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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Sadly, it occurred to me this morning that the CIA guy might have been tipped off to the real person so he would come off as an expert. Even so, I'd rather have him, even if he is spoiled, than MD's obnoxious cheating.
  2. I'd never heard of a Sioux helicopter so I matched the Champ with my answer of missile. To get technical, helicopters named Sioux, Apache, Chinook and Lakota were named after Native American tribes. The only name I recognize as a helicopter is Black Hawk, which was named after the chief of the Sauk tribe. What's up with that one being named after an individual and not "Sauk." Maybe that's just me since I grew up on the land stolen from the Sauk tribe. The story we kids told each other when touring the Black Hawk museum was that he was boiled to death in the gigantic iron pot on display there. He did not, he died of "natural causes" across the river in Iowa, but that story has stuck with me all these years, it was a good one. LOL! Some years ago when I was showing horses, I got to see Willie Nelson free before the horse show at the Waterloo (Iowa) Cattle Congress. I've seen Willie's concerts on tv since and he hasn't changed any of it over the decades. Ricky never played at any state fairs where I was showing horses, so never got to hear Garden Party live. More's the pity!
  3. Lots of rats and other rodents in those rock pile cairns, and the Cairn Terrier (and other terriers from the British Isles) specialize in dispatching them. "And now you know!" tm
  4. Thanks for thinking of me. I was going to skip in here under the cover of darkness to say, once again the animal category was the last chosen, but happily all the clues were revealed. I easily got Akita and Boxer, then the C dog was obviously a Cairn, a second clue was given as a pile of rocks in Scotland is a cairn. (And oddly, a child in Scotland is a bairn. Not sure if there is a connection, heh.) But anyway ... for the E dog I said English Setter as soon as the picture was shown, so didn't even hear the clue. And once again, the Jeopardy writers chose a pet-level dog for that photo, a common complaint I have about this show and the poor dog photos it uses. An English Setter in show coat is spectacular. ETA: I forgot to say, when D for Doberman was revealed, I had to laugh since I was working on a magazine for a Doberman club while watching the show.
  5. Big yes to that. One panelist even wanted to know her choice before he wrote down his, so he would be correct too. Agree with others who said this was the best episode, even with MD in it (ugh). The CIA guy made this episode. He was a hottie, plus man, he made the rest of the show the best ever, with him guessing the right person each time, and why. Wish he could be a permanent part of the show. IDEA! Get rid of MD and put CIA Guy in that seat. He doesn't have to go backstage and cheat to come up with his guesses. Plus he's smart and good looking, a win-win-win for this show.
  6. If it's Tuesday, this must be Announce the Winner(s) of Week 24 time. The FJC hereby recognizes three of its most steadfast players this week, @PBnJay, @Clanstarling and @secnarf. And for different but legitimate reasons, meaning all three are the most deserving this week. Here is an Award Certificate to prove it. Because a certificate makes everything legal, right? Serious FJ players will know the significance of the Golden 50. Congratulations you three wieners. I mean winners. Keep on rockin'! See ya'll next week!
  7. I know it's unbelievable, but same here! My answer was the only word I could come up with, and I felt so stupid because it HAD to be wrong, I shouldn't even guess it and make myself look even dumber. Then it turned out to be correct, and I was all whaaaa? I feel guilty giving myself credit for it.
  8. Seven minutes in and it's too much for me. Blah blah blah blah nasal voices so much ugh. Heading to Andy Griffith reruns then 911. See ya'll next week.
  9. Oh, good point that I did not consider. This thread is so snark-tastic, but if the show actually got good again, there goes the witty posts. It's some sort of trade off.
  10. Teaming up with @M. Darcy to copy each other's papers has worked well for you both these past FIVE weeks. Yes, FIVE WEEKS! I'm going to move closer to you both. Although @Clanstarling's Ben + Jerrys has made me feel better about being a failure. So thank you for that.
  11. Good point. This is exactly why I find this new version tedious at best. There is always one panelist who makes everything about himself, and then throw in Mama Doris and geesh, a show that was a lot of fun in the "old days" is barely watchable now. The only reason I watch is for the contestants, not the panelists and CERTAINLY not for MD. Obviously, TPTB don't give a care about what I think. And there you have it!
  12. If Lizzie is indeed written out of this show, then I'm in for 10 more seasons of Spader as Red doing what he does best ... acting up a storm and making a show great. Lizzie comes back, and eh, even one more season is too much for me.
  13. I laughed so hard at the news announcement that Jeep is renaming its Cherokee the Aunt Jemima. I have no idea what that says about me.
  14. To demonstrate how sad my Jeopardy week was, I haven't played J6 for a while. But the day one category was HORSE & WRITER, I played so I could see the horse clue. Result? 11 of 12 correct. The only one I missed ... HORSE & WRITER.
  15. I was so counting on having my fifth week in a row at the head of T41 that not knowing any FJs put me into a funk and at Table Zero. But it's cheering to have good company, so I feel better that secnarf and Clanstarling are here with me. And a pint of Ben & Jerry's would def make me feel better. Cherry Garcia is my go to, with Chunky Monkey as a back up. Side note: I live far enough from any grocery store that I can slowly eat an entire pint of B+J before I get to my driveway. I keep a spoon in my van.
  16. WEEK 24 • Feb. 22, 2021 — TWO asterisk ** 116. Music. Just 24 notes, this piece is nicknamed “Butterfield’s Lullaby” for the U.S. Army general who arranged it. 117. Movie Directors. Along with his writing partner, this director is the only person to win screenwriting Oscars for both a film & its sequel. 118. Business History. David McConnell’s cosmetics & perfume co. was rebranded in 1939 with this name, honoring the home of his favorite playwright. * 119. Landlocked Countries. Losing its ocean access in 1993, this African Union member is the most populous landlocked nation, with 110 million people. * * 120. Early U.S. History. Elbridge Gerry, Charles Pinckney & John Marshall were the diplomats in this 1797 incident that led to a quasi-war with France. *
  17. I need a full episode, or several eps in a row, of Red on dates with Anne. Forget Lizzie (I already have) and Cooper and the rest of those doofs. The Red date was the best this series has put on since, well, season 1.
  18. I'm sitting alone at the Table for BIG FAT ZEROS this week. Don't feel sorry for me, I don't deserve to eat or drink anything, I'm such a loser. (Not that anyone else who might score 0 is. "It's not you, it's me.")
  19. Friday was. So you scored one *. Congrats!
  20. Fixed, thank you. It creates a problem when I don't update the column headers! After I posted the pic of DXD526's trophy, I kicked myself I didn't make the inscription "Wins Week 22." Now I'm glad I didn't!
  21. I wasn't paying attention until the question about from what language did Poodle originate. That the "other" guy knew it was German and no one else did made me absolutely positive he was the hustler. From then on, I didn't consider either of the other two players. Heh. Guess I was wrong.
  22. I did enjoy last night's episode. I like when James gives background info on how he arrives at his answers, and how he met his wife was an eye opener. Jimmy was very good, and I liked that James gave him props at the end, he deserved some kind words from Giant James, that was all he was taking away with him. I typically root for my jeopardy Heroes to beat the players, but last night I felt vaguely sad for Jimmy. In all, it was a good episode after a few dreck ones. I guess I'll keep watching.
  23. It's probably chump change for all of them, including Pat and Vanna. I really like Robert though. Wheel is catching some heat today because of Harrison.
  24. Well, that's an example of good news (she's gone) vs. bad news (she's coming back). I'm all about that Nice Jewish Guy calendar. I'd take the cover guy home and forget about letting him leave. Mr. December is welcome anytime too. (Call me!) I've liked Tom Lennon on other game shows and Reno 911, but last night, OMG, I would have taken two hours of Mama Doris over five minutes of him. The show isn't about you, Mr. Lennon, although maybe it is since he was the self-proclaimed STAR of the night. And yeah, he's creepy weird as heck. He is hosting America's Funniest Videos, got the gig after his stint on Dancing With the Stars, took over for Tom Bergeron. And, of course, he did do The Carlton on DWTS.
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