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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Red's implanted Monologue Chip causes him to expound on many various topics for great lengths of time. Doesn't mean any of his stories are true. I hadn't watched any of the episodes leading up to this one, but with the day change I was able to tune in. But man, after some five minutes I was forcing myself to keep watching. However, by mid point I discovered I was multi-tasking doing other things so pretty much missed "the rest of the story." So, as always, I came here where it's more fun to read than actually watch the show. Best highlight for me was learning Boone won't be back next season. That gets a big YEAY! from me.
  2. Warby Parker! And the coolness is, one can get matching belt buckles too. For double the fun.
  3. Cross-over episode! Red takes Liz to the Enterprise Holodeck where Liz can talk to everyone from her past!
  4. I don't see any problem with bolo ties. I do see a problem with people who think they are a problem. Mind your own business or get ready for people to criticize what YOU wear. @zoey1996, you tell Mr. Zoey that Saber thinks he looks fine.
  5. I confidently said Moon Doggie. Then had Marvin the Martian as back up. Buzz Lightyear I wouldn't have come up with in a zillion light years. And I've seen all the Toy Story movies. I'll miss Katie, she is one of my all-time favorite players. Loved everything about her ... except her sizeable FJ bet today. But, nothing ventured I guess. Given her occupation and location, it's quite possible we share the same alma mater. Perhaps that's why I'm so drawn to her. Anyway, congrats on a great run Katie. You're the best. I just wish you could have made it to four ... and then five (and more).
  6. So much this, the bolded part. There was no way in heck Heidi's very exact placement of five ink spots would ever turn into what was shown to us. Plus, I thought the blobs looked like a woman with Megan Thee Stallion fingernails wearing a boa wrap. Of course, the judges all had to say it looked like a spider because that's the act. I was thinking if I were one of the judges I would have ruined that trick by saying, "Ooooh, cool, a tarantula, so neat, can I hold it?" instead of jumping up and running away screaming as if the auditorium was being invaded by flesh-eating aliens like those four judges were instructed to do. As for your hilarious statement about Simon and "got your nose" ... so funny and no kidding! Truer words were never posted here. So thanks for that laugh and great mental image.
  7. I know. That's such a dumbass question. I just go "DUH" every time one of the judges is told to ask that.
  8. I know, right? I went from the highest high to the depths of the deepest darkest depression ever. Still not fully recovered.
  9. During my high-school years, we had season tickets to the White Sox. In college, we went to Reds games. After college we went to Wrigley Field. I listened to every Cubs game on WGN and watch every game on tv. I saw Steve Bartman catch that fly ball. The 2016 World Series was one of the happiest times in my life. I regularly attend minor-league games. And there's more. But I have never heard of a "neighborhood" play. More players have answered baseball clues than the infamous Football category though.
  10. At least it was a fun and exciting and thrilling act. I don't remember any sob back story either, like they came from the slums where they all lived in mud huts. They just came out and killed it. I'm glad they got the GB. Actually when I think about it, all the GBs would have gotten four yeses anyway. While watching these amazing guys, I was wishing I had a GB to hit. As for the pit hair, I'm one who thinks men need to shave that gross clump out of their pits too. Especially in the summer when it's dripping sweat and is doubly gross. At least trim it back guys, there is nothing "macho" about it. It actually sorta kinda looked like that woman had fake pit hair just to make her more "controversial". Google "fake armpit hair" and see what I mean. I say it was just part of her act. You know, to get people talking about her online.
  11. Pin brush, back combing and hairspray. I can put a 'fro on any soft-coated long-haired dog. Hairspray is a must in a show-groomer's bag.
  12. One-half hour in and I don't think I've seen anything but singers except for the 70-year-old dancer they let in so everyone could ooh and aah about her being so freaking ANCIENT and still able to talk without drooling, and then make fun of her for being terrible, which they knew before she even walked on stage. I do have to say that I thought Storm the 50-something (more ooh and aaah for her being able to stand upright at that age) was really ... well, not good. I would have given her a big fat no.
  13. IMO that makes all of us Right Reasons viewers. I wouldn't bother with this dreck franchise if it weren't for the posters here.
  14. I saw one question/answer and turned the channel. Came here to see if anyone actually watched the whole thing or liked it. Nice seeing you guys but I won't be back. Teevee off and dead silence is better than this dreck.
  15. Hey, the season is young yet!
  16. I'd send Colton (was that his name?) home for wearing plaid pants. I'd also send the other tattle tale guy home. Cody! Not Colton! Thank you!
  17. Gah, I HATE this. So much BS and it happens every season. "Someone is lying, who isn't here FOR ME, if you aren't here for THE RIGHT REASONS GO HOME NOW!" Can't Katie just say "I don't want to hear it." Now the two dudes are going to verbally duke it out. This happens every freaking season and I am so NOT into it. Why am i watching this dreck, it's the same cr*p every season, every season.
  18. It's not. I hate this show rigs it so people who don't like each other are ALWAYS paired off. It happens every season, and this franchise has been on a LONG time.
  19. Don't make me laugh. Of course not.
  20. I guess Katie had that dress and heels in her backpack. Fireworks ... way to set the drought-stricken southwest on fire dumbasses.
  21. Are they fly fishing? Because he isn't doing it correctly. If not fly fishing, where's the bait? Oh, you mean the fishing is fake and for show only? Alrighty then. Plus way to show how much you love camping Katie, making Greg put up the tent, dig the latrine AND do the fishing while you stand around like a GIRL. I hope they brought some sturdy bedrolls so they don't feel all those rocks under the tent. Except I doubt they are staying the night. At least not in the tent. Waiting for the showrunners to bring in some trout fillets all cooked up for the dinner they won't eat. Yes. Agree totally. So I hope Katie doesn't pick him in the end and ruin his life.
  22. LOL! I will give you the hors d'oeuvres comment. Although Pyrs are so sweet, no way would they partake of that snack. Friends have been long-time Pyr breeders and have several best in show dogs. It was common to see them win the working group around here, but then you are talking to someone who attended more than 100 shows a year. Pyrs are classy, self-contained, float when they move, and seldom show any emotion so it's not easy to make one stand out in a ring full of "look-at-me" dogs. Getting a group ribbon at Westminster is indeed a gigantic feather in that Pyr's cap (if he were wearing one). You need to check out the Pyr breed judging at the WKC website. ETA: I actually don't remember who got 3 and 4 in that group. Let's just say the Pyr got one!
  23. I'm the one holding a big tub of popcorn and not eating any of it!
  24. Just fyi, judges feel every dog all over whether that dog is coated or not. Skillful grooming can hide a dippy topline, straight shoulders, poor neck placement, shallow ribs ... the list goes on. Judges also put their hands on short-coated dogs. It's surprising how much conditioning and muscle tone can be felt with one touch. I've known judges to close their eyes sometimes when going over a dog, they then get a true mental image of that animal undisturbed by any visual. Certain breeds, it's required they be lifted to feel the weight as some breeds have a weight requirement or DQ. Some breeds, the judge will lift the front end a couple inches and let it drop, to see where the front feet go, if the dog puts them correctly or if the handler moves them correctly. This is common in terriers. Pekingese are shockingly solid dogs, there is a ton of body under the coat, and they are very wide in front, tapering to a more narrow hindquarters. As for being "yappy," I've never heard a Peke make a noise, and I've helped show several. I don't even know what their voices sound like. I can't imagine a Peke even THINKING about snapping or biting anyone. Wasabi also has a stunningly gorgeous head and face, exactly what the breed standard calls for. Anyone who thinks toy dogs are yappy lap sharks are only familiar with dogs owned by people who shouldn't own a dog. All of the toy dogs I've handled and lived with have been fantastic companions, well behaved, polite, and a ton load of fun to have around. But all were raised and owned by dog people who know how to teach a dog to have manners. Most people who own dogs ... let's just say, they shouldn't. I see them every visit to my vet, which is why I could never work there, so many stupid people coming in with their horrible pets. Let me also say I am not a Peke fan, it's not a breed for me. But I can recognize an outstanding dog when I see one, and Wasabi is just that. Best in my lineup last night. Too bad the Sammy was fractionally off or he would have given the Peke a challenge. @Browncoat, if you go to www.westminsterkennelclub.org and click on breed results or group results or other items in the menu, you can watch the judging videos online. The Doberman is a fantastic dog. That is a breed I like a lot, I have many Doberman friends and love the breed so always gravitate to them in the working group. I didn't mention that Sparkle's name, daughter of Veni Vidi Vici, is "I Came I Saw I Sparkled." A young girl I know won Best Junior handler, so exciting, she will pocket $10,000 toward her college fund. A young man who has helped me show my dogs was second. I had fun watching so many people I know and haven't seen for more than a year because covid. I thought if Boy were from here, it would be spelled "Boi." Interesting side note about Thailand ... I sold a dog there some years ago. When she passed away of old age, they held a funeral for her and asked me for photos of the dog's parents so they could be displayed at the memorial service. Very touching. As for that other name, a good friend of mine had a dog she named Dee Oh Gee. Very clever I thought.
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