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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Make that a QS (Quadruple Stumper) because I didn't and still don't have a clue what Mr. Diddley looks/looked like. I suspect I am not alone on that. The scenes in The Stand that take place in the tunnel are engrained in my brain years after reading that book. But that it was the Holland Tunnel ... that part isn't included in my brain cells.
  2. Indeed, "Creative Styling" is a class in dog-grooming competitions; there are many dog-grooming conventions, competitions and seminars held around the country and around the world. Groomers can win big bucks, and I mean big bucks, at these competitions IF they are good and talented. The $100,000 offered by Pooch Perfect isn't that out of line. The creative grooms done on this show are not as spectacular as some done at the major shows around the country, like Intergroom, All-American Grooming Show and Groom Expo to name just three. Pooch Perfect is not an anomaly, the contestants also compete in professional dog-grooming shows. If you want to see "regular" dog grooming, tune in Haute Dog on HBO Max, The Great American Groom-a-Long on Animal Planet, or go to YouTube to see clips and episodes of Groomer Has It (Animal Planet 2008-2009). It was the original dog-grooming show. If you want to learn more about creative grooming, check out the HBO documentary Well Groomed which follows some groomers for a year as they compete and practice in hopes of making "the cut" at Intergroom. I don't expect people outside the professional world of purebred dogs to understand Pooch Perfect. I think that's the fault of the show, not explaining what these groomers do for a living and to let viewers know about the grooming shows and seminars and conventions and competitions that are held around the United States. It's a HUGE industry. Huge, most shows have more than 5,000 attendees. And watching the different grooming competitions (Poodle, hand-strip, scissor trim and more, besides creative) is free to attendees.
  3. So does the top of the Stratosphere in Vegas, my hotel during my first visit. The restaurant is the top, and is all glass. It's 544 feet taller than the Space Needle. The St. Louis arch is 67 feet taller than the Washington Monument and 87 feet taller than the Seattle Space Needle. As for Chicago's Willis Tower, the glass Skydeck has cracked twice under tourists' feet as they stood in the all-glass outcropping 1,353 feet above the Chicago Loop, once in 2014 and again in 2019. Like everything, it has been closed since March 2020 or maybe there would have been more cracks. (Yeah, it's the glass covering that cracked but still, if you are standing on a sheet of glass with the rooftops of Chicago's tallest buildings below you and all of a sudden you see cracks under your feet, you don't nit pick.) I've got you beat. I've flown into Newark, have never been to NYC and I've never seen one episode or Law and Order. It's obviously not must-see teevee for some Jeopardy players.
  4. I've been in the Space Needle; don't remember it bothering me. Or the Washington Monument. But if you want a real case of vertigo, try the St. Louis arch. You can look out the window and see underneath where you are standing ... a zillion feet up in the air. That's a treat. Vertigo hit me hard in the middle of the Royal Gorge bridge. I had to be carried off.
  5. Because it was in 1962, it was Before Your Time.
  6. Oh, @Stats Queen, now you've made me all teary. And I don't have allergies. Thank you for your kind words, and cyber **HUGS** to you.
  7. I saw The Shape of Water at the theater but that didn't keep me from missing that clue. I'll bet Dave from Milwaukee was cursing his bad luck buzzer that he didn't get the DD with Oshkosh and Menominee in the clue. And obviously Jeff isn't an aviation fan, the Oshkosh Fly-In (EAA AirVenture Oshkosh) is a HUGE deal for aeronautic fans. And yes, I've been to it!
  8. I have not, but thanks for the tip. I will definitely look them up ... Amazon, here I come! I like Poodles very much. I worked for a Poodle handler for a while so have shown several and did a lot of baths and brushing. People think Poodles are "sissy" dogs but they are anything but, and I love a Standard in a Continental trim, they are magnificent. You are right, it WAS nice and it showed how much these contestants like each other. My own failed romances have put me in a bitter space that I should not project onto others. My apologies to everyone!
  9. Spring flowers ... like tulips, that come in maroon, black and purple among other bright colors.
  10. I like this show, but this was such a dumbass episode. And after Cheyenne kills her brother (was it an accident, really?) she's told "Well, now the ranch is yours." Not so fast ladies, Dad can still change his will, he's not dead yet. Not until next week anyway. I guess I don't see the big problem with the toxic waste barrels, just the ones that have dead bodies in them. Cheyenne, Mom and Pops will have a tough time explaining those. I was disappointed in Scarlett playing Ronald all along. But whatever. I did think it odd the entire whole gigantic freezer was taken from Sis's house. Is it in an evidence room somewhere? And didn't the little girl walk up on Ronald before he started shoveling dirt into the grave? Kinda funny no one notices a huge semi tractor truck cab sitting outside a house on a residential road. Way to sneak up on someplace Ronald. I swear I saw Legarski driving a cop car in the preview for next week. How cool would THAT be! I am disappointed that Ronald went back to his old hairstyle next week. I liked the John Denver 60s look.
  11. So for the immunity challenge all dogs are white except the winter dog. What's up with that. And all the seasons were chosen by TPTB. How hilarious would it have been if a contestant sneaked in and switched up the boxes. Now THAT would have been fun. Contestants to judges: "PSYCHE!" Now we see a few photos of Gabriel where he's a hottie on the beaches of Brazil. Who knew. But now everyone does. It even made me look up his Insta, FB and web pages after the show. But about the dogs, because that's what this show is about, dogs, right, not abs? Oh. Okay then. Anyway, Gabriel's dog with all the fruit on it was okay, I liked it fine. The banana tail was clever. Riza's fall dog, I liked it a lot. Nice scarf, well done. Macie's flower dog was excellent. But what, judges say no spring flowers have bold colors? Geesh. Alrighty then. The winter dog turned out to be pretty cool. (No pun intended.) I liked the blue regardless of whatever that one judge said, and turning the black spots into black ice was clever. I liked it. So, of course, the groom I thought was weakest won immunity. Mr. Brazilian Abs. However, we did find out he was brought to the U.S. to groom and show Bichons. THAT was interesting. That show win photo was flashed on screen too quickly for me to catch the kennel club though, but I will ask my Bichon friends if they know him. Macie's gryphon dog was too pale in color for me. I couldn't tell it had wings. The trim was okay, color = big fail IMO. Riza's wolf head on the dog's rear end was excellent. Not sure about the rest, the show didn't let me see it long enough. Gabriel was given a Bichon to groom. SURPRISE! I liked it okay. Alisa ... I liked its color but it needed more trim. I've already posted my thoughts about the gag-a-rama that was the stupid-ass proposal. It did nothing to save this most-worst episode of the series. So far. The groom/dog I liked least was BIS. Eh, no surprise there. Well, lightning might strike me but I didn't need to see the dogs to know who was going home this week. Y'all can read my mind about that because I'm not putting it in words. But to quote an old Sesame Street song, "One of these things is not like the others." So, bye Riza.
  12. I've been seeing commercials for a The Connors episode where Jackie is on Jeopardy! with Aaron Rodgers hosting. Not sure when it will be on, if it's tomorrow's show or not. Just a heads up for Aaron fans.
  13. But is the Pete Seeger song (my link) stuck in your mind now too? "I want to go to Andorra, Andorra, Andorra ..."
  14. Add me to that state of confusion.
  15. Well, this episode put me back to where I was before the last two very good episodes -- this show I want to like is just background noise. I spent my hour staring at Bryan's Taliban beard and wondering why THAT was the choice of the make-up person. So I pretty much missed the story, didn't know if the dead Afghan woman was good or bad or Bryan's hope-to-be squeeze. Or even how she died. And therefore, I have nothing to contribute here.
  16. LOL, but thanks a lot (not) for that visual that will be in my head from now on. Like all the alien women in the original Star Trek ...
  17. I did. One of my best memories ever was being locked out of Yellowstone after I exited the south gate (it was snowing on the Continental Divide, mine was the only vehicle in the park) and spending the night in Jackson after passing by the Tetons. Had to drive back to Bozeman through Idaho ... I know, poor me!
  18. TAH TAH TAH! (Can't think of anything to rhyme with Monday.) The Winner of Week 34 has been selected. This week we have one standout, a player who, when I reviewed the scores of the past few weeks, I discovered has been recording scores in Morse code, unbeknownst to me, for seven weeks ... dot dot dash dash dash dot dot. Of course that's something meaningful, but it's in code so the real meaning is @GrannySmith's secret. Yes, I said GRANNYSMITH! The standout winner of Week 34. No one else was even close, so this award is all yours GrannySmith, all yours. No sharing, just enjoying. For a full week. Or longer, if you wish. Congratulations my friend! And here is your special certificate to document YOUR WEEK and make it official. Enjoy!
  19. Boo! I will never make it to that table. Table for 2 is going hungry if I am suppose to bring anything edible by the general public. Counting on @Mindthinkr to save us.
  20. Jeopardy isn't on at the same time as Feud in my market. And ratings these days don't include people who watch at all different times of day and night ... streaming, recording, watching the next day. Basically, the days of "ratings" are over just as the days of three networks is done too. Where is it on in the same time slot as Feud? People who watch Feud are NOT going to watch Jeopardy. Different brain types. And Jeopardy isn't a network show, it's syndicated. Different networks show it, NBC, ABC ... it varies by market as does time slot. I doubt Jeopardy is ending any time soon. Or any time late. It's not going anywhere. And Family Feud is pretty much for people who like dirty jokes more than knowing/learning anything. The quoted statement means nothing to me.
  21. So much WORD to this post. Anyone who has been watching Jeopardy for many years knows there have been tanked shows and "brain-dead" players throughout the years. Alex Trebek being host or some rando person being host has nothing to do with how well players do, or do not do. (Do do do doh!) Everything depends on categories and buzzer skilz. But if the categories aren't in the players' wheelhouse, buzzer ability or not, they aren't going to answer. Host has nothing to do with that. If I ever got on the show, I'd be trying to play to win regardless of who is reading the clues. I'm guessing every player is there for that same reason. I've never noticed a "rhythm" for anything in Jeopardy. What does that even mean? Clue is read, players try to buzz in first. What's rhythmic about that?
  22. Well, considering my avatar is my driver's license photo ...
  23. The personal story parts could have been taped at any time, not necessarily when the competition was done. Although I actually don't remember when the regular competitions happened. I just can't see all the ANW equipment sitting in that St. Louis coliseum for months on end. Rental has to be kinda steep. Maybe that's why the women "only" could win $50,000.
  24. It was fun to see this show again. Guessing it was recorded after the regular competition and kept under wraps until a time slot opened up. I liked all the competitors and was happy with the final two, although any could have won and I'd be okay with it. I was surprised by the one newcomer who said she decided not to go to college but would concentrate on Ninja Warrior instead. One can make a good living competing in this around the country? Who knew. It was interesting that Jessie Graf got the Wonder Woman job after the director saw her on ANW. Again, who knew! I guess that might answer my question posed in the sentence above. Matt and Akbar continue to be the stars of this show for me, they are really the best and so much fun as they geek out watching.
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