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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. WEEK 41 • June 21, 2021 — ONE asterisk * 201. Reference Books. Emily Dickinson made frequent use of a work by this family friend & said that for several years, it was “my only companion.” 202. 19th Century Literary Creatures. The author said the name of this 10-letter creature in his poem meant “the result of much excited discussion.” 203. Famous Women. In 1983, 20 years after her famous first, she was honored on a one-ruble coin. 204. American Authors. “Camelot”, “The Pilgrims” & “A Postscript by Clarence” are chapters in a classic novel by this author. * 205. New York City. Bright new lighting installed in 1880 on a street that crosses Manhattan diagonally led to this 3-word nickname.
  2. I can blame her for her poor acting though. Good. Maybe next season will have some decent writing AND story line that isn't a bunch of BS.
  3. Old men always wear high black dress socks with shorts, and Simon is an old man. Guys that are hip wear sandals or flips or ankle socks (last choice) if they MUST wear socks. Heck, young with-it dudes today wear suits, dress shoes and NO SOCKS. Reference: The Bachelor/ette. Simon week after week, season after season, has been wearing a baggy-neck t-shirt, so the week when he stands to reveal his long white boxer shorts, he's wearing a button-down dress shirt. While I'm not one to care what anyone wears, everything about Simon grosses me out so I just can't help harping about him.
  4. IMO, high heels were invented by men to make women into sex objects. I've never worn them, never will. When I was involved with the ERA, we called them slut struts. Because that's exactly what they are. Pee Wee Herman shoes, now those are okay. Tequila! As for hesitating to buy a big tub of ice cream, try this: Divide it all into smaller cups/tubs to store in your freezer. That's what I do. Then when I am craving ice cream, I just reach in and pull out a one-size-fits-all small cup instead of the huge carton. If you are REALLY craving, you can take another little cup but I've found one always does the trick. If it works for me, it can work for you too!
  5. I just got home from grocery shopping (it's an hour's drive 'round trip so a big deal) and had a discount coupon for a tub of ice cream. So I made use of my spoon on the way home. Went to the big city at a certain time on purpose so I would not see today's episode. I'm tired of hearing about what every host is wearing so didn't even want to see it. I'd rather drive all the country back roads for an hour than have to read more from the Jeopardy oh-so-expert fashion mavens. What happened to the good old days when we talked about the clues/answers instead of critiquing everyone's clothing choices.
  6. I've never read the book either, but I'm a HUGE Will Rogers fan and saw the 1931 movie several times. First run, at the theater! Broke my heart when Will and Wiley were killed.
  7. It was the Cheshire Cat, and here's the scoop on it: "The Cheshire Cat is famous for its ability to appear and disappear at will and for its enormous grin. In fact, sometimes the entire Cat disappears, leaving only the grin behind. The most important thing the Cat does is tell Alice that everyone in Wonderland is crazy – even her." The reference to Red was pretty glaring. Color my heart ice cold as the ending montage had no emotional impact on me. I just was thinking this: "I hope those are her DYING thoughts."
  8. Not "all." Don't lump everyone into the "boring" category. The yellow dress gets a GFY from me. Meaning, the yellow dress you didn't find. I love all colors, the brighter and bolder the better. Primary colors ROCK.
  9. Except her two weeks is shot in two days, five shows one after the other on each day. I loved her yellow dress but knew as soon as I saw it that some *ahem* "posters" here would rank on it, just because. I'm one of the few who doesn't give a care what anyone wears, as long as it covers them up.
  10. This episode was so difficult to watch, or I mean, force myself to watch because it was so full of stupid. In no special order, Lizzie can walk into any hospital posing as a doctor because shelves of scrubs and doctor coats and ID tags are just out in the hallways for anyone to help themselves. Ressler is so sick still, he's hooked up to monitors and all sorts of things. Yet his "hot" kiss with Lizzie didn't set off his heart monitor to bring nurses running. He's also able to rip all those tubes out, find his clothes, get dressed and RUN out of the hospital and to whatever restaurant across town where Lizzie is. Alrighty then. It didn't matter he didn't have a gun with since he never hits anything with it anyway. Lizzie picking up Cooper like a hooker is the best description of that scene ever, so thanks poster who posted it. Yeah, Lizzie has killed how many people now yet she's still such a "good person" she needs to reclaim her FBI badge. I still say Cooper is Lizzie's father or wannabe lover since he has more hots for her than any other character on this show and that includes Red. I was just joking along with everyone that Red is Katarina, but the final scene made me think hey, maybe that's true. But the real true thing is, hey, I don't care. I never cared. Didn't care in Season 1 and don't care in Season 8, 9 or 10. The guy who shot Lizzie looked like the dude Red hired some seasons ago to guard her apartment. So Red plans for Lizzie to shoot/kill him in front of everyone so everyone will see her power and know she's the new Crime Lord. Except there's absolutely no one on that sidewalk (except bearded guy) so any doofball or homeless rando could have been the shooter. None of that made any sense. But then again, I'm expecting anything to make sense? Lizzie goes all verklempt and tells Red she went "bad" because HE MADE HER DO IT. No, Lizzie, you did all that criminal murder stuff on your own, no one FORCED you to do anything. I don't have a clue who that European woman is who is keeping Agnes. But I hope this is the last we see of her AND Agnes. Finally, all those FBI agents surround shot Lizzie and not a single one calls 911 or does CPR or even holds pressure on the gunshot wound. What a bunch of maroons. I guess they aren't used to seeing dead/dying/shot people since they always fail shooting anyone. And finally finally, what was up with the helium balloons. And was the helium voice thing suppose to be the comedic relief? Eh ... fail. I just hope Lizzie is All Dead and not just partly or mostly dead. And maybe next season Red will start treating Dembe with the respect he deserves. Not counting on either to happen though.
  11. It was so lame. Sofia was blindfolded and there was no arrow in the bow she shot. The fake arrow was stuck onto Simon's chest and he laid down on the floor. That was it. No danger, no suspense, just a bunch of time filler. Although you would have gotten to see Simon in black dress socks and white boxer shorts, that look at is SO (not) HOT on old men.
  12. Every flavor I can fit a spoon into. There is no bad ice cream.
  13. Another night of acts performed by people who are all STARS! (TM AGT judges). The first dance act ... geesh, these guys get four yeses and no way was that any kind of "dancing." If I can do it, it's not that good. The singing Chihuahua though made me LOL. It just struck me funny even though I knew that's what was going to happen. My own dogs do a morning "sing" every day while I'm still in bed (I've learned to sleep through it) and they also perform as a choir when I'm walking out the door to go somewhere and they know I can't tell them all to STOP IT. It would be gold if I could get them all to do it together on AGT, but that's not happening. So sad for you viewers because a singing dog choir would get FIVE yeses if not the GB. Anyway ... Brook the singer must be the friend of a poster here. She was very good and I kept thinking "Broadway" during her act. The Yoga Show was weird and creepy and pretty cool all at once. The NYC choir had a tap dancer I guess, since I heard someone tapping while I did something else and didn't watch. Choir = Big Yawn from me. The kid magician was good and fun and, while I'm not a fan of precocious kids, he was pretty cute. Entertaining. Me likee. Other Direction I guess was the hit of the night and I missed the entire act, time to bring dogs in for the night and that took a while. I hated how the cross-dressing ventriloquist was treated by the show. That audience is CGI so all the silence and boos were edited in by TPTB and it was just cruel. You guys put Peacock Guy through and you are dissing THIS guy? Please. This was not funny and makes me hate Simon AND this show. Well, not sure I can dislike Simon more than I already do, but this added to it. Josh Blue ... while I didn't recognize him since it's been 15 years since I voted up a storm for him to win Last Comic Standing, I'll always remember his name because he was all I talked about in 2006. And yeah, if I know him, so does Howie. And everyone else if they watched that show back then. Then the next singer is some guy with a 'stache and Simon is so rude to him and tells him how bad he is. Then a pretty female singer comes on and is even worse than the 'stache guy and Simon tells her she has potential and to come back next year. Because you know, she's not a guy with a mustache. Way to make it obvious, show/Simon. NOT subtle. Next is the Black singer who, of course, can sing no other song other than the one that Simon hates. Way to follow the script, dude, well done to set it up for what ALL OF US know is coming, that the guy would be great and Simon would LOVE the song after that. Geesh, show, we viewers are so far ahead of you this season. I did get a kick out of that guy having The Weeknd's old hair. I guess he got a GB so everyone, remember to get your free tots at Sonic. Speaking of hair, haven't we seen hair aerialists before? Still, she was lovely and nice to watch. I wear my hair in a pony all the time and never get a headache Howie. Of course she's a professional. I doubt she trained herself via YouTube videos while hanging from a tree in her backyard. Then Simon stands up and comes on stage ... and he's wearing a dress shirt, black dress socks and WHITE BOXER SHORTS! WTH. I guess we should be grateful he had any crotch covering on at all. The fakeout arrow shooting was so dumb. And if that was some gigantic trick on Sofia, it sure bombed because she just stood there with absolutely no reaction. In fact, everyone was just standing around while Simon was flat on the floor. Perhaps everyone (besides me) was thinking "Thank goodness he's maybe dead, no one try to revive him, no one call 911, let's just all pretend we didn't see that and maybe he'll just be dead and then we can get _____ to judge now. Hey, let's all head over to craft services, I hear they have ice cream today!" Ice cream makes everything better. Sometimes, even this show.
  14. Well folks, here's a historic first: No Weekly Winner for Week 40. No one was copying off of anyone else's paper, no one was doing numerical patterns with his/her scores. I thought about pulling a number from the Magic Cottage Cheese cup but I'm too lacking in energy myself to do even that. So sorry Players, Week 40 will be a Big Pass. @Grundoon59, however, is awarded Honorable Mention for once again telling the best and most interesting stories. So there's that. Just no tangible award this week Grundoon, just a hearty handshake and a virtual pat on the back. Anyone looking for me, I'll be over in the corner eating ice cream directly from the tub.
  15. There was one either on Jeopardy or some other show I watch. Shows tend to blend together. I'm still boggling over the answer of "chicken run" the other day. Yeah sure, I know there was a cartoon movie named that. But I'm talking real chickens when I say I was tasked with gathering eggs as a kid, and as an adult I raised chickens and sold eggs. Friends did the same, each with his/her own favorite breeds. And I have a good friend who shows chickens and judges chicken shows. While horses are let out into paddocks off their stalls and dogs are let out into kennel runs, chickens are let out into PENS or YARDS when their coops are opened in the morning. Yeah, I know you can google "chicken run" and that's what it's called on the Internet, but I'm talking RL where we actually work full time with, you know, real CHICKENS. Good on those contestants for making it a TS because it was a (chicken) cr*p clue. "Actually," you might maybe perhaps be correct. The Chase has been preempted here two weeks in a row, first by the WKC, second by the weather that wiped out a western Chicago suburb.
  16. Now I'm reminded Red had a "real" daughter. Forgot her name. She worked at a food truck or something, or else Lizzie found her at a food truck. She was later killed I think. I don't pay all that much attention.
  17. Actually, it's from when "Sean Connery" played Jeopardy on SNL.
  18. ’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe: All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mome raths outgrabe. “Beware the Jabberwock, my son! Good friends of mine raise and show Scottish Terriers under the Jabberwock prefix. That was an easy FJ for me as I think "Beware the Jabberwock, my son" every time I see them or one of their dogs. Heck, I don't even have to see them or their Scotties, I think of that line often. What that says about me ... who cares, right? Webster was a snap the day before too. For anyone who knows my typical FJ scores, this is an atypical week. So far anyway.
  19. I've watched The Bachelor franchise since season 1 and I don't know who Demi Burnett is. Like we're suppose to remember all 25-30 contestants on every season since the beginning of time? Sorry Demi, whoever you are. I watched Carson Kresley's segment last night all the way through because I love Carson. But the premise seems to be the three contestants have to guess who the celebrity is. What's up with that? The middle guy knew it was Carson from the get go yet he wouldn't say Carson's full name which, of course, would have ruined it for the other two guessing. Then Carson picks his "date" yet they don't go on a date. So as far as I can see, this show should be named Celebrity Name Guessing Game because there is no date involved, just "And contestant number one, who do YOU think the celebrity is?" At least Carson was entertaining which is more than I can say about anything else on this show.
  20. Well, as an astronomy fan who loves to watch stars, planets aligning and meteorite showers, the end clip showed me Katie is brainless and pretty darn stupid, which I guess is a foregone conclusion if someone is brainless. But Akron Mike is pretty smart. We'll have fun star watching together, I can name all the constellations. But wow, this is one BORING SEASON I must say. No wonder traffic is slim in here. Even JenE4 left!
  21. Dog pile on Thomas. Time for me to quit listening/watching. Blah blah blah I can't hear (or see) you.
  22. Group date? Did we miss a date card?
  23. Akron Mike looked so much better with his hair blowing in the breeze. I guess I'd have to keep him outside most of the time. (No one going to comment on his feeling up Katie's ass during their make-out session? Just me? Alrighty then!)
  24. Katie rolled that ... whatever it's called ... already and now she's driving Akron Mike around? Geesh. Akron Mike is actually looking pretty good on this date. But I keep staring at Katie's right cheek where the makeup covering her zits has come off.
  25. Whose jacket is Katie wearing? All the guys have on theirs. One guy on the group date looks like Alex Rodrigues but I don't know anyone's names.
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