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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Come visit us in the FJ Contest thread. Would love to have you!
  2. This dog person missed every clue in the Dog Names category except the stumper of Rin Tin Tin. Rusty: "Yo Rinny!"
  3. Love both sets of cartoons @shapeshifter. There is humor in truth!
  4. Actually, no, never. But now it will. So thanks PW.
  5. I was always tickled when I would visit a friend who bred/showed Wolfhounds. Her dog would come up to my car and put his head right through the driver's side window to say hi, without reaching up to do so. Impressive! Big kudos for the Jeopardy! writers who always find a way to sneak "genre" into a clue. Well done!
  6. Day 2, and just like that, I'm up to 50%! Hey @zoey1996, are there Highland cattle in Kansas?
  7. Heh, I didn't either and I've even met him IRL and we chatted a bit. Big thanks to Luigi for not letting Irish Wolfhound become a TS that I did not get. I stopped on Irish Terrier and my brain went down a (hound-sized) rabbit hole and I never even made it to Irish Water Spaniel much less the Wolfhound. My brain did not improve during my sabbatical. I really enjoyed April. She was a ton of fun with a lot of moxie. (Moxie!) It really was a good game today. And yes, I laughed at Ken's remark about the football category. That's exactly why he's the GOAT host. JMHO of course. I caught April's ASL intro too, but of course did not know what she signed. I was thinking maybe she would have talked about it in her interview.
  8. Good to have you back @ProudMary, and don't fret about going to TJF for FJ. That's where I get mine before the show even airs here. I might join you at a Table For Two in 2023. I'll bring the snacks.
  9. It's longer, MUCH longer, in dog years. So there's that. Thanks for the welcome back! It feels kinda good. I'm ready for some much-needed FJ fun.
  10. Welcome @GrannySmith, glad you are back. Yes, agree that "last season" was dismal (even abysmal) but so far this season ROCKS! And it's just the first day. Good times ahead for one and all, no doubt.
  11. Welcome @dankesean, it's great to have you with us this season. And 0 for 1 ... you are my kind of player! Trust me, my scores will make you look good. You'll see! Challenge accepted!
  12. Welcome ams, glad to see you too. It's been a spell. For me anyway. And I am 0 for 1 so I'm still the same old Saber. But I must say, being here for the first time in more than 10 months has made me feel much better today. So thanks everyone.
  13. I also said "Snake" but the part that got me was, I've been to Burlington, Iowa more times than I can count on both hands and all my feet and I've never heard of nor seen Snake Alley. I thought for sure the pic had to be in San Francisco, not some town so close to me. Go figure. If I were on Jeopardy! with lights and cameras and Ken Jennings, I wouldn't even be able to remember my name.
  14. Ah, Season 39 is now official with the new improved @opus avatar. It's a good look on you, my friend! And you are in, PW, even though you didn't say it. No excuses! You too, @Bliss!
  15. TODAY! Sept. 12. I know, it shocked me too. Where does the time go. SO HAPPY to see old friends here already. Hoping for oh so many more.
  16. Well, "Hello folks" says a voice from the past. Time for Season 39 FJ Contest to begin. Sign in here if you want to play. Season 38 results are behind schedule, way behind, due to "unforeseen events" but will appear eventually. Kinda like I did. Here's to a fun contest for everyone and great food to share all around! I hope to see all the regular avatars plus some new ones join in. As always, everyone is welcome here.
  17. This made me laugh so hard. As for Park having Ressler's drug test ... since when do co-workers have access to confidential personal information? Unless now Park is also head of the task force HR department. Yeah, that's it, so never mind.
  18. Only one $400 clue was left in DJ, none in the J round. Don't remember which round Whip was in, but typically the extra chatter doesn't prevent clues from being revealed, editing fixes that.
  19. Man, those black eye bags under Agnes' eyes. Yikes. She's not all that healthy under Cooper's guidance. She's gone all Goth, and so young, too. I laughed out loud when Cooper told Red he couldn't see Agnes because he's "a cold-blooded killer." Like, what was Lizzie? She murdered/tortured a boat load of people yet she's some kind of sainted deity? Gag me.
  20. She only has to keep it up one more day since Ken starts hosting Monday. She might be in some online Jeopardy fan site who talked her into doing jazz hands as a shout out to them. You know, like we tried to get @teebax to salute us with finger guns.
  21. While I have been following it courtesy of Chicago radio and no, he was not vaccinated. At least not with Moderna, Pfizer or J+J. Just with some made-up stuff. And I admit "Oslo" in yesterday's FJ clue helped me more than five years of art history classes. Pretty much all painters are "crazy."
  22. Robert Vesco! Hey, where's your cat?
  23. I beg to differ but in this part of Illinois it's ALWAYS Champaign-Urbana, NEVER the other way around. And that's a fact jack. Champaign is one town west of Indiana, only Danville is left before crossing into Hoosier land. Macomb and Carthage is on the west side of the state. Nowhere near Champaign-Urbana and there are no easy connecting roads, it's all "you can't get there from here" two lanes. I don't need to google any Illinois towns or roads since I've been driving them every single weekend for the last four decades for dogs shows, and went through Champaign (Urbana) more times than I can count in the five years of driving back and forth to college in Ohio. I've been to pretty much every part/city/town in Illinois (and many other states) including to the wilds of Cairo. Now that's some scary country down there in the toe of Illlinois says this person who lives in the civilized cornfields of upper Illinois.
  24. I don't know what UIUC is, but Carthage is just west of Macomb, home of Western Illinois University which is mid-upper Illinois. I've been through Carthage many times when taking a convoluted route to Quincy, Illinois. Cairo, on the other hand, is way down in the hinderland where there isn't a lot of civilization. "Hill jack country" she said. And finally, a FJ in my wheelhouse. I guess I didn't do five years at art college for a BFA for nothing. Well, next to nothing. The Scream! One of my favs.
  25. That was a big story and got a lot of play on Chicago radio, especially because Rodgers shouted "I OWN YOU!" to everyone in Soldier Field after scoring another touchdown against Da Bears a few weeks ago. He's not popular in Chicagoland. In fact, it's still getting a lot of play on Chicago radio and I suspect it will be for some time to come. ALL OF THEM? Hokey smokes! One of my favorite movies of all times.
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