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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. All my thoughts have already been posted by others, except: I hope Erica Hahn gets off for hammering her husband. It was a shame to see that gorgeous house burn up. Why did Ronald put the Tesla in the portable shelter instead of that fine red barn. Wondering how Ronald got the truck parked under the bridge -- the one no one bothered to go back to, to look for him -- and then back to his house for the Tesla. Jessie James Kietel looked very pretty. Hope she stays around for the April episodes. This show is so whack, I kinda sort like it. See ya'll in the spring!
  2. We'll take any leftovers here at the T41. We have 14 hungry mouths (so far) to feed over here! Still missing some players. I hope they aren't victims of weather.
  3. Maybe I'm cranky but I hated that those two women took home a nice paycheck Monday night. They couldn't even get the easy first questions right, but since they didn't have any $ they didn't lose any $ for being stupid. I mean, incorrect. I might be done with this show, tired of women wearing way too-tight clothes and high heels jumping around and doing OTT theatrics after each ball drop. At least no one is picking Hardwick up and swinging him around any more. That's one plus.
  4. It def is where all the Kool Kids are, and @Ailianna is welcome to join us. We will make your bad week better!
  5. Gah, I keep staring at the thumb on Matt's right hand. Freaky! Last rose was an easy peasy decision since Pie-per looked like she killed someone's dog during the whole RC. Lighten up, girl. You're one of the lucky ones. ETA: Nice parting speech by Matt: "I'm sorry." Not even a parting gift or see ya, don't wanna be ya, or have a nice trip, see you next fall.
  6. I will say, this thread is giving me a bunch of laughs, so thanks for that, fellow posters.
  7. So once again Matt takes the rose and waves it around in front of his date who just professed her love for him, then says, "PSYCH!" and sends her home. Oh Matt, you are just so hilarious, every woman's DREAM.
  8. Matt and Jessenia ... looks like he's walking his daughter to grade school.
  9. I get picked to go on this car date and my job is to ride shotgun? No way in hell. Stand back, Matt you loser. I'm driving. Either get out or ride shotgun, because you SUCK. Every date makes me dislike him more and more.
  10. Eh, all the dogs decided they wanted out so I missed the Kit and Rachel thing, if there was a Rachel thing. Would have been cool to see Kit diss Matt and leave though.
  11. Which means Matt pretty much followed the script for getting good press for this season when it started. Then when her usefulness was up, bye. Again, according to script.
  12. I don't know any of these people's names, except Kit and Matt.
  13. Or being an influencer if he chooses you and you have to support him since he has no job.
  14. Chelsea is especially beautiful.
  15. So in other words, this episode is just like all the others.
  16. Oh, man, Matt's bird legs are skinnier than Serena's. They are like toothpicks. Waiting for the "privacy towel" to be tossed over Matt's crotch during that yoga session. Then such weird editing ... in the middle of yoga, next scene sitting on a couch talking. Talk about a time warp.
  17. But it managed to kill, what, two hours or more over two episodes? Mission accomplished, filler for one of the worst seasons EVAH.
  18. I guess Heather spending two hours in "qurantine" was all for nothing. So sad.
  19. The show gave her a mini van to drive? LMAO!
  20. My solution for Heather: Just go back home and wait for Matt's season to be over. He'll be single then and you can date him all you want. Except cameras won't be on you, and that's a problem for famewhores, so there's that. If Matt heard all about Heather from Hannah, then why didn't they get together then. So much BS. Even the script writers suck this season. Drinking game: Down one every time the word "heart" is said.
  21. Most hilarious line of the season. So far anyway: Matt to Heather: "Obviously, we've never met."
  22. Never gave that a thought, Chinese/American. But it relates to where I live, there are a lot of Hispanic people and lots of Mexican restaurants. Many are billed as Mexican/American, and the gringos like to eat there. I prefer the real thing, found in the heart of el barrio, of which there are several around here. It's unusual to find a weta like me in them, but man, the food is the best.
  23. Oh, man, I remember Nancy comics. I would walk the four blocks to the corner drug store (every neighborhood had those back then, and corner groceries too) after I got my allowance to buy comics and a nickel candy bar. All candy bars were a nickel then, except Bun, which was an out-of-my-price-range dime. Anyway, I would buy Casper, Archie and Nancy comics. I don't know why I bought Nancy because I never thought those were funny, even though Sluggo tried to make them better. But, new comics came out, I bought them. The big monthly comics were perfect bound, had a spine, and cost a quarter. Every once in a while I could afford one of those, usually an Archie. I also thought Casper was a wimp. I preferred The Ghostly Trio. Never liked Wendy either. Too nice. Seems I had a theme as a kid. Didn't like nice characters, gravitated toward mean and scary ones! And yeah, I always wondered what was up with Nancy's hair. It def was a Toni. I remember those, never had the inclination to try one, although lots of kids got them ... and ended up looking like Nancy for a few months, until it would grow out enough to be all cut off.
  24. Last night's Vintage episode with The Rock ... the only time I laughed was when Andrew W.K. came on, and I laughed out loud, long and hard. That was hilarious, made even funnier by the fact he thought he was being so cool and hip, and was quite serious about his jumping and hair-flinging antics. The rest of the show ... eh. Either too OTT (the ER sketch) or politically obscure. I lived through all that but didn't remember any of the political players. Maybe when some 2021 episodes turn vintage, posters will say the same about today's players.
  25. Good! Because I am craving pancakes too, since the discussion here. And yours would be delicious while mine wouldn't even be edible. Insert YUMMY emoji!
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