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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Isn't Andrew the one being roasted on SM now for his posts ragging about "fat hoes"?
  2. Yeah, and pigs are flying past my window right now. Nothing fake about THAT bit.
  3. That's in Bachelorette time. In real time, it's the next day. Not that I'm Mike's kid, but I was five when my dad died and I had no comprehension of what was going on or what happened or anything else about it. So Mike's the one feeling guilty and my $ is on he's bailing now before he spends more time away before getting cut anyway. Besides, as said above, he's already solid in Bachelor Nation and all is good for him moving forward. Just not with Katie, which is a real plus for him in my book.
  4. Ugh. TMTA. So many "Who?" during intros. Not sure If I can make it through this. The guys: "Katie is the perfect girl. She's stunning. She's gorgeous." Am I watching the same show as these dudes?
  5. Thanks JenE4. I was hoping someone (not me!) would start this. Katie and Tayshia walking ... I was fascinated by Tayshia's hoodie. First it's off the left shoulder. Next shot it's off the right shoulder. Then it's off both shoulders. Gotta love how TPTB are exploiting Akron Mike. There's something SO WRONG about showing that video of his kid. The MTA is following this segment. Not sure if we will really make it to HTs before the switch to MTA.
  6. I get what you mean. I really liked him on Reno 911 and he's always fun when the TMZ paps get him in the street, but there is a weird vibe about him on this show. It's just a vibe, but still ... it's there for me too. I was too distracted by at the end, when she was wearing the crown, she and her dress looked like a size minus 2. It's like she doesn't even have a rib cage. "Not that there's anything wrong with that."
  7. S. Epatha Merkerson was Reba the Mail Lady on Pee Wee's Playhouse. I guess Laurence Fishburne (Cowboy Curtis) was busy. And RIP Captain Carl. I loved that show.
  8. This episode was almost unwatchable it was so ... well, it seemed rigged to me. First question. Paul Reubens lost so the other team got to play. Fine. Then the next question, the other team guy answered first and was X'd. So the question was read again to Joe Manganiello. As soon as Harvey finished reading the question, Joe opened his mouth to answer and was buzzed before he could even get a word out. WTH. Then Reubens' team answered another question whose answer was one above the other team's answer, but because both answers were an "8," there was a quiz off. WTH. Reuben's team had the answer on top so his team should have gotten to play that round. I really was disappointed since I tuned in just to see Pee Wee and his team. I guess I did get to see them get screwed by the show, so there's that.
  9. That reminds me that I thought Teri Hatcher was quite good, and she was the one I thought maybe would bring the show down. Instead, IMO she was the star. (Sorry ... not sorry Mama Doris.) I'd like to see Teri back again.
  10. Get Thomas Lennon, Joel McHale and Mama Doris as the three panelists and the contestants won't have to answer any questions, just come out, sit down and then one stands up. That's if the three panelists stop talking about themselves long enough for Anthony to tell the real person to stand up. I did pretty good guessing last night. Picked the Air Force One pilot (I'd love to ask him a ton load of questions, what an interesting job, worthy of its own book) and the Jaw Harp guy right away. I had a "Jaw" Harp when I was a kid, but back then it was called by another "J" word name. For the roller derby, I picked Curly Fries since I didn't think Whoopie Rollerberg or whatever it was, was a good derby name. Ha ha on me. I pegged the dog masseuse as soon as he said he'd worked on a Presa Canario. Dead giveaway since the other two were stuck on "Great Dane" and one also said "German Shepherd" for biggest dog. Only a dog person would know what a Presa Canario is, so kudos to me.
  11. Wow, thank you Brad for saving this show after the debacle that was "The Beast" last week. The less said about that big loser person, the better. I very much enjoyed this episode. Both Brad and the player were on their games, which made this a great hour of entertainment. While I'm one who keeps saying tough luck that players who get caught leave with nothing, I felt bad for last night's lone player. He was smart and seemed like such a nice guy, I did wish he got a parting prize, like a thousand bucks or something. I pretty much always root for the chaser, but I sort of was hoping he'd beat Brad. Kudos to Brad for acknowledging how good the guy was. I hope he gets on Jeopardy some day. He played a great game. Thanks for redeeming yourself show, and keeping THAT person off the chaser chair this week.
  12. If it's FJ you want, go to www.thejeopardyfan.com. The clue/answer is posted in early morning and results after noon, including who won, the DD amounts and if the FJ was an *. If it's all the answers you are looking for, J-Archive works on my desktop computer. Maybe try that old-school approach. As for the .5 on the island thing, that's a big NO. Gotta get both or no cigar and no FJ credit. Otherwise, my answer of "That dude in the Jane Austen book" would have worked for Friday. Speaking of, I wondered if @M. Darcy got Friday's FJ.
  13. Yes! Hoping he can make up for the fiasco that was The Beast last week. That, plus looking forward to seeing @proserpina65 here afterward!
  14. I wonder if they say that, or are told to say that, to make it clear that what is said next is THE answer. That would avoid any controversy if a player said something then tried to retract it, "That wasn't our REAL answer." So I'm not letting it bother me, even though I do notice it because of comments here.
  15. I don't have an oven or a microwave, I do have a toaster oven and a Nu-Wave oven. I have a friend who's never had a microwave. So I thought that answer might have been higher, although I don't remember now what it was. I kept thinking the Hustler was the Black guy, even though he never really gave any answers, he just went with the flow. I could see him at Fashion Week though. The reveal always surprises me, even though this week the Hustler was really pushy in getting her answers to be the answers and I still didn't pick up on it. So far, I'm on strike four out of four shows trying to find the Hustler.
  16. WEEK 45 • July 19, 2021 — ONE asterisk * 221. The 50 States. Both in the Pacific, they are the 50 states’ 2 biggest islands in area; one is about 40 degrees colder in winter than the other. 222. The 20th Century. The code name for a historic meeting at this city was “Argonaut”, after the heroes who searched for the Golden Fleece on the Black Sea. 223. African Monarchs. Some devotees of this emperor who died in 1975 trace his lineage to King Solomon & the Queen of Sheba. 224. 1970s Movie Scenes. Writer Dan O’Bannon based a scene in this film on his own Crohn’s disease, which felt like things inside him fighting to get out. * 225. Literary Characters. This owner of a large estate in Derbyshire is described as “proud” at least half a dozen times. *
  17. I was glad to see the person who made it past the fish used my suggestion from last week, get by one fish at a time. I wish more players would try to figure out how to make it past obstacles instead of them just running blindly and falling in like that's what they expected to do anyway. I agree the jousting was lame this week. Both players were astride the horses and no one really did anything to knock the main jouster off, and the main jouster didn't really do anything to try and knock either player off. The hole in one was so cool though, I was happy Dad won the entire game. And I did LOL more than once at Joe and Rob.
  18. Happy birthday to Alex Trebek, who would have been 81 today.
  19. I think you answered your own question! I enjoyed the episode where Columbia won. Not as many wrong answers/passes as the episode before.
  20. Here's what their future looks like: She picks one of these guys, they go on Kimmel and GMA and she gets a gig on DWTS while "the guy" sits in the audience to support her. They get the cover of US magazine, and some B-class resorts let them stay for free. Then six months pass and the whirlwind press is over and they split, and don't get to keep the Neil Lane ring because that means they had to last two years, which they didn't. End of this Bachelorette saga. Next!
  21. Because the last two episodes have really rocked it with the first act, I was expecting Benni the Bunny to be fabulous. Well, I did LOL when he plucked the guitar string, so that's something. I vote yes. Violin singer girl I liked. Simon played all coy about liking her or not letting her through, yet he was the one all gungho about that no-talent sucky junior high band last week. Recorder guy gets a yes from me. I have a recorder and can't even play a short tune on it. Colombian juggler gets a big yes from me. The married ballroom dance couple ... he was good, she was not. They got four nos. I gave them one-half no. Judge clothes change No. 1 happened next! The single-man dancer was from Branson so of course his act is appearing there. He didn't fool me for an instance since that's an old Vaudeville routine I've seen many times, but it's like Simon didn't get it even when the trick was revealed. Have I mentioned I can't stand Simon, he's such a tool. Judge clothes change No. 2 happened next! The three bears got four yeses. WTH was that about. The tennis hoop guy got yeses. WTH was that about. Clock contortion girl got yeses. I'm guessing these are acts we'll never see again, thank you TPTB. Judge clothes change No. 3 happened next! The hot-air-blowing guy. WTH was that about. Next was Loo-Burger three guys and Terry took off his shirt and then that act was all about him so I looked away. I can't stand shirtless Look At Me Terry. Loo-Burger AND Terry get a big NO from me. Another clothes change! Followed by yet ANOTHER judge clothes change! I really liked the 14-year-old piano-singer boy, which surprised me because I'm not a fan of singers on this show. He got a YES from me, please. Plus he looked like Jodie Foster. Not sure if that's a plus or not. The three Colombian hand balancing bros ... so good. Big YES from me. I guess this is Colombian-act week. Terry participates in the clothes changing, going from his turtleneck suit of last week to something else. Amazing how he did that! He's the Tyra Banks of talent-show hosts. Mike Goodwin, the standup guy in the high-school letter sweater ... why does Simon ask everyone how old they are. I wish someone would ask back how old Simon is, then get ll googly eyed over how ancient he is. Anyway, "I liked Mike" okay. The next act was an old lady who flirted with Howie and got voted off. So, poster from last week who wished Howie got more flirts, this is what happens when that happens. Anika, the singer with the big hair, did a great Janis impression. Maybe that's why Simon hated her, he couldn't make money off of a Janis singer. Well, I liked her. A lot more than I like Simon, which is not at all. The cake girl needed four immediate Xs. She got one from me. Pizza guy was pretty fun, but how did those crusts disappear, he had one all spread out, then it was gone and he had two all spread out then he had one again then at the end he "lost" another. Great editing show, making them disappear like that. I voted him through. The only child rapper got a NO from me and four yeses from the judges. *sigh* The Nigerian contortionist with white eyes ... okay to send him through. But I wanted to know about his eyeballs. At least TPTB got him to cry, poor guy. Nice to see someone from Nigeria who isn't a prince or someone running an email phishing scam. Next we get a video clip revue of all the acts ... and funny how I've already forgotten 9/10ths of them. I guess we get a couple of weeks off, during which time I will have forgotten 10/10ths of them. So the "lives" will be all new to me, yeay!
  22. No, it was the same douche, Blake.
  23. It makes me think of this Seinfeld episode ... Helloooooooooo ... The Voice
  24. I also don't see her settling down in Akron, Ohio, of all places. But the HT is made for TPTB drama so yeah, he's still "in." I will be interested to see if Blake's relatives have his swollen puffy cheeks that he tries to hide with that facial hair.
  25. Andrew, there are going to be a ton load of women saying YES to you once you get away from this franchise. You'll be (more than) fine.
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