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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Thanks @Pete Martell for that link. Here's the one I read before posting about the episode. This person hated the trucker sketch. There's no accounting for taste. I liked it a zillion times more than the Mad Hatter skit. (I think I'm alone on that.) Buscemi SNL recap site.
  2. I don't know what I was doing in 1998 but I wasn't watching SNL so this was all new to me. I didn't know most of the cast so didn't recognize John Hurt in the Mad Hatter sketch, I figured Rabbit was some rando cast guy. I looked up reviews on this episode and Mad Hatter was ranked best sketch, worst was Jim Halsey's Truck Drivin' Museum, which was my favorite of the episode. I guess tastes vary. I couldn't keep my eyes off Buscemi, he was cracking me up. But in any case, Steve Buscemi was the absolute BEST. I like him even more after seeing this rerun. Great choice for a repeat, although I have no idea why it was chosen. Mine is not to question why ...
  3. Actually, "Corinthian leather" was my answer to the Moroccan leather TS. Khan Noonien Singh convinced me it was real.
  4. Yes, that's me. I have the fanciest of pants as well as multiple Macs. Your keyboard diagram was spot on, as I discovered when I "undusted" those keys so I could actually read them. And they work, all four of them. I might use them in the future if I feel like moving forward from being old. School, that is. Thanks, my feathered friend.
  5. So far, 11 two scores. All other scores, three. Twos rule, all other scores drool. (Says the person who scored a 2 this week.)
  6. Am I the only one anywhere who doesn't care who the host is? I watch for the clues/answers and could not care less about how a host speaks or what he/she says. It's all edited to fit in the time slot. And while lightning might strike me, as proven by some of my posts in past-season threads, I found Trebek to be pompous, snarky, sexist and condescending more often than not with players, especially to those with low scores. And before he got sick, he constantly turned contestant interviews to about himself and what he's done and where he's gone. He got notably nicer after his diagnosis. Sure, I was affected and saddened by his death, but I'm enjoying all of the different hosts and don't give a care who is chosen to head up Season 38. And I'm looking forward to Buzztronics hosting the ToC. Good For Him! See, I told ya it would happen.
  7. Thanks for posting that great interview @BW Manilowe. Daniel is one of my favorite actors and IMO H5O suffered when he and Grace left the cast. I never cared about Tanni or Junior's personal lives or problems.
  8. I know, right? I second that remark. Meaning, twoses for me two too to 2! I doubled my score, saber said proudly.
  9. And where are those keys on a Mac keyboard? I have never seen up or down arrows. I just use the scroll bar on the browser window or on my mouse. I guess I'm old school. (Be sure to include "school" if quoting that.) Ugh, that means all the threads will suck. I was in TIU before the makeover. Now I don't want to go back. Odd that Jeopardy is one of the big-action threads. @Clanstarling, to get your name and icon on the right-hand side where all the big mouths are listed, use the old Chicago saying: "Post and post often." Except in Chicago they said vote instead of post. That's not so funny these days though.
  10. Oh, man, I've watched all the Road movies multiple times and "I never made the connection." -TM Caller to Mr. Obvious That was one of the TSs I saw during commercial flipping and I was all WTHeck is Morocco leather. I did see/get some other ones, not that they matter, even to me.
  11. Hey, my hair is that color! Some people call it strawberry blond, I call it ginger. I wonder if Ronald knocks off the marshal. But I think sometimes IMDB doesn't list episodes ahead of time for some characters, the ones who aren't regulars. I guess we'll find out.
  12. WEEK 31 • April 12, 2021 — ONE asterisk * 150. Olympic Hosts. Aside from the United States, one of the 2 countries with 2 different cities that have hosted the Summer Olympics. 151. Astronomy. As Huygens observed in 1656, a weapon in this constellation contains a nebula, one of a few that can be seen with the naked eye. 152. Shakespeare. With 4,042 lines, it’s Shakespeare’s longest play & it’s also the one that’s been filmed the most. 153. Physics. Modern formulations of Newton’s 2 most famous equations both begin with this quantity that’s measured in Newtons. *154. American Names. One of the luminaries who drove in the “Golden Spike” in Utah in 1869 was this man who later founded a university.*
  13. I'm on a desktop computer in Firefox and the right-hand crap is there in Firefox and Chrome. it is NOT there in any other threads that I frequent, in Chrome or Firefox: Blacklist, Big Sky, Pooch Perfect. It's just in all the Jeopardy threads. It's like the mods are pranking us. Trolls.
  14. I was just in the Big Sky thread and none of the things here -- most post posters, best posts, photos from the thread, blah blah -- are there. It's like they just ruined the Jeopardy threads. What's up with that.
  15. I'm thinking the Marshall dude is connected to Ronald somehow. And that's all I got.
  16. Only watched today during commercial breaks on my Hawaii Five-O 13-hour marathon but I did get to see Aaron flirt with @Bliss again. For FJ I discounted Carnegie and waffled between Vanderbilt and Brown. Then I decided it didn't matter since both were probably wrong. So at least I was correct about that. Brigham Young ... man, that dude married 55 wives. He didn't have time to pound a golden spike. As opposed to the "W"s you are used to.
  17. I hate everything about this "update." I don't want to know who has posted the most on some site, nor do i want to know what the most popular posts are. AND, if I want to know what photos were posted, I would read the freaking thread. And I even hate listing names of people who liked your post. If I want to know, I could look inside the icon. All of this new stuff is just repeating what anyone who actually READ the thread would know. I find the highlighting irritating and invasive, like: "Look at these guys everyone." HATE IT. One plus: Not so many ads. Yet anyway.
  18. One of the dog-show magazines sent out an email this morning with its question of the week: "Are you watching Pooch Perfect and, if so, what do you think about it." It will be interesting to hear what people say. I'll link to it when they publish the answers.
  19. If by "not right" you mean it's different and I don't like it one bit, then I agree.
  20. I'll have you know, @Bliss, that today when Aaron turned to the camera and smiled as he announced they were going to break, I thought of you. I think that "special look" was meant for you. I'm serious! Side note: Mr. Rodgers and his intended are currently at Disneyland. (Or World. One of the Disneys.)
  21. This made me laugh. I do love this whack show though. It's like a Montana Twin Peaks.
  22. VERY excited about Buzzy hosting the ToC. Really looking forward to it. Just sad Brayden won't be there.
  23. Or Rabbie Burns as the Scots say it.
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