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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. That's what Thomas The Train said. If you posted scores for last week and this, I missed them. Which is not unusual. Repost if you would please and thank you. I'll HEART LIKE the post once I've recorded them.
  2. If you want to sign up for the contest. Would love to have you join but if not, that's okay too. This is a freedom-of-choice thread. Only signed-up players are on my score sheet and therefore eligible for prizes. Just sayin'.
  3. I was rooting for the guy in the cool pants. Jose? I don't remember the woman winner from the season, not that that means anything. For some reason, i wanted the guy to win. But in all, a fun season although the finale did seem sort of a let down. Maybe I was just tired but it seemed Joe and Rob were kinda out of steam. I still think this a fun show and I'll be back next season. Rooting for Holey Moley to go Pro!
  4. It is if you want to bask in my glowing aura and sit near me. Although I'm missing my newly upholstered chair at the head of T41. I'm really out of my comfort zone anywhere else. Hoping next week they'll stop with the dumbed-down clues that fit into my brain's wheelhouse. @ams1001, all we keep track of here are correct FJ answers. No percentages unless you want to do that on your own as some math heads here like to do. *cough* My total percentage of correct answers wouldn't even break into double digits plus requires math so you won't catch me figuring that number. In the '80s I saw every movie that came out, three or four every week. However, all those plots have become victims of long-term memory loss and I had no clue for Monday's answer, not even a bad guess. Tuesday I thought Great Wall of China ... no, it's too long and tourists still walk on it. Then I settled on Hadrian's Wall. The UK is narrow and I think just parts of the wall still exist, so I went with that. I claim extra credit for being the only one to come up with that wrong answer. WELCOME @shapeshifter! I am really tickled to have more new players this season. Score sheet now has 27 players. I will have to get a bigger Magic Cottage Cheese Tub! Waiting on you now, ams1001. That's actually a very good wrong answer!
  5. I'm still using a princess phone and tell anyone who asks that's what I'm calling on. It was a no brainer for me! Oh yeah, it's a corded land line. $399 isn't all that much when you have a million plus another day to add more cash to the stash. And if things work out with my imaginary Tee Vee boyfriend, you could be my imaginary Tee Vee mom in law! I think it's VERY COOL that someone noticed Matt's palindromic total. That's a real topper in my book. And yeah, worth 399 for sure.
  6. It's not too late if you have last week's scores. New players are always welcome, and you don't even have to get any FJs correct to be eligible for prizes. It's for fun, no finger pointing or laughing is allowed, unless it's at yourself. Another contestant loaned Matt a sweater to wear his first week of winning. This according to Matt's thank you on Twitter. All of Matt's interview stories have been self-deprecating humor. That contrasts with that Ryan guy on the ToC who told about the scores of women who were after him as a boyfriend in his interview, so many he had to fend them off. I have no idea where answers come from that float into my brain after a clue is read. Like Hanseatic League. I don't even know what that is yet my brain answered that clue. If I could stay home and send my brain to compete on the show, we'd be golden. Hooray for that hyphen in the FJ clue. There's a difference between 19-teens and 19 teens!
  7. WEEK 2 • Sept. 20, 2021 — NO asterisk 6. 1980s Movies. The Dip used to kill characters in this 1988 film consisted of acetone, benzene & turpentine, ingredients of paint thinner. 7. Children’s Books. A book by her says, “It is said that the effect of eating too much lettuce is ‘soporific’…but then I am not a rabbit.” 8. Landmarks. 96 miles in total during its 3-decade existence, the most well-known part of this was about the same length as an Olympic marathon. 9. Food & Drink in the Bible. In the King James Version, these creatures are a plague in Exodus 10, but deemed okay to eat in Leviticus 11. 10. History of the 19-Teens. Saying he ignored warnings of enemy vessels, the British Admiralty sought to blame William Turner, this ship’s last captain in 1915.
  8. Which is why I refuse to give it a click to read it.
  9. If only everyone had gone out in the fields with frying pans and stir-fry sauce, acres of crops would have been saved from being ravaged by those hoards of locust and thus famine would not have existed in those countries. More people need to read their Bibles! I actually have frogs that appear in my backyard starting in spring. They will hop away when I mow, and every once in a while a dog will catch one, sadly for the frog. Once my mower spit one out and I was relieved to see it hop out of the yard, miraculously unscathed. It's also not unusual to find a frog in the horse water tank, or a bucket of water. How those frogs get there is a mystery. I also have several toads that live here. So far though, I have not come across any newts.
  10. To clarify, I'd rather have neither. A nice bowl of granola will do instead. I'll have to renounce my membership in Canada's United Church of God.
  11. We had that discussion here ad nauseam last season. It went on and on for multiple posts. Conclusion: "Florida" was and is correct. Anyone who disagrees, go back to Season 37 and read those posts. Let's not hash it out AGAIN please! Geesh to not betting big on DDs when you are playing against Matt. Like you guys haven't seen him play yet? Then choosing the 200/400 clues when you finally get a shot at the board when there are 1000/2000 clues left and the DDs are still out there? You deserved to lose people. I actually clapped, here alone in my house, when Matt got the 10,500 all-in DD. Now THAT'S how you win this game. The header was back over the FJ clue today. I guess it's either there or not depending on the whim of which dude is working the ... whatever it is that displays the clue. A Bible FJ got an Oh, No from me, but even I've heard of a plague of locusts. But who knew they are a regular course on menus and the Bible encourages everyone to eat as many locusts as they can at every meal. I copied this from Andy's post at TJF, who copied it from the Bible: "Leviticus 11:21-23 reads: “Yet these may ye eat of every flying creeping thing that goeth upon all four, which have legs above their feet, to leap withal upon the earth; Even these of them ye may eat; the locust after his kind, and the bald locust after his kind, and the beetle after his kind, and the grasshopper after his kind. But all other flying creeping things, which have four feet, shall be an abomination unto you.” I spent some time trying to think of what the "other flying creeping things which have four feet" are but had no luck. Apparently, these creeping things have four feet but no legs. Maybe the answer to that will be a future J! clue/answer. I'd rather eat frogs than locust, and I've encountered, more than once, hoards of frogs on different country highways, hundreds, thousands, so many leaping and jumping that they smack into my vehicle and the road is full of smashed frog bodies for a few miles. It's unsettling and very much like a Biblical plague.
  12. I actually thought that was where Matt was going so was rather disappointed with his soap story.
  13. Matt needs to get the money for his now-correct answer added retroactively to his score!
  14. I would have to disagree. Lucy Ricardo would have had to choose between Joy and Duz, and probably chose Duz for the free Golden Wheat dinnerware. I still have those plates and cups, they went to college with me.
  15. You'd think you would have remembered given you just did that paper last year. Well, it is Rabbit Week, so there's that.
  16. I remember seeing a clip on a commercial promo-ing the show before it started, a woman's surfboard was broken in two. I was expecting that to happen during the season, but no. I'm not completely surprised though since on The Bachelor franchise, which this show followed, previews always show someone being taken away in an ambulance and having other crises, none of which ever are shown on any episode. Bait and switch! I hope this show got good ratings so it comes back next season. Or this winter even! Kelly Slater was mentioned on a rerun episode of Hawaii Five-0 last week. I totally knew who he was! Although I knew who he was before Ultimate Surfer. Cool that these people can make a living doing what they love.
  17. I wonder if they were quarantined so had to stick around. I'd guess each competition was filmed in a day so eight days of filming? Maybe 10 days there altogether. But don't quote me, I'm just guessing based on other reality shows that make you think weeks have gone by when it's only been two days. Agree about the spa day. The last thing I want to do is sit in a tub of ice cubes and not even get a massage afterward. Two "host" people were at the spa location ... maybe they cut out the good parts that showed the surfers being pampered. As it was, none of it looked relaxing to me.
  18. Behold, the winner of Week One! Congratulations @theartandsound for setting the contest bar high. Good luck to the rest of us this week!
  19. Crumb. I really liked this show.
  20. Agree. HATED her. She ruined this episode. She made Mama look good and that isn't a compliment.
  21. Totally agree with everything you wrote @Lonesome Rhodes. Koa was so obviously the winner, it was a no brainer. But for some reason this show liked Zeke. Maybe the problem was Zeke's dad, uncle and cousin being the judges. Koa was AWESOME. And yeah, what happened to him after the winner was announced, it was like he was wiped from the show, totally disappeared. I liked Zeke from the beginning but Koa soon overtook him as my favorite surfer. I really was not happy when the winner was announced, so much so that I said a bad word to the television. If Koa had a bad run, okay. But he was stellar. Last episode had some bogus scoring too. I do hope the show comes back. I enjoyed it a lot, and would have liked it even more if Malia hadn't been on. The girl drahmah was a drag. But in all the show was fun and different and yeah, I appreciated the pretty. More, please.
  22. Holy cats! All players have now reported in. Winner to be announced tomorrow.
  23. LOL at all the rain video and storm sounds while everyone is standing around waiting to leave and they are perfectly dry.
  24. Only because there are no rabbits in any of Maurice Sendak's books.
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