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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Until Aram demanded a moment of silence, two years after the fact. Gag me. Is that Diego under the red beard?
  2. Is she had gone all in (TM James) she would have been ahead for FJ and if she had bet like she should have, she would have been the new champ. But noooooo. I hate to say it but why is almost (almost) every single woman player so passive in betting. I mean, you are smart enough to get on this show, why don't you play to win it instead of just being another piece of meek spineless cannon fodder. It just bugs me to death, and when I see two women players I figure for sure the man will win. Please, some future female player, prove me wrong.
  3. You need to watch the 19-year-old movie Minority Report, where murderers and other criminals are arrested and sentenced before their crimes are committed. All because of precogs. It's a good movie made better by Tom Cruise and Colin Farrell. Director: Steven Spielberg.
  4. I heard back from my friend. Here is what he said when he practiced at an Eye Mart. He's since moved to another state and is working on getting licensed there. "We didn’t make glasses for patients to try on per se but if patients were unhappy they could return them for a refund. Progressive lenses are expensive and not for everyone. If it’s a ‘high powered large group office they might be willing to make a sample pair. I wear progressives but for computer another lens might be better." Note the bold! I've been going to a huge clinic that specializes in eye surgery so the testing rooms have glasses that they can pop new lenses in to see if you can read the charts with that power. Because I work 24/7 on a computer, as my friend says, "another lens might be better." Progressives don't do anything for me as I work and read straight ahead, not down. I would not get them again. Obviously, everyone's mileage varies from mine!
  5. "Who's your huckleberry?" "Why Spock, of course!" Wyatt Earp was born in a town 45 minutes south of me. The sign commemorating this event says nothing of his siblings, although there were four. Go 45 minutes east of me and you'll be where Ronald Reagan was born. Note that all of them eventually left Illinois, smart moves all the way around.
  6. LOL. 19 out of 20 people don't know Wyatt had any brothers much less what their names were, unless they watched Tombstone.
  7. I can't believe this is coming back for a NINTH! season. I had forgotten Lizzie is dead, or maybe she's just partly or mostly dead. I wonder if Red's disease was a fake out to get another season. I am looking for a vast improvement with Lizzie gone though. And looking forward to the excellent snark here.
  8. We do tend to forget how snarky and sometimes downright rude Alex was, and how he liked to turn interview stories to a story about himself and what he's done. "Not that there's anything wrong with that!"
  9. There are 70+ people named Rebecca Aldridge just on LinkedIn. Back when skin-tight jeans were the only kind women would wear, we used to put jeans on, get in the bathtub, then let them dry on us. Maybe this look is what the show is going for since it's not doing the wet-t-shirt thing. Getting the water from some contaminated water source reminds me of a Hawaii Five-O ep where the captives drank from a stream, then got too sick for the kidnappers to get away with them. Levi should have some of those water-purification tablets in his survival pack.
  10. And mine. Plus none of Matt's games ended with 15 TSs so there's that. I'm thinking most of the players Matt sent home would be the new champion now.
  11. They did for me without me even asking, The "sample" was big and clunky but my vision was tested again wearing them, maybe because I hadn't had glasses for years. I have a good friend who is an ophthalmologist. I will ask him if that was something he did in his practice.
  12. Do guns fire under water? Add me to the group who thinks it was major stupid to not pull that dead snake out and slice it up into steaks. It was at least two day's worth of food for everyone and more tasty than those MREs. The MREs that are all gone now. So the woman gets rescued from the snake and then just STANDS THERE in the water. I'd be all GET ME OUT OF HERE! if that were me. No hanging around in waist-deep water. Plus the other woman was just standing in the water too, like the snake didn't have a relative nearby? What a bunch of morons. If I were Scott, I'd be all DUDE, take your grubs off of me and back away, creep to that guy who keeps hanging on him. And yeah, what's up with hiding the heroin? Probably most of those people will want to do a line or two or three after a few months or years back in time. I was figuring a Costco or movie makeup trailer fell through the hole too, which is where the ladies are getting their makeup and hair-care accessories. Good to know TC hasn't shaved since he left The Night Shift.
  13. Thanks for the update @Mindthinkr. I was going to post "Mindthinkr lives!" yesterday when I saw you online, but I've been reprimanded for being rude so did not. But I thought it! @dcalley, I still suggest you have your eye doctor let you try on different glasses with your prescription to see how you like or don't like progressives before you fork out the cash for your own.
  14. I thank Mads Mikkelsen and the extremely hot Hugh Dancy for leading me to read all the Harris books, making FJ a snap for me.
  15. There were 15 TSs, that's one quarter of all the clues. Pitiful.
  16. "And thanks for that experience because it will never happen again." I HATE the invasion of privacy, that's was so way off base. Would it be okay for a man host to go through a woman's suitcase and underwear drawer? And maybe everyone made a notebook like that, only this guy got busted with his. Plus you know those two hosts are going to dish all about it because they can't keep their noses out of Michelle's (and everyone else's0 business. HATE it.
  17. Yes, but every poster here would rip you to shreds for you taking up too much time and therefore leaving 25 unplayed clues on the board. You might as well wave your buzzer over your head, dance and bring drumsticks to display during your interview. Oh, and don't forget to weave back and forth as you deliver those hour-long answers. And abandon a puppy somewhere it will surely die. Yeah, you'd do great.
  18. Not true, I love Indiana, it's a state that doesn't suck like Illinois does. Although when showing dogs in Gary, we were warned to chain/padlock anything left outside that could be carried away. For a recent national-specialty dog show, people brought baskets of things representing their state to auction off for a fundraiser. For my Illinois basket all I could come up with was an ear of corn, a notice saying your taxes are going up and a 534-page book detailing all of the Illinois governors and other politicians who have been sent to prison or are going shortly.
  19. So says Dr. Van Nostrand from the Hoffermanndale Clinic in Belgium! I don't hate mine, they are just a waste of money since I never use them. Never have, never will. Can't imagine how anyone would want or like them. ETA: Try some on at the eye doctor's before buying your own. They have all kinds of prescription glasses as samples, zillions of them. One has to match yours.
  20. The eye doctor talked me into progressive glasses when I had to quit wearing contacts, which I got before college. (So excellent to not have glasses anymore to fog up in winter or summer, going from cold to warm.) The progressives cost more and are a waste of time for me. I read looking straight ahead, and I either stick a pair of readers on over the glasses if I need to (which is seldom), or I take the glasses off altogether when reading anything, books, shopping lists, labels on grocery items. I've never ever used the "progressive" part of the lenses and would never get them again. YMMV!
  21. Thanks everyone for your prompt reporting. Our winner for Week 5 had some very appropriate scores and displayed such a clever score pattern over these five weeks that this person was the obvious winner. Not only does @Grundoon59 tell the best stories ever, every week, Grundoon59 has been secretly playing the best odds of any contest player, scoring 4, 5, 4, 5, 4 since Week 1. And note Grundoon scored 5 in Week 4 and 4 in Week 5, making it even more clever. Perfect planning, Grundoon! And very appreciated by this pattern fan. And to help you with future scoring, I'm awarding you this pair of magic dice that are guaranteed to help you keep up the pattern. Just give 'em a roll at the end of this week and let us know your new score!
  22. Ouch to that second sentence. BIG ouch. Best of luck to you @Mindthinkr. I hope all goes well. Check in with us when you get home and feel better. Well wishes to you. Crossing my good-luck fingers!
  23. Again, this show's writers don't know jack about dogs and effed up another clue about them. This is from akc.org, an organization that knows just a wee little bit about dogs: "Poodles first originated in Germany, not France. Although it is the national dog of France, the Poodle actually originated in Germany. The breed name comes from the German word, “pudel” or “pudelin,” which means “to splash in the water.” In fact, the term “French Poodle” is a misnomer." I thought all the dumbasses were gone when MR was canned but I guess not.
  24. I'm not watching until He Who I Refuse To Mention is gone, but reading here, now I have to head to the J-Archive to see the John Deere question, which would be easy peasy for me. I live in the land of Deere headquarters and I'm a tractor person. Even though I work for J.I. Case, not Deere, the farmers who work for and around me all drive green machines. (I personally fancy the little Deere L if I must go green.) The town where Mr. Deere created the first cast-iron plow, Grand Detour, Illinois has a cool museum and is a nice place to visit in northern Illinois. FJ was a no brainer, living near so many cities named for early explorers ... Joliet, LaSalle, et. al. And I've been to Lafayette, Indiana many times for dog shows. Side note: My good friend's Scottie won its first Best In Show at Lafayette a few years ago. Special place! I've also been to Santa Claus, Indiana. But not being a Christmas fan, I was not impressed. ETA: I just read J-Archive and now you all know where Mr. Deere's museum and shop are located. When the plows started to be manufactured, Deere moved to Moline, Illinois, where he had access to shipping via the Mississippi River.
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