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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Nothing Burgers are DELICIOUS with pickles, sweet onions and salsa ranch dressing. I know from experience!
  2. Cat drool ... and just when I though I'd heard everything.
  3. Just stopping in to say I have a HUGE problem with the 2000 This & That clue, "Seen here a breed growing in popularity is part poodle, part this mountain dog." A dog with two different breeds as parents is NOT a BREED, it is a MONGREL, more commonly known as a mutt. And a mutt that will carry any of the genetic problems of both parents. That writers called this mutt a "breed" is a travesty and, frankly, BS. Really raised my hackles, which are still up while writing this.
  4. We should have teamed up @Toothbrush, for a perfect week. I got Frankenstein but don't have a clue why. It just came to me. And Friday's clue was as easy for me as if it had been "This number comes after 23 and also is the number of hours in a day." Of course, the environment is my No. 1 interest as are national parks and the outdoors, plus maybe being a member of The Sierra Club helped with that FJ too.
  5. WEEK 28 • March 22, 2021 — ONE asterisk * 136. Shakespearean References. This name given to U.K. labor strife in Dec. 1978 & Jan. 1979 was taken from the first line of a Shakespeare history play. *137. The Olympics. The “City of Angels” hosted the Olympics twice, the second time this many years after the first. * 138. International Business. The “effect” named for this company founded in 1943 refers to increased value of a product to a consumer whose own labor is needed. 139. Literary Inspirations. The now-debunked theories of Luigi Galvani influenced the science in this 1818 novel. 140. 19th Century Americans. In 1869 he moved to Yosemite Valley & was the first to say the area was formed by glacial erosion, a theory generally accepted today.
  6. It's TOOT TOOT TOOT TOOT Tuesday, time to announce that @theartandsound has been awarded Winner of Week 27 based on consistency, scoring exactly the same for the last four weeks. Four times four times ... equals The Big Winner. Congrats, theartandsound. Long may you rule the contest! Meanwhile, here is a small token of our appreciation of your FJ skill.
  7. Wow, that first lady contestant. I wish it were me playing instead of her, I would have pocketed a cool $125,000 and not used any lifelines. Of course, the fact that a derecho went through here this summer and basically destroyed everything was a help to me winning that $125,000. I'm liking Ryan Fox with the red Sally Jessie glasses. Cool they are back in style. Well, if they are. I was rooting for him to go with 12 Monkeys, but cashing out with $125,000 was pretty respectable. He was a good player, fun and smart, a nice end to the season.
  8. There's also marble bread, which is delicious. @biakbiak, I am missing your score from a week ago, Week 26. Your score for this week, Week 27, is recorded. Would you fill in the blank for me, please, and thank you? I'm back in my comfortable chair at the T41. Phantom was the only Broadway play I could think of, although whenever I think of it I think of the movie that starred Gerard Butler as the Phantom. Yeah, he sang. I also got the Bull Moose part of that clue. Close, but no cigar for me. The best miss for me was category Artist. Me, with five, yes FIVE college years of art history and a BFA from a college that only gave BFA degrees, and I said Van Gogh. Eh, so my major was illustration, advertising design minor. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
  9. Bill Moose is Bull's younger cuter brother.
  10. WEEK 27 • March 15, 2021 — ONE asterisk * 131. Fictional Places. Introduced to readers in 2008, its name comes from a Latin phrase for “Bread and Circuses”, offerings used to appease the masses. *132. Triple-"A" Geography. Home to the Piazza Alberica, this Italian city is better known for what it supplied to works by Henry Moore & Michaelangelo. * 133. Presidential Elections. In the 1912 election these 2 parties on the left of the political spectrum finished 2nd & 4th, totaling 1/3 of the votes. 134. Broadway Roles. Of the more than 15 actors to play the lead in this musical, Howard McGillin holds the record with over 2,500 performances. 135. Artists. The February 17, 1901 death of his friend Carles Casagemas made this grief-stricken artist change his color palette.
  11. It's TOOT TOOT Tuesday and time to present the Big Winner of WEEK 26. And that person is the "other" T word, @Toothbrush, who achieved the pinnacle of perfection with a first-ever FIVE. Congrats Player Toothbrush. Feel free to let this magnificent award go to your head. You have bragging rights for a full week. Meanwhile, the rest of the contest players (translation: Me) award you with The High Five Award. Put your hands in the air, everyone! Side note: @Grundoon59 is Reserve Winner this week, achieving that honor by posting the best story about her FJ choices. For that, Grundoon59 gets a hearty handshake and a pat on the back. And a request for more next week.
  12. This franchise used to be fun, some laughs, some bloopers. Now it's an hour-long social awareness class. Maybe I'll see you guys next season, but not if it doesn't lighten up and get over itself. I can only take so much of this growth BS. Bye.
  13. OMG, it is. It's like it has tiny Xmas lights in it. I guess I didn't watch this season with thoughts of it being a Black man representing his race, I watched it as some dude being a crummy bachelor. If he represented all Black men, wow, you guys need a do over.
  14. So did Acho just blow the Bachelorette reveal/big surprise? I kinda think so. I can't see Matt with that disgusting thing on his face without thinking of that magnetic beard toy someone posted in the thread last week. It is Matt to a T.
  15. What is that red dot on Acho's left lapel? It's like George Costanza's cashmere sweater he gifted to Elaine Benes. There's a joke in there, but I'm going to pass.
  16. Am I going to spend this hour staring at Acho's wrinkled fabric-stretched armpits? Answer: Yes.
  17. 20 bucks says Matt lets Mommy "hang on to" the pear-shaped Neil Lane Mommy ring.
  18. Matt's doing a Juan Pablo and now THAT'S okay? Alrighty then.
  19. Oh, man, THAT would have been golden, and the best finale EVAH. Oh, god, Matt keeps bringing up his mom during a maybe proposal.
  20. WTH, Matt sends Rachel a card to meet him at the lake and it turns out it's the proposal? Will she wear her Sandy pleather jeans? Even CH is wearing a suit. I'll crack up if Rachel shows up in Daisy Dukes and a crop.
  21. LOL! At least Neil was tipped off on the right thing to say for Matt to take THAT ring. Matt wants to "hang on to it." Maybe to give to HIS mom?
  22. Meaning the viewers. Heh. Matt is certainly taken with Neil's bling though. I can see him thinking which one would look best on Tyler's hand ...
  23. So I guess Matt's mom didn't know he was going on this show so didn't say anything to him before he left for Bachelor quarantine? She just waited to dump on him all her hostility during filming of the last episode? Nice. Matt is just one gigantic relationship RED FLAG thanks to this franchise.
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