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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Exactly, because the show wasn't very subtle in letting us know. I practically got a headache from being hit in the head with it. That also made me realize how much better this show was last season without Simon. I really REALLY disliked how much of a d*ck he was to those guys. They were not HORRIBLE. Last week that peacock guy got to go on and on and on with his stupidity and that was okay. Those three LTL guys were not breaking my tv screen like peacock dude was. And how many times do we have to be subjected to close ups of Simon all gape jawed and bug eyed staring like he's seeing aliens emerging from a space craft that just landed on stage. The escape artist was so boring, I couldn't tell what his act was, plus I knew he was going to get free "just in time" since I doubt it would have been aired (at least not in family time) if he got chopped in half or whatever was going to (not) happen to him. Danger acts have become UNdanger acts for me on this show. I like the comedian. She had some pretty solid material. The towel guys ... someone does nudie peek-and-boo every season. I thought the cancer singer was good, I enjoyed her voice. I was just listening, not watching, so liked her even without having to see or hear her story. I thought if the three "boy band" guys who got dissed by the judges were all veterans who adopted handicapped kids and each had lost a spouse to a serial killer and formed that group to combat their PTSD, they might have gotten a Golden Buzzer. Their story of "we want to be famous" doesn't work for this show. Let that be a lesson to all future acts.
  2. Just need to give a little nudge to @bybrandy, then all have reported in. Weekly Winner to be announced later ... stay tuned.
  3. By my calculations, if Verlinda had gone "all in" on both Daily Doubles, then bet it all in FJ which she did, she would/could have been a two-day champion. She got shaken a bit when she answered "Palomino" without winning the buzz in. Thank goodness it was a no-brainer clue/answer so she gave nothing away. I think the deal with coffee break being written into union contracts is that lunch breaks are off the clock while breaks (or coffee breaks) are paid 10 or 15 minutes where workers stop for a specified period of time. Before then, people had to work non-stop all day long with no breaks. We also can thank unions for implementing the eight-hour work day that is now common. If not for unions, we'd all be working 18-hour days with no breaks at all. Yikes!
  4. See, I told ya. This franchise doesn't change, just the names do. Everything else ... formula. "Not that there's anything wrong with that!"
  5. Excellent, thanks. I'll be back next week for the scenery porn. I love me some of those New Mexico vistas. (I know, Grammar Queen. But you guys know what I mean.)
  6. Where is the location? I missed the beginning. All the southwestern stuff doesn't look like LA.
  7. I'm saying it's the fish kissing.
  8. Interesting that Connor got his black-cat-nose color replaced. Does he have a tube of black lipstick in his pocket? I guess he should have waited to kiss Katie. He kind of reminded me of the Fish Kisser from last season.
  9. Plus that RV is a zillion years old. It doesn't even have a slide out or sat antenna or anything. it's used 1970s vintage. Not a good idea to flash that to impress a woman you don't even know. Wait until you know for sure she doesn't have high expectations.
  10. Give it a couple of episodes. Somehow I think you'll change your mind. LOL at the "secret masked man" bringing in the First-Impression Rose. Dude, you ain't no CH!
  11. "What's in the box!" is "Seven" reference, and kind of gross, given what was in the Seven box. How old are women before they are too old to jump up and down and scream/squeal like a 12-year-old. Obviously, older than the three women on this show.
  12. Blow-up doll guy is good looking, but I'm sending him and Sandy home NOW. No thanks. But then again, this kind matches Katie's dildo so there's that. I have to keep in mind she's looking for someone the polar opposite of who I would choose. Now that "rub" guy looks like Judge Reinhold.
  13. When the guy in the box said "See you inside," I thought he meant inside the box. That had potential for best meeting EVAH!
  14. I see there is a ramp up to the mansion, or wherever they are staying. I guess they only make women in heels walk up huge steep staircases.
  15. Guy with a fish who says he's a "good catch." First thing that came to my mind is, he's a cold fish (which I've been called) or he kisses like a fish. Remember that guy last season who kissed like a fish? Someone posted a photo of big fish lips and that's all I could see from that point on. (I've already forgotten who the bachelor was.) That would make this The Best Episode EVAH! I'll join you in that old timie car cuz I totally agree.
  16. Sorry guy, people from Vienna, Austria don't have British accents.
  17. I had the choice between watching an old rerun of Fury, my favorite show as a little kid, and the beginning of this show. The bachs getting intro'd is my fav part of this franchise. I picked an old rerun about a horse. So I'm late to the party. But already I'm over the two women who are replacing CH peaking out of the window like two d-bags. If women can be d-bags, those two are. I much prefer the disappeared CH who only showed up to tap a wine glass and announce things. Miss you dude.. Not excited about this season but the live chat is always fun so I'm here for you guys if not for Katie.
  18. So true! I liked how the one player, I think it was No. 3, Tim, when presented with a huge amount as the high total from Ken, he said it wasn't real money. Which is a good way to look at it. It isn't real until you put it in your pocket. And it doesn't hurt as badly to lose "just" $50,000 instead of losing $250,000 in hypothetical money. I can see why Ken was chosen to lead off the season as chaser since most "normal" people who aren't trivia buffs or Jeopardy! watchers know who he is. I can see The Beast going last since he's a new commodity to American viewers, at least to this one. I only know his name from reading this thread, having never seen this show in any other iteration. Viewers will get to know him a little during the viewing-room chats. Just like Jeopardy! has some clues/answers that are pretty easy, I'm guessing this show is the same so people can feel good at home, shouting answers from their couch, and not be so inclined to switch the channel. I thought the Warby Parker answer that stumped Ken in the chase was a good one for the players to get. I have to admit, I get Warby Parker and Mack Weldon confused as to which is what. So I probably would have answered Mack Weldon for the eyeglasses answer. Ooops!
  19. I guess this show is like any corporate office, people are brought in from the outside to fill the high-ranking vacancies as the thinking is they are "brighter and smarter" than the known people in the office. More often than not, that turns out to be not true. But still, it keeps happening.
  20. I guess my antenna brings in the sound differently because I didn't even know there was a "whoosh" sound. Never heard it once. Why does anyone feel badly about contestants going home with no money because they lost. It's the rule of the game. If you don't want to take the chance don't go on the show. Why should people be handed money for losing. If that's the case, give everyone who gambles away their life savings at the casino a few thousand as they walk out the door. "You pays your money, you takes your chances." I thought the questions were shorter in the chase round. Otherwise, I couldn't see Ken getting through 20 questions. I also think it's unfair to give THREE players a three-square head start. They are three against one and they get a bonus for that? Bliss: Thanks for reminding us of the amounts given last season. I thought the money seemed different/smaller in the prelim rounds but had forgotten it used to be $25,000. As for Ken's eyebrows, I have the same hair color and I have invisible eyebrows and eyelashes. So go ahead and hate on me too for how I was born because I don't color them and I don't care. Meanwhile, Ken joked about his invisible eyebrows in the WGN radio interview link I posted in the Jeopardy thread so he is well aware. I liked that third player, he was very impressive. But at the end, I was rooting for Ken to catch them all and wipe out their cash. Because this is a teevee game show, not a help-the-homeless charity event. The first player reminded me of Chi McBride, a good thing. Big Chi fan here. Interesting Ken didn't know Harry Styles was on the Vogue cover. The player figured it out even though she didn't know either. That's how you "ass pull" the correct answer, to put it crudely. I absolutely LOVED Sarah's hair and outfit. Kudos to her, or whomever is helping her look great.
  21. I guess the pregnancy doesn't matter now though, since Agnes seems to be living with the dogs and Robert Vesco's cat.
  22. Happy Days went on for six more seasons after Fonzie went waterskiing in season five. That's not a good omen.
  23. It did for me. I doubled my score, from 1 to 2. Woo hoo! (I'm a poet ...)
  24. WEEK 38 • May 31, 2021 — ONE asterisk * 186. The Business of Television. The day it debuted in 1980, this network with an Italian name aired a Carnegie Hall celebration of Aaron Copland’s 80th birthday. 187. Around the World. In the 1860s a zoologist proposed that this island was once part of a lost continent he dubbed Lemuria. 188. Newspaper Names. Used as a newspaper name from New York to San Diego, it was an ancient Roman official who represented the people’s interest. 189. 17th Century Frenchmen. Pope Urban VIII once said, “If there is a God,” this French minister “will have much to answer for. If not, he had a successful life.” * 190. 17th Century Writing. This 17th century work quotes the Book of Job, “Behold the giants groan under water, and they that dwell with them.” *
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