people are probably dead. *happy face*
  3. That old line again, "It's not you, it's me." *sigh*
  4. My mom was a voracious sewer. She used to ask me to thread her needle for her and, me a kid, thought (but never said) "What's so hard about that."
  5. Thanks a lot -- NOT -- for that since I have cataract surgery scheduled in two weeks.
  6. Lily's shirt talk made me realize I've only seen Matt from the waist up. For all I know, he has two-inch legs. And Bozo feet.
  7. Bowen went to the top of my favorites list on his first episode. Everything he does is golden in my book.
  8. The imitation Kristen Wiig was just as annoying as the real Kristen Wiig. So, good job Melissa!
  9. Got a laugh that the writers got in Takei's burn on Shatner going into space as I was following that in real time. Another favorite was LeVar Burton in the CO telling Mayim Bialik to "suck it" since I follow Jeopardy and Burton made a big deal about wanting to be host. But now he's an NFL coach!
  10. I was wondering why the Daniel Craig episode was shown since it's so recent, then realized why after watching the Rami Malek live episode directly after. I didn't mind seeing it again though because I love The Weeknd and "The Couch" video is one of my all-time favorites, worth seeing again if just for that.
  11. While I was never read to as a child, I do remember my dad telling stories that he had made up. They were fun and entertaining although memories are vague since he died when I was 5. My mom was a voracious reader, always a book in hand. She just never read to me and we had no children's books. She gave me a copy of Wind in the Willows when I was too young to be able to understand it, although I did enjoy it when I got old enough.
  12. I usually only watch until WU which typically is the only good part of this show, or I read Galileo's recap and use that to figure which skits to watch online the next day. But I like Rami and the cold open was one of the best ever, so I stayed to watch a few sketches and ended up watching the entire show. This was the best episode in a long time, I loved all of it. And when Daniel Craig showed up in the Prince sketch, I was all what? confused since I had just watched his rerun right before this new episode. Great cross-over episode! Celeb School was my favorite, everyone was spot on, and that one could have been the entire show IMO. And yes, I saw Rami jump into Daniel's arms at the close and was disappointed that the camera cut away just at that moment. I hope Rami is invited back ... soon. He's right up there as my fav host of all time.
  13. A friend named one of her show dogs Red Solo Cup and I thought that was so weird. Later I learned there is a CW song of the same title. I still think it's a strange name for a dog. Cups yes, dogs no. I'll bring the recyclable tableware for all the tables to share, and I'll be the one under the T42 scarfing bleu-cheese wings while downing a gigantic volcanic Bloody Mary with extra sticks. I wouldn't mind someone reading me bedtime stories now. (I have a few people-who-read in mind.)
  14. @Clanstarling, your post about your lab partner made me cry, it really touched home. People who are judgemental about others and do their "superior dance" (TM Church Lady) at the expense of and to belittle others ... my wish is for them to all be struck dead by lightning. And that's my judgemental opinion on the subject. I've never dressed like nor acted like nor ever wanted to be like the flock of sheep who snark on others who don't "fit" with their "in crowd." I'd rather be alone than with people without compassion.
  15. Perfect! Yes to that. That would cheer me considerably, I love me some wings and bleu cheese. And we're at the same T42. My brain hurts trying to think of something to bring and share. @Grundoon59, great story as always. Lucky mom. I was fangirling just seeing Johnny Bench play in Cincinnati. I figured Austria for Monday. Didn't know it was divided but didn't think Germany would divide Germany, which was my second guess. For publishing I could only come up with Simon and Schuster (after discarding Penguin). Hey, maybe those brothers were half brothers by a different mother. Yogi was an easy answer for Wednesday, me being a baseball fan and all. For U.S. History I picked the other "S" word, surveyors, since there was a surveyor FJ not long ago. For Children's Lit the only Kipling story I could come up with was Jungle Book, which I knew was wrong but whaddayagonnado. Reading posts here made me realize that my mom never read stories to me. When I'd spend the night at my sister's MIL's (I called her my grandma), she would read The Little Red Hen to me every night, which thrilled me to death, I loved it so much. But it never occurred to me that my own mom would ever read me a bedtime story, I thought that was just for special sleepovers when I was a kid. Who knew.
  16. Oh, you just wrote a new conflict/disaster into that timeline. Nice!
  17. Never saw any ep of The Sopranos (just have antenna tv). Which Big Sky person is the former Meadow? The new evil woman drug dealer?
  18. Make mine an extra large with atomic-level heat and extra horseradish. In fact, I'll take a bowl of horseradish on the side to dip the celery stick in. Bloody Marys contain all of my fav things. You can just slide it down the table to me since I'm at your T42. Thank you @secnarf for your kind words. Going through some tough times at the Saber house these past weeks and Matt was my happy half-hour escape from RL. Now I don't even have that. I might be back after "that guy" is gone.
  19. That reminds me of my former managing editor. Her hair always looked unstyled and messy, with no order to it, says this person who always wears braids, ponytail or bun. One day she said to me she was having a great day because she finally got her hair exactly how she wanted it, and was so happy she looked good that day. To me, she looked the same. To her, she looked great. Which is all that matters in hair and clothing choices. If the wearer is happy, that's all that matters, viewers be damned. I learned from that not to be judgemental about what others wear or how they look, because, mirror people, mirrors. "Judge not lest ye be ..." ETA: Mayim's hairstyle looks VERY similar to my managing editor's.
  20. Thank you. I am now following @mattamodiodolla. ... and this just got posted:
  21. It was edited after I posted :) Stop fighting you guys. @ams1001 messaged me that I missed U.S. History so I fixed my post. I've quit watching the show and so sort of lost interest in the FJs.
  22. WEEK 5 • Oct. 11, 2021 — ONE asterisk ONE Mattsterisk *M 16. Countries of the World. Nazi Germany annexed this nation & divided it into regions of the Alps & the Danube; the Allies later divided it into 4 sectors. *M 17. Publishing. Last name of brothers James, John, Joseph & Fletcher, whose co. published magazines with their name as well as books. 18. Sports Legends. When Johnny Bench broke his record, this man wrote, “I always thought the record would stand until it was broken.” 19. U.S. History. On Sept. 30, 1788 William Maclay & Robert Morris, both of Pennsylvania, were chosen as the first 2 these. *20. Literature for Children. These stories got their collective title because little Josephine Kipling insisted they be told exactly the same way each time.*
  23. Naw, there will be kidnappings and near-death experiences but all the kids will be rescued by a crew of women detectives wearing skin-tight jeggings.
  24. I don't see the appeal of Aaron Rodgers. I don't find him attractive or nice to look at, plus I recently heard an interview with him on the radio. Packers are playing Da Bears, and holy cow, talk about a one-note monotone, almost put me to sleep with his droning on in his oh-so-un-expressive voice. I'm Team Buzzy all the way. Unfortunately, I doubt that will ever happen. This show isn't doing anything to make me happy lately so Buzzy fans can blame me for him being overlooked.
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