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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I thought the hustler was the guy with the glasses who got the pi decimal number correct. But at the end I switched to the young guy. He seemed likely to have a fridge stocked like was shown. I had no idea why he kept lifting up his shirt so many times, but a guy who poses nude would have no problem doing that on national tv. Having lived through five years of life model drawing/painting classes (college), he seemed to fit that category too, both in age and physique. However, if I had to put money on my choice, I wouldn't have bet because I never guess correctly. Is this the lowest money total so far on this show? The hustler basically didn't contribute anything. Maybe that was his plan.
  2. @zoey1996 we are kindred spirits. When i graduated from college and moved back to Illinois, one of my first jobs was second shift at a major commercial printer. Everyone working that shift became friends. One woman became my best friend, she was very active in NOW so got me involved in it as well. I read Betty Freidan's book and read everything Gloria Steinem wrote too. I had always been independent and did everything and went everywhere on my own, so I was a natural to campaign for women's rights, especially having seen how women are treated in the workplace and elsewhere. It's a sensitive issue for me. I have lots of stories. Thanks for sharing yours. Everything I've achieved, then and now, has been because of my own actions and work. I've never had help from anyone. For anything. Where did you live in Illinois? I'm in NW Illinois. Right now I am horrified at what's been done and being done in Texas. So angry I could have a heart attack and fall dead right out of my chair. People who diss women for what they wear or how they look or their hair style or what makeup they wear or don't wear are, to me, the same as those cretins who suppress women "because they can," and need their asses kicked for their self-serving arrogance and ignorance. I wish everyone who bitches about what Mayim wears would post photos of themselves so we could make fun of them. That's what I call equal rights.
  3. Thanks for that @shapeshifter. It is indeed important we be reminded that players are real living people with feelings. That exchange showed what kind humans exist under the images we see on television. Words matter.
  4. My FJ streak was broken today so I am now firmly ensconced in my comfortable and newly reupholstered chair at the head of the FJ T41. It's where I belong! Shout out to @JudyObscure! I had a LOL at Matt's face after he answered his $10,000 DD correctly. If I had read my Wednesday newsfeed before the show instead of afterward, I would have known that 9/15/1978 was when Ali defeated Spinks to capture the heavyweight title for the historic third time. Side note: Yesterday was also Agatha Christie's 131st birthday. KIT CARSON! Because of posts here, I paid attention to MR's face. His forehead does move/wrinkle when his eyebrows go up. How about this thread concentrate on the game and not what Mayim is wearing. Why are women's clothes so world and earth shaking when no one cares that men wear the same thing day after month after year. As someone who actively fought for the ERA in the day (which still hasn't been passed BTW), I find such comments so ... well, not welcome in modern times. #MeToo
  5. This episode was so much fun. Kai made me laugh when the three guys were lined up for the competition race, making comments about how great Zeke and Koa look, then he waved at his body and said "and then there's this." Then Koa made me laugh when his foot didn't make it through the wet suit. I was sad to see him lose his extra waves, glad he beat Zeke in the contest, and then glad Kai got the extra wave. The pro surfer who came to help with everyone's aerials was so excellent, I wish more of him and his lessons could have been shown. And Zeke, Koa and Kai had me yelling out loud at their runs, they were all spectacular. I don't have a favorite woman but I did have an un-favorite, Melia, so I'm glad she's gone. She was even snotty on her exit talking head while Kai was gracious and a nice guy. I don't care who wins because IMO all four are worthy. I wish surf competitions would be shown on tv. More surfing, less football please.
  6. Too funny. I didn't even listen to his act last night and only sorta kinda watched it. I did wonder about all the teddy bears under everyone's seats in the audience. I would have totally noticed those bears under the seats in front of me and under my own, too. I guess audience was instructed to just leave them alone. I'd be taking mine home afterward, but I imagine ushers at the exit doors making everyone deposit their bear after the show, like movie theaters make you give back the 3D glasses. There's a lot of more important stuff to be outraged about than this dude winning the show. Plus every one of the other finalists, IMO, will be more successful than he is down the road. I wish them all well and glad tidings and all that other positive vibe stuff.
  7. While I'm not a fan of all the singers who don't have to "step it up," or get ranked on when they do change it (YouTube teen girl), I would have understood Jimmie winning it all. I thought Magician Dad was ... let's say, not very good. If I can figure out his "act," that's not exactly "magic." Out of the five finalists, four had real talents yet the fifth one, the absolutely worst one, was picked winner. Maybe my heart is cold, but besides his act being transparently fake, I don't give a care how many kids he has or where and how he got them.
  8. Oh well. I'll forget who won by this time tomorrow. That will be a blessing. And I guess Piff's advice to Josh turns out to be good after all, so there's that.
  9. Hey Josh, is that a Gumby in your pocket or are you just glad to see me? I'm glad to see you ... made it to the final five! Oh gosh, Lea gets the second spot. What's up with two of my favs making it to the end? Aiden and Taewondo, I like them both. But Aiden goes through. I hope he wins enough money to buy some long pants and socks. Victory vs. Brooke. I posted last night it was cruel for the judges to tell Victory she was going to Win It All. Choir vs. Magician Guy. I guess the choir guys can go back to their day jobs now.
  10. Oh, man! I mean Manny. I totally did not recognize him plus obviously don't know his name. I did stop to watch Josh Blue's segment because, Josh Blue. And he made me LOL at the end when Mr. Piffles ended up with him and Josh said, "I got a dog! Did you come for some crumbs?" That was totally hilarious. And that's all I got since I ignored Opera Girl who sang something I think. One-half hour to go. Whoever wins, I have a feeling it won't be anyone I would have chosen. So surprise me show!
  11. So much word, especially about the fire machines. As for the singer with Brooke, I had never heard of her and couldn't understand one single word she was singing while I could understand Brooke. So, whoever that woman was, Brooke kicked her butt in the talent department. I'm so not paying much attention to this episode. Simon's sculpture bit went on too long and wasn't even the least bit entertaining. Then Terry gave some musical instruments to some school in some segment that I did't watch. I don't have a clue who that guy is with Family Magician Guy. OMG, there's still another HOUR of this ... GAH!
  12. I swear to god, this show is going to burn down that entire theatre. WTH is up with all the flames and more debris falling from the ceiling. I give Terry's Dancing Boobs four red Xs. Make that five red Xs.
  13. A thousand LIKES to your post @VartanFan. ANW used to be must-see tv but no more. Not that ANW cares if I'm in or out. But your post sums up why I'm out. If BIP hadn't been so horrible this season I wouldn't have stopped in here at all.
  14. Finally, a FJ that was so brainlessly easy, I got it immediately. So simple ... Lewis Carroll of course. And so my streak of perfection continues!
  15. Thanks for posting your whole avatar @opus. I had been trying to figure out what the cut-off part was so now I know. It's brilliant, well done and so very sad, all at the same time. Respect.
  16. While looking at Josh Blue's show dates from the link that @ams1001 posted above, I discovered that Michael Winslow (Voice Guy) is also making the rounds of comedy clubs. His tickets are more expensive than Josh's!
  17. Oh, man, I had a huge crush on Billy Kidd (and Jean Claude Killy) back in the day. I guess the answer to that clue could have been just "Kid." So there's that. Me likee your new 2021 look @opus.
  18. First up, the Boy Singer. He was pretty good. I mean, for a singer and all. Clothes Changer. GAH! My dog HAD to go outside just then so I missed most of her act, but I still love her anyway. Opera Girl. I actually listened to her this time because of comments here by posters who know opera. But I guess it wouldn't be polite to express my exact thoughts given she's a kid and all and so gets a special pass for a not-so-good performance. But Howie, how is this kid "inspiring?" Does she have a sob story or overcame some deadly disease? Have we seen her parents? Does she have parents? Do we know why she's singing opera instead of Katy Perry songs? In any case, it was cruel to tell her she was going to win it. Gina Comic. Oye, I don't remember her act. I do remember I liked her in the past. Oh yeah, it was something about her husband, a subject I can't relate to. Taekwondo Guys. So fun to watch, I love these guys. But then I've seen every Bruce Lee movie, including all the sub-titled ones, I'm a fan of this sport. Plus these guys kick the butts of all of those stupid boring dance groups. They know how to Step It Up™. Aiden Aerial Boy. I love this guy. If I were a judge I'd tell him he could Win The Whole Thing™. This performance was especially good. But WTH with the flame-throwers in the background. Does the show get a discount on the fire machines if they are used a zillion times during a performance? I needed a flame-retardant suit to watch poor Aiden. But his talent is a real bankable one. I mean, not every person can swing on gramma's sheets from a backyard tree. He's up on my list to win. Brooke Singer. I guess the flame machine was still on payroll because as soon as Brooke started singing it started spewing fire all while bright lights were flashing so all of America went into epileptic seizures. I have no idea if she sang well or not as I was trying not to go blind as I spasmed on the floor. Family Man Magician. I liked his jacket. There is a lot of cleanup for the poor janitors after tonight's mega-paper spewing after and during every act. Josh Blue. Again, I loved his entrance. And his pre show was so funny. "My kids like me now. No they don't." Then his bit about his nocturnal arm had me LOL so hard. Then he ended with the botox bit, and "Right Simon?" And his sign off, "Thank you, that's the end of my career" had me laughing even harder. I hope he tours somewhere close to me so I can support him with my ticket purchases if he doesn't Win It All™. Pimp spot went to The Nurse Choir so I spent that time working to get my antenna to bring in ABC so I could watch Ultimate Surfer. Yeay, success, so my evening will end on a high note after all! See y'all tomorrow.
  19. And me, I am just the opposite. All Wild West all the time. Kudos and a huge shout out to all three players for each betting their DDs to the max. Well done everyone, that's how you play this game. RIP Turd Ferguson.
  20. I don't pay attention to music so didn't notice a new opening medley. Andy posted on TJF that the curtain backdrop harks back to Art Fleming's day. Some of you old crocks on this thread can verify that. As for those changes, Andy also noted that people are creatures of habit and we don't like any changes to what we are used to. My dogs are also creatures of habit — they wake up at the same time every day and expect to eat at the same time also. I hear about it if I am late with their requests. And some of my dogs don't take a shine to certain people, so they are the same as we are in that respect as well. Plus, add my horse to the creature-of-habit mix, she wants to eat at the same time every day and will get quite vocal about it if I am late. We're all not so different in the big scheme of things.
  21. And don't forget the Youngest Mother if the show wants to go there. Or Youngest Adopted Kid. The list could go on.
  22. So the American Ninja Warrior Winner can't go anywhere unless he's driven by his parents. There's something just not right about that.
  23. Agree with this, and agree with others who aren't happy about privileged teens being catered to by wealthy parents so the kid can attain his "dream." I was irritated the camera kept focusing on Kaden's mom, a person I don't care about one whit. I was on and off again this season, mostly off, because I am not interested in watching kids compete. Isn't there a Ninja Junior show for that? I want to see the ninjas I've been invested in over the years. Heck, I was even shouting at my teevee when Jake Murray ran ... then fell. I really wanted him -- or any veteran ninja -- to win this. Got a kick at the end though when they compared Kaden's rope-climbing to Isaac's. That was a real treat back then, when Isaac was the first winner. Heck, I didn't even mind Gill winning. The other guy winning though, he always bugged me so I'm glad he is gone at least.
  24. Then we're going to be virtual relatives since Matt is my current teevee boyfriend. It makes me happy to see him every day, and I hope that continues for ... well, until the end of time. I am all for him having runaways since I can't handle the stress of not knowing until FJ answers are revealed. I think it was in Ken's book Brainiac that he wrote that during his streak, when he pulled into the parking lot and the other players saw him, they all went from excited to be there to "oh cr*p." That last part is my interpretation, not Ken's words, but you get the picture.
  25. OMGosh, now there are three. "I Drink Your Milkshake!"
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