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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I finally did what I promised at the start of this season ... Three contest players have been chosen as end-of-season prize winners. Since everyone was assigned a number on my score sheet, I put those numbers into a (empty -- and clean!) Great Value Ranch Dip tub, snapped on the lid, shook it up, then drew three numbers without looking ... 42, 55 and 58. Those numbers corresponded to players @Grundoon59, @zoey1996 and @DXD526. Congratulations you troika of winners. Prizes are books of trivia and knowledge, one of your choice will be mailed to each of you. I will PM the list to all three so you may select which book you want. Don't get too excited, the books are all second-hand volumes but hey, gift horse and all you guys. I will open the Season 38 Contest thread shortly for signups. So start lining up everyone. You, too, could be a Big Wiener. I mean WINNER. As always, scores don't matter, fun does.
  2. Sorry contest players, I've been gone. Long story short ... I'm back, sort of. I started PM-ing certificates to players, then got sidelined but will start sending again today. Only 20 more to send! Ha ha. Then it's time to start the Season 38 Contest. Geez, where does the time go ... not sure I can handle the drah-mah of the new season.
  3. LOL! And right away I knew the question was abut Pop Tarts when I saw those answers. Not sure what that says about me.
  4. I was pumped when I saw Clay Aiken was on this episode. I am a big fan, I used to drive home after work and get all my chores done quickly the nights Idol was on and Clay was competing. I hope he gets more teevee gigs, I like everything about him. There was some clue that the judges buzzed the player on but I don't remember what it was now. I just remember at the time thinking WTH was THAT buzzed for. But I wasn't paying all that much attention to the other contestants, just stopped what I was doing to watch Clay. As others have said, judging on this show is whack at best.
  5. My antenna dropped this episode after the first 10 minutes, so I missed pretty much the entire thing which bummed me out extremely. I'm waiting for ABC to post the episode so I can watch it online. It only took one episode for this to become my favorite show, so thanks a lot crappy antenna for ruining my night.
  6. I didn't see this episode the first time around so I was happy it was on last night, I really needed some happy time and laughs, both of which this ep brought. I was excited to see BLAKE SLEDGE!!! win so we'll get to see him again. I'm guessing Rob is happy about that too. And it was raining this episode, I didn't know it rained that much in southern California. I was disappointed the one woman bailed on the Popcorn run, she could have made it though IMO. And there were two close on the Giant Pecker, although I guess "close" doesn't count in mini golf. The Fishing Hole continues to be my favorite. And some day I want to see someone make it all the way to the wedding cake. Good luck to the newly engaged couple. What a bummer if she had said no. That would have been worth a couple playbacks on Rob's computer, complete with Xs and directional arrows. In all, another great episode that made me feel better.
  7. You can't think too deeply about such things, although it's a good exercise in existential thinking. I don't remember any groups winning this show, but maybe someone else does. I am thinking some of the best acts are part of a Vegas show though, right? Maybe some groups are included? Who knows!
  8. I've been gone so I'm kinda late, not that anyone cares. Since I took notes, I might as well post them. UniCircle -- Their pre act was so funny although now I don't remember what it was. Kids in Japan all learn to ride unicycles? Awesome! Of course Dickhead Howie had to point out one fell, he's such a jerk. But watching these guys makes me want to buy and try a unicycle. It's so cool. I love them. Janis Joplin singer. Clothes changer woman was lots of fun. I like her. C Note Family singers ... there was a lot of screaming going on. I agreed with Howie and Simon's comments, shockingly. Crazy Dancer Guy gets an X from Simon, the head judge who put him through to this round. I think he'd be good on a kid's show, so good luck on that. Brooke the singer was good. Balance Boys ... Best of the night! I love them. When the one guy did a blind back flip onto the other guy's hands, I yelled out loud! They were slow, methodical, strong and perfect. My fav act tonight. Dance kids ... better than the orange and pink dancers from last week. Storm Large won the wild card. Good luck. Scary Guy picked the two best actors to help him. He should have picked Simon instead of Terry so Simon wouldn't be able to X him, which he did. Holding his hand over the flame brought back memories of G. Gordon Liddy, not a good thing. His act was so long I lost focus, but it ended up being a pretty good haunted-house routine. Taekwondo guys rocked it. I wonder how the last guy landed though, the camera cropped him out so who knows. I was waiting for Howie to tell us the guy broke his leg or something.
  9. No need for spoiler tags. And yes indeed, the FJ Contest certificates are not only like the Oz version, they are better, official diplomas suitable for framing and a document proving the mental acuity of each FJC player. "Huzzah!”
  10. I've said that here many times. I don't see why three people, and therefore three different trivia bases, get three free moves. The single player should get three free moves, he/she only has his/her one brain while the three players can talk among themselves to get a push-back answer. Plus if one player doesn't know an answer, the other two might. Plus, three players mean three made it past the individual chase to add money to the bank and are (supposedly) smarter than average. However, the show pays no attention to what I think.
  11. I enjoyed this last night. I like all the surfers are quality and known people. I didn't know Surf Ranch existed however, and that place ROCKS. I do know who Kelly Slater is, so seeing him demo the contest was a real treat. I agree with the one contestant who said this isn't The Bachelor, I don't need or want to see these people hooking up. I like the male/female teams being based on respect for that person's skill. Unlike The Bachelor however, everyone is fit and athletic and good looking, and are real people not plasticized ones. I don't like the smack talking either, I'm old fashioned that way, although i know reality teevee is based on that ... for some reason. I'm looking forward to the season and learning more about surfing. The money is nice but the winners getting a pass into the world competition is the best prize ever.
  12. Oh, man, don't bring up Berry Gordy again @bybrandy, please and thank you. I have all the player certificates finished, just have to get them to you all. They are pretty cool if I do say so. But I haven't drawn winner numbers yet from the Magic Tub. Inertia comes and goes.
  13. The Poca Dots are in my Mascot Hall of Fame, as are the Polo Marcos and the Macon Whoopies. (Calling a time out on the Macon Bacons because yeah, I'm 12.) I'm guessing the Whiting, Indiana, high school team is the Fish?
  14. What was up with that hand over the camera? Great editing show. James: Demi, will you accept this rose? Demi: Hell yeah, I'd take a rose from a sand crab at this point, I'm desperate.
  15. Ack, Wells is no longer being shown calling names and I don't know who these dudes are!
  16. Finally, a RC. Let's get this pain over with. And Wells announces the RC? Where's David?
  17. I'm with you. Not sure this will be calling my name tomorrow night. "Stupid" is the perfect adjective.
  18. When I read here Kelsey is on this season, I thought you guys meant Kelsey Poge or however her last name is spelled. THAT would have been more fun that this Kelsey.
  19. Is Victoria P the former Queen Victoria? I'm not paying all that much attention.
  20. Soon to appear, a Tsunami of Tears.
  21. That would make this the Best Season Ever if not the Most Dramatic Season Ever!
  22. No, some guys just unzip and pee wherever they are, usually against a building or into a bush on someone's lawn.
  23. Exactly. And the "drama" isn't working for me. Wish they'd let these people just be themselves and let viewers figure it out.
  24. Exactly, just like Grocery Joe's ex is going to appear.
  25. Maybe I'm in a minority but I don't care if Brendan is kissing multiple women -- this is BIP for pete's sake -- nor that he is dating someone. He's not engaged or married to anyone anywhere. Plus he's not even good looking (IMO) so I give it a double I don't care. Old enough to be a chaperone along with Grocery Joe and Antique Kenny.
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