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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. About the judges not accepting "biathalon" in FJ yesterday, Andy Saunders posted this on his TJF site today: "Today is the final day of the Mike Richards era of Jeopardy!; he was fired as Executive Producer a few days after the taping of this episode. After yesterday’s judging debacle in Final Jeopardy—the judges accepted “triathalon” in 1999 and “pentathalon” in 2013—I’m glad to see this era end."
  2. Now THAT would greatly improve this show. I loved last season but this one, geezy pete. It's just so full of stupid that I could barely get through last night's episode. I'm just at a loss to even describe it ...
  3. I had been a downhill skier for many years when I got my first cross-country skis. Living in the country, I figured it would be a snap to ski over to my boyfriend's house some three or four miles away. In my mind, I was shwooshing down those snow-filled country roads, breezing along like the wind. So I put on my skis in the front yard ... and I was puffing so hard by the time I got down my driveway to the mailbox, I took the skis off and walked back to the house. And drove to my BF's house. Later though, I got the hang of it and spent many hours in state parks on groomed and ungroomed trails. It's SO much fun, and can be done w/o buying an expensive lift ticket. I'd take my rifle along but not sure the park police would approve of that accessory.
  4. So did you know it was New Jersey then? I wondered why the horse head at the top of the crest. Maybe The Godfather was filmed there? I agree a bazillion percent with Andy at TJF about the biath-a-lete ruling. And hope, as does he, these cr*p clue writing/answer rulings stop after Friday. As for FJ, being a cross-country and downhill skier, and a fan of rifle target shooting, I got this one. Plus I'm a huge winter Olympics watcher. Summer ... not so much. Taking my cross-country ski story to Small Talk.
  5. Whereas I don't know a lot of answers until I look them up online afterward. I do know movie actors and movies though so Jackson was a no brainer for me. IEIYKI.
  6. While I have to be careful not to say BTK when referencing BTS.
  7. Thank you @chessiegal and @ProudMary! Cool that his interview was done by one of the many J! hosts he's met. Talk about Seven Degrees of Separation. We'll have to switch out Kevin Bacon for Matt Amodio. ETA: Thanks so much for the link ProudMary. His interview was wonderful, so much fun. And they asked about some of the stuff that's been talked about here, and Matt explained everything well. Great interview.
  8. Did anyone see Matt on GMA Monday? I wondered how the interview went, what questions he was asked (and answered correctly!), and if the interview was in person or via Zoom.
  9. Thank you for reposting that hysterical photo. It made me laugh all over again. Yes, I laughed with every part of my body! (That meal does look delicious though, RBG's reaction not withstanding.) I LOVE wearing my mask and was happy when Illinois mandated masks must be worn inside all buildings, regardless. I look 10 zillion times better with my mask on as opposed to off, and would be delighted to wear one forever, until the end of time. Well, my time anyway.
  10. I made my own clothes for many years so would never think of cutting flowers on a bias. Material, yes. Flowers, no. I did answer 45 degrees though, having cut many bouquets in my life. I also guessed Long Island because I've never been there and don't know if it is a real island or not. If I did live there, or nearby as Matt does, I never would have said that as my answer. So me getting that TS correct is because of my lack of knowledge. More commonly known as stupidity.
  11. PW, I still remember RBG's reaction to that hot dog dinner you bought in, I think, West Virginia. I hope Dr. Fauci is as caring about your meals.
  12. OMGosh, you HAVE to take the Good Doctor with you next trip, even if it's just to the grocery. I cut those apple pieces into micro size for the horse's dinner tonight. I challenge her to find and spit those out. My dogs, on the other hand, love apples. I did discover (via some ep of Monk) that apple seeds are poisonous and although it would take about 200 apples to poison a dog, I take the seeds out before letting the pups eat any. My mom was born in Arkansas and she did love her PC. Me ... not so much. But I'd sure try some of PW's PC app if I ever had the chance.
  13. Friday, Oct. 8 is his last day. Hold out three more days and you'll be good. But his dollar is gone. No way!
  14. This legit made me LOL. Even the $1 is still there!
  15. This is a fun thread with multiple replies and responses. (And just a handful of the always-present trolls.)
  16. I used to feed my dairy goats tobacco to deworm them. So I guess you are free and clear of those! Most livestock loves tobacco. More than little kids I guess!
  17. I saw Blue Velvet several years ago. Meaning: Be careful what you inhale.
  18. Or Simon Cowell's old standby line on America's Got Talent ... "I didn't like it. I ... LOVED IT!"
  19. Comes up as a blank page for me, but thanks for the thought and effort.
  20. It seems pretty much everyone does the Fantasy Suite on The Bach but on BIP it's like these people want out of that sweat box bug infested hell hole more than a night of -- whatever -- in a sweaty room with no air conditioning. Everyone is just all pumped and happy to leave, and can't get gone fast enough.
  21. My FJ guess was the apple-a-day answer, and I was convinced it was wrong. Reefer Madness is a way OTT propaganda film that's hysterically funny to watch now. But back in 1936, it probably scared some teens straight. Maybe. Or maybe not. It became an underground cult favorite and still is to this day.
  22. Thomas needs to put on his seat belt.
  23. I fixed that first sentence for you. I haven't been watching so don't know the relationships but whoever that guy was who had the choice between the beautiful Black woman and the white girl who looked 12 -- the ones the producers made stand next to each other -- I knew he was choosing the plain-jane white girl. i think she was one who didn't get a rose. The ones who left were a tall Black woman with the white-blond hair and the beautiful Black woman with the lipstick and bronze-flower earrings. I don't know names!
  24. Shout out to the winners of the Week 3 Final Jeopardy Contest with the $800 clue in Arithmetalk. Eraserhead! That movie made an impression on me that's never left, all these decades later. I had a litter of puppies at the time, and they made the exact same noise as the Eraserhead baby, which freaked and creeped me out. Apples ... horses love them, right? I cut up an apple into teeny pieces and put them on my horse's evening meal. Her first bite contained some apple ... and she literally spit the entire mouthful out. She then managed to clean up every last teensy bit of cracked corn and pellets while leaving every single tiny piece of apple in the tub. Horses have talented lips. And I guess an apple a day won't keep the vet away.
  25. No cocktail party again. And again, this franchise saves another ton of money. No drinking! No snacks! No having to pay camera people overtime! Just hand out your roses dudes and get back to your cabins (that are being comped by the resort).
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