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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Of course they did. But then again, Greg on his balcony could have been filmed days before Katie's date with Blake. If you notice, he never said anything on that clip, it was all VO, added later. For all we know, TPTB sent Greg onto that balcony to film that segment before he left for the airport. If he really did leave for the airport. Could be each of the bachelors has a Mesnick Balcony Scene in their portfolio, just need to add some sound and it's good to go. Like they said on The X Files: "Trust no one."
  2. Nick Viall's movie runs on teevee every year. He plays the captain of some Love Boat ship. Google "Nick Viall" and "American actor" comes up. I know, I know, but still, Greg is an aspiring actor. It could happen.
  3. Budget cuts. No roses, no cocktail-party booze or food. It's a win win for the ABC Budget Department!
  4. OMG, the show is doing an ending In Memoriam clip to Greg, like he died or something. TV dramas always do that for a character who's been killed off in that episode, show that guy's scenes from prior seasons. I guess the same thing happened on this scripted drama, Greg killed himself off. Nicely done, show editors, for putting the final cap on Greg's scripted role this season.
  5. Note to sound editors: Insert stock recordings of snot crying while Katie is nowhere to be seen. (Because she's not really crying.) Worst.Season.EVER.
  6. Funny, but I don't care one whit whether Greg stays or leaves or Katie gets a Neil Lane ring or is able to put thoughts into words. That's if she even has any thoughts. Greg: "I'm not happy here any more." Me: "Neither am I." LOL. Greg is DONE so he's leaving. Katie is DONE so she's leaving. Hey guys, you could share a cab to the airport!
  7. Picture this, gang: Greg is all verklempt and crying and upset because he's not getting HIS WAY and hearing what HE WANTS TO HEAR from Katie while he's still filming this franchise. He pulls a Full Mesnick while just watching Katie with another guy. This dude is WAY too needy. Imagine getting married to him and the toaster breaks. OMG, call the divorce lawyer. Better he leaves now before he has to propose -- which HE KNOWS he will have to do -- and his chances of being Next Bachelor or getting that acting gig he's auditioning for is gone. He's EXHAUSTING me just watching these few minutes, crying about WHAT HE NEEDS. What a jerk. BYE. Begone, Greg. You SUCK.
  8. LOL at Greg's hoodie under a blazer under a winter coat, now he's got the hood up. It's like he's in Antarctica or somewhere that's not New Mexico.
  9. Because Greg is Mr. Mopey McMoperson. Gah, who wants to live with that. He can't even fake a happy smile. Except "happy smile" isn't in his script. Greg's out IMO. Good to find out now Katie that he's a little baby. Contestants who have never watched this franchise really irritate me *coughGregcough*.
  10. Yes, of course, because like Blake says, there are NO HORSES in Canada.
  11. I hope everyone enjoyed the video clip today of the main course at the FJ Contest Table for Soft Shell Crabs. I got a laugh out of it anyway.
  12. “You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din.”
  13. Score negative points for the above convo reminding me of the free clinic in college. "Female crabs" indeed.
  14. That all just sounds so wrong. I'm up for some cold sangria though said the person who doesn't drink, if it's okay if I bring a mug by on my way to the T41.
  15. WEEK 46 • July 26, 2021 — ONE asterisk * 226. Notable Names. Following his death in 2018, his ashes were interred at Westminster Abbey between the remains of fellow scientists Darwin & Newton. 227. Mythological Animals. After being born this creature would bring the remains of its forebear to Heliopolis & put them on the altar of the sun god. 228. Shakespeare’s Plays. “Let’s all sink with the king” is a line from the opening scene of this play. 229. World Cities. This Colombian port of 1 million people gets its name from Phoenician for “New Town.” * 230. Comedy & Sports. These are the 2 of a reporter’s 5 W’s that are not on the baseball team in Abbott & Costello’s “Who’s On First.” * Side note: Five of the last eight asterisks have been on Friday. Two on Thursday, one on Monday. This since Week 38, May 31.
  16. When it happened to Pee Wee's team, it's like the three seconds included Harvey reading the question again. Joe didn't hesitate three seconds, he opened his mouth to answer as soon as Harvey finished reading, and he got buzzed. I am not a Steve Harvey fan, to put it politely, so never watch otherwise. Just wanted to see Pee Wee and his team. I guess I could have skipped this episode too since Pee Wee and his people never got to play.
  17. So you're saying you wouldn't flash around a photo of your mom and "her girls"? I experimented with Ouija in the past, as probably many people do. It freaked me and we never "played" it again. I, too, was surprised the Quija master didn't really believe in it. He's never gotten creepy answers from it?
  18. Oh, man, I had such a HUGE crush on Jake. Then, as you said, we got to know him. Wow. Eye opener. But illustrates the power of manipulation this show has. I did believe Ashley was nice though, she had a real job, or at least was pursuing a real job, and didn't need fake boobs to be a dental hygienist. And JP turned out to be a real (hot) guy too with a real job that paid money. I guess those days are gone for this franchise.
  19. I wonder if lidocaine would make Katie's season more watchable ... ?
  20. I went through four different names on TWoP. Luckily, this site is nicer so here I'm still as I started. And I hope to keep it that way! There were so many of us on TWoP who came back multiple times as different posters. Or maybe I just hung out with a rough crowd! I remember Ashley breaking down back stage after that "roast" that wasn't a fun time at all. But on the bright side, she ended up with one of the hottest bachelors ever, my fav of all time, JP. So there's that. I never suspected TPTB manipulated the guys or scripted the stories back then. Maybe they did. But now it's just too obvious, everyone has a role to play.
  21. @JenE4, I totally remember that flat-chested Ashley roast. This show was so much fun back then. These days, not so much. I was posting on TWoP but under a different name.
  22. Or the script TPTB gave them when they signed the contract to get on this show to promote their whatever/themselves *coughfamewhorecough*.
  23. Plus it's right out of Seinfeld, so gets a big plus from me. Now it's the Kaitlyn show. I'm out. See you guys next week. Maybe.
  24. I guess Mike is good with leaving his son AGAIN for TMTA. *sigh*
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