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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. True this, and true for this week's feast as well. Everyone at the T40 just need to bring containers for carry out leftovers when it's time to go back to our respective corners and regroup for the next potluck. The extra nutrition should help build "more brain power, yes please!" for this week's contest.
  2. Wasn't the rugby team from Uruguay whose plane crashed in the Andes talked about in an earlier episode?
  3. So I guess that means when the tar pits are excavated in present time, they will find a few 2021 automobiles, a bus and a bag of heroin? Awesome!
  4. I'm hoping future COs will be about topics other than Biden. I haven't found any of the Biden impressions good, nor funny. And do COs always have to be political in nature. Last week the football CO was hilarious and a fun beginning to a great episode. There really are lots of other things to make fun of right now besides the president ... who, let's face it, isn't very funny or doing weird things to make fun of. JMHO of course, and YMMV.
  5. I'm sorry, but that made me laugh. Thanks for the reminder, it makes sense the task force was disbanded as threatened and everyone (almost) either quit or got fired or just forgot they were FBI agents and wandered off. Obviously, I don't retain a lot of what happens on this show. (I kind of like it that way.)
  6. Google "Steve Bartman" and you'll find all kinds of articles about him. There even was a movie, "Steve Bartman: Catching Hell." The Cubs were heading for their first World Series in more than 100 years when Bartman interfered with a fly ball that Moises Alou was going to catch to end the Marlins at bat. Immediately afterward, Bartman had to be escorted by police out of Wrigley Field after being pelted with garbage by fans, and getting death threats that continued well after that ballgame. After the Bartman event, the Cubs fell apart and Marlins won. It took the Cubs 13 years to recover. In the WUWT sketch, Bartman came in holding a baseball while Kenan sang "Steve Bartman, you are forgiven."
  7. WU was on fire with high hot flames this episode, I guess the heat was turned up to host The Devil, who was hilarious and actually made sense of a lot of the bogus happenings these past few years. What Up With That! That sketch is classic and this one topped all of them. Did anyone (besides me) LOL at Steve Bartman showing up? It's been 18 years, but Steve, no we have NOT forgiven you.
  8. Unlike Alex, who had no acting skills, but did often influence questions. All I can sing of Roxanne is "Roxanne ... ROXaaanne ..." whereas I can sing (badly) Lady Marmalade from start to finish. Je ne dis jamais non.
  9. Didn't Lizzie steal all Red's money last season? I wasn't paying that much attention but I thought Red was broke. As for the wig thing, I imagine those people signed a contract so they have to produce hair every season. At the beginning of this episode I swore I saw Cooper had a ponytail. Now THAT would have been a wig worth it IMO. "Citizen's arrest! Citizen's arrest!" --Gomer Pyle, The Andy Griffith Show
  10. Maybe sort of like how Boones Farm is a "comfort wine" for some. Or Mad Dog 2020. I'm always up for jokes about them.
  11. You and me both! Nice to have company :) I won't mention that it's suspicious given you two sit next to each other on the score sheet.
  12. Thank you for your business. It's appreciated. I've not seen Neapolitan ice cream sandwiches, but I'm up for those. And I read @shapeshifter's "All Natural Turkey Hill vanilla ice cream" as all natural turkey ice cream. PASS. I had caviar once as a kid, my mom had some for some event and I tried a spoonful. All I remember was, it was way salty, don't remember any taste other than that. When I was editing a convention newspaper in NOLA where my nephew works at a hotel in the French Quarter, he set it up for me to have dinner at the hotel restaurant on him. With appetizers the waiter brought a small cup of caviar, which I though was pretty extravagant, although the meal itself was high end. After letting it sit for nearly the entire meal, I decided to give the caviar a try ... and it was finely chopped black olives! Which, actually, tasted pretty much as I remembered the caviar to taste. So there's a tip if anyone wants to impress their friends and scare their enemies ... ripe olive caviar! I'm at the T42 this week. I've forgotten where my special upholstered chair is any more, I can't find it. So someone, save me a seat. I got Monday and Tuesday, then couldn't think of Dredd Scott for Wednesday so grabbed John Brown out of the air (didn't hurt him although he was slightly offended). Then went with Portugal for Thursday, even though I know it doesn't own Brazil. I had totally forgotten about someone wanting to buy Iceland, but I've blocked a lot of things that have happened lately. Then yesterday the obvious answer was Lady Marmalade, right? Pot roast ... I haven't had that since Mom used to make it for special Sunday dinners. It will go well with that chick pot pie and Neapolitan ice cream. I have leftover eating utensils and place settings from last week, all safer to share than anything "edible" I might make. Holy cow, frost here last night, and I've had to put on socks for the first time this year. Plus t-shirt, sweatshirt AND fleece jacket as I sit here. Pass me some warm weather, please!
  13. So much this. Best part of this episode, Liz didn't rise from the dead (although there's still the rest of the season) and Dembe ROCKED as he always does. I'm cool with Dembe being FBI because really, Liz and Ressler and Park et. al. made agent. Dembe is worth 10 times all of them put together. I'd be all about a Special Agent Dembe spin off. Thinking about this -- don't ask me why, my brain just did it without permission -- I've always thought Cooper was a little (make that a lot) too much invested in Elizabeth to the point where I thought HE was her father but more likely, her lover, which would explain how Lizzie could do no wrong with him, AND the creepy way he talked to her. Now I think he's Agnes' father, which explains why he's her guardian now. I demand a DNA test! But then again, I know how those go on this show. So, never mind. I've always thought of Ressler as eye candy, not a great agent. Although thinking back, he used to be the best agent, before Lizzie got on the team. Anyway, I'm kinda liking rough-out Ressler, but then I'm partial to gingers in jeans and boots. So Lizzie is killed which means there's no reason for the task force anymore? Didn't they exist before Red "surrendered" to them eight seasons ago? Did they all quit their jobs (except Park, who wasn't invested all that much) because there was no Lizzie to keep them coming in to the Post Office every day? Makes no sense, although I guess I'd be surprised if it did.
  14. WEEK 6 • Oct. 18, 2021 — NO asterisk 26. Names on the Map. From 1824 to 1825 this hero toured all 24 states & an Indiana city was named for him. 27. Contemporary Authors. He has studied Cordon Bleu cooking, but is known for his 1981 creation of a character with unconventional taste in cuisine. 28. 19th Century Supreme Court Decisions. The first “self-evident” truth in the Declaration of Independence was quoted & found not to apply to this plaintiff. 29. World Geography. This country of 16,600 square miles has a possession more than 50 times as large. 30. 1970s Top 40 Hits. Seeing a poster for a production of “Cyrano de Bergerac” in a seedy Paris hotel & ladies of the evening nearby inspired this hit.
  15. It almost was. Irritating point about FJ: Roxanne only got as high as No. 32 in 1979, making it barely in the '70s and just squeaking into the Top 40 whereas Lady Marmalade, my guess, was No. 1 in 1974. That's the song that taught us our first French sentence, voulez-vous coucher avec moi.
  16. That's AKC Champion dog to you, sand girl.
  17. This is golden. Golden, I tell you. And worthy of 10 zillion heart likes.
  18. Can anyone just walk into a crime scene and spill their DNA everywhere? Alrighty then. Don't any of these kids (besides Max) have parents? I spent a lot of time this episode wanting to trim the split ends off of Cassie's hair. It was shocking for me to discover this episode that from a distance Ronald is a twin for my college boyfriend who I almost married. Yikes! Does every kitchen have a knife block? Now I want one too, in case kidnappers break in. The PI office woman clerk continues to be SO CREEPY, she has to be involved in some crime somehow somewhere. What? This show is off for three weeks, back Nov. 11? There goes my Thursday nights.
  19. You need to get up earlier. "Early bird catches ..." and all that, Clan Starling.
  20. OMG, it's The Theme for Season 9! And just when I thought it was safe to start watching again ...
  21. Unless you said Portugal. (Saying that for a friend.)
  22. Yeay, this thread is BACK baby, back! It's THE reason to watch what's going to be a dreck season 9, but I'm in baby, in.
  23. Oh, but man, it got worse when everyone gathered around to wax poetic about the Golden Lizzie, Graceful Child of God who could do no wrong and was the epitome of an angel. If you ignore all the people she killed, the dogs she abandoned, the people she lied to, the people she tried to kill, the people she tortured, the people she robbed, yada yada yada. And now all of a sudden Ressler was the love of her life. Geesh, only so she could use him, and Aram too, to plot her crimes. What blackmail does that actress hold on Spader and this show? So far she's gone but please, let her be forgotten. And nice job, not letting grandpa see his granddaughter. Harsh. I could totally get behind Dembe rocking it as an FBI agent though. May I suggest a spinoff? LOL that Ressler appears to now run an auto-repair shop. Way to put your skills to good use. Oh, wait ... what skills. I do think he's better looking with the beard though, which means he'll shave by next episode. You forget the skills of the people on that task force. Or rather, lack of skills.
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