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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I knew all three players, Simu and Ego because I watch SNL. Mayim was less abrasive, maybe because she was being outshown (outshined?) by all three players so she toned it down, an added plus for me.
  2. I had a series of dogs I named after high-society things. One was named Four Hundred, Four for short. I learned today there was/is a Forbes 400.
  3. Same here, a big crush. But he was a VERY bad person on the Hawaii Five-O reboot so now I see him as a villain.
  4. Oh, @Fex I am glad you are okay. Although I'd love to come to your apartment building, it running on a generator sounds better than my house. I do sympathize about that shower thing though. I know what you mean!
  5. I could watch an hour show every week about Lindor and Jerri, forget everyone else, including my Supernatural boyfriend.
  6. I've watched Big Sky since S1 E1 and man, was this episode a disappointment. I knew Jerri was going to be gone, but now Lindor too? WTH. And the guy in the mountains playing his tape recorder songs ... who couldn't hear that a zillion miles away, that's how sound travels in the outdoors. I guess he carries spare batteries because they were running down, then playing great in the next scene. And the old hack about people backing up and falling off a 500-ft. cliff. Gah. And Reba's face ... GAH x 2. The glamping thing is so ... ugh. I just can't. I love me some Montana but this show is pushing it.
  7. I was shocked and stunned to get a 3 this week. Unheard of! Most amazing was Friday. I typically get the FJ and show results from TJF every afternoon but was gone Friday so just watched the show figuring I would tank FJ as usual. And I guessed Beowulf! Go figure! I've never read it but I do own the Gerald Butler movie I purchased (and watched) during my post-300 Gerald Butler craze. It made my day.
  8. I was art director/associate editor for an international business trade magazine and had many articles published. You will not find them if you google my name, but if you go to that magazine's website, all are there in the archive and are easily found when my name is searched. My guess is you need the names of the pubs. ETA: I write for several smaller trade pubs now but have never had interest in seeing if my name as author could be found on any of those websites since I have/own all those articles. I do know many major freelance writers have their own websites with links to published articles.
  9. Three cheers for @MrAtoz AND Kokomo, Indiana, the best-named town in that entire state. Apologies to anyone named Gary, Valpo or Santa Claus.
  10. This is for you @Bliss. You are def NOT "muddying up this thread." On the contrary, this where FJ Contest players can meet and greet and post about anything besides FJ. This contest is for fun, and I want to keep it that way, not just a cut-and-dried score-posting site. We're a family, as people like to say. So please continue to post, even if you can't play. We care about you and need updates. So there! As for meeting posters, I got to be excellent friends with posters on the old TWoP site for, of all things, Prison Break. We kept in touch after TWoP closed shop, and exchanged Xmas presents and such. Good friends can be found in the most unlikely places, no? Reading here certainly brightens my day, for sure. It's a small pleasure but a pleasure all the same.
  11. Sorry for being late guys, I've been gone. But I'm back so yeay for me. Week 2 • Sept. 19, 2022 — NO asterisk 6. Historic Documents. The governor of Mass. wrote, it “is a poor document, but a mighty act…wrong in its delay till January, but grand & sublime after all.” 7. American Government. Delivered on January 8, 1790, the first of these was also the shortest, at 1,089 words. 8. Famous Names. Perhaps the most famous picture of him was taken in New Jersey in 1951 as he was annoyed by paparazzi on his 72nd birthday. 9. Pop Culture. In 2011 Leland, Mississippi, where Jim Henson grew up, honored Henson & his Muppets by renaming a bridge this, also a song title. 10. Literary Characters. In a later part of the epic named for him, this character becomes king after his cousin Heardred dies in battle.
  12. The tallies for Week 1 are in. Congratulations ALL players, the summer off was good for your brain power. We had an amazing THREE perfect scores from GrannySmith, Illdoc and TheArtAndSound. Browncoat gets special recognition for having the only 4 score (and not seven years ago) PLUS that illusive asterisk. Nine others got plain old regular 4s. (Note that 4s are not "regular" in Saber's universe.) Also shining a spotlight on Driad and Mindthinkr who both got 3s plus THAT asterisk. Nice! Seven other players got asterisk-less 3s. Eight players got 2s. And rounding out the field as the only player to get that lonely 1, ta da! Presenting your contest host, SABER! Woo hoo! With so many doing so well, it was easy for me to pick the first winner of Season 39's Final Jeopardy! Contest, and that's the person who made me laugh more than once (three times actually) in this thread, and trust me, a laugh is golden in my life at the moment. And that Weekly One Winner is no other than @opus, shown here wearing the T-shirt he was awarded as this week's prize. Lookin' good, Opus!
  13. Hey @Bliss, take your time and feel better, you will always be part of the contest so don't worry about that. You are on my players list until the season end. Please check in when you can, you are among friends here, and we all wish you the best. Let us know how you progress, but I know for a fact there is nothing more healing than snugs and kisses from that favorite pup.
  14. Thank you @labresq , that's nice to hear/read. Just need a report from @Bliss and get her score, then Week 1 Winner will be presented! Thanks everyone for checking in. So amazing to have 31 amazing players this season. Best season yet!
  15. Goodbye, and thanks for all the fish. Obviously not a child of the Viet Nam era. Ken had to be delighted with the Goddesses category. I am reading his "Junior Genius Guide to Greek Mythology" right now which helped me with the answers. I love all his JG Guides, they are so clever and so well written. Enjoyable for all ages, maybe more so for adults, they are so witty.
  16. I know, this made me laugh too. Plus past disagreements aren't all they forget. (No offense intended, husbands.)
  17. Dang! Thanks for the reminder. Hey, it's been a while, give me a break! Week 1 • Sept. 12, 2022 — ONE asterisk 1. 19th Century Novels. “This bell was named Marie…alone in the southern tower, with her sister Jacqueline, a bell of lesser size”, says this novel. 2. The British Royal Family. Prince Philip’s titles included Baron Greenwich & Duke of Edinburgh, but not Prince Consort, last used by this royal. 3. Artists. He said, “The Seine! I have painted it all my life, at all hours, in all seasons, from Paris to the sea.” * 4. U.S. Colleges & Universities. Founded as a technical institute in 1900, its sports teams are the Tartans & its official mascot is a Scottish terrier. * 5. Disney Songs. “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” from Encanto is the first song from an animated Disney film to hit No. 1 since this duet in 1993. Welcome @Toothbrush, long time no see. And @30 Helens, you have no excuses not to join the FJ Fun! Remember, prizes will be awarded! I'm adding you to the Player's List so you are in.
  18. I remember watching Jim and I remember the tartan bowtie. We discussed it here so it's a real blast from the past. While I remember the "plaid" bowties, I didn't remember the college. Now, if Jim or Tom had brought along a stuffed Scottie dog ... We are still waiting for your J appearance @The Wild Sow. You wouldn't have to grow a beard, but tartan something would be a must.
  19. Thank you @ams1001 for doing that research. To make everyone feel better, my score for Week 1 is ... 1! How appropriate! I should have easily gotten Monet but I read the clue on TJF, could picture Monet's water lilies in my head, but before I could say MONET, I had scrolled down and the answer was in front of me. So I couldn't give myself a win on that. Most hurtful part is, here's a photo I took of Monet's Water Lilies at the Art Institute when I was there a couple years ago. I was there for the Grant Wood/Edward Hopper exhibit but photographed all the paintings I liked, and I like Monet.
  20. It would be especially fun since some posters here would be invited to play. Good times!
  21. If FJ stumps all three players, that's worth an * if contest players get that answer. Carnegie Mellon was a TS this week and so worth one * if contest players got that answer. Asterisks are a special badge of honor here!
  22. Welcome Mindthinkr. We now have 26 FJ players and more are welcome so step on in everyone else. I'm providing Friday breakfast/brunch so everyone can gather strength to post their Week One scores! Behold, peach and blueberry sheet pancakes with a side of real Vermont maple syrup. Enjoy!
  23. Shout out to me in the From The Spanish category: "Spanish saber, "to know", gave us this English word meaning "shrewd" or "well informed." And I was worth $1,000! Yeay me! I worked hard on FJ and was semi-upset I didn't know any school had a Scottie as its mascot. Scottie was my first dog I bought in college and I've had them for many years, then have had the pleasure of showing Scotties for others. I love the breed. Then the answer ... who knew Carnegie Mellon even had sports teams. And a good friend went there too. Never even crossed my mind. So much for saber = to know.
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