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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I hope you saved me a seat. Which one? There were two, two, two asterisks in one week!
  2. WEEK 32 • April 19, 2021 — TWO asterisk ** 156. Paintings. The New York Times noted “balls of orange-yellow light” & “the town off in the distance” from the artist’s window in this piece. *157. European Tourist Attractions. Opened in 1843, it was frequented by Hans Christian Andersen & Walt Disney, who both found inspiration there. * *158. American Business. In 2004, after a century as a household name, its last model rolled off the assembly line in Lansing, Michigan. * 159. Continental Geography. Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea & Somalia make up this region named for its resemblance to a part of a native animal. 160. Movie Title Characters. In this 2012 film set just before the Civil War, a German dentist declares that the title character’s surname is Freeman.
  3. I guess everyone knows by now that LeVar Burton will be hosting. Here are some thoughts about that.
  4. Thanks @blackwing. Great information.
  5. No one is, the castle and stone closed in March 2020. So people have to get their gift of eloquence another way now. I think the present way of kissing the stone is for wimps, I liked the old way of being hung by your feet over the wall.
  6. I haven't read the books Big Sky is based on nor have I seen Yellowstone, but anyone who has ... do you think Yellowstone is based on the books and sort of stole the plot before Big Sky was given a go? It could be that Yellowstone has ripped off Big Sky, not the other way around.
  7. That's all you need to see to give a pup some head pats. :-))
  8. The Silhouette had a very good reputation and good resale price back in the day. I should have been your Olds salesperson. I've always tracked minivans, they are the staple vehicle of dog-show people. I downsized from a Ford Econoline full-sized van to a Ford Transit Connect cargo a few years ago. I can still shove a ton-load of crates in the Transit plus stand up to change clothes. Hey, try putting panty hose and a dress on while laying down in a low-roof vehicle! I wanted a Chevy Astro back when, then they quit making them before I found one to buy, so good on that for me. I've always been skilled at packing crates for dog shows. Believe it or not, I could get six mid-sized dog crates plus ex-pens and grooming box in my VW Rabbit. My Olds 442 was robin-egg blue with a navy-blue landau roof. Smokin'. And def not your old man's car. I practically had (young) guys fighting over it when I sold it.
  9. I hope you enjoy my dog face looking back at you all big and everything. Shout out to my Prison Break peeps, we were the $2000 clue today. I miss you guys. How dare you call me "some glitchiness."
  10. She has to have a really sweet contract, getting paid (I guess) for NOT appearing.
  11. Or as I would phrase it, "From your lips to the gods."
  12. Your post got a "like" from me because of the above paragraph. I'll add this: NO KIDDING. I'd be glad to get rid of all Bible-related categories.
  13. My 442 with duel carb/duel exhaust was def NOT an "old fart" car.
  14. I finally got to watch this episode last night and am glad I did. It's maybe my fav or one of my favorite episodes ever, all Red and no Keene or Cooper or any FBI doofs. I was really touched by Red and Anne's relationship and glad she helped him out at the end. But at the very end, when Red spun the car around and went back to Anne's, was it because he realized She Who Should Not Be Mentioned would be there? I just wanted him to pull out a pistol and shoot her dead, then drive away with Anne into the night. That would be a happy ending to this series from me.
  15. That's a big SKIP from me. I don't want to see EK ... make that AGENT EK ... ever again.
  16. He needs to write more. This was the best episode ever. Even the dialogue was spot on, like when Judd and Grace met again in the waiting room, Grace's reply to Judd as to whether she was seeing anyone was ... well, really something.
  17. And some icons are just the same old same ole dog face.
  18. I am liking the IPS view, surprising, since it's a large change from what I was used to looking at for many years. Well, since TWoP shut down anyway. The icons are bigger but being round, some things are cut off, like Clanstarling's head. That's sort of unsettling. I never knew there was an UP arrow until you guys posted about it, so thanks for that. It looks like a recycle logo out of the corner of my eye, which is the only way I ever saw it. I never look directly at anything in the right-hand column. I will have to think about using it along with those keyboard keys. Starting a new habit takes a bit of time.
  19. And that reminded me of the Dinah Shore Show where every week she sang: "See the USA in your Chev-roh-lay ..." Oldsmobile wasn't a household name at my house, even when I drove one. Studebaker was our family car growing up. I grabbed Rolls Royce out of the air for my FJ answer. I try to stay classy. Wasn't "shade" part of a Pop Words category not too long ago? Nice to see you are being hep to the scene, Clan. Anderson's hesitation (and that of other guest hosts) before declaring an answer right or not might be he is waiting for confirmation from the judges via an earpiece. These new guys wouldn't be as confident as Mr. Trebek was after all his years hosting and studying every day's clues so thoroughly.
  20. Obviously, not THAT well known. Stumped three people smart enough to make it onto Jeopardy.
  21. How many know the author of the book Lin Manuel Miranda bought in that airport bookstore, raise your hand. Alrighty then. My thought after FJ was revealed: "What, they don't make Oldsmobiles anymore?" I drove an Oldsmobile 442 all through college and years afterward. It looked very sporty pulling my two-horse trailer to shows. I rebuilt the carburetor and replaced the exhaust system myself. It was a sweet car, and a dude magnet. ETA: Shout out to our William & Mary alumni on this thread!
  22. I liked the glow-in-the-dark scorpion dog. I did not like the biker dog at all, even with the sob story that was attached to it. Sob story didn't work last week either, dude. I thought the skeleton dog was pretty good, but as for judges saying the dog wasn't "groomed," did they look at its head? Adorable. The Shih Tzu with the blue pop eyes and wry mouth that it couldn't close freaked me out, and the camera kept showing it, close up. Gah, that's a face even a mother couldn't love. Got a laugh that the people who created the jellyfish dog day-glowed themselves too. LOVED the octopus dog, when it went under the black light and all the octopus details showed up, that was gorgeous. Deserved to win that segment. The Pet Carpet Gala groom was pretty self-explanatory, dude up the dog so it looks like it's a glamor star walking the red carpet for the paparazzi. Except you know how this show would change THAT word. Anyway, I liked the Burberry dog but the groomer should have kept the big black fur collar and made the coat leopard print with some gold dazzles. Burberry is not red carpet. The guy who got the Afghan deserved to go home, he basically didn't do anything. Maybe he had instructions not to shave that show coat off of the dog, but he could have added strings of diamonds, a tiara, gold color and bracelets on the legs instead of just pasting some diamonds on the dog's back and calling it done. Lazy. The black Mini Poodle was a fabulous dog, gorgeous and showy on its own. No doubt a retired champion. The groomer did a great job with those rounded pieces on its coat. Deserved to win. I get a kick that the boyfriend/girlfriend team, the woman changes up her hair color every episode. Interesting they showed Deb getting a grooming injury. Those tools are SHARP and I've been wounded by scissors, stripping knifes, thinning shears, dremmel tools. Name it, groomers have gotten their hands/fingers in the way more than once. @Yeah No, interesting your mom groomed Poodles and Westies. Two totally different breeds to groom, especially if she put the Westie in show coat. Anyone watching this show needs to know there are grooming competitions around the country (and world, there is a U.S. Groom Team that competes in Europe and other countries). There is nice money to be won at grooming competitions, and there are many divisions. Just do a Google search. Creative grooming is a separate division and those groomers are separate from those who compete in the "regular" grooming divisions. All the people on this show are well-established creative competition groomers, not just some randos clipping their pet dogs at home. Assistants are needed to help brush/blow dry, get color mixed, get the accessories ready, help glue those on, hold the dog's head steady when the partner is doing an intricate scissor on some part ... if the dog moves and WHACK a chunk gets cut off by mistake, the groom is ruined. One person can also be doing feet while the other is doing the head. I'd love to have help grooming my dogs, get done in half the time. (Or I'd sit and have some coffee while my assistant did the whole groom ...)
  23. Well, THAT conjures up an image.
  24. So is Rosie hiding out ... why? She said she didn't think Blake "did it," so why hide. If the bottle of booze was roofied, why was it left under the bed in plain sight in a cabin that had basically nothing in it. It's not like it was stuffed in a closet full of clothes or something. The bed wasn't even low set, anyone could find that bottle. And I guess they did. At night. With a flashlight. Whoever left it is a dumbass. It would have been easy to just dump the contents and chuck the bottle. One of my problems with all tv shows is people digging a huge grave several feet deep with a hand shovel. If anyone has dug a hole to plant a tree, it takes FOREVER to dig just a 3x3-ft. hole, much less one that could hold a truck. And doing it w/o gloves ... big ouch. A ranch of that size would have a bucket loader or skid with a bucket or at least a tractor with a bucket. So much easier to fire one of those up to dig than use a hand shovel.
  25. My biggest complaint this episode was Jerri singing with a microphone in a crowded bar, she sees Ronald and just walks off the stage. She should have yelled "HEY! There's that murderer kidnapper Ronald --last name-- right there in the glasses and red mop hair, GIT EM BOYS!" That stupidness was so not like the tough Jerri we thought we knew. I liked the marshal this week (plus he was good looking, which I hadn't noticed before). But he knew Ronald was visiting Mom's grave and put notes on her tombstone, and Ronald got them. Was marshal in bed sleeping because he gets off work at 5 or what. Maybe he should hire Cassie and Jenny to stake out the cemetery since they seem to only work at night, via flashlight in the pitch black dark. Kinda funny that Ronald's squeeze is all into the taser stuff. I've never seen Yellowstone (just have three networks via antenna) but the ranch stuff is kinda beyond my comprehension. I missed most of last week's two-hour episode so only sorta kinda caught up with the family dynamics this episode. I guess Blake is the Good Son, which is why he got smacked in the face with a shovel this week. I don't know who the "lost" woman is or why Cassie/Jenny were searching for her. But she was living in a cabin all lit up with yard lights. Geesh, just go knock on the door ladies. No need to sneak up in the dark since the cabin occupant would have heard that truck coming from five miles away. The cop who arrested Cassie did ask her to do a breathalizer (sp?) and she refused, so that would be her arrest on a suspected DUI. I have no idea why the cops want Jenny and her gone though. Until they figure it out, they need to stay off the streets and out of the woods at night since all the bad guys are out after dark too.
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