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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I hate they made Tonya be all girly girly, stopping to look back as she barely runs. What's up with that, run your ass off and keep going, screaming all the way. I'm surprised she didn't trip over a root and fall down. Plus she stabbed the guy in the thigh? Man, his crotch was right there, pull the stake out and stab him between his legs. Then see if he can follow you. And you don't try to get the knife away while he's all verklempt about a piece of wood in his leg? I hate women being portrayed as dumbasses. Try running like you are running for your life, girl. I still don't know what's up with Rick v.2 and what he's doing with Ronald. Training him for ... what? Then Ronald's going to escape by digging under that fence when anyone and I mean anyone, even me, could have jumped up and scaled over that fence. There was a great foothold midway up, and the boards were alternating front and back so there were great handholds on every front board. This show is so full of dumbasses. Geesh, poor Cassie having to do police work now that she's a police officer. Who knew that would happen. Speaking of knowing what would happen, i knew creepy boyfriend would show up when those girls were getting the drug satchels out of the shed. But their cover turned out to be pretty good, although I thought the boyfriend, instead of being creeped by it, would be all about watching a lesbian make-out session. I guess the show didn't want to go there. Why was Evil Woman hitting on the little boy at the crime scene? That was creepy too. Still can't figure why no one wants to report the creepy stalker in the truck. Like, take his photo, snap a pic of his truck and license and call the police. Or at least tell Cassie for pete's sake. I'd be more believing of Rick v.2's obsession with healthy eating if he didn't look so much like a guy who spends his time on the couch with a remote in his hand.
  2. Yeah, around me in very rural Illinois there are four community theater groups within an hour's drive. Some even serve dinner before the show, and some let you eat popcorn while you watch your cousin in a production of Mame. We also have free Shakespeare in the Park in the summer, as another poster noted. One theater group hires wanna-be actors/singers as wait staff and they get to put on a show before dinner is served, so this guy could keep plenty busy here in the Land of Lincoln. "Don't forget to tip your waiter."
  3. My sister. For the first time since forever, I've lost interest in the show and don't even pay attention when it's on. I've become one of "those people" that I can't stand.
  4. If you looked at that player's written FJ answer, it ended with !!!!!! and a smiley face. So Mayim was laughing at that. Aline just had a good sense of humor about her FJ (wrong) answer with the multi exclamation marks and smiley. No one knew Maude had a last name.
  5. Absentia (2011) lists 19 cast members, 12 of them have names. One is "Lawyer" and six are "Uniformed Officers." Our "champion" is one of those six uniformed officers. So, he's had one role in 10 years ... but now with Jeopardy he can put TWO TWO TWO things on his 10-year-old resume. Geesh, I'm not an actor but I've been in two movies, so twice as many as him. I even had lines in one of them!
  6. It's not him. From the IMDB link: "Jonathan Fisher is an actor, known for Absentia (2011) and Jeopardy! (1984)." Nice of you to notice, and no, I'm not over it. I'm bitter and hateful and spiteful and now I am being just like all those posters I ragged on for hating Matt. The shoe is on the other foot now, and it's painful. Every day I utter a new blasphemy when I go to TJF and see who won. Hoping my hexes work and my personal nightmare is over but SOON. *smiley face*
  7. This is very close to true. Whenever anyone gets all excited about winning $10,000 on a game show, in my mind I think "It's really only $5,000 IRL." Good on Matt for investing and using it wisely, and continuing on with his pre-Jeopardy plan. I'd pay extra tuition if I could take a class (or two) from him. I'm thinking he should easily find a teaching position IF the dean of that college isn't threatened by someone smarter than, well, everyone there.
  8. Dizzy Dean and Pee Wee Reese! I'm a big-time baseball fan and got Yogi before finishing the clue. Side note: I saw Johnny Bench play when we went to Cincinnati and bought tickets from a scalper.
  9. I thought the current winner tossed a great opportunity out the window when he was boasting about being able to do the accent of every language known to Planet Earth and beyond. Mayim said he should do the rest of the show with an Irish accent, and the stoop just said he wasn't going to do that ... in a freaking AMERICAN accent. It would have been golden if he had said no in an Irish accent. That would have been clever. But ... nooooooo. I want Mayim to ask him what he's been in as an ACK-TOOR so we can see him. Asked what he will do with his winnings, my thinking is he will say he can now quit one of his waiter jobs.
  10. You know what happens when one ass-u-mes. And it happened to Mary. It was nowhere near a "smart" bet, it was very much a "chicken me has no confidence in anything I might know" bet. She deserved to lose. Hoping for another all-in James or bet-it-all Matt to show up STAT and save this dreck show.
  11. My god, that was the most horrible drug-out painful episode EVER. It was so bad I went back to work instead of watching. Did none of these players ever watch this show before? They are smart enough to get on the show then lose all confidence in themselves. And FJ ... WTH was with those stupid bets. Don't they know that the FJ category nine times out of 10 has nothing to do with the clue? Didn't they see "Southern Hemisphere" category was about an ANIMAL? The category Opera could have this clue: "TV westerns were called this kind of opera, named after this four-legged hooved animal ridden by cowboys." If you hadn't been so chickensh*t with your FJ bet Mary, you would be standing in the champion podium tomorrow. What a loser. Yeah, I've been cranky since my tv boyfriend left me, putting this show back in the Mediocre Dumpster.
  12. Happy Birthday!! I second that Happy Birthday! Woo hoo! I was only partly watching this episode but my first thought when the giant sloth moved in was shoot it. Doesn't someone have a gun in that group? Then the giant bear knocked down some rocks in the cave entrance and no one thought between all of them they couldn't move a rock or two and shimmy out through the hole? And no one noticed the hole in the cave roof shown in the background, the one that had sunlight shining through it? And how does algae grow in a pond that gets absolutely no sunlight? Maybe those were lily pads, which makes it even weirder than algae. Algae/lily pads can be eaten, unless it's blue-green algae, in which case these people are dead so it's a moot point. The dead guy in the cave ... did anyone think to take his/her gun? Do these folks have knives to skin out a giant beast and slice it up? I'm waiting for the batteries to run out in those flashlights. They really should have had some solar lamps along. I'll try to pay more attention next week.
  13. Back to the subject of this thread, the FJ Contest and discussion of FJ clues/answers. While I've yet to hear from @Ailianna, I'm ready to announce the Winner of Week 4. Long-time players know I like number patterns and consistency, and this week the only and most consistent player is crowned Winner, with no one else being close. The Winner is revealed just inside this door ... Open the door and voilá, here is the gift our Winner earned for having the exact same score for four (FOR FOUR!) weeks. Congratulations Consistent @Trey. Steady as you go! Wishing you many more weeks of consistent play. Here's a very special You Are A Contest Winner Gift to honor you:
  14. I wouldn't put kale on top of my granola. I guess that's just me.
  15. Actually, that I DID know. (I'm better with animals than people.)
  16. Oh, man, there really IS kale in your bag of fruit. Who knew!
  17. This from Andy at TJF: "Today ends a 23-game streak where we saw all 61 clues; the longest since 2002. The last time a clue went unplayed was August 11." Meanwhile, I WAS pissy about how Mayim pronounced "sing-ger." Such a pet peeve of mine.
  18. I was surprised there were no leaks on tv, radio or Internet about Matt's loss, and I work online and always have radio or tv on. So I was stunned when I went to TFJ to get that day's contest clue and saw what happened. Actually, stunned is a gross understatement. On James' losing day, it was broadcast during the wee hours that morning on Chicago radio; I was barely awake when I heard it. I also heard and saw it various other places during that day, before the show aired. So I guess there's that.
  19. You probably did. I'm not the sharpest tool these days. In fact, I'm not even sharp any more, just a tool. But thanks for reposting. You now ARE on the score sheet!
  20. My goal would be to get through and win that day's game, not be looking forward to winning my X-zillionth game in the far distant future. But I guess that's just me, I'm a one-step-at-a-time person. Obviously, YMMV.
  21. Just need scores from @Ailianna and @Browncoat, then the Winner of Week 4 can be announced.
  22. Oh, man, I totally believe in that. I had lucky clothes I wore to every dog show, and they always came through for me. New clothes = a loss that day.
  23. That was a joke Matt said in jest if you read the entire news article that had that bogus statement as a fake-out headline. Matt did NOT say that.
  24. This. Both were seeing Zeke for the first time and neither one said "Wow, he's in a wheelchair! What's up with that." Neither knew that, or maybe Jenny did since maybe that's why she gave him up in the first place. But both acted like every kid is in a wheelchair so no big deal. But was he in an accident and wheelchair temporary? Or perm? And he's not in a school for "special" kids? Not to be offensive about it but they acted like every kid is in a wheelchair. Neither mentioned it. It would have been the first comment out of my mouth. I'm also off put by Christopher being the perfect kid. Always in a great mood, smart, insightful about EVERYTHING and always says and does the "right" thing. Since when are kids like that, not throwing a fit about something, wanting hot dogs not broccoli for dinner, hating having to go to bed "early" and pouting that Mom and Dad are never there at the same time FOR HIM. He's not like any kid that age that I know. Make that, not like any kid I know period. Again Amy invited the entire world over to the house she shares with Rocker Joe but doesn't mention it to him. What's up with that. I still can't keep all the timelines straight with all the extra characters being different in each of them.
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