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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Gosh, it's just Monday and everyone has reported in. For Week 39 we have co-winners again, two of our players being showcased for having identical scores for four weeks in a row. The fact that they sit next to each other on my score sheet has nothing to do with that coinky-dince, does it? Of course not! So to reflect the consistency of these two fine players, here is a MIRROR ball trophy for @Good Queen Jane and @GrannySmith. Long may you both SHINE in the weeks to come. Congratulations to both of you for your stellar achievements!
  2. LOL! In December, a friend was showing at Royal Canin AKC National shows in Orlando. She emailed all upset that a Pekingese was winning best in show every day there. So I watched one of the shows online and fell in love with the Peke, he is a fabulous dog, great body, super showman and he can move like a dream. So last night on Westminster, he actually was my favorite in that lineup. I love the Samy and he is shown by a good friend of mine so I would have been thrilled for her, but he let down in best and did not show as well as he did when he won the group. I've seen the Whippet many times and while she has a beautiful face, she does nothing for me otherwise. The Frenchie is a good solid dog, and I was surprised to see he is bred and owned by another friend of mine. Surprise! But IMO there wasn't much to distinguish him from any other Frenchie. I liked the Westie standing, but it had a dip behind its shoulders when it moved that I could not get past. The Old English ... not in my wheelhouse. The Shorthair I liked a lot (although I liked the German Wirehair Pointer better in that group) and it would have been my reserve BIS. Long story long, I also went with Wasabi the Peke for BIS. He is nothing short of fabulous. He is a stunning dog. @Browncoat, the Doberman you got to see is a wonderful dog, daughter of a Dobe named Veni Vidi Vici (knowing what that means helped me answer a Jeopardy FJ while back). "Sparkle" started her show career here before being sent to Andy Linton in California, a handler who specializes in Dobermans. Sparkle was awarded second place in that nice working group.
  3. @shapeshifter, swing on over to the thread for The Chase and read some of those comments, how Ken, Brad and James aren't being mean enough to the contestants. This show originated in the UK where "The Beast" Mark Labbett is the chaser and, from what I read, he is horribly mean and rude to the players, and that's the way this show is suppose to be. Ken, Brad and James are mild, and all three are pretty nice to all the players if you watched Season 1 as I did. Season 2 just started and now The Beast is part of this show. So better skip The Chase from now on. However, because someone plays a role on television doesn't make him or her a bad person, nor a bad choice to perform some other totally different role. Just like I doubt Danny Trejo acts like Machete IRL, or that Peter Stormare would really put someone in a wood chipper. However, tonight I recommend watching the Westminster Kennel Club dog show on Fox instead of The Chase.
  4. @Clanstarling, did you get to watch the coverage of the Westminster Kennel Club Masters Agility on Fox yesterday? I am not an agility person but I have to say it was well done and the editing and hosts and discussions were top notch. I could see it appealing to non-dog people, and companion-dog people to show what their own rude, misbehaving and horrible-mannered pet dog could be if they put some effort into training. (Insert laughter here.) The emphasis was on breeds not typically excelling in that sport so it was doubly fun to watch. Coverage of the conformation groups and best in show is tonight starting at 6 p.m. central. I was wondering how WKC would handle this show being outside but the gigantic tent they set up passes perfectly for the inside of Madison Square Garden. If one didn't know it was a tent, one wouldn't know! I'm happy network tv is now considering dog shows to be of interest to the gen pop.
  5. Sugar. It was written and directed by the people who two years previously had done Half Nelson with Ryan Gosling. Which is a totally EXCELLENT movie, BTW. I "hearted" that movie before the extras call was put out for Sugar. Sugar was purchased by HBO at some film festival, although it did have a (VERY limited/minor) theatrical release and got excellent reviews from every direction. They did an opening-night extravaganza here, red carpet, the whole nine. For some reason I did not attend, which in retrospect was stupid. I got to meet Michael Gaston and talk to him about being on my favorite show of all time, Prison Break. When I brought that up, he said "Yeah, the last time you saw me, I was down a well." And Richard Bull from Little House on the Prairie. Also starring was McLean Stevenson's sister Ann Whitney. I am sitting directly in front of Richard and Ann in the stadium. I'm the one holding the tub of popcorn we were warned not to eat as it was a few years old and was a prop only. Heh.
  6. Because I missed the Japanese unicycle riders the first time, I watched last night's rerun so i could see them. Unfortunately, that also meant I had to sit through the Little Girl HMV routine again, doubling down on how much I did NOT like them. Tiny pre-teens being all creepy JonBenét Ramsey ... what's up with anyone thinking that's a good idea. Plus they weren't even that good, all they did was spin around and flash HMVs. The few who did aerials were so low to the ground, if they put on two pounds they will not be able to complete any of those flips. I did like their coach though. He should have been the entire act. But then, I always liked Prince Poppycock too. Finally, I got to see the unicycle group. Wow, now THAT'S what I want to see on AGT, not some choir or kid singer or a guy in a peacock suit. Those people were loaded with talent. You know, the word that's in the title of this show. They were really something. I turned the channel as soon as they finished their act so as not to subject myself to anything else.
  7. Going back to my favorite arena of work, dog shows, that is one place where women have "it" over men. Males judges wear suits or sport coats, with ties, even on the hottest days outside, and male handlers should always wear a suit or sport coat while women can wear sun dresses if they choose. The unwritten rule is, if the judge takes off his jacket, then men exhibitors can too. Of course, all of that has nothing whatsoever to do with tv hosting, an arena where I have absolutely no experience. I do remember when I was a (paid!) extra in a movie, we were asked to not wear certain colors or prints or anything with logos. While that was my first "acting job," I met other extras who traveled around the country doing that as their chosen profession. It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot about movie making. The "real" actors were generous with their time chatting with us and giving autographs. Another perk of being on the payroll, I got to meet the craft services table!
  8. And all of these "very few" people you reference have hosted WHICH game show on television?
  9. How many mysterious epicenters does Red have? We've seen several places where it appears he calls home, one is even in a shipping container in the middle of the ocean. So now there's ONE "epicenter" where all the secret controls live? Alrighty then. I guess those of us who watch will maybe but probably not find out.
  10. Why don't you ask these people what they are doing with their college degrees. Age listed is how old they were when receiving their new degrees: Leo Plass, 99; Nola Ochs, 98; Twila Boston, 98; Allan Stewart, 97; Cliff Dadson, 93. There are more here. Some people graduate college to prove something to themselves or to achieve a personal goal. A guy I knew who had a BA in history from Iowa worked decades on the line at a tractor factory putting tires on combines. Jim's brother, no doubt.
  11. Oh, PW, you have forgotten the magic of HDTV is here now. Which is why I am fascinated with the eyeliner, eye shadow and false eyelashes (and pointy bullet bras!) worn by the pioneer women crossing the prairie on Wagon Train. Makeup and clothing that was done OTT so it would show up on teevee back in the day is now glaringly obvious in HD. Tennis preempted Jeopardy here Friday so I didn't see Mayim's pink everyone is talking about. What I find distressing is all the negativity some viewers feel the need to spew via internet anonymity. Maybe I'm sensitive because I am different too from what "they" want. I fancy flannel shirts, Croc shoes, jeans, hair ALWAYS in a ponytail or knot. When I dress up, it's with a blazer, and I've never owned a pair of heels, it's loafers or Mary Janes for me. When I go to town, I put on my fancy camo Crocs. Clothes have no affect on my brain nor do they reflect what's in my soul. And I hope I will always accept people for who they are, not for who I think they should be, whether on teevee or IRL. Now, people on reality shows and actors on scripted programs ... fair game!
  12. @bybrandy, Have I Told You Lately That I Love You? (TM Van Morrison) You and your cooking skills are welcome at the T41, where I remain at my well-worn seat at the head of that table. Otis Redding and Dock of the Bay were an important part of my life back in "the day." I can't remember the occasion now, but that song and Otis remain ingrained in my brain. (Ha, I'm a poet ...) When Supreme Court was announced as category, I slapped my money down on the kitchen counter and declared I'M OUT!"
  13. To quote The Bachelor: "I love that." I laugh about blazers since those are standard dress code for showing dogs, which I've done professionally for several decades. We all get excited when someone comes for the weekend with a new suit or different blazer. I remember my friends making fun of me when I got an Afghan client. They all said my tailored tweed suits, perfect for showing terriers, just wouldn't do in the Afghan ring, i needed to get some gold lame slinky clothes and sparkly slip-on shoes so I'd fit in that ring. While I had a modicum of success with the Afghan, I was WAY more comfortable in my terrier tweed suits ... with blazers!
  14. Welcome @Josiemae! Hoping a few more show up at the T41 or a couple people seated there are going to go hungry this week. *ahem* Looking forward to the Week 39 LUNCH BREAK! And we have a couple coffee breaks scheduled too.
  15. WEEK 39 • June 7, 2021 — NO asterisk * 191. Golden Age Actresses. In 2013 the Victoria & Albert Museum acquired her archives, including letters from Laurence Olivier & Tennessee Williams. 192. Food & Drink Phrases. A 1951 TIME article said, “Since the war,” this 2-word term for a period of time “has been written into union contracts.” 193. 1960s Singers. In 2002 Macon, Ga., where he grew up, unveiled a statue of this man who sits overlooking the water, a nod to his posthumous No. 1 hit. 194. The Supreme Court. The 1st justice directly succeeded by his fomer clerk was Rehnquist by Roberts; the 2nd time was the other alliterative pair. 195. Geography Words. From the Latin for “key”, this word for a type of isolated country applies to Vatican City, which has keys on its flag.
  16. Thank you @dcalley. Excellent link. Everyone in the season thread who is bitching about what Mayim wears needs to read that and respond accordingly. Lisa's response is pure gold. Unfortunately, Angela is now posting in the Jeopardy season thread.
  17. WTH does that even mean. She's suppose to wear sparkles and bedazzled low-cut form-fitting dresses and while we're at it, hook a mess-load of extensions in her hair so she looks like she just got a rose on The Bachelor? This is Jeopardy!, not Temptation Island.
  18. So much WORD to this. How quickly we forget.
  19. There were several contenders for Winner of Week 38, but the obvious standout was our friend @PBnJay who scored a perfect FIVE. I can't think of anything clever to write so I hope PBnJay forgives me as I jump right to posting the Week 38 Winner Award. And here it is. May we all be as successful in Week 39!
  20. I knew Otis was FJ immediately. The shocker for me was learning he died when the plane that he was on crashed into Lake Monona in Madison, Wisconsin. I've been to Madison and that lake a zillion times and never knew that. On the other hand, I've been to Clear Lake, Iowa many times and there is so much Buddy Holly memorial stuff there. And his plane crashed eight years before Redding's. Not sure what to make of that. My first job was with the federal government. We had established break times and those did not waiver. If someone wanted us to do something during that time, he/she was told "We're on break, come back in 10 minutes."
  21. This reminded me, because I am obsessed with trying to spot the CGI audience vs. the real empty theater, when the magician's act was shown from his viewpoint, we could see the camera person filming from behind the judges and with the big wide huge empty auditorium behind him. Not a single audience member anywhere for miles and then some. Mission accomplished! I did hate how the show made the CGI totally fake audience just sit there in complete silence after the LTR three guys were done. That just made me hate Simon more, if that's even possible. Two thousand people would not have made NO noise after any act, good or bad. Oh yeah, I liked the magician too. And I LOVE Shin Lim!
  22. I even looked it up and still got it wrong. I'm such a moron. Thanks for keeping track of me, it's not an easy job!
  23. No, not sure! I heard it this morning on the radio, they were doing a quick discussion of his "severance pay." So I googled and found his pay per episode was $600,000 according to The Sun. It also says CH made more than $8 million from The Bach franchise, and he has a net worth of approx. $16 million. Thanks for correcting me ... I don't have a reality grasp on money when it goes that high! Note: Different sites gave a different amount that CH made. But to me, that much money is a lot, whatever the real amount! I wish CH would do a "tell all the dirt" book, but too bad he now has a DNA. I'd buy that book!
  24. I heard this morning that CH was getting $5 mil per episode, so $25 mil payout is just 5 week's pay. (I've heard he got either 50 or 25 million depending on who is reporting.) It staggers my mind, that amount of money. But then, I have to buy off the Dollar Menu when I eat out, just so I can cover the $5 my meal might cost.
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